"The radar system has been interfered with and has lost its function." said the reconnaissance soldier.


Baqi Heiteng's drowsiness was suddenly frightened away by the reconnaissance soldiers. He jumped up and looked at the computer screen. An unknown ultrasonic wave in the area intercepted the signal of the radar surveillance system.

Baqi Heiteng quickly clicked the keyboard a few times, and the radar system was restored. He switched the screens of several computers and found that everything was normal and nothing unusual. After all, there are many emergencies at sea. This kind of short-term signal Shielding is normal.

After the inspection, Baqi Heiteng let out a long breath, slapped the scout soldier, and cursed: "You're just yelling at me for nothing. If something goes wrong, wouldn't you check it first and then report it to me?" Don't bother me with big things. What kind of behavior will you get when you are startled? You have to learn from me. You have to be calm and not panic in the face of battle. Is there a saying in China? It's called Mount Tai without bending. Do you know what Mount Tai is? ?”

Seeing the confused look on the investigating soldier's face, Baqi Heiteng's vanity was greatly satisfied. He continued: "Taishan means father-in-law. In other words, if your father-in-law is riding on your neck, you have to put it on him." Keep your waist straight."

"Oh, Brother Teng, you are so talented, knowledgeable and educated."

After hearing this, the scout soldier looked at Yaqi Heiteng with admiring eyes, and then said: "But if my father-in-law rides on my neck and poops and farts, I can't bend down, but can I beat him?"

The corners of Baqi Heiteng's mouth twitched and he raised his feet, so the scout soldier flew out with a size 42 shoe mark on his face.

Just after Baqi Heiteng finally fell asleep contentedly, Ji Wufeng and his group had quietly landed on Orochi Island. Weilong and others were a little incredulous. Wasn't it said that the island's radar satellites and other systems were very powerful? Why haven't they been discovered?

Seeing the expression on Weilong's face, Murong Wuji exclaimed: "With Miss Linglong here, no matter how awesome the system is, it will become blind."

Ye Linglong was afraid of alerting the enemy, so she only temporarily disabled the radar on Big Snake Island. Otherwise, the current monitoring system on the island would have been completely scrapped.

Tie Xin was stunned for a moment, then said: "Since we have this ability, why don't we cooperate with the local combat troops to directly break through the Big Snake Island? Why do we need to come?"

At this time, Ye Linglong also put on a diving suit and went ashore. She curled her lips and said, "How can I, the lady, be commanded by those cats and dogs?"

Tie Xin was speechless for a while, you are cruel enough, but she also roughly knew some of Ye Linglong's background. Even if Ye Linglong shouted such words, no one would dare to fart.

At the same time, Tie Xin looked at Ji Wu Feng with some reluctance, what on earth is good about this bastard? Even people like Ye Linglong are willing to serve for him.

"Master, should I just rush over and kill all those pirates?" Murong Wuji said murderously.


Ji Wufeng gave him a hard knock and cursed: "Hit your mother's head, we are at war now, how can we be so reckless? We need to pay attention to tactics, tactics, do you understand?"

Everyone has a black look on their faces. Damn it, do you still know that we are at war?

Murong Wuji covered his head and said with a sad face: "Then what tactics should we use?"

Ji Wufeng smiled slyly and took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket.

It looked like a fog bomb, and Murong Wuji immediately said: "I understand, boss, you want to blow them up."

"Fuck you, this is the three-step lost soul incense." Ji Wufeng said angrily.

Murong Wuji was stunned and said: "Three-step Lost Soul Incense? What a magical thing?"

However, Wu Aochong was smarter and said, "Idiot, you can tell it's an anesthetic just by the name."

Ji Wufeng said proudly: "Yes, it's the anesthetic I specially prepared. It's definitely a must-have medicine for traveling at home and picking flowers. Think about it, what if you fall in love with a girl and you can't catch her? Give her a sniff and she'll fall unconscious immediately. Aren't she at your mercy? She can do whatever she wants?"

The eyes of the three perverts immediately glowed green. This is really a good thing. With this thing, you can finally say goodbye to your childhood.


Tie Xin suddenly pulled out the dragon whip from his waist and stared at Ji Wu Feng with a murderous look. Even Tong Xin had a hint of anger in his eyes. Who is this guy? It's so obscene.

