Chen Wenju's face instantly turned cold and he said, "Old Qi, are you planning to stand over there too?"

Lao Qi took a deep look at Chen Wenju, and then said sternly: "Old Chen, although we have a personal relationship, as a police officer, my fair enforcement of the law is greater than God!"


The corners of Chen Wenju's mouth twitched for a while, and then he burst into laughter and said, "Okay, okay, today I, Chen Wenju, admit my defeat and see off my guests."

Hearing Chen Wenju say the word "see off guests", everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the matter was over.

Who knew that Ji Wufeng suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

He walked out, pointed at Huang Junpeng who was still lying on the ground and said: "I witnessed this child molestation in public with my own eyes. I demand that he be arrested immediately and the case be filed for investigation."

He couldn't stay in Mingzhu for a long time, so he had to capture the Chen family before leaving. Does Chen Wenju want to curry favor with the Chen family?

If Huang Junpeng is arrested in the Chen family, I wonder if the Chen family will look good on Chen Wenju.

" you have any evidence? Is there anyone who can testify for you? If not, please don't slander anyone, otherwise, I will sue you for false accusation!"

Chen Wenju was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames. He didn't expect Ji Wufeng to be so damaged that he would refuse to let him go. If Huang Junpeng was really taken away, wouldn't the Chen family fight with him?

He was fine when he came here, but now he has lost one hand, been kicked as a eunuch, and has to be held tightly in prison. How can he fawn over the Chen family?

Ji Wufeng looked around. He didn't expect those guests to stand up and testify. Instead, he looked at Chen Yuting and heard Chen Yuting say: "I think the Chen family's monitoring room should have taken pictures of everything that happened. Once checked, it will be clear what happened." It’s all clear.”

" you know what you are talking about?"

Chen Wenju's eyes widened, as if he were looking at his granddaughter with bull's eyes. He didn't expect Chen Yuting to say such a thing.

Of course, the surveillance camera was not turned off, and he also knew Huang Junpeng's character. If the video was really released, Huang Junpeng would be completely ruined, and the Chen family would never let him go.

Chen Yuting said expressionlessly: "Grandpa, since the incident happened in the Chen family, our Chen family has the responsibility to find out the truth of the matter."


Chen Wen raised his finger and pointed at Chen Yuting. His whole body was shaking with anger. He didn't even think that Chen Yuting would do such a thing. He was so angry that he spurted out blood.

"Grandpa, grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Yuting's face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly stepped forward to support Chen Wenju. Chen Wenju pointed at her with a trembling finger and was about to say something. She quickly said: "Grandpa, don't say anything. Someone comes quickly and takes grandpa to the hospital. "

Soon, two big men ran over. Chen Yuting winked at them, and they immediately carried Chen Wenju away without giving Chen Wenju a chance to speak again.

Ji Wufeng shook his head helplessly. It seemed that Chen Wenju had no choice but to lie in the urn after leaving the Chen family, because he did not ignore the murderous intent revealed in Chen Yuting's eyes when she winked at the two big men. .

Chen Wenju has been playing conspiracies all his life. It can be said that he is as smart as a monkey, but he would never have thought that he would die in the hands of his granddaughter.

r\u003e This has to be said to be a tragedy, but is it not karma and retribution, a natural cycle?

"I'm very sorry. I think everyone has seen that the Chen family has very important things to deal with now, so tonight's banquet made fun of them. Please don't mind. Yuting will definitely come to apologize one by one one day. "

Chen Yuting bowed to all the guests present with an apologetic face.

Damn it, the old man of the Chen family was so angry that he vomited blood. What a fucking banquet? Everyone then said goodbye and left.

But when leaving, almost everyone glanced at Ji Wufeng involuntarily. Maybe many of them did not take him seriously at first, but at this time, everyone had deep fear in their eyes. The person who forced the Chen family into such a situation.

There is also Huang Junpeng. I wonder what kind of ecstasy soup Ji Wufeng poured into Chen Yuting. If the video is really released, Huang Junpeng will be finished. Even the Huang family will be discredited and suffer a blow to their reputation.

After all the guests left, Nan Yuntian said: "Xiao Feng, come quickly and meet your Grandpa Qi."

Ji Wufeng hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Qi, I have known you for a long time. When I see you today, you are really majestic and powerful. You will be stronger when you are famous. It is better to meet you if you are famous."

