"Damn it, why didn't you tell me that there was so much money?" Ji Wufeng glared.

"You didn't ask, why should I tell you? Besides, this money is used to bet on you, not for your use, so why should I tell you?" Chen Tienan rolled his eyes.

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he almost exploded. Long Si, an old guy, had made it clear that he regarded himself as the chicken that laid golden eggs.

After Zhang Fei hesitated for a moment, she also took out a check. The amount was not much, only two million!

The cashier looked at these three women and felt that they were all crazy. He wanted to remind them, but as a banker, he could not refuse other people's bets!

The total bets of several people were 120,000 to 30,100, which was nothing to most people on the gambling boat, but to Ji Wufeng's odds of losing one thousand to one, it was an astronomical sum.

If Ji Wufeng really qualified, it would definitely be a shocking gamble, but will Ji Wufeng qualify? Obviously in the cashier's mind, this was absolutely impossible.

After they finished placing their bets, the first day of the Gambling King Competition finally came to an end, and seven winners were decided. Including the mysterious seed player, there were eight in total, who will compete for two final spots tomorrow.

Li Yunxiao was a veteran and won easily. The opponent Rongrong encountered was more forceful, but she still won with a slight advantage in the end.

Ji Wufeng didn't watch the match between Chiba Haruko and Shirley, but the two beauties also won.

The other two players, one was a snooker player from the United States. Ji Wufeng couldn't help but want to laugh. He was obviously a gambler, but he had a name for playing billiards. The last one was a snooker player from France, wearing a small Braided, fat and strong, one looks like the kind of person who is very capable in bed, and is most popular among middle-aged women.

After the game is over, the gambling boat will dock. You can choose to stay on the boat, or you can choose to return to your hotel.

Just before the gambling boat docked, the host of this competition suddenly took the microphone and shouted: "Welcome to the former champion of the competition, Mr. Nan Tianyi, the God of Gambling. Today he came specially to see a friend and gave him his bless!"

The whole place immediately burst into excitement. Nan Tianyi came from Mingzhu and was the former champion of the Gambling King Competition. His superb gambling skills, charming smile and indestructible self-confidence all fascinated the gamblers.

A small number of people also know that the prototype of the popular movie "God of Gamblers" was actually Nan Tianyi. The location of this competition in Mingzhu has a lot to do with him.

Everyone is guessing who he will come to support, Rongrong? Li Yunxiao? Or Chiba Haruko?

Rongrong represents the pearl, and Li Yunxiao's background has a deep relationship with the Nan family. As for Qianye Haruko, Nan Tianyi once studied art in Dongyang, and it seems that he is from the same school as Qianye Haruko!

Nan Tianyisi walked forward slowly. His demeanor as the God of Gamblers was still there. Cheers and screams could be heard from below. Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up when he looked at him. This is the style of a gambling king!

Nan Tianyi nodded friendly to Li Yunxiao, then smiled at Rongrong and said, "You are very good. I hope you can win glory for the Pearl. But don't force anything, just do your best."

Although Rongrong is not weak in strength, her chances of winning the championship are still very slim. Rongrong herself knows this very well.

"Thank you, Uncle Yi, for your advice." Rongrong said as a junior.


Finally, Nan Tianyi walked towards Qianye Qingzi, and everyone immediately guessed that he was here to meet Qianye Qingzi. After all, the two of them were from the same school.

"I haven't seen you for many years. You have grown up so much. How are you doing, senior?" Nan Tianyi asked with a smile.

Qianye Haruko smiled sweetly and said: "Senior Brother Nantian is interested. Master, he is in good health."

Nan Tianyi nodded and said: "That's good. Although he lost to me, there is no need to take it to heart. I am also half of his disciple. There is no shame in losing to my own disciple!"

What? The whole place was in an uproar again!

Everyone knows that Nan Tianyi once went to Dongyang to study art, and he was worshiped by the Dongyang Gambling King, Qianye Haruko's current master, but they did not expect that Nan Tianyi actually defeated the Dongyang Gambling King.

However, it is indeed not a shameful thing to be better than the master. As a master, losing to one's own disciple is undoubtedly something to be proud of.

However, due to historical reasons, not only did everyone not feel that this was a pride for Dongyang Gambling King, but it was a shame.

