Of course Ji Wufeng knew what this meant. If Tianfeng Group could cooperate with Garuf from the beginning, it would mean that it would take a leap forward from the beginning, which would pave an excellent step for the future development of Tianfeng Group.

"There are also Tianxiang Group and Lin Group. As long as they have a relationship with you, I can cooperate with them."

Garuf once again offered attractive conditions. Whether it was Tianxiang Group or Lin Group, as long as they had a relationship with Garuf, becoming a world-class tycoon would no longer be a dream.

However, facing such an alluring temptation, Ji Wufeng's face showed no joy at all. Instead, his expression was a little gloomy and he said, "Is Mr. Galuf making a deal with me?"

"Isn't that right? You give me what I want, and I'll pay you. If it's not a transaction, what is it?" Garuf said.

"I'm very sorry, I don't think I can accept your terms."

Ji Wufeng was a little angry. It was very satisfying to go to bed with a woman, but it depends on the purpose. He was willing to just have a good time, and he was also willing to save people.

But if it was just a transaction, he would be very unhappy. Damn it, do you think I am a duck?

"Why? Isn't the condition I offered generous enough?"

Garuf was very strange. I believe no one could refuse the conditions he offered. Even if there were no such conditions, what normal man could refuse a beauty like Vivian?

"You are wrong, your conditions are very generous." Ji Wufeng said.

"Then why did you refuse?"

"Because I'm unhappy!" Ji Wufeng's tone was full of anger.

Garuf's eyes suddenly became sharp and he said coldly: "You should understand the purpose of my coming here in person, and you should understand the consequences of rejecting me. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will guarantee the development of your Tianfeng Group. Good, otherwise, I can’t guarantee it.”

With Galuf's international status, it is not too difficult to block the international development of a group. Take Tianfeng Group as an example. We dare not say so in China. If Galuf secretly causes harm, , if you want to develop internationally, there will definitely be a lot of resistance.

"Are you threatening me?" Ji Wufeng's eyes turned cold and murderous intent flashed.

"You are wrong again. I am just a businessman. I only know how to trade and will not do unnecessary things. Therefore, I will not threaten anyone and will only make choices that are beneficial to me. If you are not willing to follow me For cooperation, I can only choose other partners, but unfortunately, my new partner is not too friendly to you."

Galuf met Ji Wufeng's eyes full of murderous intent, but he didn't even give in at all.

Ji Wufeng finally heard the truth. It turned out that he was not Garuf's only hope, but his first choice. If he didn't want to, he would cooperate with the next company, and his next company was his. Opponent.

And who the so-called next family is, can he guess who it is with his butt?

"Really? Do you really believe that the Qianye family can give you what you want?" Ji Wufeng's eyes were full of disdain.

With the rise of the Tianfeng Group, the biggest enemy is the Qianye family, and the last time Qianye Ming came back from the dead, Garuf thought it was another chance for Vivian.

"I don't trust the Chiba family too much, so

I'm coming to you. "

Garuf shook his head and said: "But if you reject me, the Chiba family is my only hope, and I have no reason to refuse anymore."

Yes, for the sake of his daughter's life, even if he is not absolutely sure, a father must try hard to give it a try.

The Qianye family's international status has long been deeply rooted. It can be said that it is very difficult for Tianfeng Group to defeat the Qianye family. If coupled with Garuf's international influence, Tianfeng Group's opportunities will be obvious. Even more elusive.

"Do you still want to reject me?"

Galuf really couldn't understand Ji Wufeng's reason for rejecting him. He gave you a beautiful girl for free to sleep with for a night, and also gave you so much money. Where did you find such a good thing? You still resisted. Could it be that you Is he a fool?

But Ji Wufeng was an idiot. He stood up and said coldly: "Mr. Galuf, you can leave. If it weren't for Vivian being my friend, you would be a dead person now."

There is no doubt that if Garuf really cooperates with the Qianye family, it will definitely be the wisest choice for Ji Wufeng to kill him to eliminate serious hidden dangers.

