Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 774: Kick on the nose and hit the face

He didn't want to listen anymore, waved his hand and said: "You go first, remember that you haven't seen me today, everything about you is the same as usual, but don't worry, from now on, no one can hurt you anymore. "

Qianye Qingzi glanced deeply at Ji Wufeng, then stood up and left, stopped at the door and said: "Thank you, no matter what the outcome is, I will never forget your kindness, and please don't forget me, I hope you remember my name, but my name is not Qianye Qingzi, my mother’s surname is Yi, and my name is Yi Qingzi.”

After Qianye Haruko left, Ji Wufeng prepared to take a good nap, but he could not fall asleep after tossing and turning on the bed for a long time. As soon as he closed his eyes, Qianye Haruko's graceful body swayed in front of his eyes.

You slapped yourself so hard that you even showed up at your door. Why are you pretending to be such a bullshit lover and a gentleman?

The competition was held at night, and there was nothing much going on during the day. After Rongrong arrived, Bai Qiushuang took Ji Wufeng and went shopping. Ji Wufeng readily agreed. After all, he had longed for the city of Pearl when he was a child.

Girls generally like to go shopping and eat snacks, and as one of the most developed cities in the East, Mingzhu is indispensable for its extremely luxurious commercial plazas. Those expensive gold and silver jewelry are just like a piece of cake.

It doesn't matter if it's more, and it's also very exquisite. Several beauties who are not ordinary people are tempted. Ji Wufeng only needs to see who has a little sparkle in his eyes, and he will immediately wave his hand and buy, buy, buy! Extremely heroic, such skill and heroic spirit make people look at him. Anyway, the money spent was not his money, but Li Yunxiao's credit card.

Although his image as a nouveau riche is eye-catching, what is most eye-catching is the fact that several beauties are good at winning the show. Any one of them is a beauty with a 100% chance of turning heads, not to mention the heroic combination of several together. ?

Of course, it will attract the attention of many people along the way. Some of the more courageous ones will even follow her for a few streets just to see a few more beauties.


In a handbag shop, several beauties stared at the exquisite bags, and their eyes immediately widened. Even Chen Tienan, who had always been relatively calm, couldn't calm down at this time. As long as they are women, they have no resistance to these things.

At this moment, Ji Wufeng suddenly felt two resentful looks coming from his left side. He turned around and was stunned for a moment. Why was it her again?

But he soon understood that this time the Gambling King Competition was held, many celebrities came to make money, and he even heard that some international superstars would appear in the finals. Of course, Park Qian Hye would not miss this opportunity. Opportunity.

This time, Park Cheon Hye was not wearing big sunglasses. Her whole face could be seen clearly. She was really beautiful, but the expression on her face was a little unnatural and very stiff. I had long heard that the plastic surgery industry in Hanguo was very developed. This Park Cheon Hye is probably also an artificial beauty.

As soon as Chen Tienan and the other beauties entered the store, they were all attracted by the bags. Ji Wufeng sat on the sofa and waited boredly, completely ignoring Park Qianhui's resentful eyes.

Ji Wufeng didn't care about her plan to sabotage Shi Qianying's concert last time. After all, she didn't successfully sabotage it, and he didn't want to meet a woman.

Park Qian Hui had already attracted a lot of people's attention when she entered the store before. After all, she was a beautiful woman and a star. But when Chen Tienan and others entered the store, everyone's attention was immediately diverted.

Darling, it’s hard to see just one beauty like this on a daily basis, but this time there are so many of them at once.

Women all have a desire to compare. Seeing that she was being compared, Park Qian Hui's resentment became even deeper, and she wanted to step forward and tear these losers into pieces.

Bai Qiu Shuang, Rongrong and Chen

After Tetsuo and the others scanned the first floor, they went to the second floor. As for Zhang Fei, she came to a corner and looked at the bag she had spotted.

Ji Wufeng stepped forward and said with a smile: "Since you like it, why not buy it?"

Zhang Fei rolled her eyes at him and said, "I have staked all my money on you, where can I still have money to buy it?"

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while and said: "That's okay. If you like it, buy it and treat it as a gift from me."

"No, if you want it, I will come over and buy it myself." Zhang Fei refused.

However, Ji Wufeng still pointed to the bag and said, "Miss, please help me wrap that bag."


Soon, a shopping guide lady came over quickly, took off the bag and planned to wrap it up.


A very discordant voice broke in. Park Qianhui ran over at some point, pointed at the bag and asked the shopping guide: "How much does this bag cost?"

"Hello, miss, our price for this bag is 99,999 yuan!"

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes. Damn it, a broken bag was sold for so much and it was still ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. Why don't you just say it was one hundred thousand?

It's not that he cares about money, it's that he thinks it's not worth spending one hundred thousand for a broken bag, which is not much different from fifty yuan on the street.

"I'll pay you 200,000 yuan, please wrap it up for me." Park Qianhui said.


The shopping guide lady was stunned for a moment. It was obviously a bag worth 100,000 yuan, but this woman insisted on spending 200,000 yuan. Could it be that she was sick? But now there are many rich people, and it is up to them how they want to spend their money. He quickly said: "I'm sorry, miss, I can't make the decision on this. I need to ask our manager for instructions."

The shopping guide goes

After asking for instructions, Park Qianhui looked at Ji Wufeng provocatively. She was not just someone with too much money, and she was not looking for trouble at all.

"What's the point of you doing this?" Ji Wufeng asked with a frown. He originally didn't want to provoke Park Qianhui, but he didn't expect this woman to kick her nose in the face.

"Of course it makes sense. I like this bag, so I bought it regardless of the cost."

Park Qian Hui actually didn't even see what the bag looked like. She was deliberately looking for trouble.

"Others saw this bag first," Ji Wufeng said.

Park Qianhui glanced at Zhang Fei and sneered: "It would be too wasteful to buy this kind of stuff. If you like it, I can introduce you to a more advanced one."

The implication is that Park Qianhui regarded Zhang Fei as the woman Ji Wufeng kept.


A big mouth slapped Park Qianhui's face so hard that she almost fell to the ground. Her fair and tender face immediately became hot and her palm prints were bright red.

At this moment, everyone in the store was alarmed and looked over.

"You dare to hit me?" Pu Qianhui covered her face and was stunned. She never thought that Ji Wufeng would hit her in public.

"You are very lucky that you are a woman. If you were a man, you would probably be a dead person by now. But this is also the last time I will be tolerant to you. If there is another time, you will die just like that."

Ji Wufeng's tone was calm, but his eyes were as sharp as knives.

Zhang Fei's face was full of astonishment, she grabbed Ji Wufeng and said: "Forget it, it's useless for me to come here, let's go."

"You beat someone and want to leave? No way, just wait!"

Park Qianhui quickly stepped forward to block the door, took out her phone, and said with an aggrieved face: "My dear, where are you? I was beaten, please come and help me."

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