As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng revealed his trump card, and a particularly dazzling Ace appeared in front of everyone's eyes, four Aces!

The originally extremely noisy stadium suddenly became dead silent. They stared at that A. Those guys who were talking had big mouths, just like a squawking duck that was suddenly choked.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" The guy who threatened to take off his pants and walk around the venue was immediately confused.

It can be said that Ji Wufeng is recognized as the least qualified and least graceful contestant in all previous Gambling King Competitions. Many people are even talking below that if Ji Wufeng becomes the Gambling King, it must be because the sun has come out from the west.

Even though he was lucky and had a strong background, after meeting Gu Tianyang, no one thought he had the possibility of winning.

However, Ji Wufeng has now won and became the new gambling king!

Gu Tianyang stood up and chuckled: "Your gambling skills are truly unparalleled. I am willing to bow down to you. Congratulations on becoming the new gambling king!"

"Is it interesting to be so hypocritical? If you win, I will not congratulate you, I will only scold your ancestors for eighteen generations."

Ji Wufeng curled his lips, and then said dissatisfiedly to the host next to him: "Hey, brother, don't be stupid. I have already won. Why don't you announce the birth of a new gambling king quickly? What are you waiting for?"

"Huh? Huh? Oh, now it is announced that a new gambling king has finally been born, and he is Mr. Ji Wufeng!" The host announced loudly after being at a loss for a while.

As the host's voice sounded, the lights were projected on Ji Wufeng, instantly making him the focus of the audience. However, after Ji Wufeng waited for a long time, he didn't even get the thunderous applause and those who came crying and asking for autographs. The little girl only had a face full of astonishment.

Ji Wufeng immediately blushed and bought a watch. Didn't movies always say there were applause, flowers and little girls? Why did it change when it was my turn?

After a long time, the applause started, the sound got louder and louder, and finally became deafening!

"The king of gambling!"

I don’t know who shouted it first, but a chain reaction immediately started. Everyone immediately followed and shouted "King of Gambling"!

At this time, when everyone looked at Ji Wufeng, they no longer had the previous doubts and contempt in their eyes, only a kind of ardent admiration.

They admitted that they had despised Ji Wufeng before, and even had some contempt for him, but Ji Wufeng won, he defeated the uncrowned gambling king Gu Tianyang, and he won everyone's respect!

The thunderous applause and shouts were grand enough, but Ji Wufeng was still a little dissatisfied. The scene he expected was very different from this one. There should be all the men standing around with expressions of admiration. His hands were clapped red, and the women were crying and shouting and rushing over to ask him to sign his name on their chests.

The cocktail party to celebrate the successful conclusion of the Gambling King Competition will be held tomorrow. It is too late today, and the gambling boat will return immediately. Ji Wufeng took Duan Qingxun and others to ask for money. He has not forgotten that they bet on him. If you buy more than 100 million, you can qualify. According to the odds, it should be more than 100 billion.

I found the banker of the peripheral casino, a short and fat guy. When he saw Ji Wufeng coming, cold sweat broke out on his face, and he hurriedly

He stepped forward and forced a smile: "Congratulations to Mr. Ji for becoming the new gambling king."

"Stop talking nonsense, can the King of Gamblers eat it? Bring the money, I'm still waiting to pick up girls when I have money." Ji Wufeng said rudely, who asked you to get one for me that pays a thousand for every one? Odds?

"Mr. Ji, I..." The outside banker almost cried. It's more than 100 billion, and even if his whole family sells their butts, they can't afford it.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely default on the debt, or even kill someone to silence him, but after he checked Ji Wufeng's details, he found that he didn't have the guts to do that.

At this time, Li Yunxiao and Rongrong came over. The dealer immediately felt as if he had seen a savior. He grabbed Rongrong's arm and said, "Rongrong, please help third uncle. Mr. Ji is your friend, so you can help." I said intercede.”

Rongrong frowned slightly and said to Ji Wufeng, "Young Master Feng, can you give me some face and be merciful?"

Ji Wufeng looked at the dealer and said, "He is your third uncle? It doesn't look like him. Is he his biological son?"

Rongrong is so beautiful, how could she have such a naughty third uncle? Could it be a genetic mutation?

