These little gangsters, who were not even underworld, had never seen such a scene before. They were so frightened that they cried and wet their pants on the spot.

In this way, Rakshasa Hall was established. It was originally a good thing to follow such a tyrannical boss, but Yin Feng was too cruel. In just one month, basically all the old brothers in Rakshasa Hall were killed. Now Most of the members are newly recruited.

Everyone is afraid that one day they will be killed by Yin Feng, but they dare not resist or escape. Once caught by Yin Feng, it will be a torture more terrifying than death.

After wandering around for a long time, Ji Wufeng didn't even wait for the people from Rakshasa Hall to come and cause trouble.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but feel angry. Others are in the underworld, and you are also in the underworld. Even the efficiency of revenge is so slow. You deserve to be stuck in this useless place and never get ahead in your life.

Too lazy to bother looking for it, Ji Wufeng got into a taxi and planned to leave. However, before the car started, he was stopped by a big man leading a few gangsters.

"Pengzi, it's time to pay the protection fee this month." The big man said roughly, holding a cigarette in his mouth and holding the hood of the car.

"Brother Meng, are you here? Look, it has been prepared for you."

The taxi driver, a relatively honest-looking young man, hurriedly got out of the car and took out a handful of bills from his pocket and handed them over with a pained face.

Brother Meng took the banknote and tapped it, squinted his eyes and said, "The principal is enough, when will the interest be paid?"


Pengzi was stunned and said: "Brother Meng, I don't seem to have borrowed money from you."

"Damn it, you owe me protection money for a few days, don't you need to pay interest?" Brother Meng slapped Pengzi hard on the face with the banknotes.

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. This was the first time he heard that the protection fee also required interest.

"Brother Meng, how much is the interest? I'll just pay it."

Pengzi had a wry smile on his face and cursed in his heart. He was really a poor vampire. However, considering that the protection fee was only two thousand yuan, a hundred yuan should be enough.

"It's not much, just give me another two thousand yuan." Brother Meng said.

"What? Isn't this a money grab?"

Pengzi got excited and shouted, how much money does he earn in a month? This time he worked for a month in vain.

"Damn it, you've learned to talk back. It seems like you'll have a long memory."

Brother Meng's eyes widened, and he hit Pengzi's face with a fist as big as a casserole. The fist was bigger than Pengzi's face. With this punch, Pengzi would only have half a life. Pengzi closed his eyes in fear as he received a bigger fist.

One minute passed, and two minutes passed. Pengzi felt very strange. Could it be that Brother Meng was a legendary martial arts master who sent himself to the west without feeling any pain? But he didn't dare to open his eyes yet. He was afraid that when he opened his eyes, he would see the fist that was bigger than a casserole.

"Hey, are you okay?"

At this time, a young voice sounded. Pengzi narrowed his eyes and found that Brother Meng who was supposed to be standing in front of him had gone there without knowing it, and the young man who had just got into his car was standing in front of him, watching. he.

"It's okay. Hey, where's Brother Meng?"

Pengzi stood up and looked left and right to find Brother Meng. He decided not to pretend to be stupid and just paid the money directly to avoid disaster. Brother Meng was gone, but several of his men were still there, but They all stared blankly at what they were doing.

"Are you looking for this guy on the ground?"

Seeing Pengzi standing up and looking to the left and to the west

Looking like this, Ji Wufeng pointed to the ground with a kind smile. This silly boy was actually cute and confused.

"Ah! Brother Meng, why are you lying on the ground?"

Pengzi was startled when he saw Brother Meng on the ground. At this moment, Brother Meng rolled his eyes, was lying on the ground with foam at the mouth, and kept kicking his limbs, as if he had food poisoning.


Only then did one of the hooligans wake up, and when he called the other hooligans, they seemed to wake up too.

"Damn it, if you dare to hit our boss, come together and destroy him!"

A few hooligans took out machetes from their pockets and slashed at Ji Wufeng's vitals. Pengzi was so frightened that he almost screamed, but the next scene made him swallow the scream and was stunned.

Ji Wufeng only hit him a few times, and those gangsters all lay on the ground and howled incessantly.

Pengzi finally came to his senses and pulled Ji Wufeng to get into the car, saying: "Brother, let's go quickly. If someone comes from Luosha Hall later, you will be in trouble."

"What will you do if I leave? If they can't find me, they probably won't let you go." Ji Wufeng smiled.