In fact, he didn't know this old man Qi, he had never even heard of him, but Nan Yuntian asked him to call him grandpa, so he must be a very special person.

Old man Qi looked impressed and said with a smile: "Are you Xiao Feng? Okay, I have long heard from your grandpa that you are young and promising, a dragon among men. When I see you today, you are really a hero."

"Haha, Mr. Qi is really over the top. I wonder how to deal with this person?" Ji Wufeng glanced at Huang Junpeng who was still lying on the ground and said.

Old Man Qi immediately filled his face with anger and said: "As a police officer, I will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor will I let a bad person go. If he really does something bad, I will never tolerate it, even if he is from the Huang family." Young Master."

Ji Wufeng glanced at him unexpectedly. Since he knew Huang Junpeng's identity and still wanted to deal with him, it seemed that this old man Qi was indeed not simple.

Chen Wenju was away, so Chen Yuting took the decision in the Chen family and quickly pulled up the video.

Ji Wufeng discovered that Chen Yuting's prestige in the Chen family was not small. It seemed that she had already started to have ideas for the Chen family, but his arrival only gave her an opportunity.

After watching the video, the truth came to light. Old Man Qi's eyebrows almost burned with anger, and he said angrily: "What a courageous dog to actually do such an animal act. Come on, take me away!"

Then he said to Ji Wufeng: "Xiao Feng, don't worry, I will deal with Huang Junpeng strictly, and I will also report it. In view of your bravery, I will get a reward for your bravery."

After saying that, he took Captain Wu and a group of policemen and left in a hurry.

Nan Yuntian glanced at Chen Yuting and said with a smile: "Boy, what a dirty trick."

Ji Wufeng said with an innocent face: "You can't accuse people unjustly. I just acted bravely. You heard it just now. Mr. Qi also said that he would give me a bravery award."

"Damn it, you're the only one who is brave enough to do what's right? It's good that you won't cause trouble." Nan Yuntian scolded with a smile.

Ji Wufeng pulled Jiang Xinyue and said, "This is Sister Xinyue. Let me tell you, she is the eldest lady of the Jiang family now. If nothing happens, you can get closer and closer." Chen Wenju's face instantly turned cold and he said, "Old Qi, could it be that Are you going to stand there too?"

Lao Qi took a deep look at Chen Wenju, and then said sternly: "Old Chen, although we have a personal relationship, as a police officer, my fair enforcement of the law is greater than God!"


The corners of Chen Wenju's mouth twitched for a while, and then he burst into laughter and said, "Okay, okay, today I, Chen Wenju, admit my defeat and see off my guests."

Hearing Chen Wenju say the word "see off guests", everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the matter was over.

Who knew that Ji Wufeng suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

He walked out, pointed at Huang Junpeng who was still lying on the ground and said: "I witnessed this child molestation in public with my own eyes. I demand that he be arrested immediately and the case be filed for investigation."

He couldn't stay in Mingzhu for a long time, so he had to capture the Chen family before leaving. Does Chen Wenju want to curry favor with the Chen family?

If Huang Junpeng is arrested in the Chen family, I wonder if the Chen family will look good on Chen Wenju.

" you have any evidence? Is there anyone who can testify for you? If not, please don't slander anyone, otherwise, I will sue you for false accusation!"

Chen Wen was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames. He didn't expect Ji Wu Feng to be so damaged that he would refuse to let him go. If Huang Junpeng was really taken away, wouldn't the Chen family fight with him?

He was fine when he came here, but now he has lost one hand, been kicked as a eunuch, and has to be held tightly in prison. How can he fawn over the Chen family?

Ji Wufeng looked around. He didn't expect those guests to stand up and testify. Instead, he looked at Chen Yuting and heard Chen Yuting say: "I think the Chen family's monitoring room should have taken pictures of everything that happened. Once checked, it will be clear what happened." It’s all clear.”

" you know what you are talking about?"

Chen Wenju's eyes widened, as if he were looking at his granddaughter with bull's eyes. He didn't expect Chen Yuting to say such a thing.

Of course, the surveillance camera was not turned off, and he also knew Huang Junpeng's character. If the video was really released, Huang Junpeng would be completely ruined, and the Chen family would never let him go.

Chen Yuting said expressionlessly: "Grandpa, since the incident happened in the Chen family, our Chen family has the responsibility to find out the truth of the matter."


