Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 761 Can’t you come up with some new tricks?

Thomas sensed danger from the one-eyed boy and immediately turned around, but when he turned around he saw a short young man waiting there.

"court death!"

Knowing that fighting out was the only way to survive, Thomas pulled out the gun in his hand and pointed it at the short young man, but before his finger was on the trigger, he saw a flash of silver light and his hand suddenly lightened.

He couldn't help but gasped. The gun in his hand was split in half by a sword.

Looking up again, the short young man was already in front of him, grinned at him, then his eyes went dark and he fainted.

After taking Thomas and Lucy back to the room, An Jiling found a basin of cold water and poured it on them. Thomas shuddered and woke up, but the first thing he saw when he woke up was Ji Wufeng.

"Hero, spare your life!" The words that came out of Thomas's mouth almost made everyone present feel like fainting. They were too cliche.

"How about a little creativity."

Ji Wufeng murmured. Regarding Thomas's treatment, if he wasn't just idle and bored and wanted to have some fun, he would definitely do it with a knife in hand. Why should he be polite to such a person?

"As long as you let me go, I can give you all my life savings. It doesn't matter even if you let me work for you."

Thomas now looks like a slug. Ji Wufeng and the others started to beg for mercy before they even started to kill him. It was a complete villain.

"Stop! What's the use of being a cow or a horse if I want you? Besides, I like women and I want her."

Pointing at Lucy who was unconscious on the ground, Ji Wufeng spoke out his request with a lewd smile.

Seeing the sweet smile of Lucy who was unconscious, she said, "Okay! I agree."

Thomas gritted his teeth. The selfishness in human nature has defeated love. In order to survive, he will sell anything now.

"get out."

Unexpectedly, Thomas would actually agree. Ji Wufeng said with a look of disgust on his face: "Just remember next time, don't let me catch you again."

He twisted Thomas' cheek hard, turning Thomas' originally handsome face into purple and black. Ji Wufeng was very angry now. He wanted to cut this man into thousands of pieces right now. .

"An Jiling, throw him out." Ji Wufeng decided to wash his hands, unexpectedly he touched such a dirty person.


An Jiling seemed to have adapted to his status as a follower. He also looked down on Thomas, a man who was greedy for life and feared death, and sold love to survive. He grabbed Thomas, opened the door and threw him out.

"Why don't you kill this piece of shit?"

After throwing it away, An Jiling said dissatisfiedly that he wanted to vent but didn't have a chance to take action, and now he let the person go. He was holding back.

"Don't worry, he won't go far. Hehe, the show is about to begin."

Ji Wufeng and Gou Hun all laughed with sinister looks on their faces. The smiles made An Jiling feel chills all over. These demons must not be holding back anything good.

The group of people quickly rushed to the monitoring room of Guanfangyuan, and Thomas' figure appeared on the screen.

I saw on the screen that after Thomas was thrown out of the room, he stumbled towards the elevator, but as soon as he took a step, he fell to the ground with a plop.

If he hadn't been running for his life, he would have raised his gun and shouted angrily: "Who threw the banana?"

Pi, do you still have a sense of public morality? "

I got up and continued running, and with a plop, another dog ate shit, and there was actually a banana peel.

Again and again, this time he started to stare at the ground carefully, but when he passed a room, the door was suddenly pushed open violently, and he hit the door with his head, and his eyes suddenly flashed with stars.

I walked forward dizzy, and stepped on the banana peel again. That's it, raise your head, step on the watermelon peel, lower your head, because you are afraid that people will open the door.

I don’t know why it took Thomas nearly five minutes to arrive in this short ten-meter journey. During this time, he stepped on banana peels and fell seven times. The door was suddenly opened and bumped into the door three times. Moreover, he was so agile. He can't even hide now.

As a result, he, who was not injured much, was now covered in stains, and his originally handsome face was covered in blood.

"It's all banana peels, can't we come up with some new tricks? Now when we have to come up with something new, it's just like writing about the Internet. It has to be not only exciting, but also innovative, do you understand?" Ji Wufeng pointed at his seductive nose and cursed.

An Jiling was still shocked that there were still such unlucky people in this world? But after listening to Ji Wufeng's words, he suddenly understood that this banana peel was designed by them. No wonder Thomas couldn't avoid it.

