"Hello, my name is Teng Wenli."

Teng Wenli still looked aloof, but it was not difficult to see a hint of excitement in her eyes. She couldn't help it, who told this bastard to be handsome?

But Li Yunxiao felt very unhappy when he looked like this. There were only a few people in the world who could put on such an expression in front of him. He felt that this girl had deep intentions and scheming.

"Okay, let's go shopping together. Today I'll let you have a taste of my craftsmanship."

"Didn't you say you've already bought groceries?" Ji Wufeng asked speechlessly.

"Now there's one more person, isn't there not enough food?" After saying that, Yu Chuchu took two classmates to the vegetable market.

Not only was Li Yunxiao not unhappy at all when he joined Yu Chuchu, but he was also very happy. Having met his friend, and a life-and-death acquaintance, does it mean that he is one step closer to him? ??

"Women are scary when shopping." Ji Wufeng and Li Yunxiao slowly walked side by side behind the three girls.

"A group of women is more terrifying." Li Yunxiao glanced at Ji Wufeng with a wry smile, but his eyes betrayed him and he smiled.

"Sister-in-law is very nice. I envy you very much." Li Yunxiao looked at Yu Chuchu in front of him and said with a sly smile.

"I have nothing to do with her, don't talk nonsense."

"Asshole, if you two didn't have a relationship, you would come to someone else's house and go shopping together." Li Yunxiao rolled his eyes, obviously not believing Ji Wufeng's lies.

Ji Wufeng didn't bother to explain, and said: "You just came to Yuzhou, and you don't look good at business. Why did you come here to hang around?"

"Damn, who am I? Just let the servants do the work. I am the eldest young master. My job is to travel around and see if I have any romantic encounters."

Li Yunxiao stretched lazily, glanced at a corner behind him and said, "There are bed bugs. Do you want me to help clean them up?"

Of course Ji Wufeng had noticed it a long time ago, but he was just too lazy to respond, so he said: "Forget it, there are a few beauties here, don't be so violent."

After Yu Chuchu bought a lot of vegetables, they went to her house together, but found that there was no one at home at all. Her parents worked abroad and were not at home all year round.

As for Yu Guozhi, he is a typical workaholic. Except for holidays, he spends all his time in the hospital for food and accommodation.

Ji Wufeng was depressed for a while. There was no one at home. Why did this little girl bring him to the house? Aren't you afraid that your bestiality will show up and you will do something to her?

But don't mention it, Yu Chuchu's cooking is indeed good, and the food can be said to be delicious, delicious and complete. Even Li Yunxiao moved his index fingers and wolfed it down, as if he was reincarnated by a starving ghost.

"So full. My sister-in-law is really good at cooking."

Li Yunxiao spread out on the chair, raised his teeth in a very disgraceful manner, and said: "The cooking is much more delicious than what the chef in my family cooks. When I go back, I will kick that Italian chef out and give him millions a year. The cooking will be better and better." It’s getting more and more tasteless, but Chinese food is better.”

"I wonder what Mr. Li does?"

When she heard what Li Yunxiao had just said, Teng Wenli's eyes were full of wonder. There were many rich people, but not many could afford to hire a home cook, and even the salary was several million.

"Earn a little money and do something in various aspects."

Li Yunxiao was very cold towards this woman, she was too powerful. It would be better to have less contact with this kind of person.


What kind of woman has he not seen? Never slept? Now that his taste in beautiful women has reached a certain level, he is not interested in the woman in front of him no matter how good-looking she is.



Suddenly, the door of the room was kicked open from the outside, and a group of people rushed in with knives, scaring the girls in the room into panic.

Seeing the group of gangsters in front of them, the girls were trembling with fear, but at the same time, Yu Chuchu was a little confused. There was a security door below. How did these people get in?

And it's broad daylight now. Don't those who rob usually choose to do it in the middle of the night?

Ji Wufeng looked coldly at Teng Wenli, who was pretending to be scared but was actually very calm. This woman was hopeless.

"Kill all the men, all the women...hehe!" The gangster boss stared at the breasts of the three girls and laughed lewdly, the meaning of which was self-explanatory.

"I'll leave it to you, one minute."

Ji Wufeng sat in his chair and didn't bother to move. Instead, he stretched out his waist.

