But when he knew that the Nan family was the pearl, he immediately understood that in comparison, the Bai family and the Nan family were indeed very far apart. If the marriage was really successful, the Bai family would really be a high achiever.

The Nan family is the leading family in the Pearl. Even compared to the Bai family in its heyday, it is not weak. More importantly, the Nan family is now at its peak and has a prosperous population. What is it if it is not a high-flying family?

We finally arrived at the Pearl, one of the most economically developed cities in China and even the world. It was known as the Four Little Dragons of Asia in its early years. This was Ji Wufeng's first time here.

After leaving the airport, Alina was picked up and did not go with Ji Wufeng. After all, her identity was too sensitive and was not suitable for a grand appearance.

On the way to the hotel, Chen Tienan asked Li Yunxiao: "The competition will be held tomorrow. How are your arrangements?"

"Don't worry, I've made all arrangements." Li Yunxiao said.

"What's the plan? Isn't it just gambling? It's not like I haven't gambled before. I'm just worried that when we are having the most fun gambling, will the police come to arrest us?"

What Ji Wufeng is paying attention to now is not the competition, but he is worried that gambling is prohibited in China. If the police suddenly burst in and confiscated his gambling funds when he was having a good time, wouldn't it be a huge loss?

"You don't have to worry about this. The competition will be held on the high seas and will not violate Chinese laws." Chen Tienan said.

Li Yunxiao also said: "Besides, do you know who are participating in the competition? Even if the police want to arrest them, they don't have the courage."

"Who are they?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Li Yunxiao chuckled and said: "You should know that there are not many pearls, but many stars. But do you know that there are stars who are trying to get into the venue?"

"Why are they entering the venue? Do celebrities also want to participate in the Gambling King Competition?" Ji Wufeng asked suspiciously.

"Of course they are not going to compete. Besides, with

Is their worth enough to compete in the competition? They are there to make money. "Li Yunxiao said.

"Oh, that's right. When those celebrities sing a few songs, the rich men will reward them with a lot of money." Ji Wufeng nodded with understanding.

Li Yunxiao fainted for a while and said: "Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? It's true that there are celebrities who sing, but most of the celebrities actually want to go in and sell."

Ji Wufeng's eyes widened and he said, "Holy crap, is it real or fake? Are celebrities selling it too?"

Li Yunxiao rolled his eyes and said, "It's rare but strange. It's just that the price is a little higher."

After a pause, Li Yunxiao continued: "Think about it, who are the people who can get those celebrities to come to their doorsteps to sell them? I guess catching just one of them can cause a sensation and make headlines. Besides, the gambling king There is actually not much difference between competitions and the Olympic Games. They can also promote economic prosperity. Those officials have not yet had time to be happy, so how can they cause trouble?"

In the World Gambling King Competition, those who are qualified to participate or watch are either rich or noble, and have extraordinary status. If anyone wants to do some business in Mingzhu, it is indeed a good thing for Mingzhu.

"Well, I'm not too interested in the economic prosperity of Mingzhu. I'm just the star who sells it. Could you tell me more about it?" Ji Wufeng said with a somewhat twitchy expression.

Li Yunxiao said with a lewd smile: "What? Are you tired of eating domestic flowers and want to try wild flowers? Want to try a star?"

"Damn, we are all familiar with each other. If you talk nonsense like this, I will sue you for slander. I just want to know more about who the celebrities are." Ji Wufeng said indignantly.

Li Yunxiao was about to say something when he suddenly saw Bai Qiu Shuang's angry eyes. He immediately shrank his neck and said blankly.

Wu Feng glanced at it and said, "How the hell should I know?"

Ji Wufeng noticed Li Yunxiao's hidden move, tilted his head and looked at him with disbelief and asked, "You really don't know?"

"Of course I really don't know. What kind of person am I? How could I do such obscene things?" Li Yunxiao said confidently.

"Don't you fucking pretend to be innocent in front of me. Who doesn't know that you are just as lewd and obscene as I am. Don't be like this. We are all good brothers who share the blessings and hardships. I know you often sneak away to be romantic." Ji Wufeng laughed. Even more lustful.

When Li Yunxiao saw Bai Qiu Shuang's expression, he could kill someone, and said angrily: "It's just a matter of words for me to want a woman. What kind of woman doesn't exist? Do I need to mess around?"

"It's exciting." Ji Wufeng replied.

"It's so exciting. It's not very safe now. Maybe someone has syphilis or something, and it won't be useful to cry to death." Li Yunxiao said.

"Then...where are those celebrities?"

"Those celebrities are okay, but they are also afraid. They are very particular about hygiene." Li Yunxiao said subconsciously.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt something was wrong, and hurriedly said to Bai Qiu Shuang: "Shuang Shuang, I was just joking just now. Don't take it seriously. I have never been there."

Bai Qiu Shuang snorted coldly and said, "Whether it's a joke or not has nothing to do with me. You can explain it to Sister Rongrong yourself."

Li Yunxiao almost cried, with an expression on his face he wanted to kill Ji Wufeng. It was this bastard who led him into the ditch. What a disaster!

When they arrived at the hotel, they saw two fashionably dressed women waiting there as soon as they got off the car. One of them, Ji Wufeng knew, was Zhang Fei, the Thousand-Handed Rakshasa whom he met in the Yuzhou Casino before. He didn't expect that she would also be here. .

I have never seen the other one, but it gave Ji Wufeng an incomparable impression.

It's amazing that he actually has the same appearance as Chen Tienan, but there are some differences in temperament.

Chen Tienan gave people a kind of heroic spirit, but this woman gave people a kind of spring breeze-like kindness.

"Sister Rongrong." When Bai Qiu Shuang saw the woman, she immediately ran over happily.

The woman nodded Bai Qiu Shuang's forehead and said, "You little girl ran away without saying a word, but now you are finally willing to come back."

Bai Qiu Shuang stuck out her tongue and said, "The old man has sold me, how can I not run away?"

"Hello, beauty, we meet again." Ji Wufeng said to Zhang Fei with a smile.

"I've met Mr. Feng." Zhang Fei said with a cold face.

Ji Wufeng quickly waved his hand and said, "What do you call Young Master Feng? Call me Ji Wufeng. Do we still need to be so polite in our relationship?"

Zhang Fei is too lazy to pay attention to him, who has anything to do with you?

"Oh, baby Rongrong, you miss me so much, come and give me a hug." As soon as Li Yunxiao saw the woman, he spread his arms and ran over.

But Rongrong didn't even look at him. She directly pulled Bai Qiushuang through his arms and stretched out her hand to Ji Wufeng and said with a smile: "This must be Ji Wufeng, right? My name is Rongrong. I'm neglecting you. Let Feng It’s rare to smile.”

No introduction was needed, Ji Wufeng knew that Rongrong was from one of the major families in Mingzhu, and her strength was not inferior to that of the Bai family.

Ji Wufeng held the soft and boneless white hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter. It's natural to have friends come from far away."

"Oh, then Young Master Feng is willing to make Rongrong a friend?" Rongrong said with a smile.

"Of course, with a beauty like Rongrong, what man wouldn't want to be friends with you?"

The more they came into contact with her, the more Ji Wufeng felt that this woman was too beautiful. If Li Yunxiao hadn't already captured her, he would have taken action.

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