Gouhun looked sad and said aggrievedly: "Time is tight and materials are limited, so we can only do this."

Thomas ran into the elevator. Just as he pressed the button and the elevator started to descend, he finally leaned against the wall of the elevator as if he was relieved. He couldn't help sighing that today was really unlucky. First, there was an error in intelligence, and then he encountered a nail. In the end, you must not betray your beloved in exchange for your life.

Thinking that if Lucy came out alive, his reputation would be ruined. Thomas was ready to wait around the hotel and wait for Lucy to come out so that he could silence her.

"Don't blame me, hehe." At this time, Thomas had no idea that his evil smile was all in the eyes of Ji Wufeng and others.


Suddenly all the lights in the elevator went out, and Thomas shook his head again at his unlucky luck. People are so unlucky that they would choke on water. Even something as rare as an elevator malfunction could happen to him. You know, this is like Guanfang. The elevator failure rate in a very large entertainment club like Yuan Yuan is basically 0.0001%.

"What did you do, the elevator broke down at this time?"

Having suffered a lot of anger earlier, Thomas seized this opportunity. After picking up the emergency phone and dialing it, he vented his anger and suddenly felt extremely refreshed. How beautiful the whole world was.

"I'm sorry, sir, we are undergoing maintenance." Unfortunately, no matter how angry and loud Thomas was, the other party only answered him with a formulaic and sweet voice, which left him with no power.

At the same time, just as Thomas was getting angry, the maintenance staff had already arrived at the top of the elevator passage and began to perform maintenance. However, this group of people did the work carelessly and slowly. I don't know if it was intentional or not.

However, after an hour of maintenance, the elevator finally returned to normal. Thomas in the elevator finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was not a pleasant thing to stay in the elevator in the dark for an hour.

"Hey! It's finally fixed."

Seeing that the elevator returned to normal operation, Thomas breathed a sigh of relief and pressed the elevator button hard. But he didn't know if he had seen a ghost. Suddenly, a surge of electricity came from the elevator button, and Thomas suddenly trembled all over. Thomas sensed danger from the one-eyed boy and immediately turned around, but when he turned around he saw a short young man waiting there.

"court death!"

Knowing that fighting out was the only way to survive, Thomas pulled out the gun in his hand and pointed it at the short young man, but before his finger was on the trigger, he saw a flash of silver light and his hand suddenly lightened.

He couldn't help but gasped. The gun in his hand was split in half by a sword.

Looking up again, the short young man was already in front of him, grinned at him, then his eyes went dark and he fainted. .??.

After taking Thomas and Lucy back to the room, An Jiling found a basin of cold water and poured it on them. Thomas shuddered and woke up, but the first thing he saw when he woke up was Ji Wufeng.

"Hero, spare your life!" The words that came out of Thomas's mouth almost made everyone present feel like fainting. They were too cliche.

"How about a little creativity."

Ji Wufeng murmured. Regarding Thomas's treatment, if he wasn't just idle and bored and wanted to have some fun, he would definitely do it with a knife in hand. Why should he be polite to such a person?

"As long as you let me go, I can give you all my life savings. It doesn't matter if you let me work for you."

Thomas now looks like a slug. Ji Wufeng and the others started to beg for mercy before they even started to kill him. It was a complete villain.

"Stop! What's the use of being a cow or a horse if I want you? Besides, I like women and I want her."

Pointing at Lucy who was unconscious on the ground, Ji Wufeng spoke out his request with a lewd smile.

Seeing the sweet smile of Lucy who was unconscious, she said, "Okay! I agree."

Thomas gritted his teeth. The selfishness in human nature has defeated love. In order to survive, he will sell anything now.

"get out."

Unexpectedly, Thomas would actually agree. Ji Wufeng said with a look of disgust on his face: "Just remember next time, don't let me catch you again."

He twisted Thomas' cheek hard, turning Thomas' originally handsome face into purple and black. Ji Wufeng was very angry now. He wanted to cut this man into thousands of pieces right now. .

"An Jiling, throw him out." Ji Wufeng decided to wash his hands, unexpectedly he touched such a dirty person.