"Just one more minute for these rubbish? Aren't you looking down on people? Ten seconds!"

Li Yunxiao slowly took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of eyes that were not at all human.

"Brothers, go ahead and destroy this kid."

Seeing Li Yunxiao's eyes, the gangster boss couldn't help but feel fear. Are these eyes a person should have? I can't see any expressions that humans should have.

"Can he deal with so many people by himself?"

Yu Chuchu slowly walked to Ji Wufeng's side and grabbed his arm, which made her feel surprisingly safe.

"No problem. He can't even deal with these people. How dare he come out to mess around?" Ji Wufeng said.

The three beauties widened their eyes nervously. They saw those people rushing towards Li Yunxiao, and Li Yunxiao stepped forward and punched a gangster in the stomach with his fist, which immediately hit the gangster. He slid far away on the ground and lay on the ground, foaming at the mouth and fainting!

Bang bang bang!

Li Yunxiao's movements looked very clumsy, punching left and right, but strangely, he could hit someone with every punch. After a few punches, the gangsters all fell to the ground foaming at the mouth. on the ground.

The three beauties all had big mouths, and they looked like aliens, but Ji Wufeng wanted to step on this bastard's face, and they would fight whenever they wanted. Why were they so disgusting?

Just when Chu Chu was about to call the police, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside. He Mingyang rushed in with a group of people and shouted majestically: "Chu Chu, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you! Uh..."

What happened last time made He Mingyang feel that there was no hope of catching Yu Chuchu without some clever tricks, so he painstakingly designed this "hero saving the beauty". Losing Ji Wufeng can show a heroic scene in front of Yu Chuchu.

At the appointed time, Ji Wufeng was probably taken care of. He Mingyang rushed in with more than ten bodyguards and shouted, "Chu Chu, I'm here to save you," and then defeated the gangsters with great power. Yu Chuchu was still unmoved by then. She was about to die, crying and threw herself into his arms.

But he didn't expect that what he saw when he came in was that all the big men he had sent as robbers were lying on the ground in a mess, while everyone in the room who was supposed to be kidnapped was looking at him. "Hello, my name is Teng Wenli."

Teng Wenli still looked aloof, but it was not difficult to see a hint of excitement in her eyes. She couldn't help it, who told this bastard to be handsome?

But Li Yunxiao felt very unhappy when he looked like this. There were only a few people in the world who could put on such an expression in front of him. He felt that this girl had deep intentions and scheming.

"Okay, let's go shopping together. Today I'll let you have a taste of my craftsmanship."

"Didn't you say you've already bought groceries?" Ji Wufeng asked speechlessly.

"Now there's one more person, isn't there not enough food?" After saying that, Yu Chuchu took two classmates to the vegetable market.

Not only was Li Yunxiao not unhappy at all when he joined Yu Chuchu, but he was also very happy. Having met his friend, and a life-and-death acquaintance, does it mean that he is one step closer to him?

"Women are scary when shopping." Ji Wufeng and Li Yunxiao slowly walked side by side behind the three girls.

"A group of women is more terrifying." Li Yunxiao glanced at Ji Wufeng with a wry smile, but his eyes betrayed him and he smiled.

"Sister-in-law is very nice. I envy you very much." Li Yunxiao looked at Yu Chuchu in front of him and said with a sly smile.

"I have nothing to do with her, don't talk nonsense."

"Asshole, if you two didn't have a relationship, you would come to someone else's house and go shopping together." Li Yunxiao rolled his eyes, obviously not believing Ji Wufeng's lies.

Ji Wufeng didn't bother to explain, and said: "You just came to Yuzhou, and you don't look good at business. Why did you come here to hang around?"

"Damn, who am I? Just let the servants do the work. I am the eldest young master. My job is to travel around and see if I have any romantic encounters."

Li Yunxiao stretched lazily, glanced at a corner behind him and said, "There are bed bugs. Do you want me to help clean them up?"

Of course Ji Wufeng had noticed it a long time ago, but he was just too lazy to respond, so he said: "Forget it, there are a few beauties here, don't be so violent."

After Yu Chuchu bought a lot of vegetables, they went to her house together, but found that there was no one at home at all. Her parents worked abroad and were not at home all year round.

