Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 837 Why do you still miss him?

"No need to guess, no one betrayed you, just because you can't hide your little thoughts from me." Gu Yunfeng shook his head.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hidden it from you. Grandpa once taught me not to give my opponent a chance to breathe, but I failed to live up to Grandpa's expectations of me." Gu Tianyang said with a guilty look on his face.

"You don't need to apologize. It's good that you can have your own ideas. Blind obedience will only make you live under my wings forever. Only by going your own way can you surpass me."

Not only did Gu Yunfeng not mean to blame, but he also expressed relief.

"Grandpa is not angry?" Gu Tianyang looked stunned.

When he was eight years old, Gu Tianyang was selected by Gu Yunfeng and stayed by his side to teach and train him. It can be said that the current Gu Tianyang was completely shaped by Gu Yunfeng, which is why Gu Tianyang was in awe of him. The reason is that he never dares to show any disobedience.

But this time, Gu Yunfeng didn't get angry. No wonder he was surprised.

"Why should I be angry? It's good that you can think of a chance for a fair fight." Gu Yunfeng nodded.

"Grandpa also agrees with my idea?"

Gu Tianyang was even more strange now. He had not forgotten what Gu Yunfeng said when he taught him a lesson. There is no absolute fairness in the world, only the strong and the weak.

Pursuing the so-called fairness is only the behavior of the weak, and it is absolutely pedantic for the strong to have such thoughts, and they will become losers sooner or later.

Whether it is fair or not has its own history to witness, and history is written by the victors!

Therefore, Gu Tianyang's so-called fair fight can be said to completely violate the dogma that Gu Yunfeng has instilled in him since he was a child.

A sneer appeared on Gu Yunfeng's face and he said, "Do you think the fairness I mean is the fairness you mean?"

Gu Tianyang looked puzzled, and Gu Yunfeng continued: "Do you think the fight between you and him is unfair to him? Tianyang, you are completely wrong, it is unfair to you!"

"Unfair to me?"

Gu Tianyang really didn't understand. In comparison, his power was spread all over the place, and he had the powerful Gu family behind him. But what did Ji Wufeng have?

There are only Yuzhou and Mingzhu, and they have not been completely consolidated. Their strength is not equal at all, but Grandpa said that it was because of his disadvantage.

Gu Yunfeng's eyes turned cold and said: "Don't you understand? Why do you think he can easily take over Yuzhou? He controlled the Black Prison privately but no one cared about it, and caused trouble in the Pearl, but the superiors just turned a blind eye. Yiyan, what do you think this is all about?"

Gu Tianyang immediately figured it out. In just a few months, Ji Wufeng had already taken possession of Yuzhou, Black Prison and Mingzhu, and his power had skyrocketed. However, no one came to stop him. Some people reluctantly wanted to intervene, but in the end they all Let it go and let it develop.

This is an extremely abnormal phenomenon. How could the big bosses above tolerate him getting to this point?

The only explanation is that the big bosses above deliberately allowed it to develop and grow.

"Why don't those old guys ask any questions? They just want to have what you want and hope for a fair fight. What do you think will happen if you take action at this time?"

"Grandpa, I understand." Gu Tianyang figured out the key and couldn't help but sweat.

On the surface, it seems that Ji Wufeng is at a disadvantage now, but this is not the case. Since those big guys want fairness, if he takes action at this time, what will happen to him?

In order to pursue fairness, those big guys will definitely get involved. In this case, Gu Tianyang's advantage will disappear and he will still be at a disadvantage.

Seeing Gu Tianyang's educated expression, Gu Yunfeng nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's good if you understand. It's okay. You can go out."

Gu Tianyang stood up, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Grandpa, Xiaoyue's grades are very good. I hope to send her to Harvard, but she wants to stay in Huajing. I want to hear Grandpa's opinion."

Gu Yunfeng waved his hand and said: "There is no need to talk about this anymore. It is my intention for her to stay in Huajing."

"What? What does grandpa mean?" Gu Tianyang's expression changed.

Gu Yunfeng's face turned pale, and he snorted coldly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

"But grandpa..."

"Nothing but, put away your so-called compassion, it will only make you a loser. Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. As long as the goal can be achieved, this small sacrifice is nothing? What's more, our ancient family members I have spared her for so many years, and it’s time for her to repay her kindness.”

