Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 766 Can an idiot also participate in the Gambling King Competition?

When Li Yunxiao heard this, he almost stumbled. Is he optimistic about you? Do people know who you are?

Besides, you lost me tens of millions last night. Is there a gambling god in the world who loses tens of millions in one night? Go ahead and pick the shit!

The number of people who can enter the competition venue to watch the live Gambling King Competition is fixed and limited, so tickets for the Gambling King Competition more than ten days ago were hard to come by. It is said that the tickets for the Gambling King Competition have been sold on the black market. It’s priced at 100,000 US dollars each. I believe this is the most expensive ticket in the world, right?

In this way, there are still many rich people shaking their heads and sighing, frustrated for several days because they did not buy a ticket. Some people even spent 10 million to buy a ticket, but no one dumped them.

Moreover, the supervision of this competition is also very strong. At least no scalpers have been seen, unlike in the mainland, where counterfeit tickets are probably rampant at this time.

When he got on the boat, Ji Wufeng's eyes were shining, "Grandma's, whose boat is whose?" I really want to rob and go back.

I saw a "Gambling King Contest" sign hanging outside the boat. Judging from the texture of the sign, it was made of gold, agate, emerald pearls. Many people with relatively humble fortunes who couldn't get in looked at this high-ranking plaque and drooled wildly. , are all thinking about how to steal the plaque and sell it, and then it will be distributed. .??.

After getting on the boat, Ji Wufeng felt that if someone came to rob him now, he might become a billionaire overnight. The cheapest clothes of these men and women were around tens of thousands of dollars. The men had nothing to say, nothing more. They are some Anima suits and Rolex watches. Men rarely wear them as long as they are expensive.

Women, on the other hand, definitely wear better clothes. Each one competes for beauty, each with their own unique tricks. The collars of each dress are opened lower than the other. If you glance at it casually, you will see a patch of white flowers, and the lustful eyes will be drowned in it. In the deep ravine, it is really a paradise for perverts today.

None of those beauties were stingy with the flesh on their bodies, and showed off their assets without any care. Look, look, it’s free of charge. Ji Wufeng even saw a few so-called beautiful celebrities who were often seen on TV.

But at this time, they don't look like beautiful girls at all. They are just lustful girls. The way they look at men is that they want to get them into bed right away.

But Ji Wufeng can now understand that the minimum worth of those who are qualified to board the ship is in the hundreds of millions. Even if the worth is less, they will not have the appearance. If you pick up anyone who is kept, it is equivalent to hugging a golden doll. I won’t have to worry about it for the rest of my life.

In this money-oriented society, the so-called integrity seems too pale and too cheap!

Before entering the gambling hall, Ji Wufeng saw a woman. She was dressed in a black low-cut and tight-fitting evening dress, which highlighted a figure as slim and convex as a devil. According to visual inspection, she was 1.7 meters tall. In addition, she was also wearing high-heeled sandals. It also shows the slender figure.

There was a coldness in that face, and he actually had an appearance that was not inferior to that of Tang Huanxin.

As soon as the woman entered the hall, a man standing at the door who seemed to be in charge of reception shouted loudly: "I would like to invite Miss Haruko, the representative of Dongyang!"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused a sensation.

"Here we come, the most beautiful woman in Dongyang and the first bet queen is here, Qingzi. She is so beautiful."

"What kind of beauty is she? She is simply a goddess!"

"Goddess, if you sleep with me for one night, I am willing to die tomorrow!"

Ji Wufeng didn't expect that this woman was Qingzi, and she could indeed be called the first lady in Dongyang.

A beautiful woman, just when Ji Wufeng was looking at Qingzi, Qingzi turned her head to look at him, and the two looked at each other.

But strangely, Ji Wufeng didn't see hostility in Qingzi's eyes, but curiosity.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose. It seemed that I was not a nobody. At least he was sure that Qingzi definitely knew about him.

After Qingzi went to the lounge, the receptionist shouted loudly: "Please represent Mr. Li Yunxiao!"

This sentence was like a bomb thrown into the crowd, and then the crowd exploded.

"Li Yunxiao, my little Yunyun, so handsome!"

"He's really handsome. I like him. If I were a woman, I would definitely marry him. No, if he likes men, I would also do anything with him!"

"Xiao Yunyun, you are my idol, can you sign your name for me? Sign it here, sign it on my chest, it doesn't matter, I won't sue you for indecent assault."

