But Tiexin said without changing his expression: "From now on, Ji Wufeng will be the deputy chief instructor of the special operations brigade, what do you think?"

Ling Moran almost jumped up and shouted: "Why?"

"This is my order. As long as you commit the first offense, you will not be held accountable this time. If you dare to be disrespectful to the superior next time, you will be dealt with according to military law!" Tie Xin said coldly.

Ling Mo's hair was dyed, and he was about to have an attack, but was held tightly by Ling Xueliang.

Ji Wufeng had a proud look on his face. This little bitch has made him so miserable before, and he finally has a chance to deal with you.

But the next second, Tie Xin said to Ji Wufeng: "Remember, these two are your subordinates now. If they violate military law, you will bear full responsibility!"

This time it was Ji Wufeng's turn to almost jump up and said, "Why?"

"Just because I am the chief instructor, you are just a deputy!" Tie Xin said, raising his head.

Ji Wufeng had a black line on his head, and Ling Moran also gritted his teeth in hatred. This little girl must be seeking revenge for personal reasons. Both sisters Ji Wufeng and Ling Moran had issues with her. They seized the opportunity this time, why don't they show off their power?

Going to the special operations brigade, Ji Wufeng had no resistance.

Ji Wufeng is already aware of Long Feng's current situation. He has been at the bottom of the Dragon Group's internal competition for four consecutive years. According to the Dragon Group's survival of the fittest rules, if he is ranked last again in the fifth year, Long Feng may be eliminated. Reorganize and become a subordinate group of one of the squads.

To put it bluntly, Long Feng was eliminated and would never exist again.

Ji Wufeng was not interested in these competitions, but after all, he was Long Feng's instructor. If Long Feng was eliminated, he would lose face.

If this spreads out, wouldn't it mean that he is incompetent and has taught a bunch of useless trash?

Therefore, even for the sake of his own face, Ji Wufeng could not help himself.

When they arrived at the gate of the camp, Tie Xin put them down and drove away, saying: "There are all a bunch of thorny people in there, take care of them for me, no need to give me face."

Ji Wufeng said blankly: "You know they are a group of thorny people, but you, the chief instructor, still don't go in?"

"I went in and finished the work, what else do I want you guys to do?" Tie Xin said and drove away in a dashing way.

Ling Mo Ran stomped his feet angrily and said: "Black-faced woman, you are so despicable, I curse you to be an old maid for the rest of your life!"

The soldiers of the special operations brigade heard that a new instructor was going to be replaced, and they had lined up since seven o'clock to wait and see. However, it was already half past eight, and the new instructor didn't even see a hair on his head.

Soldiers are all temperamental people. Although they have strict discipline, the special operations brigade is different. Most of these soldiers have full personalities. Most people cannot make them surrender. In the past, they only expressed their dissatisfaction with the soldiers' natural duty to obey orders.

In the entire brigade, they only serve one person, and that person is Zhong Tianmin. Before the new instructor came, Zhong Tianmin also served as an instructor, but this time Zhong Tianmin can only be the new instructor's deputy. This can't help but make these people feel surprised at the new instructor. The instructor had a lot of expectations, but the anticipation gradually turned into impatience.

Just when the soldiers were on the verge of a commotion, a handsome-looking young man came with a smile.

Followed by the two beauties, their charming smiles and beautiful eyes made the soldiers feel astonished, and everyone's united fantasy took the place of the handsome boy.

Who is this bastard? He actually dares to wander around here with a beautiful woman. Could it be that this little kid is the new instructor, the new instructor?

This suspicion was immediately confirmed. Zhong Tianmin, who usually had a cold face, ran over, gave a straight military salute, and said: "Special Operations Brigade Zhong Tianmin reported to the instructor."

Ji Wufeng nodded and returned a military salute.

The soldiers looked at the young man in front of them with their mouths wide open. They all felt as if they were in a dream. They wanted to slap the man next to them and asked: Am I dreaming? This boy is really the new instructor.

Ji Wufeng spoke: "Cough, cough, there are so many people. Good morning, everyone. Have you had breakfast?"

Thump, thump!

Everyone was almost unsteady and their jaws dropped to the ground. But they are the most regular army, they are the sharpest among the elite, so they endured it.