"Young Master Feng is joking, Rongrong's mother was once the most beautiful woman in our pearl." The outside banker said with an embarrassed smile.

"Oh, it seems that it is very necessary to marry a beautiful wife to improve the genes of the next generation." Ji Wufeng said very seriously.

The name of the outside banker is Yu Dahai, and he is indeed Rongrong's third uncle. In this case, it is appropriate to be merciful. Ji Wufeng was about to say that he would ask for less, but only half of it, when Li Yunxiao waved his hand, heroic Said: "We are all members of our own family, why should we save face? Let's just forget about it."

Ji Wufeng's eyes darkened. Who is your family member? More than 100 billion, even half of it is more than 50 billion. You are my biological son, and I also want to sell you.

Seeing the pain on Ji Wufeng's face, Rongrong smiled and said: "Let's do this, we can't let Mr. Feng suffer. All the profits from the peripheral this time will belong to Mr. Feng. Third uncle, do you have any objection?"

Yu Dahai didn't have any objections at this time. He nodded his head like a chicken eating and said, "Yes, yes, that's right. All the profits from this peripheral gambling game belong to Mr. Ji."

After a final calculation, except for Duan Qingxun and a few others, almost everyone in the peripheral gambling game was wiped out. The total income was nearly 5 billion. This was definitely a bumper harvest, but Yu Dahai did not hesitate to let him go. Gave it to Ji Wufeng.

There was no other way. Although he was a little reluctant, this face had to be given, so Ji Wufeng had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Although he didn't make a dime, Yu Dahai felt that he was a winner. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with satisfaction: "Thank you, little brother Ji, for showing mercy this time. If little brother Ji doesn't dislike it, I'll hand it over to Yu Dahai." As a friend, Yu Dahai will never turn down anything useful in the future."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. Although the Yu family's power here is a little weaker than that of the Nan family, it is almost the same. At least it can be compared with the declining Bai family. Money is not that important to him. In comparison, This favor from Xia Yu Dahai is much more valuable.

He grabbed Yu Dahai's neck and grinned: "Who among us brothers is following whom? Since we hit it off, how about we become sworn brothers?" As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng revealed his trump card, an A that looked particularly dazzling. Appearing in front of everyone, four aces!

The originally extremely noisy stadium suddenly became dead silent. They stared at that A. Those guys who were talking had big mouths, just like a squawking duck that was suddenly choked.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" The guy who threatened to take off his pants and walk around the venue was immediately confused.

It can be said that Ji Wufeng is recognized as the least qualified and least graceful contestant in all previous Gambling King Competitions. Many people are even talking below that if Ji Wufeng becomes the Gambling King, it must be because the sun has come out from the west.

Even though he was lucky and had a strong background, after meeting Gu Tianyang, no one thought he had the possibility of winning.

However, Ji Wufeng has now won and became the new gambling king!

Gu Tianyang stood up and chuckled: "Your gambling skills are truly unparalleled. I am willing to bow down to you. Congratulations on becoming the new gambling king!"

"Is it interesting to be so hypocritical? If you win, I will not congratulate you, I will only scold your ancestors for eighteen generations."

Ji Wufeng curled his lips, and then said dissatisfiedly to the host next to him: "Hey, brother, don't be stupid. I have already won. Why don't you announce the birth of a new gambling king quickly? What are you waiting for?"

"Huh? Huh? Oh, now it is announced that a new gambling king has finally been born, and he is Mr. Ji Wufeng!" The host announced loudly after being at a loss for a while.

As the host's voice sounded, the lights were projected on Ji Wufeng, instantly making him the focus of the audience. However, after Ji Wufeng waited for a long time, he didn't even get the thunderous applause and those who came crying and asking for autographs. The little girl only had a face full of astonishment.

Ji Wufeng immediately blushed and bought a watch. Didn't movies always say there were applause, flowers and little girls? Why did it change when it was my turn?

After a long time, the applause started, the sound got louder and louder, and finally became deafening!

"The king of gambling!"

I don’t know who shouted it first, but a chain reaction immediately started. Everyone immediately followed and shouted "King of Gambling"!

At this time, when everyone looked at Ji Wufeng, they no longer had the previous doubts and contempt in their eyes, only a kind of ardent admiration.

