At the same time, Alina and her party were politely invited into a luxurious villa by Qianye Zhong's people. The villa was not big, but the defense force was very strong. There were nearly a hundred people inside and outside.

Nan Yuhu and others have experienced many fights, but everyone here has a cold murderous aura, sharp and cold eyes, these people are not bodyguards, but killers!

After arriving in the living room, Chiba Zhong ordered people to prepare a dinner immediately, as if he was entertaining distinguished guests.

"This is not like the correct attitude of kidnappers towards meat tickets." Alina said lightly.

Qianye Zhong smiled slightly and said: "Your Highness the Princess may have misunderstood. I invited the Princess here today not to hurt the Princess. As long as I achieve my goal, I will let the Princess go immediately."

"What purpose?" Alina frowned slightly.

"Why does the princess ask questions knowingly?"

Qianye Zhong said with a hint of fierceness in his eyes: "Princess should know that Ji Wufeng and my Qianye family have a holiday, so he must die, and I also know that it will be difficult to kill him with the power of the Qianye family, so, I need the royal family's help."

Alina raised her eyebrows and said, "The purpose of your kidnapping is to put the blame on Ji Wufeng, so that the royal family can take action?"

"Her Royal Highness is indeed very clever. She can guess right. If the princess is kidnapped in the hands of Ji Wufeng and she doesn't know who the kidnapper is, what do you think the royal family will do?" Qianye Zhong said with a smile. .??.

The princess was kidnapped without knowing who the kidnapper was. This was a great shame and humiliation. If the royal family wanted to vent its anger, Ji Wufeng would be the first one to turn to him.

If the royal family gets angry, even if they can't kill Ji Wufeng directly, they will probably force him to become a street rat.

When the time comes, the Chiba family will take action again, and they will be captured in one fell swoop!

"What a good calculation."

Alina said with disdain: "Can I think that the Chiba family is already afraid of him, and even needs the help of others to have the courage to take revenge?"

Qianye Zhong's eyes immediately showed a trace of sternness, and said: "Are you really so confident in him?"

"I don't need to show my confidence in a person who doesn't even dare to confront him head-on." A faint smile appeared at the corner of Alina's mouth, her eyes full of contempt.


"I hope you understand one thing. After my goal is achieved, I can let you go, or I can choose not to let you go." Qianye Zhong slapped his palms on the table angrily. It was unbearable to be despised. Being looked down upon by a woman is even more intolerable.

Alina suddenly laughed, the contempt in her eyes becoming more obvious.

Bai Qiu Shuang gently tugged on the corner of Alina's clothes and whispered: "Teacher, let's keep a low profile. We are being kidnapped now."

Several other people also had the same idea, eldest sister, we have to change our high-profile place. Now we are the butchers. What if we anger the kidnappers and get ripped off?

Alina pointed at Qianye and turned around: "It's not that I look down on him. I think such a useless person is really not worthy of being his opponent!"

This sentence completely angered Qianye Zhong. He rushed over with a big mouth and said angrily: "Smelly woman, you are looking for death!"

Seeing Chiba

Just when Zhong's palm was about to fall on Alina's face, a cold and sharp breath suddenly shot up into the sky. Everyone present felt like thorns in their backs. Qianye Zhong subconsciously retreated in a hurry and shouted loudly: "Uncle Xiong, save me. !”


A burly body rushed out, with a violent aura erupting from the whole body, blocking Qianye Zhong's front, and punched out.


The burly body retreated continuously, and a thin figure appeared strangely in everyone's sight, standing upright in front of Alina.

The person standing in front of Qianye Zhong was a middle-aged man. His burly body was like an iron tower, and the aura exuding from his body was full of the smell of blood, like a man-hungry beast.

And that thin body is a long-haired boy, no more than twenty years old, handsome in appearance, but with only one eye left. He looks extremely evil, and his whole body is filled with a cold aura, even if Just looking at his back makes people feel like they want to shiver.

He was holding a pitch black long sword, and the blade was covered with black lines. If you looked closely, you could see it was a terrifying ghost head with a ferocious face.

