He Zhengbang's expression changed and he looked at Jiang Wenhai warily.

Jiang Wenhai said with a look of resentment: "Uncle, since Lu Zifeng has not seen you now, it means that it is impossible for him to see you. Why don't we find a place to chat? Ask for others rather than yourself."

He Zhengbang hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Let's find a place to chat first."

After being fished out of the trash can, He Mingyang didn't even have time to take a shower, so he ran to He Zhengbang's company in a smelly state. The company employees covered their noses along the way. What happened to Mr. He today? Did he fall into a manure pit? ??

However, for some people who are interested in flattery, even if He Mingyang really falls into the cesspit, he will still smell good.

Suddenly, a charming employee came forward and said sweetly: "Master He, what's wrong with you? Do you want me to take a bath with you?"


Unexpectedly, He Mingyang slapped him with a big mouth and cursed: "Go away, bitch, I am very unhappy now."

In He Zhengbang's office, He Zhengbang said warily: "Why did you come to me when you have nothing to do?"

Seeing the fear on He Zhengbang's face, Jiang Wenhai sneered: "What? Uncle, are you scared? Are you afraid that if you get too close to me, you will suffer the prince's revenge?"

He Zhengbang smiled awkwardly, even if he really thought so, he wouldn't dare to say it. He couldn't afford to offend Ji Wufeng, and he couldn't afford to offend the Jiang family either.

"Let me tell you, since the Lu family has banned you, you will no longer have a way to survive in Yuzhou, because if you want to give you a way to survive, it will not be a ban." Jiang Wenhai said.

When He Zhengbang heard this, his face turned pale with fright. Indeed, banning him directly was an extraordinary feat.

"So, if you still want to live, you have to find a way?"

"any solution?"

"Kill Ji Wufeng!"


He Zhengbang took a breath of air-conditioning, kill the prince? Does this guy not want to live anymore?

Jiang Wenhai sneered: "What? Are you afraid? But I have to tell you, if you can't kill him, you will die. But don't forget, if your company is blocked, you will have nothing, and you will be worse off. die!"

He Zhengbang's face turned gray. Indeed, if his company was blocked, he would indeed have nothing. He was used to living a life of fine clothing and fine food, and suddenly had nothing. It would really be a worse life than death!

"Only by killing Ji Wufeng can you be freed from your current impasse. What's more, you may not die!" Jiang Wenhai said again.

"how to say?"

Jiang Wenhai put his mouth to He Zhengbang's ear and said something. He Zhengbang's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise why do you think I'm still safe and sound?" Jiang Wenhai said.

Indeed, Jiang Wenhai had trouble with Ji Wufeng several times, but now he is still doing well, which must be said to be a skill.

He Zhengbang was tempted, but he was still hesitating. Ji Wufeng's name was so popular in Yuzhou now that he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would be doomed.


The door was suddenly kicked open by someone, and the smelly He Mingyang rushed in, threw himself at He Zhengbang's side, hugged his thigh and cried: "Dad, I almost died, you have to give me Revenge!"

Guanfang Garden is the top entertainment venue in Yuzhou. Naturally, there are so many beauties. Seeing those beautifully dressed beauties, Li Yunxiao suddenly had green eyes.

Guang, stick your butt out and go up to strike up a conversation.

However, Ji Wufeng found that although Li Yunxiao had a confused look on his face, his eyes were clear, and he couldn't help but sigh. Aren't you tired of wearing a mask all day long?

Guhun and Ghost Snake were both not there. Not knowing what was going on, Ji Wufeng went straight to a room.

On the night when Qianye Ming died, a person was brought into this room. For such a long time, people brought food and water regularly every day, but no one took a step forward.

When he opened the door and walked in, he saw a man with shaggy hair and unshaven beard sitting on the carpet. His whole body exuded a pungent smell.

"Even if you don't want to live anymore, you should take a shower first. People like you already stink before they're dead." Ji Wufeng covered his nose and cursed.

The man raised his head, revealing a handsome but extremely haggard face, and said, "Master Feng, do you think it's useful to keep me?"