Ji Wufeng added: "From today on, I am your boss, and what I say is the imperial edict. If anyone dares to disobey, I will deal with him. As long as you are obedient, I guarantee that you will enjoy the food and drink. Do you hear me clearly?" ?”

The soldiers were stunned. What kind of instructor is this? This is simply the inauguration speech of a naked gangster leader. This is a big gangster leader.

"Are you all deaf? Did you hear that?" Ji Wufeng shouted when no one answered for a long time.

Every soldier seemed to have a thunderclap in their ears, which made their eardrums buzz. They all said loudly: "Yes!"

The voice was neat and loud, resounding through the sky, and Ji Wufeng was very satisfied.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "Okay, now let me tell you a few principles for my role as your instructor. First, I am only allowed to sleep in, and you are not allowed to sleep in. Second, I am only allowed to give orders, and you are not allowed to ask why. As long as Obey. Third, if I ask you to do something that is harmful to nature, you must do it immediately without frowning. Fourth, I can eat snacks during training, but you cannot, fifth..."

Ji Wufeng said dozens of principles in total. These principles were more shameless, unfair, shameless, and excessive than the unfair treaties signed during the World War.

Every soldier's eyes were blackened and their limbs were weak. They were all wailing in their hearts: God, is this a nightmare? Please let me wake up quickly. It's so shameless, so shameless. Even the most despicable and harsh slave owners would not treat their slaves like this. This, this, I want to complain, I want to report it.

But they didn't dare to say what they were thinking, because Ji Wufeng said next: "Don't even think about snitching on me. It's useless. The relationship between me and your senior leader is very bad. Haha, who would do this?" If you are discovered by me, hey, you can figure it out for yourself."

Everyone felt chills in their hearts at Ji Wufeng's smile, and felt chills running down their spines. They no longer dared to think about making a report. No one doubted that Ji Wufeng would inhumanely torture the informant.

Zhong Tianmin looked at the expressions of the soldiers and was a little amused, remembering that he was just like these young guys back then, but the training results were astonishing.

Ling Xueliang had been holding back her laughter. She had seen many soldiers, and most of them were very strict and unsmiling. If they had been trained by Ji Wufeng, they would all have turned into gangsters. But Tiexin said without changing his expression: "From now on, Ji Wufeng will be the deputy chief instructor of the special operations brigade, what do you think?"

Ling Moran almost jumped up and shouted: "Why?"

"This is my order. As long as you commit the first offense, you will not be held accountable this time. If you dare to be disrespectful to the superior next time, you will be dealt with according to military law!" Tie Xin said coldly.

Ling Mo's hair was dyed, and he was about to have an attack, but was held tightly by Ling Xueliang.

Ji Wufeng had a proud look on his face. This little bitch has made him so miserable before, and he finally has a chance to deal with you.

But the next second, Tie Xin said to Ji Wufeng: "Remember, these two are your subordinates now. If they violate military law, you will bear full responsibility!"

This time it was Ji Wufeng's turn to almost jump up and said, "Why?"

"Just because I am the chief instructor, you are just a deputy!" Tie Xin raised his head and said.

Ji Wufeng had a black line on his head, and Ling Moran also gritted his teeth in hatred. This little girl must be seeking revenge for personal reasons. Both sisters Ji Wufeng and Ling Moran had issues with her. They seized the opportunity this time, why don't they show off their power?

Going to the special operations brigade, Ji Wufeng had no resistance.

Ji Wufeng is already aware of Long Feng's current situation. He has been at the bottom of the Dragon Group's internal competition for four consecutive years. According to the Dragon Group's survival of the fittest rules, if he is ranked last again in the fifth year, Long Feng may be eliminated. Reorganize and become a subordinate group of one of the squads.

To put it bluntly, Long Feng was eliminated and would never exist again.

Ji Wufeng was not interested in these competitions, but after all, he was Long Feng's instructor. If Long Feng was eliminated, he would lose face.

If this spreads out, wouldn't it mean that he is incompetent and has taught a bunch of useless trash?

Therefore, even for the sake of his own face, Ji Wufeng could not help himself.

When they arrived at the gate of the camp, Tie Xin put them down and drove away, saying: "There are all a bunch of thorny people in there, take care of them for me, no need to give me face."

Ji Wufeng said blankly: "You know they are a group of thorny people, but you, the chief instructor, still don't go in?"

