Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 795 I am much more advanced than the devil

Ji Wufeng raised his middle finger and said, "Oh, you are shameless, you are a bunch of local leopards. This is called Kung Fu. Do you understand? Haven't you seen Zhou Xingxing's "Kung Fu"?"

Of course they have all watched "Kung Fu", but they have never thought that someone would actually fight with such shameless Kung Fu!

Ji Wufeng said to Nan Yuhu and others: "Come here, you guys, kill all these people, leave no one behind."

Seeing that they were safe, Nan Yuhu and the others immediately ran over and shouted: "Okay, boss, don't worry, I promise to complete the mission and kill them all... uh, kill them all?"

They were stunned halfway through. They originally thought that Ji Wufeng was just asking them to teach these guys a lesson, but unexpectedly, he asked them to kill them all. ??

Naturally, they are not afraid of killing, but is it a bit too much to kill so many people at once? Damn it, I’m not a murderer?

"Brother-in-law, can you kill one of them? Let the others go." Hardison said with a tangled look on his face.

"No, you and them can only live together. If they don't die, you will die!"

Ji Wufeng's face darkened, and a cold evil aura rushed towards several people like a violent storm, and several of them almost fell to the ground.

It was just a sentence, but they all felt that Ji Wufeng was definitely not joking anymore. If they didn't kill these killers, Ji Wufeng would really kill them.

Several people were trembling all over. None of them were truly evil people. How could they kill so many people in one go?

Bai Qiu Shuang didn't expect that Ji Wu Feng would actually let them do this. Her expression changed and she said, "How could you do this? These people are already injured, why do you have to kill them?"

Ji Wufeng said with a gloomy sneer: "Haven't you heard that being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself? Rather than letting them be killed by the enemy in the future, it is better to die in my hands. At least I will be more agile and will not let them die." They feel the pain."

"What kind of bad logic are you talking about?"

Bai Qiu Shuang pulled Alina and said, "Teacher, let's call the police quickly."

Unexpectedly, Alina looked at Hardison with a cold face and said: "Hardison, you have to remember that you are a prince, and if you want to inherit the throne, you are destined to have things that ordinary people do not have. At the same time, You will also lose what ordinary people have, such as compassion!”

Hardison glanced at Alina with bloodshot eyes, then looked at Ji Wufeng, his face turned pale, and he took out a golden pistol from his waist.

Bang bang bang!

With three consecutive shots, all three killers were headshot, and blood and brains were sprayed all over the floor!

Bai Qiu Shuang's eyes widened and her mouth widened. She was frightened by the scene in front of her. At the same time, she was also shocked by Alina's words. How could her sister instigate her brother to become a murderer?


Bai Qiu Shuang followed the sound and saw Nan Yuhu breaking the neck of a killer with one hand, licking his lips and saying with a cold face: "Isn't it just killing someone? It's not much harder than killing a chicken. "

Cao Kun's dagger cut off the throat of a killer, and blood spurted all over his face. Wei Tianfan and Miao Gang did not show weakness, and stepped forward one after another, raising the butcher knives in their hands.

One, two, three...ten...

Seeing more and more corpses on the ground, Bai Qiu Shuang wanted to vomit. She felt

These people have gone crazy!

In the car not far away, Bai Qidong looked at the scene in front of him and felt like he was going crazy. What day in the world was he not fighting and killing? But this is definitely the first time I saw someone killing one after another like a chicken?

Looking at the calm Ji Wufeng beside him, Bai Qidong shivered all over. Fortunately, he followed Gu Tianyang's order and did not take the initiative to cause trouble for Ji Wufeng. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't even know how he died. .

Sitting next to Bai Qidong was the young master Qianye, who turned a blind eye to the scene in front of him, but there was a ferocious cold light in his eyes.

Half of the hundreds of killers were slaughtered in an instant. The leader of the killers was also shocked. He pointed at Ji Wufeng with horror in his eyes and said: "You are not a human, you are a devil!"

Ji Wufeng grinned and said: "You are wrong, I am not the devil, I am the Lord of Hell, and I am much more advanced than the devil."

The killer leader finally couldn't bear it any longer and ran away, his body rising into the air and flying into the distance like lightning.