An Jiling seemed to have adapted to his status as a follower. He also looked down on Thomas, a man who was greedy for life and feared death, and sold love to survive. He grabbed Thomas, opened the door and threw him out.

"Why don't you kill this piece of shit?"

After throwing it away, An Jiling said dissatisfiedly that he wanted to vent but didn't have a chance to take action, and now he let the person go. He was holding back.

"Don't worry, he won't go far. Hehe, the show is about to begin."

Ji Wufeng and Gou Hun all laughed with sinister looks on their faces. The smiles made An Jiling feel chills all over. These demons must not be holding back anything good.

The group of people quickly rushed to the monitoring room of Guanfangyuan, and Thomas' figure appeared on the screen.

I saw on the screen that after Thomas was thrown out of the room, he stumbled towards the elevator, but as soon as he took a step, he fell to the ground with a plop.

If he hadn't been running for his life, he would have raised his gun and shouted angrily: "Who threw the banana?"

Pi, do you still have a sense of public morality? "

I got up and continued running, and with a plop, another dog ate shit, and there was actually a banana peel.

Again and again, this time he started to stare at the ground carefully, but when he passed a room, the door was suddenly pushed open violently, and he hit the door with his head, and his eyes suddenly flashed with stars.

I walked forward dizzy, and stepped on the banana peel again. That's it, raise your head, step on the watermelon peel, lower your head, because you are afraid that people will open the door.

I don’t know why it took Thomas nearly five minutes to arrive in this short ten-meter journey. During this time, he stepped on banana peels and fell seven times. The door was suddenly opened and bumped into the door three times. Moreover, he was so agile. He can't even hide now.

As a result, he, who was not injured much, was now covered in stains, and his originally handsome face was covered in blood.

"It's all banana peels, can't we come up with some new tricks? Now when we have to come up with something new, it's just like writing about the Internet. It has to be not only exciting, but also innovative, do you understand?" Ji Wufeng pointed at his seductive nose and cursed.

An Jiling was still shocked that there were still such unlucky people in this world? But after listening to Ji Wufeng's words, he suddenly understood that this banana peel was designed by them. No wonder Thomas couldn't avoid it.

Gouhun looked sad and said aggrievedly: "Time is tight and materials are limited, so we can only do this."

Thomas ran into the elevator. Just as he pressed the button and the elevator started to descend, he finally leaned against the wall of the elevator as if he was relieved. He couldn't help sighing that today was really unlucky. First, there was an error in intelligence, and then he encountered a nail. In the end, you must not betray your beloved in exchange for your life.

Thinking that if Lucy came out alive, his reputation would be ruined. Thomas was ready to wait around the hotel and wait for Lucy to come out so that he could silence her.

"Don't blame me, hehe." At this time, Thomas had no idea that his evil smile was all in the eyes of Ji Wufeng and others.


Suddenly all the lights in the elevator went out, and Thomas shook his head again at his unlucky luck. People are so unlucky that they would choke on water. Even something as rare as an elevator malfunction could happen to him. You know, this is like Guanfang. The elevator failure rate in a very large entertainment club like Yuan Yuan is basically 0.0001%.

"What did you do, the elevator broke down at this time?"

Having suffered a lot of anger earlier, Thomas seized this opportunity. After picking up the emergency phone and dialing it, he vented his anger and suddenly felt extremely refreshed. How beautiful the whole world was.

"I'm sorry, sir, we are undergoing maintenance." Unfortunately, no matter how angry and loud Thomas was, the other party only answered him with a formulaic and sweet voice, which left him with no power.

At the same time, just as Thomas was getting angry, the maintenance staff had already arrived at the top of the elevator passage and began to perform maintenance. However, this group of people did the work carelessly and slowly. I don't know if it was intentional or not.

However, after an hour of maintenance, the elevator finally returned to normal. Thomas in the elevator finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was not a pleasant thing to stay in the elevator in the dark for an hour.

"Hey! It's finally fixed."

Seeing that the elevator returned to normal operation, Thomas breathed a sigh of relief and pressed the elevator button hard. But he didn't know if he had seen a ghost. Suddenly, a surge of electricity came from the elevator button, and Thomas suddenly trembled all over.

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