"I went in and finished the work, what else do I want you guys to do?" Tie Xin said and drove away in a dashing way.

Ling Mo Ran stomped his feet angrily and said: "Black-faced woman, you are so despicable, I curse you to be an old maid for the rest of your life!"

The soldiers of the special operations brigade heard that a new instructor was going to be replaced, and they had lined up since seven o'clock to wait and see. However, it was already half past eight, and the new instructor didn't even see a hair on his head.

Soldiers are all temperamental people. Although they have strict discipline, the special operations brigade is different. Most of these soldiers have full personalities. Most people cannot make them surrender. In the past, they only expressed their dissatisfaction with the soldiers' natural duty to obey orders.

In the entire brigade, they only serve one person, and that person is Zhong Tianmin. Before the new instructor came, Zhong Tianmin also served as an instructor, but this time Zhong Tianmin can only be the new instructor's deputy. This can't help but make these people feel surprised at the new instructor. The instructor had a lot of expectations, but the anticipation gradually turned into impatience.

Just when the soldiers were on the verge of a commotion, a handsome-looking young man came with a smile.

Followed by the two beauties, their charming smiles and beautiful eyes made the soldiers feel astonished, and everyone's united fantasy took the place of the handsome boy.

Who is this bastard? He actually dares to wander around here with a beautiful woman. Could it be that this little kid is the new instructor, the new instructor?

This suspicion was immediately confirmed. Zhong Tianmin, who usually had a cold face, ran over, gave a straight military salute, and said: "Special Operations Brigade Zhong Tianmin reported to the instructor."

Ji Wufeng nodded and returned a military salute.

The soldiers looked at the young man in front of them with their mouths wide open. They all felt as if they were in a dream. They wanted to slap the man next to them and asked: Am I dreaming? This boy is really the new instructor.

Ji Wufeng spoke: "Cough, cough, there are so many people. Good morning, everyone. Have you had breakfast?"

Thump, thump!

Everyone was almost unsteady and their jaws dropped to the ground. But they are the most regular army, they are the sharpest among the elite, so they endured it.

Ji Wufeng added: "From today on, I am your boss, and what I say is the imperial edict. If anyone dares to disobey, I will deal with him. As long as you are obedient, I guarantee that you will enjoy the food and drink. Do you hear me clearly?" ?”

The soldiers were stunned. What kind of instructor is this? This is simply the inauguration speech of a naked gangster leader. This is a big gangster leader.

"Are you all deaf? Did you hear that?" Ji Wufeng shouted when no one answered for a long time.

Every soldier seemed to have a thunderclap in their ears, which made their eardrums buzz. They all said loudly: "Yes!"

The voice was neat and loud, resounding through the sky, and Ji Wufeng was very satisfied.

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "Okay, now let me tell you a few principles for my role as your instructor. First, I am only allowed to sleep in, and you are not allowed to sleep in. Second, I am only allowed to give orders, and you are not allowed to ask why. As long as Obey. Third, if I ask you to do something that is harmful to nature, you must do it immediately without frowning. Fourth, I can eat snacks during training, but you cannot, fifth..."

Ji Wufeng said dozens of principles in total. These principles were more shameless, unfair, shameless, and excessive than the unfair treaties signed during the World War.

Every soldier's eyes were blackened and their limbs were weak. They were all wailing in their hearts: God, is this a nightmare? Please let me wake up quickly. It's so shameless, so shameless. Even the most despicable and harsh slave owners would not treat their slaves like this. This, this, I want to complain, I want to report it.

But they didn't dare to say what they were thinking, because Ji Wufeng said next: "Don't even think about snitching on me. It's useless. The relationship between me and your senior leader is very bad. Haha, who would do this?" If you are discovered by me, hey, you can figure it out for yourself."

Everyone felt chills in their hearts at Ji Wufeng's smile, and felt chills running down their spines. They no longer dared to think about making a report. No one doubted that Ji Wufeng would inhumanely torture the informant.

Zhong Tianmin looked at the expressions of the soldiers and was a little amused, remembering that he was just like these young guys back then, but the training results were astonishing.

Ling Xueliang had been holding back her laughter. She had seen many soldiers, and most of them were very strict and unsmiling. If they had been trained by Ji Wufeng, they would all have turned into gangsters.

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