"Want to run? Is it that easy?"

Ji Wufeng gently popped out the cigarette butt in his hand, stamped on the ground with one foot, jumped into the air, and chased after him.

Bai Qidong inside the car breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ji Wufeng chasing him out. The plan finally succeeded.

Nan Yuhu and the others were already red-eyed. The so-called sympathy had long been completely washed away by the pleasure of taking human lives. There was only one thought in their minds: kill, kill, kill, kill!

At this moment, two figures strolled over and appeared in everyone's sight. Alina turned her head and looked, her face changed slightly and said: "Is it you, Qianye Chong?"

Young Master Qianye raised a bloody smile and said, "Princess Alina still remembers me. I'm really honored."

"What are you doing here?" Alina frowned.

"Long time no see, Qianye Chong misses Her Highness the Princess very much. Today I specially come to invite Her Highness to visit." Qianye Chong said with a smile.

"Are you trying to kidnap me?" Princess Alina said with a trace of panic in her eyes.

"You can say that, but as long as Her Royal Highness cooperates, I don't dare to let you suffer the slightest injustice."

Qianye Zhong looked at Alina with greed in his eyes. It was so good that no man would be willing to let her suffer.

"Second brother, why are you here?"

At this time, Bai Qiu Shuang also discovered that the person standing next to Qian Ye Zhong was actually her second brother Bai Qidong, and he also wanted to kidnap Princess Alina. Is he crazy?

Bai Qidong smiled and said: "My good sister, do you still have to ask why I am here?"

"How could you do this? Don't you know that this will cause great trouble to the family?"

Bai Qiu Shuang's eyes widened, not believing that her second brother was really brave enough to kidnap Princess Alina. If he was held accountable afterwards, the entire Bai family would probably be buried with him.

"Shut up you little bitch, I'm doing this all for the sake of my family, do you understand?" Bai Qidong scolded angrily.

Bai Qiu Shuang let out a long breath and said, "You are crazy. I want to tell my father. He will never allow you to do this."

"He doesn't allow it? Why doesn't he allow it? Do you want me to be like him, with my tail between my legs and being a coward? I'm not as coward as him." Ji Wufeng raised his middle finger and said, "Tah, shameless Damn you, a bunch of local leopards, this is called Kung Fu, do you understand, haven’t you seen Zhou Xingxing’s "Kung Fu"?"

Of course they have all watched "Kung Fu", but they have never thought that someone would actually fight with such shameless Kung Fu!

Ji Wufeng said to Nan Yuhu and others: "Come here, you guys, kill all these people, leave no one behind."

Seeing that they were safe, Nan Yuhu and the others immediately ran over and shouted: "Okay, boss, don't worry, I promise to complete the mission and kill them all... uh, kill them all?"

They were stunned halfway through. They originally thought that Ji Wufeng was just asking them to teach these guys a lesson, but unexpectedly, he asked them to kill them all.

Naturally, they are not afraid of killing, but is it a bit too much to kill so many people at once? Damn it, I’m not a murderer?

"Brother-in-law, can you kill one of them? Let the others go." Hardison said with a tangled look on his face.

"No, you and them can only live together. If they don't die, you will die!"

Ji Wufeng's face darkened, and a cold evil aura rushed towards several people like a violent storm, and several of them almost fell to the ground.

It was just a sentence, but they all felt that Ji Wufeng was definitely not joking anymore. If they didn't kill these killers, Ji Wufeng would really kill them.

Several people were trembling all over. None of them were truly evil people. How could they kill so many people in one go?

Bai Qiu Shuang didn't expect that Ji Wu Feng would actually let them do this. Her expression changed and she said, "How could you do this? These people are already injured, why do you have to kill them?"

Ji Wufeng said with a gloomy sneer: "Haven't you heard that being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself? Rather than letting them be killed by the enemy in the future, it is better to die in my hands. At least I will be more agile and will not let them die." They feel the pain.”

"What kind of bad logic are you talking about?"

Bai Qiu Shuang pulled Alina and said, "Teacher, let's call the police quickly."

Unexpectedly, Alina looked at Hardison with a cold face and said: "Hardison, you have to remember that you are a prince, and if you want to inherit the throne, you are destined to have things that ordinary people do not have. At the same time, You will also lose what ordinary people have, such as compassion!”