Seeing the middle-aged man in front of him, Qianye let out a deep breath, stared at the young-haired boy with a ferocious face, and said: "Your Highness, your Majesty is really good at it. There is actually a master who sneaks in."

Alina smiled calmly and said: "I think you are wrong, he is not my bodyguard, and I also know that someone is following me. I only know that he will not let me get hurt."

Indeed, she had no idea that Ji Wufeng had sent someone to protect her secretly, but she knew that Ji Wufeng would definitely ensure his safety.

"No matter who he is, it doesn't make any sense anymore. Now that he's here, don't even think about getting out alive. Uncle Xiong, kill him for me." Qianye Zhong gave the order.

Uncle Xiong had a look of hesitation on his face. He didn't know the strength of this long-haired boy, but he knew his own strength. He was a serious grandmaster, but he was repelled by the attack just now.

But now that the master had given the order, he had to take action even if he hesitated, and struck the long-haired boy on the head with a volley of palms.

As soon as this palm came out, Nan Yuhu and others immediately felt an invisible pressure coming down on them. Bai Qiu Shuang, who was the weakest in body, chatted with her teeth, her legs became weak, and she almost knelt down.

Everyone had one thought in their mind, it's over, now they're dead, this big guy is so awesome!

Just when his palm was about to hit the long-haired boy's head, he saw a flash of light in the long-haired boy's eyes, and the sword in his hand moved almost at the same time.

A cold light flashed, and a scream rang out. A bloody arm fell to the ground. Uncle Xiong covered his shoulder with blood spurting and backed away, with a look of horror on his face!

Everyone was shocked because no one saw clearly what was going on. This long-haired boy actually removed one of Uncle Xiong's arms. If they hadn't seen blood flowing on the sword, they would have doubted themselves. Are you dreaming?

Uncle Xiong even felt a huge wave in his heart. It was too fast, it was too fast. He didn't even see the boy appear. He didn't have any arms. This boy's lanugo hair hadn't even faded yet and he was so arrogant. It’s really terrible. What if we’re not invincible in a few years?

Now he suddenly felt regretful about following Qianye back to the Pearl. My uncle, who did you offend? At the same time, Alina and her party were politely invited into a luxurious villa by Qianye Zhong's people. The villa was not big, but the defense force was very strong. There were nearly a hundred people inside and outside.

Nan Yuhu and others have experienced many fights, but everyone here has a cold murderous aura, sharp and cold eyes, these people are not bodyguards, but killers!

After arriving in the living room, Chiba Zhong ordered people to prepare a dinner immediately, as if he was entertaining distinguished guests.

"This is not like the correct attitude of kidnappers towards meat tickets." Alina said lightly.

Qianye Zhong smiled slightly and said: "Your Highness the Princess may have misunderstood. I invited the Princess here today not to hurt the Princess. As long as I achieve my goal, I will let the Princess go immediately."

"What purpose?" Alina frowned slightly.

"Why does the princess ask questions knowingly?"

Qianye Zhong said with a hint of fierceness in his eyes: "Princess should know that Ji Wufeng and my Qianye family have a holiday, so he must die, and I also know that it will be difficult to kill him with the strength of the Qianye family, so, I need the royal family's help."

Alina raised her eyebrows and said, "The purpose of your kidnapping is to put the blame on Ji Wufeng, so that the royal family can take action?"

"Her Royal Highness is indeed very clever. She can guess right. If the princess is kidnapped in the hands of Ji Wufeng and she doesn't know who the kidnapper is, what do you think the royal family will do?" Qianye Zhong said with a smile.

The princess was kidnapped without knowing who the kidnapper was. This was a great shame and humiliation. If the royal family wanted to vent its anger, Ji Wufeng would be the first one to turn to him.

If the royal family gets angry, even if they can't kill Ji Wufeng directly, they will probably force him to become a street rat.

When the time comes, the Chiba family will take action again, and they will be captured in one fell swoop!

"What a good calculation."

Elena said with disdain: "Can I think that the Chiba family is already afraid of him, and even needs the help of others to have the courage to take revenge?"

Qianye Zhong's eyes immediately showed a trace of sternness, and said: "Are you really so confident in him?"