They admitted that they had despised Ji Wufeng before, and even had some contempt for him, but Ji Wufeng won, he defeated the uncrowned gambling king Gu Tianyang, and he won everyone's respect!

The thunderous applause and shouts were grand enough, but Ji Wufeng was still a little dissatisfied. The scene he expected was very different from this one. There should be all the men standing around with expressions of admiration. His hands were clapped red, and the women were crying and shouting and rushing over to ask him to sign his name on their chests.

The cocktail party to celebrate the successful conclusion of the Gambling King Competition will be held tomorrow. It is too late today, and the gambling boat will return immediately. Ji Wufeng took Duan Qingxun and others to ask for money. He has not forgotten that they bet on him. If you buy more than 100 million, you can qualify. According to the odds, it should be more than 100 billion.

I found the banker of the peripheral casino, a short and fat guy. When he saw Ji Wufeng coming, cold sweat broke out on his face, and he hurriedly

He stepped forward and forced a smile: "Congratulations to Mr. Ji for becoming the new gambling king."

"Stop talking nonsense, can the King of Gamblers eat it? Bring the money, I'm still waiting to pick up girls when I have money." Ji Wufeng said rudely, who asked you to get me one that pays a thousand for every one? Odds?

"Mr. Ji, I..." The outside banker almost cried. It's more than 100 billion, and even if his whole family sells their butts, they can't afford it.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely default on the debt, or even kill someone to silence him, but after he checked Ji Wufeng's details, he found that he didn't have the guts to do that.

At this time, Li Yunxiao and Rongrong came over. The dealer immediately felt as if he had seen a savior. He grabbed Rongrong's arm and said, "Rongrong, please help third uncle. Mr. Ji is your friend, so you can help." I said intercede."

Rongrong frowned slightly and said to Ji Wufeng: "Young Master Feng, can you give me some face and be merciful?"

Ji Wufeng looked at the dealer and said, "He is your third uncle? It doesn't look like him. Is he his biological son?"

Rongrong is so beautiful, how could she have such a naughty third uncle? Could it be a genetic mutation?

"Young Master Feng is joking, Rongrong's mother was once the most beautiful woman in our pearl." The dealer from outside said with an embarrassed smile.

"Oh, it seems that it is very necessary to marry a beautiful wife to improve the genes of the next generation." Ji Wufeng said very seriously.

The name of the peripheral banker is Yu Dahai, and he is indeed Rongrong's third uncle. In this case, it is appropriate to be merciful. Ji Wufeng was about to say that he would take a little less, but only half of it, when Li Yunxiao waved his hand proudly. Said: "We are all members of our own family, why don't we care about face? Let's just forget about it."

Ji Wufeng's eyes darkened. Who is your family member? More than 100 billion, even half of it is more than 50 billion. You are my biological son, and I also want to sell you.

Seeing the pain on Ji Wufeng's face, Rongrong smiled and said: "Let's do this, we can't let Mr. Feng suffer. All the profits from the peripheral this time will belong to Mr. Feng. Third uncle, do you have any objection?"

Yu Dahai didn't have any objections at this time. He quickly nodded his head like a chicken eating and said: "Yes, yes, that's right. All the profits from this peripheral gambling will belong to Mr. Ji."

After a final calculation, except for Duan Qingxun and a few others, almost everyone in the peripheral gambling game was wiped out. The total income was nearly 5 billion. This was definitely a bumper harvest, but Yu Dahai did not hesitate to let him go. Gave it to Ji Wufeng.

There was no other way. Although he was a little reluctant, this face had to be given, so Ji Wufeng had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Although he didn't make a dime, Yu Dahai felt that he was a winner. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with satisfaction: "Thank you, little brother Ji, for showing mercy this time. If little brother Ji doesn't dislike it, I'll hand it over to Yu Dahai." As a friend, Yu Dahai will never turn down anything useful in the future."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. Although the Yu family's power here is a little weaker than that of the Nan family, it is almost the same. At least it can be compared with the declining Bai family. Money is not that important to him. In comparison, This favor from Xia Yu Dahai is much more valuable.

He grabbed Yu Dahai's neck and grinned: "Who among us brothers is following whom? Since we hit it off, how about we become sworn brothers?"

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