"Of course it works. Because you are here, Gu Tianyang can control Qianye Ming with confidence. Where can I find such a good helper?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Yes, this person is An Jiling, who was once Qianye Ming's right-hand man, but Ji Wufeng knew that he was from Gu Tianyang!

"Do you think I betrayed the prince because of you? Besides, he won't trust me anymore after I've been missing for so long." An Jiling said coldly.

"No, no, no, I never thought of letting you betray Gu Tianyang." Ji Wufeng shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"If I guess correctly, An Jiling is just your pseudonym, and your real name is Abe Yuling!"


Anzhilington's expression changed, and there was a look of panic in his eyes.

Yes, Abe Yuling is indeed his real name, but only a few people in Huajing District know this secret. Where did Ji Wufeng get the news?

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said: "Originally, as the most outstanding heir of the Abe family, you can definitely become one of the most powerful people in Dongyang in the future. However, because of the participation of Sakura Temple, you have become a lost dog. In order to survive, you can only It must be very uncomfortable to be a beggar and escape here, right?"

An Jiling's face was suddenly filled with panic, but after the panic, his eyes turned scarlet, and the light was filled with hatred, and he said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's not what I want to do, but what do you want to do?"

Ji Wufeng said: "What is your purpose of seeking refuge with Gu Tianyang? It's just that you want revenge. But unfortunately, Gu Tianyang not only didn't help you get revenge, but also colluded with the Sakura Temple. Aren't you angry?"


An Jiling punched the ground, the floor shattered, blood flowed out, and his face became distorted with anger.

Ji Wufeng knelt down and said, "Gu Tianyang can avenge you, and so can I. Gu Tianyang won't avenge you, but I can."

An Jiling's eyes filled with hatred immediately shone with a glimmer of light and asked, "What do you want?"

"It's very simple, I want you to be loyal to me forever!" Ji Wufeng said.

An Jiling stood up, then knelt in front of Ji Wufeng, and said resolutely: "I, Abe Yuling, swear to be loyal to Ji Wufeng forever. If I violate it, I will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Ji Wufeng nodded, stood up, and then suddenly kicked him over, glaring and saying: "Damn, go take a shower quickly, do you want to smoke me to death?" He Zhengbang's expression changed, and he looked at Jiang Wenhai warily.

Jiang Wenhai said with a look of resentment: "Uncle, since Lu Zifeng has not seen you now, it means that it is impossible for him to see you. Why don't we find a place to chat? Ask for others rather than yourself."

He Zhengbang hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Let's find a place to chat first."

After being fished out of the trash can, He Mingyang didn't even have time to take a shower, so he ran to He Zhengbang's company in a smelly state. The company employees covered their noses along the way. What happened to Mr. He today? Did he fall into a manure pit? .??.

However, for some people who are interested in flattery, even if He Mingyang really falls into the cesspit, he will still smell good.

Suddenly, a charming employee came forward and said sweetly: "Master He, what's wrong with you? Do you want me to take a bath with you?"


Unexpectedly, He Mingyang slapped him with a big mouth and cursed: "Go away, bitch, I am very unhappy now."

In He Zhengbang's office, He Zhengbang said warily: "Why did you come to me when you have nothing to do?"

Seeing the fear on He Zhengbang's face, Jiang Wenhai sneered: "What? Uncle, are you scared? Are you afraid that if you get too close to me, you will suffer the prince's revenge?"

He Zhengbang smiled awkwardly, even if he really thought so, he wouldn't dare to say it. He couldn't afford to offend Ji Wufeng, and he couldn't afford to offend the Jiang family either.

"Let me tell you, since the Lu family has banned you, you will no longer have a way to survive in Yuzhou, because if you want to give you a way to survive, it will not be a ban." Jiang Wenhai said.

When He Zhengbang heard this, his face turned pale with fright. Indeed, banning him directly was an extraordinary feat.

"So, if you still want to live, you have to find a way?"

"any solution?"

"Kill Ji Wufeng!"


He Zhengbang took a breath of air-conditioning, kill the prince? Does this guy not want to live anymore?

Jiang Wenhai sneered: "What? Are you afraid? But I have to tell you, if you can't kill him, you will die. But don't forget, if your company is blocked, you will have nothing, and you will be worse off. die!"