Pengzi gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, I'm leaving too. If I continue to stay here, I will be killed by these beasts sooner or later."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, somewhat appreciating this young man. He patted his shoulder and said, "You're a good young man. If we have a chance to meet again, I've decided to give you a chance."

There are not many people that Ji Wufeng can admire. Now that he has met them, Ji Wufeng hopes to form a good relationship.

After saying that, he got out of the car. Pengzi was stunned and shouted from behind: "Brother, where are you going?"

"Rakshasa Hall!"

Since they don’t come to your door, then they will come to you yourself!

At the Raksha Hall headquarters, looking at Meng Ge and the others who had been brought back, Black Panther saw the sharp cold light in Yin Feng's eyes, grabbed the ashtray and smashed it out, roaring: "What do you do for food? You will be injured in a day." I’ve been dating more than ten people and you don’t even know how low-spirited they are, so why don’t you pick the shit to eat!”

The ashtray smashed one of the people's heads so that his head was covered with blood, but if Black Panther didn't do this, someone would definitely die again when Yin Feng got angry.

Yin Feng naturally saw the Black Panther's thoughts, and the cold light in his eyes became sharper, and he said coldly: "I don't care what method you use, if he doesn't die, you should die with him!"

Black Panther's heart trembled, knowing that Yin Feng was not joking. Now that he had spoken, if he could not get rid of his opponent, he would definitely die.

"Bang!" At this time, the office door suddenly opened, and a big man in a black suit leaned against the door and panted, saying: "Old, old, boss, we found it, that guy was blocked by our brothers."

"Well done!"

Black Panther looked excited. This news was really good for him. Now his life could finally be saved.

On the other hand, Ji Wufeng looked at the nervous people in front of him with amusement. There were at least thirty big men in black suits surrounding him. The surrounding shops all closed their doors early when they saw this scene. The originally bustling A street suddenly became desolate.

"I said, what are you afraid of? I am alone and you are afraid of more than thirty people?"

Ji Wufeng felt that these people were really courageless. How could such people join the underworld? Why not reincarnate? The underworld he saw in the movie was much more ruthless than these guys.

"Brothers, he dares to look down on us, kill him!" These gangsters, who are not even underworld, had never seen such a scene before. They were so frightened that they cried and wet their pants on the spot.

In this way, Rakshasa Hall was established. It was originally a good thing to follow such a tyrannical boss, but Yin Feng was too cruel. In just one month, basically all the old brothers in Rakshasa Hall were killed. Now Most of the members are newly recruited.

Everyone is afraid that one day they will be killed by Yin Feng, but they dare not resist or escape. Once caught by Yin Feng, it will be a torture more terrifying than death.

After wandering around for a long time, Ji Wufeng didn't even wait for the people from Rakshasa Hall to come and cause trouble.

Ji Wufeng couldn't help but feel angry. Others are in the underworld, and you are also in the underworld. Even the efficiency of revenge is so slow. You deserve to be stuck in this useless place and never get ahead in your life.

Too lazy to bother looking for it, Ji Wufeng got into a taxi and planned to leave. However, before the car started, he was stopped by a big man leading a few gangsters.

"Pengzi, it's time to pay the protection fee this month." The big man held a cigarette in his mouth and roughly held the hood of the car and said.

"Brother Meng, are you here? Look, it has been prepared for you."

The taxi driver, a relatively honest-looking young man, hurriedly got out of the car and took out a handful of bills from his pocket and handed them over with a pained face.

Brother Meng took the banknote and tapped it, squinted his eyes and said, "The principal is enough, when will the interest be paid?"


Pengzi was stunned and said: "Brother Meng, I don't seem to have borrowed money from you."

"Damn it, you owe me protection money for a few days, don't you need to pay interest?" Brother Meng slapped Pengzi hard on the face with the banknotes.

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. This was the first time he heard that the protection fee also required interest.

"Brother Meng, how much is the interest? I'll just pay it."

Pengzi had a wry smile on his face and cursed in his heart. He was really a poor vampire. However, considering that the protection fee was only two thousand yuan, a hundred yuan should be enough.

"It's not much, just give me another two thousand yuan." Brother Meng said.

"What? Isn't this a money grab?"

Pengzi got excited and shouted, how much money does he earn in a month? This time he worked for a month in vain.

"Damn it, you've learned to talk back. It seems like you'll have a long memory."