I have to say that Li Yunxiao, this bastard, does have a human-like appearance. Now that he is wearing a pure black suit, he looks even more heroic. A group of people came up in an instant and pushed Ji Wufeng and others to the side. .

Seeing Li Yunxiao holding a pen and solemnly signing the breasts of a beautiful woman with particularly large breasts, Ji Wufeng, who was pushed to the corner, wanted to chop off his claws. How dare you steal my limelight!

Of course, not everyone pays attention to Li Yunxiao. No matter where she goes, beauties attract special attention. Chen Tienan, Rongrong and Zhang Fei are all qualified to be the center of attention.

"Isn't it? Is this kid really here to participate in the Gambling King Competition? He lost five million in Qinyue Tower yesterday!"

"Yes, he lost eight million in Qingfeng Pavilion!"

"I bought a watch. Can such an idiot participate in the Gambling King Competition? Isn't it too dark?"

Ji Wufeng listened to these comments, and his nose almost became angry. Damn it, who are you calling stupid? Did I lose money? This is called tactics. Have you never heard that a soldier never tires of deceit?

Originally, he thought that the receptionist would introduce him ceremoniously to everyone just like he introduced Qingzi and Li Yunxiao, but he stared at the receptionist for a long time without any response, as if he hadn't seen him.

He couldn't help but blushed and stepped forward with a thick neck: "Hey, brother, you shout when people come in, why don't you shout when I come in, I am also the representative, okay?"

We are all representatives, so why do you act like you are greeting VIPs when others come in, but you don't even get rid of me when I come in? Why? If you offend me, I will smash your gambling boat!

The receptionist did not know Ji Wufeng and had not received the news before, but he did not dare to offend Ji Wufeng easily and asked tentatively: "Sir, who are you?"

Rongrong frowned slightly and stepped forward: "He is Mr. Ji Wufeng, the representative of Yuzhou!"

Everyone in Mingzhu knew Rongrong and immediately confirmed her words and loudly said: "Welcome Yuzhou representative, Mr. Ji Wufeng!"

Everyone was surprised, surprised, or confused when they heard the receptionist's voice.

The name Ji Wufeng is too unfamiliar, not only to the gambling world, but also to Mingzhu.

Although Inland has not achieved any results in previous competitions, at least the experts who come every time are familiar to everyone. This time there is a guy who has never heard of it. When Li Yunxiao heard this, he almost stumbled. Is he optimistic about you? Do people know who you are?

Besides, you lost me tens of millions last night. Is there a gambling god in the world who loses tens of millions in one night? Go ahead and pick the shit!

The number of people who can enter the competition venue to watch the live Gambling King Competition is fixed and limited, so tickets for the Gambling King Competition more than ten days ago were hard to come by. It is said that the tickets for the Gambling King Competition have been sold on the black market. It’s priced at 100,000 US dollars each. I believe this is the most expensive ticket in the world, right?

In this way, there are still many rich people shaking their heads and sighing, frustrated for several days because they did not buy a ticket. Some people even spent 10 million to buy a ticket, but no one dumped them.

Moreover, the supervision of this competition is also very strong. At least no scalpers have been seen, unlike in the mainland, where counterfeit tickets are probably rampant at this time.

When he got on the boat, Ji Wufeng's eyes were shining, "Grandma's, whose boat is whose?" I really want to rob and go back.

I saw a "Gambling King Contest" sign hanging outside the boat. Judging from the texture of the sign, it was made of gold, agate, emerald pearls. Many people with relatively humble fortunes who couldn't get in looked at this high-ranking plaque and drooled wildly. , are all thinking about how to steal the plaque and sell it, and then it will be distributed.

After getting on the boat, Ji Wufeng felt that if someone came to rob him now, he might become a billionaire overnight. The cheapest clothes of these men and women were around tens of thousands of dollars. The men had nothing to say, nothing more. They are some Anima suits and Rolex watches. Men rarely wear them as long as they are expensive.

Women, on the other hand, definitely wear better clothes. Each one competes for beauty, each with their own unique tricks. The collars of each dress are opened lower than the other. If you glance at it casually, you will see a patch of white flowers, and the lustful eyes will be drowned in it. In the deep ravine, it is really a paradise for perverts today.

None of those beauties were stingy with the flesh on their bodies, and they showed off their assets without any care. Look, look, it’s free of charge. Ji Wufeng even saw a few so-called beautiful celebrities who were often seen on TV.

But at this time, they don't look like beautiful girls at all. They are just lustful girls. The way they look at men is that they want to get them into bed right away.

