Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 823 Something happened in Yuzhou

Chen Tienan felt his scalp numb and said: "It's too cruel. Don't you feel any uneasiness when you kill people?"

Ji Zangfeng shook his head and said: "No, not only did I not feel uneasy, but I also felt very safe. My eldest brother said that only by killing all his enemies will he be safe. Therefore, he said that he would have to kill a hundred people to complete the task. , I will kill a hundred people."

"What? Did that bastard Ji Wufeng ask you to do this?" Chen Tienan said angrily.

A cold and terrifying aura came, and Ji Zangfeng's eyes that contained no human emotion stared at her, making her feel cold all over.

"All the people my brother asked me to kill deserved to die." .??.

Ji Zangfeng looked at Chen Tienan coldly and said, "But remember, you are disrespectful to elder brother. If it weren't for the fact that you are the person he cares about, you would be a dead person now!"

"Why? No matter what, killing is wrong, why do you still listen to him?"

Chen Tienan didn't feel scared at all. As a police officer, her sense of justice made her feel that killing was a crime.

“It’s wrong to kill, so is it right to be killed?”

Ji Zangfeng's eyes flashed with some sarcasm, and he said: "Before I met eldest brother, I had nothing. It was eldest brother who taught me to kill. Killing gave me the right to live and regained my dignity. Killing is me. For everything, big brother is my belief!”

Chen Tienan suddenly felt very sad. In the beginning, human beings are inherently good. What is the reason why a person can only survive and have dignity by killing people?

What will a young girl go through to become a murderous person?


A terrifying low roar came, and Ji Zangfeng's face turned cold instantly. He grabbed Chen Tienan's shoulders and retreated backwards like lightning.


A humanoid monster fell from the sky and hit the spot where Chen Tienan had just been standing. A big hole was made on the ground. If Ji Zangfeng hadn't taken her away in time, Chen Tienan would have been smashed into a puddle of flesh.

\u003e Looking at the monster in front of him, Chen Tienan's eyes were full of horror. Oh my god, what kind of monster is this?

This was clearly a person, but the muscles were swollen like steel and covered with dense scales.

The two eyes were full of blood red, the mouth was full of cold fangs, and the hands and feet were like claws, just like the transformed werewolf in the movie, only with scales.

Oh my god, what kind of monster is this?

Chen Tienan immediately pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Bang bang bang!

Chen Tienan shot at the monster, but the bullets hitting the monster's body did not cause much damage except for a trace of blood.

Looking at the slowly approaching monster, Chen Tienan knew that he was doomed this time and closed his eyes in despair.

Just when she thought she would end up with her body and head missing, she suddenly felt a terrible cold aura. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ji Zangfeng's thin body blocking her body.

The monster roared violently and rushed over with its sharp claws. A cold light flashed in Ji Zangfeng's eyes, and the long sword on his waist flashed across like lightning and hit the monster's sharp claws.

There was another loud clang, and Ji Zangfeng took a step back. There were two scratches on his feet, and the monster was directly hit and continued to retreat.

Chen Tienan looked shocked. Ji Zangfeng was so thin but had such powerful power.

The monster was enraged and slapped a claw on the wall beside it. The concrete wall was smashed to pieces like tofu, and it roared and rushed over again.

Ji Zangfeng frowned slightly, holding the hilt of the sword in his hand, stamping on the ground with one foot, and rushed forward like a sharp arrow from the string. A cold light flashed, and the monster's chest was pierced by the long sword.

The blood spurted out from the wound like a fountain, and a disgusting stench filled the air.

However, the monster did not die. Instead, it rushed towards him even more crazily. Ji Zangfeng had a stern look on his face and struck out with his sword again. Poof, the monster's throat was pierced again.

But looking at the monster that was still crazy, a trace of sweat finally appeared on the young man's forehead. He attacked two vital points continuously but still survived. Is it really an undead monster with no weaknesses?

"Let's go!"

Chen Tienan was really shocked and pulled Ji Zangfeng to leave.

Ji Zangfeng's eyes suddenly burst out with Han Han's panic. The long sword in his hand slashed down, and thousands of sharp edges shot out quickly, slashing at the monster's body.

"Puff puff……"

The monster seemed to be rolled into a meat grinder, chopped into pieces with thousands of knives, and its entire body was minced into pieces.

Finally, the monster was completely lifeless. Chen Tienan was in shock. It was so terrifying that he actually had to cut it into pieces to kill it.

After calming down, Chen Tienan let out a long breath and said, "I want to return to Longfeng immediately."

When something like this happens, Long Feng, as a special team member, must be the first to bear the brunt.

"No, my eldest brother has told me that I must take you back to Longtan Township." Ji Zangfeng didn't wait for Chen Tienan to refuse, so he grabbed her and jumped into the air.

After arriving at Longtan Township, many people from Chen Tienan were guarding there, including Fang Tianhua, Murong Wuji, Wen Jingtao, Jin Yu, Rong Tianhe... all of them were filled with murderous intent, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

A car drove over, and Mei Yingxue, Fu Qingling and Yu Jingtong got out of the car.


"Why are you here?"

Fang Tianhua said in a deep voice: "It's not safe outside now. You'd better go in quickly. Someone will tell you everything inside."

Everyone nodded and walked into Longtan Township. When they entered the living room, they found that the room was already full of people. Lin Yuantu's family, Li Xinzhi's mother and daughter, Lu Shuangshuang and Shi Qianying were all there.

At this time, Gouhun came over and said: "Everyone, it is very dangerous outside now, so until the danger is eliminated, I can only temporarily force you to stay here."

No one present except Chen Tienan knew what exactly happened, but from the extremely tense atmosphere, it was certain that something big must have happened.


At this moment, a loud roar suddenly sounded outside. Ji Zangfeng reached the door in one step. A long sword emitting a cold light stood beside him, his eyes filled with murderous intent.


The wall suddenly exploded, and Murong Wuji and others rushed in, shouting loudly: "We can't stop it anymore, evacuate immediately!"

After Jiang Wenhai died, Gouhun received the information immediately and made complete preparations to bring everyone to Longtan Township. It was best to be on guard.

But I didn't expect that the other party was too strong and could no longer defend it.

At the same time at Mingzhu Nan's house, Ji Wufeng walked into the living room and saw a large group of people waiting outside, all with very strange expressions.

"Hey, are you guys miscellaneous?" Ji Wufeng asked with a depressed look on his face.

"Something happened in Yuzhou." Li Yunxiao said with a gloomy face.

A violent aura burst out from Ji Wufeng's body, startling Rongrong who was completely defenseless, and took a step back in horror. She calmed down after being held by Li Yunxiao's hand.

"What's going on?" Ji Wufeng asked with murderous intent on his face.

"Don't worry, everyone was just a little frightened, no one was hurt."

When Li Yunxiao told the story and knew that everyone was safe, Ji Wufeng's violent aura disappeared. As long as the people he cared about were safe and sound, nothing else mattered.

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