Hardison glanced at Alina with bloodshot eyes, then looked at Ji Wufeng, his face turned pale, and he took out a golden pistol from his waist.

Bang bang bang!

With three consecutive shots, all three killers were headshot, and blood and brains were sprayed all over the floor!

Bai Qiu Shuang's eyes widened and her mouth widened. She was frightened by the scene in front of her. At the same time, she was also shocked by Alina's words. How could her sister instigate her brother to become a murderer?


Bai Qiu Shuang followed the sound and saw Nan Yuhu breaking the neck of a killer with one hand, licking his lips and saying with a cold face: "Isn't it just killing someone? It's not much harder than killing a chicken. "

Cao Kun's dagger cut off the throat of a killer, and blood spurted all over his face. Wei Tianfan and Miao Gang did not show weakness, and stepped forward one after another, raising the butcher knives in their hands.

One, two, three...ten...

Seeing more and more corpses on the ground, Bai Qiu Shuang wanted to vomit. She felt

These people have gone crazy!

In the car not far away, Bai Qidong looked at the scene in front of him and felt like he was going crazy. What day in the world was he not fighting and killing? But this is definitely the first time I saw someone killing one after another like a chicken?

Looking at the calm Ji Wufeng beside him, Bai Qidong shivered all over. Fortunately, he followed Gu Tianyang's order and did not take the initiative to cause trouble for Ji Wufeng. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't even know how he died. .

Sitting next to Bai Qidong was the young master Qianye, who turned a blind eye to the scene in front of him, but there was a ferocious cold light in his eyes.

Half of the hundreds of killers were slaughtered in an instant. The leader of the killers was also shocked. He pointed at Ji Wufeng with horror in his eyes and said: "You are not a human, you are a devil!"

Ji Wufeng grinned and said: "You are wrong, I am not the devil, I am the Lord of Hell, and I am much more advanced than the devil."

The killer leader finally couldn't bear it any longer and ran away, his body rising into the air and flying into the distance like lightning.

"Want to run? Is it that easy?"

Ji Wufeng gently popped out the cigarette butt in his hand, stamped on the ground with one foot, jumped into the air, and chased after him.

Bai Qidong inside the car breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ji Wufeng chasing him out. The plan finally succeeded.

Nan Yuhu and the others were already red-eyed. The so-called sympathy had long been completely washed away by the pleasure of taking human lives. There was only one thought in their minds: kill, kill, kill, kill!

At this moment, two figures strolled over and appeared in everyone's sight. Alina turned her head and looked, her face changed slightly and said: "Is it you, Qianye Chong?"

Young Master Qianye raised a bloody smile and said, "Princess Alina still remembers me. I'm really honored."

"What are you doing here?" Alina frowned.

"Long time no see, Qianye Chong misses Her Highness the Princess very much. Today I specially come to invite Her Highness to visit." Qianye Chong said with a smile.

"Are you trying to kidnap me?" Princess Alina said with a trace of panic in her eyes.

"You can say that, but as long as Her Royal Highness cooperates, I don't dare to let you suffer the slightest injustice."

Qianye Zhong looked at Alina with greed in his eyes. It was so good that no man would be willing to let her suffer.

"Second brother, why are you here?"

At this time, Bai Qiu Shuang also discovered that the person standing next to Qian Ye Zhong was actually her second brother Bai Qidong, and he also wanted to kidnap Princess Alina. Is he crazy?

Bai Qidong smiled and said: "My good sister, do you still have to ask why I am here?"

"How could you do this? Don't you know that this will cause great trouble to the family?"

Bai Qiu Shuang's eyes widened, not believing that her second brother was really brave enough to kidnap Princess Alina. If he was held accountable afterwards, the entire Bai family would probably be buried with him.

"Shut up you little bitch, I'm doing this all for the sake of my family, do you understand?" Bai Qidong scolded angrily.

Bai Qiu Shuang let out a long breath and said, "You are crazy. I want to tell my father. He will never allow you to do this."

"He doesn't allow it? Why doesn't he allow it? Do you want me to be like him and just act like a turtle with my tail between my legs? I'm not as cowardly as him."

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