He Zhengbang's face turned gray. Indeed, if his company was blocked, he would indeed have nothing. He was used to living a life of fine clothing and fine food, and suddenly had nothing. It would really be a worse life than death!

"Only by killing Ji Wufeng can you be freed from your current impasse. What's more, you may not die!" Jiang Wenhai said again.

"how to say?"

Jiang Wenhai put his mouth to He Zhengbang's ear and said something. He Zhengbang's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise why do you think I'm still safe and sound?" Jiang Wenhai said.

Indeed, Jiang Wenhai had trouble with Ji Wufeng several times, but now he is still doing well, which must be said to be a skill.

He Zhengbang was tempted, but he was still hesitating. Ji Wufeng's name was so popular in Yuzhou now that he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would be doomed.


The door was suddenly kicked open by someone, and the smelly He Mingyang rushed in, threw himself at He Zhengbang's side, hugged his thigh and cried: "Dad, I almost died, you have to give me Revenge!"

Guanfang Garden is the top entertainment venue in Yuzhou. Naturally, there are so many beauties. Seeing those beautifully dressed beauties, Li Yunxiao suddenly had green eyes.

Guang, stick your butt out and go up to strike up a conversation.

However, Ji Wufeng found that although Li Yunxiao had a confused look on his face, his eyes were clear, and he couldn't help but sigh. Aren't you tired of wearing a mask all day long?

Guhun and Ghost Snake were both not there. Not knowing what was going on, Ji Wufeng went straight to a room.

On the night when Qianye Ming died, a person was brought into this room. For such a long time, people brought food and water regularly every day, but no one took a step forward.

When he opened the door and walked in, he saw a man with shaggy hair and unshaven beard sitting on the carpet. His whole body exuded a pungent smell.

"Even if you don't want to live anymore, you should take a shower first. People like you already stink before they're dead." Ji Wufeng covered his nose and cursed.

The man raised his head, revealing a handsome but extremely haggard face, and said, "Master Feng, do you think it's useful to keep me?"

"Of course it works. Because you are here, Gu Tianyang can control Qianye Ming with confidence. Where can I find such a good helper?" Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Yes, this person is An Jiling, who was once Qianye Ming's right-hand man, but Ji Wufeng knew that he was from Gu Tianyang!

"Do you think I betrayed the prince because of you? Besides, he won't trust me anymore after I've been missing for so long." An Jiling said coldly.

"No, no, no, I never thought of letting you betray Gu Tianyang." Ji Wufeng shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"If I guess correctly, An Jiling is just your pseudonym, and your real name is Abe Yuling!"


Anzhilington's expression changed, and there was a look of panic in his eyes.

Yes, Abe Yuling is indeed his real name, but only a few people in Huajing District know this secret. Where did Ji Wufeng get the news?

Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said: "Originally, as the most outstanding heir of the Abe family, you can definitely become one of the most powerful people in Dongyang in the future. However, because of the participation of Sakura Temple, you have become a lost dog. In order to survive, you can only It must be very uncomfortable to be a beggar and escape here, right?"

An Jiling's face was suddenly filled with panic, but after the panic, his eyes turned scarlet, and the light was filled with hatred, and he said, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"It's not what I want to do, but what do you want to do?"

Ji Wufeng said: "What is your purpose of seeking refuge with Gu Tianyang? It's just that you want revenge. But unfortunately, Gu Tianyang not only didn't help you get revenge, but also colluded with the Sakura Temple. Aren't you angry?"


An Jiling punched the ground, the floor shattered, blood flowed out, and his face became distorted with anger.

Ji Wufeng knelt down and said, "Gu Tianyang can avenge you, and so can I. Gu Tianyang won't avenge you, but I can."

An Jiling's eyes filled with hatred immediately shone with a glimmer of light and asked, "What do you want?"

"It's very simple, I want you to be loyal to me forever!" Ji Wufeng said.

An Jiling stood up, then knelt in front of Ji Wufeng, and said decisively: "I, Abe Yuling, swear to be loyal to Ji Wufeng forever. If I violate it, I will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Ji Wufeng nodded, stood up, and then suddenly kicked him with a flying kick. He glared and said, "Damn, go take a shower quickly. Do you want to smoke me to death?"

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