Chen Wen raised his finger and pointed at Chen Yuting. His whole body was shaking with anger. He didn't even think that Chen Yuting would do such a thing. He was so angry that he spurted out blood.

"Grandpa, grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Yuting's face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly stepped forward to support Chen Wenju. Chen Wenju pointed at her with a trembling finger and was about to say something. She quickly said: "Grandpa, don't say anything. Someone comes quickly and takes grandpa to the hospital. "

Soon, two big men ran over. Chen Yuting winked at them, and they immediately carried Chen Wenju away without giving Chen Wenju a chance to speak again.

Ji Wufeng shook his head helplessly. It seemed that Chen Wenju had no choice but to lie in the urn after leaving the Chen family, because he did not ignore the murderous intent revealed in Chen Yuting's eyes when she winked at the two big men. .

Chen Wenju has been playing conspiracies all his life. It can be said that he is as smart as a monkey, but he would never have thought that he would die in the hands of his granddaughter.

r\u003e This has to be said to be a tragedy, but is it not karma and retribution, a natural cycle?

"I'm very sorry. I think everyone has seen that the Chen family has very important things to deal with now, so tonight's banquet made fun of them. Please don't mind. Yuting will definitely come to apologize one by one one day. "

Chen Yuting bowed to all the guests present with an apologetic face.

Damn it, the old man of the Chen family was so angry that he vomited blood. What a fucking banquet? Everyone then said goodbye and left.

But when leaving, almost everyone glanced at Ji Wufeng involuntarily. Maybe many of them did not take him seriously at first, but at this time, everyone had deep fear in their eyes. The person who forced the Chen family into such a situation.

There is also Huang Junpeng. I wonder what kind of ecstasy soup Ji Wufeng poured into Chen Yuting. If the video is really released, Huang Junpeng will be finished. Even the Huang family will be discredited and suffer a blow to their reputation.

After all the guests left, Nan Yuntian said: "Xiao Feng, come quickly and meet your Grandpa Qi."

Ji Wufeng hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Qi, I have known you for a long time. When I see you today, you are really majestic and powerful. You will be stronger when you are famous. It is better to meet you if you are famous."

In fact, he didn't know this old man Qi, he had never even heard of him, but Nan Yuntian asked him to call him grandpa, so he must be a very special person.

Old man Qi looked impressed and said with a smile: "Are you Xiao Feng? Okay, I have long heard from your grandpa that you are young and promising, a dragon among men. When I see you today, you are really a hero."

"Haha, Mr. Qi is really over the top. I wonder how to deal with this person?" Ji Wufeng glanced at Huang Junpeng who was still lying on the ground and said.

Old Man Qi immediately filled his face with anger and said: "As a police officer, I will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor will I let a bad person go. If he really does something bad, I will never tolerate it, even if he is from the Huang family." Young Master."

Ji Wufeng glanced at him unexpectedly. Since he knew Huang Junpeng's identity and still wanted to deal with him, it seemed that this old man Qi was indeed not simple.

Chen Wenju was away, so Chen Yuting took the decision in the Chen family and quickly pulled up the video.

Ji Wufeng discovered that Chen Yuting's prestige in the Chen family was not small. It seemed that she had already started to have ideas for the Chen family, but his arrival only gave her an opportunity.

After watching the video, the truth came to light. Old Man Qi's eyebrows almost burned with anger, and he said angrily: "What a courageous dog to actually do such an animal act. Come on, take me away!"

Then he said to Ji Wufeng: "Xiao Feng, don't worry, I will deal with Huang Junpeng strictly, and I will also report it. In view of your bravery, I will get a reward for your bravery."

After saying that, he took Captain Wu and a group of policemen and left in a hurry.

Nan Yuntian glanced at Chen Yuting and said with a smile: "Boy, what a dirty trick."

Ji Wufeng said with an innocent face: "You can't accuse people unjustly. I just acted bravely. You heard it just now. Mr. Qi also said that he would give me a bravery award."

"Damn it, you're the only one who is brave enough to do what's right? It's good that you won't cause trouble." Nan Yuntian scolded with a smile.

Ji Wufeng pulled Jiang Xinyue and said, "This is Sister Xinyue. Let me tell you, she is the eldest lady of the Jiang family now. If it doesn't matter, you can get closer and closer to her."

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