Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 753 Is he pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

He deliberately took apart the playing cards, trying to imitate Duan Qingxun clumsily. He held the playing cards in the palm of his hand, and then threw them into the sky. The playing cards flew away unsightly, just like Harry Potter riding a broomstick for the first time. , very embarrassed.

Ji Wufeng grabbed the cards at random, but a dozen of them fell on the carpet. He picked them up and put them on the table together casually: "The cards are shuffled, you can start. I just used the magic trick of the goddess." Isn’t it cool to scatter flowers?”


After fighting for so long, Duan Qingxun was thirsty. Hearing these words, he immediately spit out a mouthful of water, and it happened to spray on Ji Wufeng's face.

Duan Qingxun was about to apologize, but Ji Wufeng wiped his face and said, "Madam's oral liquid, it's fragrant and sweet!"

Duan Qingxun immediately became angry, why is this person becoming more and more rogue?

But Li Yunxiao looked at Ji Wufeng excitedly and exclaimed in his heart: Damn, I finally met someone more shameless than me.

After Ji Wufeng wiped the tea from his face, he asked Duan Hu, "Was I handsome just now?"

Duan Hu nodded affirmatively: "He is so handsome that he will join the Party Central Committee!"

Ji Wufeng patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction and said appreciatively: "Yes, there are not many people like you who dare to tell the truth now. Do a good job, I am optimistic about you."

Duan Qingxun and Li Yunxiao both pretended not to hear. It's okay to be shameless. What else can you do to a shameless person who wants someone else to accompany him?

"Thank you, Prince."

Duan Hu was very excited, being favored by the prince, what an honor it was?

"You call me young master, but others call you prince."

"Yes, Master."

The battle between Duan Qingxun and Li Yunxiao finally started. Li Yunxiao's card was 10 hearts, J, Q, K, while Duan Qingxun's card was 10 spades, J, Q, K, a rare flush card. , it really looks too dramatic.

To be honest, even in TV movies, there is no such idiotic card playing method. The two people's cards are too beautiful, right? In fact, it was all Ji Wufeng's fault. The cards he shuffled were such a virtue. The two of them were helpless. It was the trump card. Both of them were boiling dumplings in the teapot... they knew it well.

"Okay, okay, if you keep fighting like this, the flowers will wither eight times. Such a beautiful card will be lost."

Ji Wufeng excitedly pushed out all the chips for Duan Qingxun, more than 20 million! That move was so cool that even Duan Qingxun had no time to stop him, Ji Wufeng had already pushed the chips out, making it difficult to regain them.

Duan Qingxun was about to cry but had no tears. She would have had a better chance of winning if she kept fighting like this, but Ji Wufeng destroyed all her hopes with this move.

Li Yunxiao stood up and said with a smile: "Young Master Feng is indeed heroic. I, Li Yunxiao, will accompany you to the end."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and red and green chips were scattered on the gambling table!

"Young Master Feng is a little anxious this time. In fact, I may not be sure to win if we continue the fight, but now..."

Li Yunxiao slowly picked up the trump card and turned it over. Still on the table, it was an Ace of Hearts, a straight flush, 10, J, Q, K, A!

Duan Qingxun only had one chance to beat him, and that was that the trump card was the Ace of Spades, but she knew it wasn't. Li Yunxiao knew this, and so did Duan Hu.

Duan Qingxun said expressionlessly: "I lost."

Ji Wufeng said: "You didn't even look at the cards, how come you lost."

As he spoke, he picked up his trump card and threw it on the table. A big Ace of Spades, shocking, four

Smoothly, like a miracle, it lay on the table!

What is a miracle?

A miracle is something that is impossible to happen, but it just happens. You can't even think of it even if you die, or you can't even think of it even if you are half dead. Even if the facts are before you, you still can't believe it, don't want to believe it, and can't believe it!

This is a miracle!

"No way?"

Duan Qingxun could no longer maintain his previous demeanor. He grew up from a small mouth of a cherry to a big mouth of a blood peach.

"Isn't it?"

Li Yunxiao's already huge eyes widened. It would not be surprising if his eyeballs just fell out.

"Can't you?" Duan Hu began to doubt his own IQ.

An incredible Ace of Spades was spread out quietly on the table, accepting the faces of three people and enduring their gazes. If this card was shy, I would have dug a hole in the ground and hid in it with the groundhog. Brother Rat went to keep company. It was so embarrassing to be stared at by so many people.

