Needless to say in terms of appearance, they are definitely two young and invincible beauties. Coupled with such dazzling performances, the brilliance exuded by the two little girls on the stage is not inferior to those of the so-called big stars.

Ji Wufeng knew that this must be Alina's masterpiece again. With how powerful her personal team was, even an aunt could be made into a hot girl, let alone two beauties.

But when the singing voices of Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi rang out, everyone was even more shocked. It turned out that there really were beautiful singing voices like larks in the world.

At this moment, everyone almost forgot that there was an international idol standing on the stage. Their attention was actually attracted by Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi. These two were as beautiful as elves and fairies, and had beautiful singing voices like lark. Such Isn’t it enough for people to attract attention?

Of course, when Alina's voice sounded, everyone's attention was immediately drawn back.

When the song ended, there was a brief silence in the audience. After about five seconds, thunderous applause and crazy shouts erupted from the audience.

The concert went very smoothly, but it felt a bit overwhelming. Everyone knew that the reason why this concert was so popular was because of Alina's appearance.

But this will also be of great help to Shi Qianying's popularity. Being able to get help from Alina will be very beneficial for her to enter the international arena.

In addition to Alina, Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi are undoubtedly also a big highlight. Their ethereal figures and singing like a lark have been deeply imprinted in the minds of many people. ??

Someone recorded the video at the scene and posted it online, which immediately aroused a huge response. Countless people were asking who these two beautiful girls were.

They are already so popular now. If the two of them enter the music scene in the future, their future is limitless!

The so-called blackout did not occur, because although Xie Mingyuan wanted to coax Park Qianhui into bed, to a young man like him, the women he had played with were not valuable.

Since he has already gotten Park Qian Hui to go to bed, is he being stupid if he turns off the power for the concert?

Not to mention that the Xie family is the organizer, and ruining the concert will harm their own interests. More importantly, he cannot afford to offend Alina. Also, he already knows about the relationship between Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi at this time. The bottom line is that one is the sister of the prince of Yuzhou, and the other is the eldest lady of the Ye family.

He hasn't lived enough by ruining the concert of these two aunts!

The concert was over, and the audience stood up one after another. Looking at the flow of people outside, Ji Wufeng frowned, what's going on? It's already over and you haven't taken action yet. Do you want to take advantage of the chaos when leaving the venue?

For safety reasons, Ji Wufeng asked everyone to sit quietly in their seats and waited until everyone left before leaving.

At this moment, a little girl about twelve or thirteen years old suddenly tripped and fell, and the crowd behind her surged up, causing a stampede.

Lu Shuangshuang, who was closest to the little girl, hurriedly tried to help her up. Ji Wufeng immediately rushed over and said, "I'll do it."

He forced his way into the crowd, helped the little girl up, and said, "Are you okay?"

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen!

Ji Wufeng didn't expect such a thing to happen. For the first time, he kindly respected the elderly and loved the young, without thinking about it.

After helping someone, they not only didn't appreciate it, but stabbed him in the face.

He frowned and his eyes towards the little girl gradually turned cold.

The little girl suddenly giggled, pushed Ji Wufeng away, and did a backflip, falling to the ground like a flying swallow. Her posture was very beautiful.


Ji Wufeng was suddenly stabbed, which immediately frightened the women and wanted to rush over, but Ji Wufeng turned pale, covered the bleeding wound and shouted loudly: "Take them all away!"

Before the women could react, a group of men in black appeared beside them strangely and said, "I'm sorry!"

Seeing everyone being taken out, Ji Wufeng stared at the little girl and asked coldly: "Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?"

The originally innocent little girl suddenly smiled strangely. Her originally thin body suddenly changed. Her height suddenly increased, and her flat breasts also swelled. This little girl suddenly turned into a hot figure. Adult woman.

The children's clothing on her body was burst, revealing a large area of ​​​​spring. This woman's figure is really nothing to say, it is so hot. Her skin is as good as frost and snow, her slender jade neck, and her slender waist that is not tight enough to twist like a snake, slender and straight. Jade legs.