"I don't need to show my confidence in a person who doesn't even dare to confront him head-on." A faint smile appeared at the corner of Alina's mouth, her eyes full of contempt.


"I hope you understand one thing. After my goal is achieved, I can let you go, or I can choose not to let you go." Qianye Zhong slapped his palms on the table angrily. It was unbearable to be despised. Being looked down upon by a woman is even more intolerable.

Alina suddenly laughed, the contempt in her eyes becoming more obvious.

Bai Qiu Shuang gently tugged on the corner of Alina's clothes and whispered: "Teacher, let's keep a low profile. We are kidnapped now."

Several other people also had the same idea, eldest sister, we have to change our high-profile place. Now we are the butchers. What if we anger the kidnappers and get ripped off?

Alina pointed at Qianye and turned around: "It's not that I look down on him. I think such a useless person is really not worthy of being his opponent!"

This sentence completely angered Qianye Zhong. He rushed over with a big mouth and said angrily: "Smelly woman, you are looking for death!"

Seeing Chiba

Just when Zhong's palm was about to fall on Alina's face, a cold and sharp breath suddenly shot up into the sky. Everyone present felt like thorns in their backs. Qianye Zhong subconsciously retreated in a hurry and shouted loudly: "Uncle Xiong, save me. !”


A burly body rushed out, with a violent aura erupting from the whole body, blocking Qianye Zhong's front, and punched out.


The burly body retreated continuously, and a thin figure appeared strangely in everyone's sight, standing upright in front of Alina.

The person standing in front of Qianye Zhong was a middle-aged man. His burly body was like an iron tower, and the aura exuding from his body was full of the smell of blood, like a man-hungry beast.

And that thin body is a long-haired boy, no more than twenty years old, handsome in appearance, but with only one eye left. He looks extremely evil, and his whole body is filled with a cold aura, even if Just looking at his back makes people feel like they want to shiver.

He was holding a pitch black long sword, and the blade was covered with black lines. If you looked closely, you could see it was a terrifying ghost head with a ferocious face.

Seeing the middle-aged man in front of him, Qianye let out a deep breath, stared at the young-haired boy with a ferocious face, and said: "Your Highness, your Majesty is really good at it. There is actually a master who sneaks in."

Alina smiled calmly and said: "I think you are wrong, he is not my bodyguard, and I also know that someone is following me. I only know that he will not let me get hurt."

Indeed, she had no idea that Ji Wufeng had sent someone to protect her secretly, but she knew that Ji Wufeng would definitely ensure his safety.

"No matter who he is, it doesn't make any sense anymore. Now that he's here, don't even think about getting out alive. Uncle Xiong, kill him for me." Qianye Zhong gave the order.

Uncle Xiong had a hesitant look on his face. He didn't know the strength of this long-haired boy, but he knew his own strength. He was a serious grandmaster, but he was repelled by the attack just now.

But since the master had given the order, he had to take action no matter how hesitant, and struck the long-haired boy on the head with a volley of palms.

As soon as this palm came out, Nan Yuhu and others immediately felt an invisible pressure coming down on them. Bai Qiu Shuang, who was the weakest in body, chatted with her teeth, her legs became weak, and she almost knelt down.

Everyone had one thought in their mind, it's over, now they're dead, this big guy is so awesome!

Just when his palm was about to hit the long-haired boy's head, he saw a flash of light in the long-haired boy's eyes, and the sword in his hand moved almost at the same time.

A cold light flashed, and a scream rang out. A bloody arm fell to the ground. Uncle Xiong covered his shoulder with blood spurting and backed away, with a look of horror on his face!

Everyone was shocked because no one saw clearly what was going on. This long-haired boy actually removed one of Uncle Xiong's arms. If they hadn't seen the blood flowing on the sword, they would have doubted themselves. Are you dreaming?

Uncle Xiong even felt a huge wave in his heart. It was too fast, it was too fast. He didn't even see the boy appear, and he didn't have any arms. The kid's lanugo hair hadn't even faded yet and he was so arrogant. It's really terrible. What if we're not invincible in a few years?

Now he suddenly felt regretful about following Qianye back to the Pearl. My uncle, who did you offend?

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