Seeing the public anger, Ji Wufeng hurriedly cursed at Murong Wuji and the others: "Damn, what are those looks like? We are in a war now, this is our weapon, don't think wrong."

The three of them all raised their middle fingers in disdain. Where did I go wrong? What you said was too obscene, okay?

After the three-step lost soul incense was lit, everyone smelled an intoxicating fragrance and couldn't help but feel sleepy. The four guys Zhao Jiaolong were weak and almost fell asleep on the spot. They only regained consciousness after taking Ji Wufeng's antidote. stand up.

Of course, this kind of anesthetic is only effective on some weak people, and it is not very useful when encountering real masters.

Along the way, he found that the ordinary pirates were all lying on the ground, sleeping soundly. Seeing that some of the guys were sleeping in such obscene ways, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but step forward and kick them a few times.

"Wuji, lead the way. First tie up the pirate leader."


After everyone walked around the Big Snake Island, they were secretly shocked. The advanced weapons and equipment on this island and the high technological content were at the world's advanced level, and the tight defense was absolutely top-notch.

To the air, to the ground, to to the sea, the radar system is impeccable in detecting, and corresponding weapons and equipment are deployed. Even a fly that flies in can be fucked to death. No wonder the local troops are at a loss for what to do with this little shit, Orochi Island. They can't just destroy the entire missile, right?

However, Ji Wufeng unexpectedly discovered that there was an anti-missile system on the island. He was really crazy. The forces behind this pirate were not simple.

Murong Wuji walked from left to right and came to a gate. He pointed at the gate and said, "The pirate leader is right here."

Ji Wufeng knocked on the door carelessly: "Open the door, open the door, get out quickly, the anti-pornography team is checking your ID."

But after shouting for a long time, there was no movement.

Ji Wufeng gave Murong Wuji an annoyed look, and Murong Wuji nodded. A violent energy suddenly burst out from his body and he punched him.


There was a loud bang, and a good door turned into pieces of wood, flying everywhere.

Ji Wufeng walked in and said apologetically: "We are gentle people and don't fight. It's just that my subordinates are a little impulsive and violent. Please forgive me." "The radar system has been interfered with and has lost its function. "The scout soldier said.


Baqi Heiteng's drowsiness was suddenly frightened away by the reconnaissance soldiers. He jumped up and looked at the computer screen. An unknown ultrasonic wave in the area intercepted the signal of the radar surveillance system.

Baqi Heiteng quickly clicked on the keyboard a few times, and the radar system was restored. He switched the screens of several computers and found that everything was normal and nothing unusual. After all, there are many emergencies at sea. This kind of short-term signal Shielding is normal.

After the inspection, Yaqi Heiteng let out a long breath, slapped the scout soldier, and cursed: "You are just yelling at me for nothing. If something goes wrong, wouldn't you check it first and then report it to me?" Don't bother me with big things. What kind of behavior will you get when you are startled? You have to learn from me. You have to be calm and not panic in the face of battle. Is there a saying in China? It's called Mount Tai without bending. Do you know what Mount Tai is? ?”

Seeing the confused look on the investigating soldier's face, Baqi Heiteng's vanity was greatly satisfied. He continued: "Taishan means father-in-law. In other words, if your father-in-law is riding on your neck, you have to put it on him." Keep your waist straight."

"Oh, Brother Teng, you are so talented, knowledgeable and educated."

After hearing this, the scout soldier looked at Yaqi Heiteng with admiring eyes, and then said: "But if my father-in-law rides on my neck and poops and farts, I can't bend down, but can I beat him?"

The corners of Baqi Heiteng's mouth twitched and he raised his feet, so the scout soldier flew out with a size 42 shoe mark on his face.

Just after Baqi Heiteng finally fell asleep contentedly, Ji Wufeng and his group had quietly landed on Orochi Island. Weilong and others were a little incredulous. Wasn't it said that the island's radar satellites and other systems were very powerful? Why haven't they been discovered?

Seeing the expression on Weilong's face, Murong Wuji exclaimed: "With Miss Linglong here, no matter how awesome the system is, it will become blind."

Ye Linglong was afraid of alerting the enemy, so she only temporarily disabled the radar on Big Snake Island. Otherwise, the current monitoring system on the island would have been completely scrapped.

