Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 746 Only speed can never break

Since the masters are good at memorizing cards, winning or losing is indistinguishable at first. Only in the end, when everyone's mental and physical strength reaches a critical point of exhaustion, the gambling at that time is the real gambling. At that time, it depends on who can remember more. , see who can withstand it, see who has better psychological quality.

Duan Qingxun added: "A master of gambling is nothing more than "three quicks and one change". The three quickest are quick hands, quick eyes, and quick heart. In a real gambling competition, it is difficult to steal the chicken with quick hands, but I always believe that as long as If you are fast enough and reach a limit, you can still change cards."

"The key to memorizing cards is quick eye. The dealer shuffles the cards skillfully and very quickly. He will take more than a second to go through the cards. Therefore, the time to remember is only this second. You must have quick eye. If you can't I’ve seen it, how can I remember it?”

"Quick mind means calculation. How to get good cards into your hand and how to make other people's cards worse, you need to do mental calculations, and then achieve the goal by cutting the cards."

"Change is all about acting. You have to know how to change. Sometimes your eyes, expressions, and even a little beat of your muscles can make the other person feel your bottom, so you have to change. The most important thing is your eyes. Your eyes must follow yours. It changes with changes in facial expressions and movements, and the eyes are the window that most easily reveals secrets.”

"I can't change everything, so I can only stay the same, and that is to be calm. In addition, if you only use one way to bluff people, people will catch you after three times like this, catch your expression, catch you Your behavior, for example, when some people get bad cards and want to bluff, they will say some nonsense.”

"So, change is the hardest thing to do. Another thing is luck. Sometimes, luck can really determine everything."

Duan Qingxun talked eloquently for a while, but Ji Wufeng listened extremely carefully and missed every word, as seriously as a primary school student, without a trace of impatience.

"Okay, I have taught you everything that needs to be taught to you. It's up to you to do what you want next." Duan Qingxun said.

Ji Wufeng was stunned and said, "Is this the end?"

Duan Qingxun smiled and said: "The so-called three quick changes and one change, I believe that with your strength, you can easily achieve the three quick changes."

What is fast? In the world of martial arts, only speed can never be broken!

With Ji Wufeng's current strength, who else can be faster than him?

"As for the change, I think your acting skills should be pretty good too."

When he said this, Duan Qingxun had a tease on his face, and Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "If you can deceive Qingxun's heart, then your acting skills are really good."

After saying that, Ji Wufeng wanted to give himself a slap in the face. He said he shouldn't provoke others, why are he so mean?

However, he found that he seemed to be becoming more and more rogue. He had always regarded women as nothing, but since he let his heart go, he was almost no different from ordinary people, and it was difficult to resist beautiful women.

However, Ji Wufeng found that the more he let his heart go, the more stable his state of mind became.

The path to cultivation is to conform to the way of heaven, and cultivating the state of mind is to conform to the original heart!

Yunlai Inn is the name of Duanjia Casino. It is one of the few casinos in Yuzhou that can be listed for operation, and it is also one of the top casinos in Yuzhou.

This is a membership system. Ordinary people cannot come in. People who can come here are either rich or noble. For the rich, the excitement brought to them by this place is endless. The feeling of spending a lot of money is refreshing. In fact, it is

I feel full after eating, but itchy when I have too much money!

But when Ji Wufeng and Duan Qingxun appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention, because the level of gamblers who came to gamble was extremely high, and you could see gamblers coming with beautiful, pure, or coquettish beauties at any time. Show off.

But beauties like Duan Qingxun are extremely rare.

There are more than 100 slot machines, dozens of large roulette tables, and all kinds of gambling equipment in the casino's more than 1,000-square-meter hall. The croupier shuffles and divides the cards skillfully with an elegant smile. Each gaming table The front was crowded with people, and noisy sounds continued to come out.

However, most of the people here are from the small rich, not the extremely wealthy. The extremely wealthy are all in the IP gambling room, so the two of them attracted some people's attention after entering.

The management room of every large casino has thousands of computers, because it is necessary to monitor the situation in front of each gaming table to see if anyone is gambling, and to see the winning and losing status of each gaming table.

If you encounter a master who won too much and refuses to leave, you will have to send out masters from the venue to fight against him. Every casino will spend a lot of money to support several gambling masters.