Seeing the coldness and ruthlessness in Gu Yunfeng's eyes, Gu Tianyang knew that he could not change anything.

After walking out of the room, Gu Mingyue ran over, held his hand affectionately and asked, "Brother, what did grandpa tell you?"

Looking at the girl he called "sister" in front of him, Gu Tianyang felt a little guilty, as he would be the one to bury her with his own hands.

But after apologizing, his heart gradually grew colder. Since he was destined to sacrifice her, he should be more thorough. Doesn't the road to success need to be paved with sacrifices?

"Haha, it's nothing. Don't you want to stay in Huajing to go to school? I'll introduce you to some friends tonight. Just book whichever school you want to attend."

"Really? That's great. I know you love me the most, brother."

Far away in Yuzhou, Yang Qingwu walked out of the funeral parlor holding her grandma's urn. She still didn't believe that her grandma who loved her the most was gone.

Grandpa doesn’t know the news yet because she doesn’t know how to tell him.

Walking alone on the cold street, facing the evening breeze, she felt very cold, as if she had lost everything.

The figure of Ji Wufeng could not help but appear in his mind. Do I still have him?

But she quickly shook her head vigorously. He killed her grandmother. She should hate him, why would she still miss him?

There are so many girls around him who are so carefree. Why do I still miss him when I should hate him?

But, why do I particularly want him to be by my side at this time?

"Hey, beauty, isn't it lonely to be alone in the middle of the night?" A provocative voice sounded from the front.

Yang Qingwu raised his head and saw seven or eight gangsters surrounding him.

When the gangsters saw Yang Qingwu's appearance clearly, they were immediately stunned. Yang Qingwu's beauty went beyond a concept and fascinated them instantly.

Yang Qingwu was a little flustered, lowered his head and wanted to leave quickly, but was immediately stopped.

"Hey, sister, don't go. It's so late and there are too many bad people outside. Why don't you let me take you home?"

These little brats came out to have fun. How could they let go of such a beauty so easily? Yang Qingwu was surrounded by people, and he couldn't help but start to move. "No need to guess, no one betrayed you, just because you can't hide your little thoughts from me." Gu Yunfeng shook his head.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have hidden it from you. Grandpa once taught me not to give my opponent a chance to breathe, but I failed to live up to Grandpa's expectations of me." Gu Tianyang said with a guilty look on his face.

"You don't need to apologize. It's good that you can have your own ideas. Blind obedience will only make you live under my wings forever. Only by going your own way can you surpass me."

Not only did Gu Yunfeng not mean to blame, but he also expressed relief.

"Grandpa is not angry?" Gu Tianyang looked stunned.

When he was eight years old, Gu Tianyang was selected by Gu Yunfeng and stayed by his side to teach and train him. It can be said that the current Gu Tianyang was completely shaped by Gu Yunfeng, which is why Gu Tianyang was in awe of him. The reason is that he never dares to show any disobedience.

But this time, Gu Yunfeng didn't get angry. No wonder he was surprised.

"Why should I be angry? It's good that you can think of a chance for a fair fight." Gu Yunfeng nodded.

"Grandpa also agrees with my idea?"

Gu Tianyang was even more strange now. He had not forgotten what Gu Yunfeng said when he taught him a lesson. There is no absolute fairness in the world, only the strong and the weak.

Pursuing the so-called fairness is only the behavior of the weak, and it is absolutely pedantic for the strong to have such thoughts, and they will become losers sooner or later.

Whether it is fair or not has its own history to witness, and history is written by the victors!

Therefore, Gu Tianyang's so-called fair fight can be said to completely violate the dogma that Gu Yunfeng has instilled in him since he was a child.

A sneer appeared on Gu Yunfeng's face and he said, "Do you think the fairness I mean is the fairness you mean?"

Gu Tianyang looked puzzled, and Gu Yunfeng continued: "Do you think the fight between you and him is unfair to him? Tianyang, you are completely wrong, it is unfair to you!"

"Unfair to me?"

Gu Tianyang really didn't understand. In comparison, his power was spread all over the place, and he had the powerful Gu family behind him. But what did Ji Wufeng have?

