Needless to say, the value of the military base. I finally defeated the island. If I don’t get some benefits, wouldn’t it be a huge loss?

Seeing that Ji Wufeng actually wanted to swallow up the entire military base, everyone was full of horror, but they didn't have much of an opinion. However, Tiexin was a little stubborn and pointed at Ji Wufeng and said: "How is this possible? We must report such an important matter. .”

Ji Wufeng said angrily: "Why not? We came to fight pirates. Now that our mission is completed, we can do whatever we want?"

"No, I must report it." Tie Xin said stubbornly.

Encountering such a stubborn girl, Ji Wufeng felt a little headache, his heart moved, and he suddenly said sternly: "I don't allow you to report, don't forget, you are my team member now, and I order you not to tell anyone, otherwise, military law will Deal with it!"

"You..." Tie Xin was stunned. She was indeed Ji Wufeng's team member now, and she should indeed obey Ji Wufeng's orders.

Seeing that Tiexin had nothing to say, Ji Wufeng looked proud, little girl, can't I deal with you?

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you hurry up and open up my military base?" Ji Wufeng scolded Baqi Heiteng.

Baqi Heiteng has encountered many shameless people, but this is the first time he has encountered such a shameless person. After a while, this military base became Ji Wufeng's.

Robbers, robbers, are simply more shameless than pirates like them!

After being brought into the military base, Ji Wufeng excitedly touched the shiny advanced weapons and said, "How much does this cost?"


Others were unsteady and almost fell to the ground. Damn, sold it? These are the highest technological content, the most advanced weapons, no amount of money can buy them!

Then again, selling these things? Who dares to buy it? Who can afford it? Selling arms is a capital crime, and besides, this is not arms.

So simple!

It is estimated that they can only be sold to war-torn countries. However, those countries have been at war all year round and have been very poor for a long time. They cannot afford to buy it even if they want to.

"What are you doing? I just said it casually. Is the reaction so big?"

Of course, it is impossible for Ji Wufeng to leak such advanced weapons. If such advanced weapons are handed over to the military, everyone will have them the next day.

Therefore, the value of these weapons cannot be measured by money. They must be handed over to the country, but they cannot be handed over in vain, and some benefits must be obtained no matter what.

After looking at the weapons arsenal, Baqi Heiteng took them to the restaurant to hide the treasure house. As soon as they entered the door, they were almost blinded. They saw that the ground was full of glittering gold, pearls, agates, emeralds, etc., etc. But these are all the results of Baqi Heiteng's hijacking of those merchant ships during this period.

With such a huge amount of wealth, not only others were dumbfounded, but even Ji Wufeng was stunned.

"Dongzi, pinch me to see if I'm dreaming...ah, it hurts!"

Zhao Jiaolong felt like he was dreaming. Could it be that there was real gold and silver in front of him? After confirming that it was real, he rushed over and laughed excitedly: "Haha, so much money. I have finally become a rich man. Girls, please clean yourself up and wait for my favor."

Everyone has black lines on their faces. It’s true that birds of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups. There is a shameless boss, and even the younger ones he recruits are so nasty.


Ji Wufeng kicked Zhao Jiaolong until he was beaten to a pulp, and scolded him: "Why are you so excited? Why don't you hurry up and call someone to move the gold?"

At this time, Ji Wufeng finally knew that he

How wise he is. If he doesn't accept those Dongyang warriors, who will help him move the gold?

Weapons can be sold to the country, but once the gold has been swallowed, don't let him spit it out again. Just like Zhao Jiaolong said, with this gold, I don't know how many little girls can be coaxed into bed.

The heavy work of moving gold is done by those Dongyang warriors. As the big boss, Ji Wufeng doesn't have to worry about it. He said to Baqi Heiteng: "Okay, now take me to see those hostages."

The most important thing in this mission is to rescue the hostages on the island. I heard that there is also a special envoy from Lin Hai State among them. If something goes wrong, there will be big trouble.

When they arrived at the place where the hostages were held, Baqi Heiteng wanted to unlock the door. Murong Wuji, who was a bit grumpy, felt it was troublesome, so he went up and punched the door, and the steel door a few centimeters thick was punched through.

Ji Wufeng strode in, cleared his throat, and said in an upright manner: "Friends, we are the Longfeng Special Operations Brigade of the Chinese Special Forces. I am Ji Wufeng, and I am here to rescue you. You have been wronged. Already..."

Ji Wufeng pretended to be serious while looking at the scene inside. He saw that the scene inside was really colorful, with black hair, yellow hair, white hair, no hair, and all kinds of weird hair colors.

But soon his eyes were attracted by a focal point. He saw a girl sitting in the corner, gorgeously dressed. Even in this environment, it did not affect her noble temperament.

A standard white person, his skin is as crystal clear as winter snow, and his facial features are matched as if calculated using an instrument, perfect, with no flaws to be found.

However, the face was not the most attractive thing about Ji Wufeng, but the girl's hot and unusual figure. What does it mean to have big breasts and wide butt? What is lordosis and posterior curvature? Ji Wufeng felt that this girl was the perfect combination of these two words.



Ji Wufeng was furious and suddenly shouted loudly, making the hostages who were already a little frightened tremble all over.

I saw him running up to the girl and shouting with indignation: "Which bastard is so inhumane? He actually locked up such a noble and beautiful lady in such a place. She really deserves to be punished by God and be immersed in a pig cage. Take off all your clothes and parade them through the streets!”


The other hostages had long since become extremely haggard and half-dead after being imprisoned for such a long time, but this little girl acted like a normal person. Seeing what Ji Wufeng said was so funny, she couldn't help laughing.

Ji Wufeng has seen many domestic beauties, but he has not come into contact with this beautiful foreign girl very much. Alina is well deserved, but the foreign girl in front of him is very different from Alina. Alina is like a queen, with all her body shining.

And this little girl looked like a doll, like an elf in those European and American phone calls stories, and she instantly attracted Ji Wufeng.

"Miss, your smile is so beautiful and moving. The forgiveness in the sky will lose its luster in front of your smile, and the stars in the sky will not be able to shine. Seeing such a smile is really a life without regrets. Uh, excuse me Miss, can you understand what I’m going to say?”

Ji Wufeng shamelessly praised him for a long time before he remembered that he was not from China and wondered whether he understood Chinese. If he didn't understand, wouldn't it be a waste of saliva?

"Of course I understand. Thank you for your compliment, sir." The girl's Chinese was a bit broken, but she was able to communicate well.

"Ah, I didn't expect that young lady, you are not only beautiful, but also intelligent. You can even speak such profound, profound and difficult Chinese. Oh my god, I really can't find the right words to praise you."

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