Tie Xin was stunned for a moment, then said: "Since we have this ability, why don't we cooperate with the local combat troops to directly break through the Big Snake Island? Why do we need to come?"

At this time, Ye Linglong also put on a diving suit and went ashore. She curled her lips and said, "How can I, the lady, be commanded by those cats and dogs?"

Tie Xin was speechless for a while, you are cruel enough, but she also roughly knew some of Ye Linglong's background. Even if Ye Linglong shouted such words, no one would dare to fart.

At the same time, Tie Xin looked at Ji Wu Feng with some reluctance, what on earth is good about this bastard? Even people like Ye Linglong are willing to serve for him.

"Master, should I just rush over and kill all those pirates?" Murong Wuji said murderously.


Ji Wufeng gave him a hard knock and cursed: "Hit your mother's head, we are at war now, how can we be so reckless? We need to pay attention to tactics, tactics, do you understand?"

Everyone has a black look on their faces. Damn it, do you still know that we are at war?

Murong Wuji covered his head and said with a sad face: "Then what tactics should we use?"

Ji Wufeng smiled slyly and took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket.

It looked like a fog bomb, and Murong Wuji immediately said: "I understand, boss, you want to blow them up."

"Fuck you, this is the three-step lost soul incense." Ji Wufeng said angrily.

Murong Wuji was stunned and said: "Three-step Lost Soul Incense? What a magical thing?"

However, Wu Aochong was smarter and said, "Idiot, you can tell it's an anesthetic just by the name."

Ji Wufeng said proudly: "Yes, it's the anesthetic I specially prepared. It's definitely a must-have medicine for traveling at home and picking flowers. Think about it, what if you fall in love with a girl and you can't catch her? Give her a sniff and she'll fall unconscious immediately. Aren't she at your mercy? She can do whatever she wants?"

The eyes of the three perverts immediately glowed green. This is really a good thing. With this thing, you can finally say goodbye to your childhood.


Tie Xin suddenly pulled out the dragon whip from his waist and stared at Ji Wu Feng with a murderous look. Even Tong Xin had a hint of anger in his eyes. Who is this guy? It's so obscene.

Seeing the public anger, Ji Wufeng hurriedly cursed at Murong Wuji and the others: "Damn, what are those looks like? We are in a war now, this is our weapon, don't think wrong."

The three of them all raised their middle fingers in disdain. Where did I go wrong? What you said was too obscene, okay?

After the three-step lost soul incense was lit, everyone smelled an intoxicating fragrance and couldn't help but feel sleepy. The four guys Zhao Jiaolong were weak and almost fell asleep on the spot. They only regained consciousness after taking Ji Wufeng's antidote. stand up.

Of course, this kind of anesthetic is only effective on some weak people, and it is not very useful when encountering real masters.

Along the way, he found that the ordinary pirates were all lying on the ground, sleeping soundly. Seeing that some of the guys were sleeping in such obscene ways, Ji Wufeng couldn't help but step forward and kick them a few times.

"Wuji, lead the way. First tie up the pirate leader."


After everyone walked around the Big Snake Island, they were secretly shocked. The advanced weapons and equipment on this island and the high technological content were at the world's advanced level, and the tight defense was absolutely top-notch.

To the air, to the ground, to to the sea, the radar system is impeccable in detecting, and corresponding weapons and equipment are deployed. Even a fly that flies in can be fucked to death. No wonder the local troops are at a loss for what to do with this little shit, Orochi Island. They can't just destroy the entire missile, right?

However, Ji Wufeng unexpectedly discovered that there was an anti-missile system on the island. He was really crazy. The forces behind this pirate were not simple.

Murong Wuji walked from left to right and came to a gate. He pointed at the gate and said, "The pirate leader is right here."

Ji Wufeng knocked on the door carelessly: "Open the door, open the door, get out quickly, the anti-pornography team is checking your ID."

But after shouting for a long time, there was no movement.

Ji Wufeng gave Murong Wuji an annoyed look, and Murong Wuji nodded. A violent energy suddenly burst out from his body and he punched him.


There was a loud bang, and a good door turned into pieces of wood, flying everywhere.

Ji Wufeng walked in and said apologetically: "We are gentle people and don't fight. It's just that my subordinate was a little impulsive and violent. Please forgive me."

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