Brother Meng's eyes widened, and he hit Pengzi in the face with a fist as big as a casserole. The fist was bigger than Pengzi's face. With this punch, Pengzi would only have half a life. Pengzi closed his eyes in fear as he received a bigger fist.

One minute passed, and two minutes passed. Pengzi felt very strange. Could it be that Brother Meng was a legendary martial arts master who sent himself to the west without feeling any pain? But he didn't dare to open his eyes yet. He was afraid that when he opened his eyes, he would see the fist that was bigger than a casserole.

"Hey, are you okay?"

At this time, a young voice sounded. Pengzi narrowed his eyes and found that Brother Meng who was supposed to be standing in front of him had gone there without knowing it, and the young man who had just got into his car was standing in front of him, watching. he.

"It's okay. Hey, where's Brother Meng?"

Pengzi stood up and looked left and right to find Brother Meng. He decided not to pretend to be stupid and just paid the money directly to avoid disaster. Brother Meng was gone, but several of his men were still there, but They all stared blankly at what they were doing.

"Are you looking for this guy on the ground?"

Seeing Pengzi standing up and looking to the left and to the west

Looking like this, Ji Wufeng pointed to the ground with a kind smile. This silly boy was actually cute and confused.

"Ah! Brother Meng, why are you lying on the ground?"

Pengzi was startled when he saw Brother Meng on the ground. At this moment, Brother Meng rolled his eyes, was lying on the ground with foam at the mouth, and kept kicking his limbs, as if he had food poisoning.


Only then did one of the hooligans wake up, and when he called the other hooligans, they seemed to wake up too.

"Damn it, if you dare to hit our boss, come together and destroy him!"

A few hooligans took out machetes from their pockets and slashed at Ji Wufeng's vitals. Pengzi was so frightened that he almost screamed, but the next scene made him swallow the scream and was stunned.

Ji Wufeng only hit him a few times, and those gangsters all lay on the ground and howled incessantly.

Pengzi finally came to his senses and pulled Ji Wufeng to get into the car, saying: "Brother, let's go quickly. If someone comes from Luosha Hall later, you will be in trouble."

"What will you do if I leave? If they can't find me, they probably won't let you go." Ji Wufeng smiled.

Pengzi gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, I'm leaving too. If I continue to stay here, I will be killed by these beasts sooner or later."

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, somewhat appreciating this young man. He patted his shoulder and said, "You're a good young man. If we have a chance to meet again, I've decided to give you a chance."

There are not many people that Ji Wufeng can admire. Now that he has met them, Ji Wufeng hopes to form a good relationship.

After saying that, he got out of the car. Pengzi was stunned and shouted from behind: "Brother, where are you going?"

"Rakshasa Hall!"

Since they don’t come to your door, then they will come to you yourself!

At the Raksha Hall headquarters, looking at Meng Ge and the others who had been brought back, Black Panther saw the sharp cold light in Yin Feng's eyes, grabbed the ashtray and smashed it out, roaring: "What do you do for food? You will be injured in a day." I’ve been dating more than ten people and you don’t even know how low-spirited they are, so why don’t you pick the shit to eat!”

The ashtray smashed one of the people's heads so that his head was covered with blood, but if Black Panther didn't do this, someone would definitely die again when Yin Feng got angry.

Yin Feng naturally saw the Black Panther's thoughts, and the cold light in his eyes became sharper, and he said coldly: "I don't care what method you use, if he doesn't die, you should die with him!"

Black Panther's heart trembled, knowing that Yin Feng was not joking. Now that he had spoken, if he could not get rid of his opponent, he would definitely die.

"Bang!" At this time, the office door suddenly opened, and a big man in a black suit leaned against the door and panted, saying: "Old, old, boss, we found it, that guy was blocked by our brothers."

"Well done!"

Black Panther looked excited. This news was really good for him. Now his life could finally be saved.

On the other hand, Ji Wufeng looked at the nervous people in front of him with amusement. There were at least thirty big men in black suits surrounding him. The surrounding shops all closed their doors early when they saw this scene. The originally bustling A street suddenly became desolate.

"I said, what are you afraid of? I am alone and you are afraid of more than thirty people?"

Ji Wufeng felt that these people were really courageless. How could such people join the underworld? Why not reincarnate? The underworld he saw in the movie was much more ruthless than these guys.

"Brothers, he actually dares to underestimate us, kill him!"

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