As for Yu Guozhi, he is a typical workaholic. Except for holidays, he spends all his time in the hospital for food and accommodation.

Ji Wufeng was depressed for a while. There was no one at home. Why did this little girl bring him to the house? Aren't you afraid that your bestiality will show up and you will do something to her?

But don't mention it, Yu Chuchu's cooking is indeed good, and the food can be said to be delicious, delicious and complete. Even Li Yunxiao moved his index fingers and wolfed it down, as if he was reincarnated by a starving ghost.

"So full. My sister-in-law is really good at cooking."

Li Yunxiao spread out on the chair, raised his teeth in a very disgraceful manner, and said: "The cooking is much more delicious than what the chef in my family cooks. When I go back, I will kick that Italian chef out and give him millions a year. The cooking will be better and better." It’s getting more and more tasteless, but Chinese food is better.”

"I wonder what Mr. Li does?"

When she heard what Li Yunxiao had just said, Teng Wenli's eyes were full of wonder. There were many rich people, but not many could afford to hire a home cook, and even the salary was several million.

"Earn a little money and do something in various aspects."

Li Yunxiao was very cold towards this woman, she was too powerful. It would be better to have less contact with this kind of person.


What kind of woman has he not seen? Never slept? Now that his taste in beautiful women has reached a certain level, he is not interested in the woman in front of him no matter how good-looking she is.



Suddenly, the door of the room was kicked open from the outside, and a group of people rushed in with knives, scaring the girls in the room into panic.

Seeing the group of gangsters in front of them, the girls were trembling with fear, but at the same time, Yu Chuchu was a little confused. There was a security door below. How did these people get in?

And it's broad daylight now. Don't those who rob usually choose to do it in the middle of the night?

Ji Wufeng looked coldly at Teng Wenli, who was pretending to be scared but was actually very calm. This woman was hopeless.

"Kill all the men, all the women...hehe!" The gangster boss stared at the breasts of the three girls and laughed lewdly, the meaning of which was self-explanatory.

"I'll leave it to you, one minute."

Ji Wufeng sat in his chair and didn't bother to move. Instead, he stretched out his waist.

"Just one more minute for these rubbish? Aren't you looking down on people? Ten seconds!"

Li Yunxiao slowly took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of eyes that were not at all human.

"Brothers, go ahead and destroy this kid."

Seeing Li Yunxiao's eyes, the gangster boss couldn't help but feel fear. Are these eyes a person should have? I can't see any expressions that humans should have.

"Can he deal with so many people by himself?"

Yu Chuchu slowly walked to Ji Wufeng's side and grabbed his arm, which made her feel surprisingly safe.

"No problem. He can't even deal with these people. How dare he come out to mess around?" Ji Wufeng said.

The three beauties widened their eyes nervously. They saw those people rushing towards Li Yunxiao, and Li Yunxiao stepped forward and punched a gangster in the stomach with his fist, which immediately hit the gangster. He slid far away on the ground and lay on the ground, foaming at the mouth and fainting!

Bang bang bang!

Li Yunxiao's movements looked very clumsy, punching left and right, but strangely, he could hit someone with every punch. After a few punches, the gangsters all fell to the ground foaming at the mouth. on the ground.

The three beauties all had big mouths, and they looked like aliens, but Ji Wufeng wanted to step on this bastard's face, and they would fight whenever they wanted. Why were they so disgusting?

Just when Chu Chu was about to call the police, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside. He Mingyang rushed in with a group of people and shouted majestically: "Chu Chu, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you! Uh..."

What happened last time made He Mingyang feel that there was no hope of catching Yu Chuchu without some clever tricks, so he painstakingly designed this "hero saving the beauty". Losing Ji Wufeng can show a heroic scene in front of Yu Chuchu.

At the appointed time, Ji Wufeng was probably taken care of. He Mingyang rushed in with more than ten bodyguards and shouted, "Chu Chu, I'm here to save you," and then defeated the gangsters with great power. Yu Chuchu was still unmoved by then. She was about to die, crying and threw herself into his arms.

But he didn't expect that what he saw when he came in was that all the big men he had sent as robbers were lying on the ground in a mess, while everyone in the room who was supposed to be kidnapped was looking at him.

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