This is simply a monster that drives all men crazy!

"do I look good?"

She was originally a little girl, but now she turned into a fairy in the blink of an eye. One hand was caressing her body, and the other hand was placed in her mouth. Her lips were slightly open, and her eyes were as charming as silk, which made people's blood rush. .

"Are you the Qianhuan Enchantress of the Demon Sect?" Ji Wufeng asked.

The little girl who turned into a goblin was stunned for a moment, stopped the seductive movements of her hands, and said with a somewhat stunned expression: "You can actually recognize me? But what's the use? That knife just now can't kill you. But the poison on the knife can cause death!"

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said: "Qian Huan Enchantress never acts alone. Where is your master? Come out!"

A long-haired young man came over and said with a ferocious smile: "I thought you were so great, why don't you still want to die?"

The little girl quickly ran to Nalan Ye's side and said with an expression asking for credit: "Master, how are you? Am I good?"

Nalan Ye patted her butt and said, "Well done, I will reward you well when I get back!"

The little girl wrapped around Nalan Ye's body and said coquettishly: "Thank you, Master, for your good teaching."

, there is probably no man in the world who wouldn’t want to have such an alluring beauty slave, but he couldn’t help but shake his head when he wanted to cultivate a thousand phantom enchantress.

He started harming others when he was less than ten years old. He is so inhumane. No wonder the martial arts world is clamoring to destroy the demon sect. He really deserves it!

He might not have guessed it before, but after having contact with Shen Yun and having enough understanding of the Demon Sect, he was sure of Nalan Ye's identity. Someone who can possess the Thousand Illusion Enchantress must have a very high status in the Demon Sect. status, and Nalan Ye is so young, then his identity is ready to be revealed, the Demon Son of the Demon Sect!

But Mozi, who is a demon sect, is willing to stay by Nalan Tianyu's side and be a lackey. Is the demon sect willing to endure such a shame and humiliation?

Of course it's impossible. The only explanation is that Nalan Tianyu, or the Nalan family, is inextricably linked to the Demon Sect. Needless to say in terms of appearance, they are definitely two young and invincible beauties. Coupled with such dazzling performances, the brilliance exuded by the two little girls on the stage is not inferior to those of the so-called big stars.

Ji Wufeng knew that this must be Alina's masterpiece again. With how powerful her personal team was, even an aunt could be made into a hot girl, let alone two beauties.

But when the singing voices of Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi rang out, everyone was even more shocked. It turned out that there really were beautiful singing voices like larks in the world.

At this moment, everyone almost forgot that there was an international idol standing on the stage. Their attention was actually attracted by Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi. These two were as beautiful as elves and fairies, and had beautiful singing voices like lark. Such Isn’t it enough for people to attract attention?

Of course, when Alina's voice sounded, everyone's attention was immediately drawn back.

When the song ended, there was a brief silence in the audience. After about five seconds, thunderous applause and crazy shouts erupted from the audience.

The concert went very smoothly, but it felt a bit overwhelming. Everyone knew that the reason why this concert was so popular was because of Alina's appearance.

But this will also be of great help to Shi Qianying's popularity. Being able to get help from Alina will be very beneficial for her to enter the international arena.

In addition to Alina, Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi are undoubtedly also a big highlight. Their ethereal figures and singing like a lark have been deeply imprinted in the minds of many people.

Someone recorded the video at the scene and posted it online, which immediately aroused a huge response. Countless people were asking who these two beautiful girls were.

They are already so popular now. If the two of them enter the music scene in the future, their future is limitless!

The so-called blackout did not occur, because although Xie Mingyuan wanted to coax Park Qianhui into bed, to a young man like him, the women he had played with were not valuable.

Since he has already gotten Park Qian Hui to go to bed, is he being stupid if he turns off the power for the concert?

Not to mention that the Xie family is the organizer, and ruining the concert will harm their own interests. More importantly, he cannot afford to offend Alina. Also, he already knows about the relationship between Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi at this time. The bottom line is that one is the sister of the prince of Yuzhou, and the other is the eldest lady of the Ye family.