There are only Yuzhou and Mingzhu, and they have not been completely consolidated. Their strength is not equal at all, but Grandpa said that it was because of his disadvantage.

Gu Yunfeng's eyes turned cold and said: "Don't you understand? Why do you think he can easily take over Yuzhou? He controlled the Black Prison privately but no one cared about it, and caused trouble in the Pearl, but the superiors just turned a blind eye. Yiyan, what do you think this is all about?"

Gu Tianyang immediately figured it out. In just a few months, Ji Wufeng had already taken possession of Yuzhou, Black Prison and Mingzhu, and his power had skyrocketed. However, no one came to stop him. Some people reluctantly wanted to intervene, but in the end they all Let it go and let it develop.

This is an extremely abnormal phenomenon. How could the big bosses above tolerate him getting to this point?

The only explanation is that the big bosses above deliberately allowed it to develop and grow.

"Why don't those old guys ask any questions? They just want to have what you want and hope for a fair fight. What do you think will happen if you take action at this time?"

"Grandpa, I understand." Gu Tianyang figured out the key and couldn't help but sweat.

On the surface, it seems that Ji Wufeng is at a disadvantage now, but this is not the case. Since those big guys want fairness, if he takes action at this time, what will happen to him?

In order to pursue fairness, those big guys will definitely get involved. In this case, Gu Tianyang's advantage will disappear and he will still be at a disadvantage.

Seeing Gu Tianyang's educated expression, Gu Yunfeng nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's good if you understand. It's okay. You can go out."

Gu Tianyang stood up, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Grandpa, Xiaoyue's grades are very good. I hope to send her to Harvard, but she wants to stay in Huajing. I want to hear Grandpa's opinion."

Gu Yunfeng waved his hand and said: "There is no need to talk about this anymore. It is my intention for her to stay in Huajing."

"What? What does grandpa mean?" Gu Tianyang's expression changed.

Gu Yunfeng's face turned pale, and he snorted coldly: "What? Do you have any objections?"

"But grandpa..."

"Nothing but, put away your so-called compassion, it will only make you a loser. Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. As long as the goal can be achieved, this small sacrifice is nothing? What's more, our ancient family members I have spared her for so many years, and it’s time for her to repay her kindness.”

Seeing the coldness and ruthlessness in Gu Yunfeng's eyes, Gu Tianyang knew that he could not change anything.

After walking out of the room, Gu Mingyue ran over, held his hand affectionately and asked, "Brother, what did grandpa tell you?"

Looking at the girl he called "sister" in front of him, Gu Tianyang felt a little guilty, as he would be the one to bury her with his own hands.

But after apologizing, his heart gradually grew colder. Since he was destined to sacrifice her, he should be more thorough. Doesn't the road to success need to be paved with sacrifices?

"Haha, it's nothing. Don't you want to stay in Huajing to go to school? I'll introduce you to some friends tonight. Just book whichever school you want to attend."

"Really? That's great. I know you love me the most, brother."

Far away in Yuzhou, Yang Qingwu walked out of the funeral parlor holding her grandma's urn. She still didn't believe that her grandma who loved her the most was gone.

Grandpa doesn’t know the news yet because she doesn’t know how to tell him.

Walking alone on the cold street, facing the evening breeze, she felt very cold, as if she had lost everything.

The figure of Ji Wufeng could not help but appear in his mind. Do I still have him?

But she quickly shook her head vigorously. He killed her grandmother. She should hate him, why would she still miss him?

There are so many girls around him who are so carefree. Why do I still miss him when I should hate him?

But, why do I particularly want him to be by my side at this time?

"Hey, beauty, isn't it lonely to be alone in the middle of the night?" A provocative voice sounded from the front.

Yang Qingwu raised his head and saw seven or eight gangsters surrounding him.

When the gangsters saw Yang Qingwu's appearance clearly, they were immediately stunned. Yang Qingwu's beauty went beyond a concept and fascinated them instantly.

Yang Qingwu was a little flustered, lowered his head and wanted to leave quickly, but was immediately stopped.

"Hey, sister, don't go. It's so late and there are too many bad people outside. Why don't you let me take you home?"

These little brats came out to have fun. How could they let go of such a beauty so easily? Yang Qingwu was surrounded by people, and he couldn't help but start to move.

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