Why do I always see ghosts in broad daylight? The ghost this time was really a big-headed ghost. Li Yunxiao's head was as big as a bucket.

"It looks like Qingxun has won this card, right?" Ji Wufeng asked everyone stupidly.




Li Yunxiao has never been so shocked. Never before, he always did things so well, so steadily, everything went smoothly, and there was no suspense.

But this time, there was no suspense, but there was a deviation, and the deviation was so outrageous. Who changed Duan Qingxun's cards? Her hole card was obviously the 9 of spades, everyone knew this, but now it was the ace of spades.

He knew Duan Qingxun's strength well, and there was no chance of changing cards in front of him. The only possibility was that Ji Wufeng changed cards. This was the only reasonable explanation.

He believed in his ability to remember cards and his eyes. Anyone who knew how to gamble would remember Ji Wufeng's bad card shuffling technique. But how could Ji Wufeng change Duan Qingxun's trump card? How could this be possible?

Changing cards under one's own eyes and under strict monitors is nothing short of a fantasy. How can one believe it?

Li Yunxiao suddenly laughed: It's interesting, this feeling of a huge comeback is really exciting. The 20 million is nothing to him, but he just can't accept failure at the beginning, especially this kind of inexplicable failure.

Thinking about it on the other hand, it's funny. He obviously won, but he lost again. No matter what, Ji Wufeng is really hard to see through, not at all.

It looks lame, but it always surprises people and makes people feel mysterious. Is he pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?

Originally, he expected that this trip to Yuzhou would be a boring trip, but Ji Wufeng made him very interested. It seemed that there were still rivals in the world.

It's always cold at high places. A master feels lonely when he reaches such a state. Having an opponent is undoubtedly a blessing.

As for whether he regarded Ji Wufeng as an opponent at the gambling table or an opponent in other aspects, it is unknown.

"Congratulations Qingxun, for winning so beautifully, I have nothing to say. The Thousand-Handed Phoenix is ​​well-deserved. I hope you can see Qingxun in the Gambling King Competition, and you will also see Rongrong by then. I have something else to do, so I Let's go first." Li Yunxiao stretched out his hand like a gentleman and said.

Duan Qingxun also came to his senses, with a faint smile on his face, he stretched out his tender catkins and gently shook Li Yunxiao's hand. He deliberately took apart the playing cards, trying to imitate Duan Qingxun clumsily. He held the playing cards in the palm of his hand, and then threw them into the sky. The playing cards flew away unsightly, just like Harry Potter riding a broomstick for the first time. , very embarrassed.

Ji Wufeng grabbed the cards at random, but a dozen of them fell on the carpet. He picked them up and put them on the table together casually: "The cards are shuffled, you can start. I just used the magic trick of the goddess." Isn’t it cool to scatter flowers?”


After fighting for so long, Duan Qingxun was thirsty. Hearing these words, he immediately spit out a mouthful of water, and it happened to spray on Ji Wufeng's face.

Duan Qingxun was about to apologize, but Ji Wufeng wiped his face and said, "Madam's oral liquid, it's fragrant and sweet!"

Duan Qingxun immediately became angry, why is this person becoming more and more rogue?

But Li Yunxiao looked at Ji Wufeng excitedly and exclaimed in his heart: Damn, I finally met someone more shameless than me. .??.

After Ji Wufeng wiped the tea from his face, he asked Duan Hu, "Was I handsome just now?"

Duan Hu nodded affirmatively: "He is so handsome that he will join the Party Central Committee!"

Ji Wufeng patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction and said appreciatively: "Yes, there are not many people like you who dare to tell the truth now. Do a good job, I am optimistic about you."

Duan Qingxun and Li Yunxiao both pretended not to hear. It's okay to be shameless. What else can you do to a shameless person who wants others to accompany him?

"Thank you, Prince."

Duan Hu was very excited, being favored by the prince, what an honor it was?

"You call me young master, but others call you prince."

"Yes, Master."

The battle between Duan Qingxun and Li Yunxiao finally started. Li Yunxiao's card was 10 hearts, J, Q, K, while Duan Qingxun's card was 10 spades, J, Q, K, a rare flush card. , it really looks too dramatic.

To be honest, even in TV movies, there is no such idiotic card playing method. The two people's cards are too beautiful, right? In fact, it was all Ji Wufeng's fault. The cards he shuffled were such a virtue. The two of them were helpless. It was the trump card. Both of them were boiling dumplings in the teapot... they knew it well.