Seeing Nan Tianyi speak frankly about her master's defeat, Qianye Qingzi did not get angry at all, but smiled and said: "Master once said that Senior Brother Nan Tian is his most outstanding disciple. I have always been proud of Senior Brother Nan Tian, ​​and Aim to surpass Senior Brother Nantian."

"I also hope you can surpass me."

Nan Tianyi turned around and walked away, and finally stopped in front of Ji Wufeng. At this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned. Damn it, does this kid even know Nan Tianyi? Could it be that the person Nan Tianyi came here to see today was him, right?

Looking at Ji Wufeng, Nan Tianyi's face was filled with emotion and he said, "I didn't expect you to have grown so big."

"How should I call you?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Call me Uncle Yi."

Nan Tianyi suddenly looked a little sad and said: "I was in Africa at the time. After I got the news and rushed back, it was too late. I have suffered so much for you mother and son, but I know that he had no choice but to suffer."

No need to guess, Nan Tianyi came here because of his friendship with that person.

Ji Wufeng showed a hint of coldness on his face and said, "I don't think any difficulties can be a reason, right? If you are here to defend him, then I'm sorry, I'm a little busy today."

"You are wrong. I am not here today because of him, but because of you. In my heart, your mother is my sister-in-law and the only sister-in-law." Nan Tianyi said.

Hearing this, Ji Wufeng's expression immediately softened and he said, "Then I would like to thank Uncle Yi for thinking about him."

Nan Tianyi nodded and said: "Then I wish you success. After you become the king of gambling, I will treat you to a drink!"

At this moment, everyone in the audience was confused and began to doubt Ji Wufeng's identity. Ji Wufeng could be said to be a dark horse in this gambling competition. He appeared out of nowhere and came and went without a trace.

Appeared without warning, representing the mainland. He has always been relatively backward in gambling and has nothing outstanding. No one knows about his gambling skills, but he has made it to the top eight. On the surface, it looks like luck, but on the gambling table , isn’t luck the same as strength?

He called Li Yunxiao brother-in-law, and Hardison called him brother-in-law. He was accompanied by three beautiful beauties, all of whom were stunning in the world. Even Nan Tianyi came to cheer him up. "Damn it, why didn't you tell me that there was so much money?" Ji Wufeng glared.

"You didn't ask, why should I tell you? Besides, this money is used to bet on you, not for your use, so why should I tell you?" Chen Tienan rolled his eyes.

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he almost exploded. Long Si, an old guy, had made it clear that he regarded himself as the chicken that laid golden eggs.

After Zhang Fei hesitated for a moment, she also took out a check. The amount was not much, only two million!

The cashier looked at these three women and felt that they were all crazy. He wanted to remind them, but as a banker, he could not refuse other people's bets!

The total bets of several people were 120,000 to 30,100, which was nothing to most people on the gambling boat, but to Ji Wufeng's odds of losing one thousand to one, it was an astronomical sum.

If Ji Wufeng really qualified, it would definitely be a shocking gamble, but will Ji Wufeng qualify? Obviously in the cashier's mind, this was absolutely impossible.

After they finished placing their bets, the first day of the Gambling King Competition finally came to an end, and seven winners were decided. Including the mysterious seed player, there were eight in total, who will compete for two final spots tomorrow.

Li Yunxiao was a veteran and won easily. The opponent Rongrong encountered was more forceful, but she still won with a slight advantage in the end.

Ji Wufeng didn't watch the match between Chiba Haruko and Shirley, but the two beauties also won.

The other two players, one was a snooker player from the United States. Ji Wufeng couldn't help but want to laugh. He was obviously a gambler, but he had a name for playing billiards. The last one was a snooker player from France, wearing a small Braided, fat and strong, one looks like the kind of person who is very capable in bed, and is most popular among middle-aged women.

After the game is over, the gambling boat will dock. You can choose to stay on the boat, or you can choose to return to your hotel.

Just before the gambling boat docked, the host of this competition suddenly took the microphone and shouted: "Welcome to the former champion of the competition, Mr. Nan Tianyi, the God of Gambling. Today he came specially to see a friend and gave him his bless!"

The whole place immediately burst into excitement. Nan Tianyi came from Mingzhu and was the former champion of the Gambling King Competition. His superb gambling skills, charming smile and indestructible self-confidence all fascinated the gamblers.