But Ji Wufeng can now understand that the minimum worth of those who are qualified to board the ship is in the hundreds of millions. If the worth is less, they will not have the appearance. If you pick up anyone who is kept, it is equivalent to hugging a golden doll. I won’t have to worry about it for the rest of my life.

In this money-oriented society, the so-called integrity seems too pale and too cheap!

Before entering the gambling hall, Ji Wufeng saw a woman. She was dressed in a black low-cut and tight-fitting evening dress, which highlighted a figure as slim and convex as a devil. According to visual inspection, she was 1.7 meters tall. In addition, she was also wearing high-heeled sandals. It also shows the slender figure.

There was a coldness in that face, and he actually had an appearance that was not inferior to that of Tang Huanxin.

As soon as the woman entered the hall, a man standing at the door who seemed to be in charge of reception shouted loudly: "I would like to invite Miss Haruko, the representative of Dongyang!"

As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused a sensation.

"Here we come, the most beautiful woman in Dongyang and the first bet queen is here, Qingzi. She is so beautiful."

"What kind of beauty is she? She is simply a goddess!"

"Goddess, if you sleep with me for one night, I am willing to die tomorrow!"

Ji Wufeng didn't expect that this woman was Qingzi, and she could indeed be called the first lady in Dongyang.

A beautiful woman, just when Ji Wufeng was looking at Qingzi, Qingzi turned her head to look at him, and the two looked at each other.

But strangely, Ji Wufeng didn't see hostility in Qingzi's eyes, but curiosity.

Ji Wufeng touched his nose. It seemed that I was not a nobody. At least he was sure that Qingzi definitely knew about him.

After Qingzi went to the lounge, the receptionist shouted loudly: "Please represent Mr. Li Yunxiao!"

This sentence was like a bomb thrown into the crowd, and then the crowd exploded.

"Li Yunxiao, my little Yunyun, so handsome!"

"He's really handsome. I like him. If I were a woman, I would definitely marry him. No, if he likes men, I would also do anything with him!"

"Xiao Yunyun, you are my idol, can you sign your name for me? Sign it here, sign it on my chest, it doesn't matter, I won't sue you for indecent assault."

It has to be said that Li Yunxiao, this bastard, does have a human-like appearance. Now that he is wearing a pure black suit, he looks even more heroic. A group of people came up in an instant and pushed Ji Wufeng and others to the side. .

Seeing Li Yunxiao holding a pen and seriously signing the breasts of a beautiful woman with particularly large breasts, Ji Wufeng, who was pushed to the corner, wanted to chop off his claws. How dare you steal my limelight!

Of course, not everyone pays attention to Li Yunxiao. No matter where she goes, beauties attract special attention. Chen Tienan, Rongrong and Zhang Fei are all qualified to be the center of attention.

"Isn't it? Is this kid really here to participate in the Gambling King Competition? He lost five million in Qinyue Tower yesterday!"

"Yes, he lost eight million in Qingfeng Pavilion!"

"I bought a watch. Can such an idiot participate in the Gambling King Competition? Isn't it too dark?"

Ji Wufeng listened to these comments, and his nose almost became angry. Damn it, who are you calling stupid? Did I lose money? This is called tactics. Have you never heard that a soldier never tires of deceit?

Originally, he thought that the receptionist would introduce him ceremoniously to everyone just like he introduced Qingzi and Li Yunxiao, but he stared at the receptionist for a long time without any response, as if he hadn't seen him.

He couldn't help but blush, and stepped forward with a thick neck: "Hey, brother, you shout when people come in, why don't you shout when I come in, I am also the representative, okay?"

We are all representatives, so why do you act like you are greeting VIPs when others come in, but you don't even get rid of me when I come in? Why? If you offend me, I will smash your gambling boat!

The receptionist did not know Ji Wufeng and had not received the news before, but he did not dare to offend Ji Wufeng easily and asked tentatively: "Sir, who are you?"

Rongrong frowned slightly and stepped forward: "He is Mr. Ji Wufeng, the representative of Yuzhou!"

Everyone in Mingzhu knew Rongrong and immediately confirmed her words and loudly said: "Welcome Yuzhou representative, Mr. Ji Wufeng!"

Everyone was surprised, surprised, or confused when they heard the receptionist's voice.

The name Ji Wufeng is too unfamiliar, not only to the gambling world, but also to Mingzhu.

Although Inland has not achieved any results in previous competitions, at least the experts who come every time are familiar to everyone. This time there is a guy who has never heard of it.

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