If the casino master loses again, the casino owner will chat with the master. Usually, he will give him a few million to ask him to leave. If the master is a fool and refuses, he will just wait to die, and he will die. It was so thorough that not even a corpse could be found.

It is said that in the open space outside the Macau casino, if you dig with a shovel a few times, either a hand or a thigh will be dug out.

You said that people have to make money when they open a casino. It is not your ATM. Winning a few million is enough. What does it mean if you keep going on forever? You deserve to die!

Seeing Ji Wufeng looking around, Duan Qingxun said: "As Brother Ji, you should often go to places like this, but it looks like you haven't been there often."

"Well, to be honest, I haven't been here yet."

Ji Wufeng has indeed never been here. He has been to casinos several times before, but they were just underground casinos that were not on the table. They could not be compared with Yunlai Inn.

"Actually, I haven't been here either." Duan Qingxun lowered his head and whispered.

Ji Wufeng was stunned and said, "This casino belongs to you, and you haven't even been here?"

Duan Qingxun shook his head and said helplessly: "Although I specialize in gambling, it is precisely because of this that my uncle never allowed me to participate in casinos before."

Ji Wufeng understood that his family was in the casino business, and Duan Qingxun was a master of gambling. If she were allowed to come to the casino, wouldn't she be like a fish in water?

Although Duan Shiguan is not smart, he is not an idiot either. He knows that once Duan Qingxun comes into contact with the casino, he will probably have nothing to do with him and will completely step aside.

Duan Qingxun blinked, rubbed her hands, and said with a smile: "You want to gamble when you see gambling equipment. This is a common trait of every gambler, and I am no exception. Today I will give practical lessons."

Looking at the gambling table in front of him, Duan Qingxun suddenly seemed like a different person. His eyes flashed with light, his face was full of excitement, and he was filled with endless passion.

The two casually exchanged bets of a thousand yuan, and Duan Qingxun took Ji Wufeng to a gambling table. The simplest and fastest way to play was to bet on the size of the dice.

The banker is a beautiful woman with a very pure appearance. Her flowing black hair is simply tied into a ponytail, with an elegant smile on her lips and a faint dimple. Since the masters are good at memorizing cards, winning or losing is indistinguishable at first. Only in the end, when everyone's mental and physical strength reaches a critical point of exhaustion, the gambling at that time is the real gambling. At that time, it depends on who can remember more. , see who can withstand it, see who has better psychological quality.

Duan Qingxun added: "A master of gambling is nothing more than "three quicks and one change". The three quickest are quick hands, quick eyes, and quick heart. In a real gambling competition, it is difficult to steal the chicken with quick hands, but I always believe that as long as If you are fast enough and reach a limit, you can still change cards."

"The key to memorizing cards is quick eye. The dealer shuffles the cards skillfully and very quickly. He will take more than a second to go through the cards. Therefore, the time to remember is only this second. You must have quick eye. If you can't I’ve seen it, how can I remember it?”

"Quick mind means calculation. How to get good cards into your hand and how to make other people's cards worse, you need to do mental calculations, and then achieve the goal by cutting the cards."

"Change is all about acting. You have to know how to change. Sometimes your eyes, expressions, and even a little beat of your muscles can make the other person feel your bottom, so you have to change. The most important thing is your eyes. Your eyes must follow yours. It changes with changes in facial expressions and movements, and the eyes are the window that most easily reveals secrets.”

"I can't change everything, so I can only stay the same, and that is to be calm. In addition, if you only use one way to bluff people, people will catch you after three times like this, catch your expression, catch you Your behavior, for example, when some people get bad cards and want to bluff, they will say some nonsense.”

"So, change is the hardest thing to do. Another thing is luck. Sometimes, luck can really determine everything."

Duan Qingxun talked eloquently for a while, but Ji Wufeng listened extremely carefully and missed every word, as seriously as a primary school student, without a trace of impatience.

"Okay, I have taught you everything that needs to be taught to you. It's up to you to do what you want next." Duan Qingxun said.

Ji Wufeng was stunned and said, "Is this the end?"

Duan Qingxun smiled and said: "The so-called three quick changes and one change, I believe that with your strength, you can easily achieve the three quick changes."

What is fast? In the world of martial arts, only speed can never be broken!

With Ji Wufeng's current strength, who else can be faster than him?

