Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 828 Resurrection from the Dead

After the four men recovered, they roared like wild beasts. The four men rushed towards Ji Wufeng with even more fierce force!

Ji Wufeng stood there without dodging, letting their attacks hit his vitals!

When these attacks were about to touch Ji Wufeng's body, Ji Wufeng finally moved, grabbed a man's arm, pulled hard, and tore off the entire arm.

Then, he cut a man in half from his shoulder to his crotch with a knife. Then he grabbed the other man's neck and pulled hard. Blood spurted out and his head fell to the ground.

A kick hit the chest of the last person, and the whole person flew up and hit the wall, making a big crater in the wall. The person's body was embedded in the wall, and blood flowed down like spring water.

After violently getting rid of the guys who were neither humans nor ghosts, Ji Wufeng found strangely that these four people had been divided into corpses, and their bodies were still squirming. It took a long time for them to completely die. Their vitality was really too strong. .

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly there was a sound of clapping from inside, and the man in gold robe said: "You are indeed strong enough. Since you are here, why don't you come in and have a chat?"

Ji Wufeng snorted coldly and strode in. He saw a short man with a beard sitting there, staring at him like a poisonous snake.

"Ji Wufeng!"

Seeing Ji Wufeng's figure, Hua Yutong's eyes immediately shone with brilliance. Yang Qingwu and Yu Chuchu both trembled. He still came, but they didn't know whether they should be moved or complained.

Isn't it supposed to be the happiest thing in the world to have a man risk his life to save himself?

However, if it weren't for him, he wouldn't be implicated. Grandma Yang Qingwu and Yu Chuchu's grandfather are uncertain about their lives. Can they forgive a person who harmed their relatives?

Ji Wufeng gave Hua Yutong a comforting look and looked at Yang

Qingwu followed Yu Chuchu with complicated eyes, and his heart was filled with guilt.

"I'm already here, you can let him go." Ji Wufeng said, suppressing the murderous intention in his heart.

"Hey, don't worry, it's not too late to catch up with an old friend of yours first," said the man in gold robe.

Old friend? Ji Wufeng didn't think that there were any old friends of his in the Qianye family.

A bloody and sinister aura came from behind Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng turned around and saw a man covered in black robes. His eyes were full of bloodthirsty ferocity when he looked at him.

The man in black robe slowly took off his hat, revealing a pale and sinister face, with an extremely exaggerated cracked lip. He looked at Ji Wufeng and said with a sinister smile, "What? You don't even recognize your old friend?"

Even though Ji Wufeng was killing people like crazy, he was also startled at this time, with an expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost, and he exclaimed: "Is it you? Qianye Ming?"

Qianye Ming is already dead, and he cannot die anymore, but who is this person in front of him? Could it be a ghost?

"Impossible, you are indeed dead. Who the hell are you?" Ji Wufeng really didn't believe that a dead person was still standing in front of him alive.

"Yes, I am indeed dead."

Qianye Ming looked down at his body, opened his scarlet mouth, and said: "The whole body, except my head, belongs to others."

Ji Wufeng was stunned. He had long heard of Ye Linglong's genius fantasy. If a person dies, as long as the brain waves have not completely dissipated, it is very possible to be resurrected with a healthy body.

Before, he had always thought that Ye Linglong’s genius fantasy was just

It was just nonsense. Unless he was a cultivator, it would be impossible for a mortal to achieve it. However, he did not expect that this impossible thing would now appear in front of him.

It seems that the power of technology is indeed very powerful and can actually resurrect mortals. In comparison, it is extremely difficult for cultivators to rely on the Nascent Soul to resurrect their bodies.

At the same time, Ji Wufeng's heart sank. Ye Linglong developed biochemical warriors, and then biochemical warriors ran all over the place, coming up with the genius fantasy that the dead can be resurrected, and then the dead people really came back to life.

Now he was finally sure that someone had exposed Ye Linglong's research, because it was absolutely impossible for another person in the world to possess Ye Linglong's genius and weird thinking at the same time.

Moreover, this person is definitely a high-level person, and Ye Linglong’s research is top secret, so lower-level people cannot have access to it at all.

"Haha, this is good. Look, he is much more handsome than before, and he also has a new body. Has that thing been changed? Is there any functional impairment in that area?" Ji Wufeng smiled at Qianye Ming. asked.

"The new body is really good. I should also thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known that people could have such power."

Qianye Ming looked intoxicated, licking his scarlet lips and said: "So, in order to repay you, I will make you like me, and then change your brain into a dog's brain. In this case, you can follow a dog." Like a dog, he will always be by my side."

Ji Wufeng waved his hand and said, "Haha, there's no need to be so polite. I never ask for anything in return for doing good deeds. You'd better not repay me."

"I will turn all the people related to you into biochemical warriors. The four you just killed are powerful enough, right? But apart from knowing how to kill, they are basically dead people."

Qianye Ming turned to look at Hua Yutong and others again, and said with a cruel smile

: "And your women, it would be too wasteful to turn them into biochemical warriors. It would be nice to be my slaves. By the way, especially Nie Qingcheng. She is my favorite woman. I will turn her into a woman who only knows A slave for me to vent my anger on.”

"Ah, is there such a good thing?"

Ji Wufeng said with a surprised look on his face: "That's great, but I think it's better for you to honor your mother first when there is such a good thing. After all, your mother worked hard to raise you so big and it's not easy. If you It would be extremely unfilial not to honor her first."

Qianye Ming's eyes flashed with coldness and he said: "You still like to talk nonsense as always. I have decided that the first thing I want to change is your mouth. If the dog barks whenever you open your mouth, I don't know if you still like to talk nonsense."

Ji Wufeng sighed and said: "You still like to show off as always, but I really am not in the mood to play with you anymore, so die!"

Before he came, he had already decided that whoever captured Hua Yutong and the others would die!

His body rose into the air, and he struck Qianye Ming with a knife in the air. The sharp energy pressed overwhelmingly against Qianye Ming. Ji Wufeng was thinking, couldn't Qianye Ming still live after he died? Then kill him again and split him in half. If he is still alive, he will be really powerful.

Facing Ji Wufeng's terrifying attack, Qianye Ming didn't show any fear in his eyes. He snorted coldly, and his whole body suddenly made a snapping sound. The muscles on his body actually swelled, exuding a metallic luster.


Qianye Ming punched Ji Wufeng's hand knife, and the shock wave generated by the collision blew through like a tornado, kicking up dust all over the sky.

After the dust cleared, Ji Wufeng was seen standing there, Qianye Ming's whole body had been buried in the wall behind him, and one arm was bloody and bloody, with only half of it left.

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