It's just a pity that since Garuf came to him with great fanfare, there may be many pairs of eyes staring at him. If he kills Garuf, he probably won't need anyone from the Garuf family to come to him to avenge him. The big guys above cut him into pieces.

"Since you regard Vivian as your friend, why don't you want to save her!" Galuf shouted angrily.

"When did I say I wouldn't save her?"

"You clearly rejected me just now."

"I just refused to trade with you, but I didn't say I wouldn't save her. I saved her because she is my friend and does not require any reward or conditions."

Galuf's eyes suddenly glowed with sparkle, he looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "Mr. Long Si is right, you are indeed different."

Long Si?

Ji Wufeng suddenly thought of something and jumped up. He opened his mouth and cursed loudly. The spittle splashed onto Garuf's face.

"Damn it, damn Long Si, old bastard, old bastard, old crook, old fool... How dare you betray me? Just wait, I'm not done with you!"

He had been wondering how the information that allowed him to save Vivian was leaked out. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that it was the good deed of that old bastard Long Si.

This old bastard is no longer a thing. He must have taken a fancy to the benefits that Garuf gave him, and he didn't hesitate to push himself into another woman's bed.

Regarding Ji Wufeng's reaction, Galuf seemed to have expected it. He stretched out his hand to wipe the spit on his face, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then I can rest assured. I'm leaving first, so I won't leave first." Excuse me for disturbing you, here, this is Vivian’s transfer surgery, I believe you can do it well."

After finishing speaking, Galuf handed Ji Wufeng a document bag. Ji Wufeng opened it and saw that it was the relevant procedures for Vivian's transfer to Yuzhou University. Damn it, are you relying on me?

Seeing Garuf walking away with his crutches and his legs bouncing, if it weren't for his disability, Ji Wufeng would have kicked him over.

Ji Wufeng was really angry and was about to go to Long Si to settle the score. The phone rang. After the call was answered, he said in a very unkind tone: "Who!" Of course Ji Wufeng knew what this meant. If Tianfeng Group could start from Just cooperating with Garuf means that we will take a leap forward from the beginning, which will pave an excellent step for the future development of Tianfeng Group.

"There are also Tianxiang Group and Lin Group. As long as they have a relationship with you, I can cooperate with them."

Garuf once again offered attractive conditions. Whether it was Tianxiang Group or Lin Group, as long as they had a relationship with Garuf, becoming a world-class tycoon would no longer be a dream.

However, facing such an alluring temptation, Ji Wufeng's face showed no joy at all. Instead, his expression was a little gloomy and he said, "Is Mr. Galuf making a deal with me?"

"Isn't that right? You give me what I want, and I'll pay you. If it's not a transaction, what is it?" Garuf said.

"I'm very sorry, I don't think I can accept your terms."

Ji Wufeng was a little angry. It was very satisfying to go to bed with a woman, but it depends on the purpose. He was willing to just have a good time, and he was also willing to save people.

But if it was just a transaction, he would be very unhappy. Damn it, do you think I am a duck?

"Why? Isn't the condition I offered generous enough?"

Garuf was very strange. I believe no one could refuse the conditions he offered. Even if there were no such conditions, what normal man could refuse a beauty like Vivian?

"You are wrong, your conditions are very generous." Ji Wufeng said.

"Then why did you refuse?"

"Because I'm unhappy!" Ji Wufeng's tone was full of anger.

Garuf's eyes suddenly became sharp and he said coldly: "You should understand the purpose of my coming here in person, and you should understand the consequences of rejecting me. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I will guarantee the development of your Tianfeng Group. Good, otherwise, I can’t guarantee it.”

With Galuf's international status, it is not too difficult to block the international development of a group. Take Tianfeng Group as an example. We dare not say so in China. If Galuf secretly causes harm, , if you want to develop internationally, there will definitely be a lot of resistance.

"Are you threatening me?" Ji Wufeng's eyes turned cold and murderous intent flashed.

