"Ah, you still dare to speak harshly at this time. Damn it, it seems you don't know how powerful you are without punishment. Come here, take off your clothes for me!"

Ji Wufeng gave the order, and two soldiers from the special force immediately stepped forward and roughly tore the coat of an assassin with a hiss, revealing the underwear underneath.

"Holy shit, wait!"

Ji Wufeng hurriedly stopped, because he actually saw that the killer's skin was white and tender, and the underwear he wore turned out to be women's underwear. Could these killers be women?

He stepped forward and took off the hoods of the four people. Sure enough, they were really four charming little girls. Ji Wufeng slapped his thigh in annoyance. Damn it, why didn't you tell me it was a girl earlier? I wonder if the one he killed was more juicy.

Now not only Ji Wufeng, but also Murong Wuji and others were dumbfounded. What should we do? Is this still a trial? Let’s not interrogate him. He is a killer. Let’s continue interrogating him. How could he do this to such a delicate little girl? Everyone scratched their heads anxiously.

"Beauty, let's discuss something. You tell me who you are and who instigated you. How about I let you go?" Ji Wufeng had a smile on his face and tried his best to be amiable. .??.

Among the four, a short-haired beauty was older and seemed to be the leader. She said with a look of resentment: "Thieves, there is no need to waste your efforts. Since the mission failed, we have already made sacrifices. Don't Try to put anything in our mouths.”

Looking at the other three little girls, they all had indignant expressions on their faces, as if Ji Wufeng had done something outrageous and had prostituted their mother without paying them.

Ji Wufeng became angry when he heard this, Damn it, you are the ones who came to kill me, why do you act like I am the bad guy? What about the plan of sacrifice? Do you killers still deserve to use the word sacrifice?

"Damn, I've never seen someone drag you down like this without being caught. Do you believe it or not? I took off all your clothes and paraded you through the streets. Then I raped you and then killed you!" Ji

Wu Feng threatened fiercely.

When the three younger girls heard this, they immediately became panicked. As women, this kind of threat is undoubtedly the most deterrent.

"Hmph, we fell into the hands of a shameless thief like you. We had already planned this, but we couldn't get rid of you, the evil thief. We have a heavy responsibility to bear." On the other hand, the short-haired beauty is still extremely tough.

Ji Wufeng went a little crazy and said, "Damn! How could I be so shameless? Who said I was a prostitute? I didn't peek at you taking a shower!"

The more he listened, the stranger he became. Why did he feel that this little girl came to kill him, as if she was acting on behalf of heaven and getting rid of this shameless person for the general public?

When I was angry, I really wanted to do something to these four little girls, but seeing that they all had generous expressions on their faces, they really didn’t look like vicious killers. If they really did that, I would really be in trouble. turned into evil thieves.

Looking at these little girls, they have already mastered the essence of Five Elements Escape Technique, and they are very likely to be disciples of famous and upright sects.

There was really no other way, Ji Wufeng had no choice but to tell them to go down and treat these little girls well and not let them suffer any injustice until their identities were found out.

Qi Men Dun Jia all came from the Taoist sect. That boy Ma Tianlin should have some knowledge of the origins of these four little girls. Just when he was about to find that fat guy, Ji Wu Feng unexpectedly discovered that he hadn't seen him for a long time.

Since he went to Mingzhu, he has not been seen again. He seems to have disappeared out of thin air. Even when there was chaos in Yuzhou, the boy did not appear.

This is completely unreasonable. Although Fatty is a little shameless, he still has some moral principles.

You shouldn't just sit back and watch.

Ji Wufeng began to worry a little. Something had probably happened to the fat man. He ordered an investigation and found out that no one had seen Ji Wufeng since he went to Mingzhu.

If Ma Tianlin didn't show up after a while, he would have no choice but to go to Fatty's school in person.

Unconsciously, it is already the twelfth lunar month, and the New Year is coming soon. In order to promote business opportunities, many businesses in Yuzhou have filled the streets with the atmosphere of the Spring Festival. .??.??

Zhang Zhanpeng's operation was a complete success and he has reported to Tianfeng Group headquarters for training. However, Luoluo was about to celebrate the New Year. Peng Cheng still had no news and was always depressed when he was alone.

Ji Wufeng couldn't find Peng Cheng for a while, and didn't know how to comfort the little girl. Fortunately, with Ye Xixi and Lin Xiaomeng around, the little girl wouldn't be too lonely.

The Lin Group has been completely taken back. It is developing steadily in the hands of Lin Yuantu and Huang Mingyue. In the future, with the help of Tianfeng Group, it will definitely make great achievements again.

In addition, Yu Yanyan was pregnant again, and the news was confirmed, and the entire Lin family was overjoyed.

Even though Tianfeng Group was established, Ji Wufeng still focused its development on Tianxiang Group. The development of traditional Chinese medicine health and beauty products was very successful, and it quickly opened up the domestic market. It was only a matter of time before it went international.

With the support of a large amount of manpower, power and financial resources, Tianfeng Building is being constructed day and night. The progress is very fast and it is expected to be completed within a year.

Everything seemed to be going very smoothly, but Ji Wufeng did not relax at all. He did not forget the enemy hiding in the dark, who might give him a fatal blow at any time.

Vivian, a foreign girl, is indeed quite likable, but she is just too clingy.

He always pestered Ji Wufeng, and even after living there for more than half a month, he had no intention of leaving. As a result, he had to do everything he wanted to do in secret.

However, another order came down from above. It was Ji Wufeng's new mission to protect Miss Vivian, and he would make every effort to complete it.

I haven't been home for more than half a month, and the phone rang. It was Miss Ye Xixi, yelling angrily: "You bastard, you have to rush back within half an hour."

Holding the hung up phone, Ji Wufeng was very angry. You little girl, you dare to yell at me. If you go against me, you ask me to go back, so I have to go back? I'm not a pug.

"Feng, what's going on? Is there another place to play?" Vivian asked.

"Yes, there are two beauties who want to invite us to dinner. Do you want to go?" Ji Wufeng said.

"Go, of course, Chinese food is one of my favorite foods." Vivian said excitedly.

For women, in addition to shopping, food is also something that cannot be refused.

Anyway, we have to meet sooner or later, so we might as well take him to see her. Ji Wufeng and Vivian rushed back to Longtan Township. As soon as they entered the door, they saw Ye Xixi sitting in the living room with a graceful attitude, and her posture was like that. It seemed that he wanted to be interrogated by three halls. Lin Xiaomeng and Liu Qingqing were sitting next to him.

Seeing Liu Qingqing, Ji Wufeng bared his teeth and greeted him with a playful smile, "Uh, hehe, long time no see, how are you guys?"

Ye Xixi snorted coldly and said: "No matter how good we are, we are still not as good as you. Now that we have a foreign vixen around us, are we no longer happy?"

Vivian asked curiously: "Feng, what does vixen mean?"

Ji Wufeng thought for a moment with an embarrassed look on his face, and then said: "The vixen is a compliment that we Chinese people respect for beautiful women."

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