A small number of people also know that the prototype of the popular movie "God of Gamblers" was actually Nan Tianyi. The location of this competition in Mingzhu has a lot to do with him.

Everyone is guessing who he will come to support, Rongrong? Li Yunxiao? Or Chiba Haruko?

Rongrong represents the pearl, and Li Yunxiao's background has a deep relationship with the Nan family. As for Qianye Haruko, Nan Tianyi once studied art in Dongyang, and it seems that he is from the same school as Qianye Haruko!

Nan Tianyisi walked forward slowly. His demeanor as the God of Gamblers was still there. Cheers and screams could be heard from below. Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up when he looked at him. This is the style of a gambling king!

Nan Tianyi nodded friendly to Li Yunxiao, then smiled at Rongrong and said, "You are very good. I hope you can win glory for the Pearl. But don't force anything, just do your best."

Although Rongrong is not weak in strength, her chances of winning the championship are still very slim. Rongrong herself knows this very well.

"Thank you, Uncle Yi, for your advice." Rongrong said as a junior.


Finally, Nan Tianyi walked towards Qianye Qingzi, and everyone immediately guessed that he was here to meet Qianye Qingzi. After all, the two of them were from the same school.

"I haven't seen you for many years. You have grown so big. How are you doing, senior?" Nan Tianyi asked with a smile.

Chiba Haruko smiled sweetly and said: "Senior Brother Nantian is serious. Master, he is in good health."

Nan Tianyi nodded and said: "That's good. Although he lost to me, there is no need to take it to heart. I am also half of his disciple. There is no shame in losing to my own disciple!"

What? The whole place was in an uproar again!

Everyone knows that Nan Tianyi once went to Dongyang to study art, and he was worshiped by the gambling king of Dongyang, who is Qianye Haruko's current master. However, they did not expect that Nan Tianyi actually defeated the gambling king of Dongyang.

However, it is indeed not a shameful thing to be better than the old. As a master, losing to one's own disciples is undoubtedly something to be proud of.

However, due to historical reasons, not only did everyone not feel that this was a pride for Dongyang Gambling King, but it was a shame.

Seeing Nan Tianyi speak frankly about her master's defeat, Qianye Qingzi did not get angry at all, but smiled and said: "Master once said that Senior Brother Nan Tian is his most outstanding disciple. I have always been proud of Senior Brother Nan Tian, ​​and Aim to surpass Senior Brother Nantian."

"I also hope you can surpass me."

Nan Tianyi turned around and walked away, and finally stopped in front of Ji Wufeng. At this moment, everyone in the audience was stunned. Damn it, does this kid even know Nan Tianyi? Could it be that the person Nan Tianyi came here to see today was him, right?

Looking at Ji Wufeng, Nan Tianyi's face was filled with emotion and he said, "I didn't expect you to have grown so big."

"How should I call you?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Call me Uncle Yi."

Nan Tianyi suddenly looked a little sad and said: "I was in Africa at the time. After I got the news and rushed back, it was too late. I have suffered so much for you mother and son, but I know that he had no choice but to suffer."

No need to guess, Nan Tianyi came here because of his friendship with that person.

Ji Wufeng showed a hint of coldness on his face and said, "I don't think any difficulties can be a reason, right? If you are here to defend him, then I'm sorry, I'm a little busy today."

"You are wrong. I am not here today because of him, but because of you. In my heart, your mother is my sister-in-law and the only sister-in-law." Nan Tianyi said.

Hearing this, Ji Wufeng's expression immediately softened and he said, "Then I would like to thank Uncle Yi for thinking about him."

Nan Tianyi nodded and said: "Then I wish you success. After you become the king of gambling, I will treat you to a drink!"

At this moment, everyone in the audience was confused and began to doubt Ji Wufeng's identity. Ji Wufeng could be said to be a dark horse in this gambling competition. He appeared out of nowhere and came and went without a trace.

Appeared without warning, representing the mainland. He has always been relatively backward in gambling and has nothing outstanding. No one knows about his gambling skills, but he has made it to the top eight. On the surface, it looks like luck, but on the gambling table , isn’t luck the same as strength?

He called Li Yunxiao brother-in-law, and Hardison called him brother-in-law. He was accompanied by three beautiful beauties, all of whom were stunning in the world. Even Nan Tianyi came to cheer him up.

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