"You are wrong again. I am just a businessman. I only know how to trade and will not do unnecessary things. Therefore, I will not threaten anyone and will only make choices that are beneficial to me. If you are not willing to follow me For cooperation, I can only choose other partners, but unfortunately, my new partner is not too friendly to you."

Galuf met Ji Wufeng's eyes full of murderous intent, but he didn't even give in at all.

Ji Wufeng finally heard the truth. It turned out that he was not Garuf's only hope, but his first choice. If he didn't want to, he would cooperate with the next company, and his next company was his. Opponent.

And who the so-called next family is, can he guess who it is with his butt?

"Really? Do you really believe that the Qianye family can give you what you want?" Ji Wufeng's eyes were full of disdain.

With the rise of the Tianfeng Group, the biggest enemy is the Qianye family, and the last time Qianye Ming came back from the dead, Garuf thought it was another chance for Vivian.

"I don't trust the Chiba family too much, so

I'm coming to you. "

Garuf shook his head and said: "But if you reject me, the Chiba family is my only hope, and I have no reason to refuse anymore."

Yes, for the sake of his daughter's life, even if he is not absolutely sure, a father must try hard to give it a try.

The Qianye family's international status has long been deeply rooted. It can be said that it is very difficult for Tianfeng Group to defeat the Qianye family. If coupled with Garuf's international influence, Tianfeng Group's opportunities will be obvious. Even more elusive.

"Do you still want to reject me?"

Galuf really couldn't understand Ji Wufeng's reason for rejecting him. He gave you a beautiful girl for free to sleep with for a night, and also gave you so much money. Where did you find such a good thing? You still resisted. Could it be that you Is he a fool?

But Ji Wufeng was an idiot. He stood up and said coldly: "Mr. Galuf, you can leave. If it weren't for Vivian being my friend, you would be a dead person now."

There is no doubt that if Garuf really cooperates with the Qianye family, it will definitely be the wisest choice for Ji Wufeng to kill him to eliminate serious hidden dangers.

It's just a pity that since Garuf came to him with great fanfare, there may be many pairs of eyes staring at him. If he kills Garuf, he probably won't need anyone from the Garuf family to come to him for revenge. The big guys above cut him into pieces.

"Since you regard Vivian as your friend, why don't you want to save her!" Galuf shouted angrily.

"When did I say I wouldn't save her?"

"You clearly rejected me just now."

"I just refused to trade with you, but I didn't say I wouldn't save her. I saved her because she is my friend and does not require any reward or conditions."

Galuf's eyes suddenly glowed with sparkle, he looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "Mr. Long Si is right, you are indeed different."

Long Si?

Ji Wufeng suddenly thought of something and jumped up. He opened his mouth and cursed loudly. The spittle splashed onto Garuf's face.

"Damn it, damn Long Si, old bastard, old bastard, old crook, old fool... How dare you betray me? Just wait, I'm not done with you!"

He had been wondering how the information that allowed him to save Vivian was leaked out. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that it was the good deed of that old bastard Long Si.

This old bastard is no longer a thing. He must have taken a fancy to the benefits that Garuf gave him, and he didn't hesitate to push himself into another woman's bed.

Regarding Ji Wufeng's reaction, Galuf seemed to have expected it. He stretched out his hand to wipe the spit on his face, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then I can rest assured. I'm leaving first, so I won't leave first." Excuse me for disturbing you, here, this is Vivian’s transfer surgery, I believe you can do it well."

After finishing speaking, Galuf handed Ji Wufeng a document bag. Ji Wufeng opened it and saw that it was the relevant procedures for Vivian's transfer to Yuzhou University. Damn it, are you relying on me?

Seeing Garuf walking away with his crutches and his legs bouncing, if it weren't for his disability, Ji Wufeng would have kicked him over.

Ji Wufeng was so angry that he couldn't calm down. Just as he was about to run to Long Si to settle the score, the phone rang. After he answered the call, he said in a very unkind tone: "Who!"

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