He hasn't lived enough by ruining the concert of these two aunts!

The concert was over, and the audience stood up one after another. Looking at the flow of people outside, Ji Wufeng frowned, what's going on? It's already over and you haven't taken action yet. Do you want to take advantage of the chaos when leaving the venue?

For safety reasons, Ji Wufeng asked everyone to sit quietly in their seats and waited until everyone left before leaving.

At this moment, a little girl about twelve or thirteen years old suddenly tripped and fell, and the crowd behind her surged up, causing a stampede.

Lu Shuangshuang, who was closest to the little girl, hurriedly tried to help her up. Ji Wufeng immediately rushed over and said, "I'll do it."

He forced his way into the crowd, helped the little girl up, and said, "Are you okay?"

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen!

Ji Wufeng didn't expect such a thing to happen. For the first time, he kindly respected the elderly and loved the young, without thinking about it.

After helping someone, they not only didn't appreciate it, but stabbed him in the face.

He frowned and his eyes towards the little girl gradually turned cold.

The little girl suddenly giggled, pushed Ji Wufeng away, and did a backflip, falling to the ground like a flying swallow. Her posture was very beautiful.


Ji Wufeng was suddenly stabbed, which immediately frightened the women and wanted to rush over, but Ji Wufeng turned pale, covered the bleeding wound and shouted loudly: "Take them all away!"

Before the women could react, a group of men in black appeared beside them strangely and said, "I'm sorry!"

Seeing everyone being taken out, Ji Wufeng stared at the little girl and asked coldly: "Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?"

The originally innocent little girl suddenly smiled strangely. Her originally thin body suddenly changed. Her height suddenly increased, and her flat breasts also swelled. This little girl suddenly turned into a hot figure. Adult woman.

The children's clothes on her body were burst, revealing a large area of ​​​​spring. This woman's figure is really nothing to say, it is so hot. Her skin is as beautiful as frost and snow, her slender jade neck, and her slender waist that is not tight enough to hold a hand twists like a snake, slender and straight. Jade legs.

This is simply a monster that drives all men crazy!

"do I look good?"

She was originally a little girl, but now she turned into a fairy in the blink of an eye. One hand was caressing her body, and the other hand was placed in her mouth. Her lips were slightly open, and her eyes were as charming as silk, which made people's blood rush. .

"Are you the Qianhuan Enchantress of the Demon Sect?" Ji Wufeng asked.

The little girl who turned into a goblin was stunned for a moment, stopped the seductive movements of her hands, and said with a somewhat stunned expression: "You can actually recognize me? But what's the use? That knife just now can't kill you. But the poison on the knife can cause death!"

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly and said: "Qian Huan Enchantress never acts alone. Where is your master? Come out!"

A long-haired young man came over and said with a ferocious smile: "I thought you were so great, why don't you still want to die?"

The little girl quickly ran to Nalan Ye's side and said with an expression asking for credit: "Master, how are you? Am I good?"

Nalan Ye patted her butt and said, "Well done, I will reward you well when I get back!"

The little girl wrapped around Nalan Ye's body and said coquettishly: "Thank you, Master, for your good teaching."

, there is probably no man in the world who wouldn’t want to have such an alluring beauty slave, but he couldn’t help but shake his head when he wanted to cultivate a thousand phantom enchantress.

He started harming others when he was less than ten years old. He is so inhumane. No wonder the martial arts world is clamoring to destroy the demon sect. He really deserves it!

He might not have guessed it before, but after having contact with Shen Yun and having enough understanding of the Demon Sect, he was sure of Nalan Ye's identity. Someone who can possess the Thousand Illusion Enchantress must have a very high status in the Demon Sect. status, and Nalan Ye is so young, then his identity is ready to be revealed, the Demon Son of the Demon Sect!

But Mozi, who is a demon sect, is willing to stay by Nalan Tianyu's side and be a lackey. Is the demon sect willing to endure such a shame and humiliation?

Of course it's impossible. The only explanation is that Nalan Tianyu, or the Nalan family, is inextricably linked to the Demon Sect.

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