"As for the change, I think your acting skills should be pretty good too."

When he said this, Duan Qingxun had a tease on his face, and Ji Wufeng chuckled and said, "If you can deceive Qingxun's heart, then your acting skills are really good."

After saying that, Ji Wufeng wanted to give himself a slap in the face. He said he shouldn't provoke others, why are he so mean?

However, he found that he seemed to be becoming more and more rogue. He had always regarded women as nothing, but since he let his heart go, he has become almost no different from ordinary people, and it is difficult to resist beautiful women.

However, Ji Wufeng found that the more he let his heart go, the more stable his state of mind became.

The path to cultivation is to conform to the way of heaven, and cultivating the state of mind is to conform to the original heart!

Yunlai Inn is the name of Duanjia Casino. It is one of the few casinos in Yuzhou that can be listed for operation, and it is also one of the top casinos in Yuzhou.

This is a membership system. Ordinary people cannot come in. People who can come here are either rich or noble. For the rich, the excitement brought by this place is endless. The feeling of spending a lot of money is refreshing. In fact, it is

I feel full after eating, but itchy when I have too much money!

But when Ji Wufeng and Duan Qingxun appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention, because the level of gamblers who came to gamble was extremely high, and you could see gamblers coming with beautiful, pure, or coquettish beauties at any time. Show off.

But beauties like Duan Qingxun are extremely rare.

There are more than 100 slot machines, dozens of large roulette tables, and all kinds of gambling equipment in the casino's more than 1,000-square-meter hall. The croupier shuffles and divides the cards skillfully with an elegant smile. Each gaming table The front was crowded with people, and noisy sounds continued to come out.

However, most of the people here belong to the small rich, not the extremely wealthy. The extremely wealthy are all in the IP gambling room, so the two of them attracted some people's attention after entering.

The management room of every large casino has thousands of computers, because it is necessary to monitor the situation in front of each gaming table to see if anyone is gambling, and to see the winning and losing status of each gaming table.

If you encounter a master who won too much and refuses to leave, you will have to send out masters from the venue to fight against him. Every casino will spend a lot of money to support several gambling masters.

If the casino master loses again, the casino owner will chat with the master. Usually, he will give him a few million to ask him to leave. If the master is a fool and refuses, he will just wait to die, and he will die. It was so thorough that not even a corpse could be found.

It is said that in the open space outside the Macau casino, if you dig with a shovel a few times, either a hand or a thigh will be dug out.

You said that people have to make money when they open a casino. It is not your ATM. Winning a few million is enough. What does it mean if you keep going on forever? You deserve to die!

Seeing Ji Wufeng looking around, Duan Qingxun said: "As Brother Ji, you should often go to places like this, but it looks like you haven't been there often."

"Well, to be honest, I haven't been here yet."

Ji Wufeng has indeed never been here. He has been to casinos several times before, but they were just underground casinos that were not on the table. They could not be compared with Yunlai Inn.

"Actually, I haven't been here either." Duan Qingxun lowered his head and whispered.

Ji Wufeng was stunned and said, "This casino belongs to you, and you haven't even been here?"

Duan Qingxun shook his head and said helplessly: "Although I specialize in gambling, it is precisely because of this that my uncle never allowed me to participate in casinos before."

Ji Wufeng understood that his family was in the casino business, and Duan Qingxun was a master of gambling. If she were allowed to come to the casino, wouldn't she be like a fish in water?

Although Duan Shiguan is not smart, he is not an idiot either. He knows that once Duan Qingxun comes into contact with the casino, he will probably have nothing to do with him and will completely step aside.

Duan Qingxun blinked, rubbed her hands, and said with a smile: "You want to gamble when you see gambling equipment. This is a common trait of every gambler, and I am no exception. Today I will give practical lessons."

Looking at the gambling table in front of him, Duan Qingxun suddenly seemed like a different person. His eyes flashed with light, his face was full of excitement, and he was filled with endless passion.

The two casually exchanged bets of a thousand yuan, and Duan Qingxun took Ji Wufeng to a gambling table. The simplest and fastest way to play was to bet on the size of the dice.

The banker is a beautiful woman with a very pure appearance. Her flowing black hair is simply tied into a ponytail, with an elegant smile on her lips and a faint dimple.

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