"Okay, okay, if you keep fighting like this, the flowers will wither eight times. Such a beautiful card will be lost."

Ji Wufeng excitedly pushed out all the chips for Duan Qingxun, more than 20 million! That move was so cool that even Duan Qingxun had no time to stop him, Ji Wufeng had already pushed the chips out, making it difficult to regain them.

Duan Qingxun was about to cry but had no tears. She would have had a better chance of winning if she kept fighting like this, but Ji Wufeng destroyed all her hopes with this move.

Li Yunxiao stood up and said with a smile: "Young Master Feng is indeed heroic. I, Li Yunxiao, will accompany you to the end."

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and red and green chips were scattered on the gambling table!

"Young Master Feng is a little anxious this time. In fact, I may not be sure to win if we continue the fight, but now..."

Li Yunxiao slowly picked up the trump card and turned it over. Still on the table, it was an Ace of Hearts, a straight flush, 10, J, Q, K, A!

Duan Qingxun only had one chance to beat him, and that was that the trump card was the Ace of Spades, but she knew it wasn't. Li Yunxiao knew this, and so did Duan Hu.

Duan Qingxun said expressionlessly: "I lost."

Ji Wufeng said: "You didn't even look at the cards, how come you lost."

As he spoke, he picked up his trump card and threw it on the table. A big Ace of Spades, shocking, four

Smoothly, like a miracle, it lay on the table!

What is a miracle?

A miracle is something that is impossible to happen, but it just happens. You can't even think of it even if you die, or even if you are half dead, you can't even think of it. Even if the facts are before you, you still can't believe it, don't want to believe it, can't believe it!

This is a miracle!

"No way?"

Duan Qingxun could no longer maintain his previous demeanor. He grew up from a small mouth of a cherry to a big mouth of a blood peach.

"Isn't it?"

Li Yunxiao's already huge eyes widened. It would not be surprising if his eyeballs just fell out.

"Can't you?" Duan Hu began to doubt his own IQ.

An incredible Ace of Spades was spread out quietly on the table, accepting the faces of three people and enduring their gazes. If this card was shy, I would have dug a hole in the ground and hid in it with the groundhog. Brother Rat went to keep company. It was so embarrassing to be stared at by so many people.

Why do I always see ghosts in broad daylight? The ghost this time was really a big-headed ghost. Li Yunxiao's head was as big as a bucket.

"It looks like Qingxun has won this card, right?" Ji Wufeng asked everyone stupidly.




Li Yunxiao has never been so shocked. Never before, he always did things so well, so steadily, everything went smoothly, and there was no suspense.

But this time, there was no suspense, but there was a deviation, and the deviation was so outrageous. Who changed Duan Qingxun's cards? Her hole card was obviously the 9 of spades, everyone knew this, but now it was the ace of spades.

He knew Duan Qingxun's strength well, and there was no chance of changing cards in front of him. The only possibility was that Ji Wufeng changed cards. This was the only reasonable explanation.

He believed in his ability to remember cards and his eyes. Anyone who knew how to gamble would remember Ji Wufeng's bad shuffling of cards. But how could Ji Wufeng change Duan Qingxun's trump card? How could this be possible?

Changing cards under one's own eyes and under strict monitors is nothing short of a fantasy. How can one believe it?

Li Yunxiao suddenly laughed: It's interesting, this feeling of a huge comeback is really exciting. The 20 million is nothing to him, but he just can't accept failure at the beginning, especially this kind of inexplicable failure.

Thinking about it on the other hand, it's funny. He obviously won, but he lost again. No matter what, Ji Wufeng is really hard to see through, not at all.

It looks lame, but it always surprises people and makes people feel mysterious. Is he pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger?

Originally, he expected that this trip to Yuzhou would be a boring trip, but Ji Wufeng made him very interested. It seemed that there were still rivals in the world.

It's always cold at high places. A master feels lonely when he reaches such a state. Having an opponent is undoubtedly a blessing.

As for whether he regarded Ji Wufeng as an opponent at the gambling table or an opponent in other aspects, it is unknown.

"Congratulations Qingxun, for winning so beautifully, I have nothing to say. The Thousand-Handed Phoenix is ​​well-deserved. I hope you can see Qingxun in the Gambling King Competition, and you will also see Rongrong by then. I have something else to do, so I Let's go first." Li Yunxiao stretched out his hand like a gentleman and said.

Duan Qingxun also came to his senses, with a faint smile on his face, he stretched out his tender catkins and gently shook Li Yunxiao's hand.

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