Although with him around, Vivian's safety is guaranteed, but after all, there are differences between men and women, and many things are inconvenient, so Vivian needs a female bodyguard.

Ling Moran was undoubtedly the best candidate for this female bodyguard, so Long Si sent her here.

Ji Wufeng really had no choice but to say: "Okay, but don't do this again, otherwise I want you to look good."

When the matter came to an end, Ji Wufeng quickly pulled Vivian away, and Ling Moran hurriedly followed behind, as if he was afraid of getting lost.

The show was over and the audience dispersed, leaving only Pierce, who was foaming at the mouth, still lying on the ground. It took a long time before two Westerners came over and took him away.

In the dormitory building for exchange students in the distance, several young people had a panoramic view of everything that happened here. A handsome guy with the same blond hair said mockingly to the short oriental young man next to him: "Is he Ji Wufeng? Sure enough, he is extraordinary. No wonder your Baqi family suffered at his hands."

The short young man has a handsome appearance, but his eyes are too cold. He sneered: "How do you think your Nelson family can be any better? Once Tianfeng Group develops, your Nelson family will also have a hard time. I believe it will be very difficult." Soon you will experience for yourself how I feel.”

There was a hint of gloom in the handsome blond boy's eyes, and he said disdainfully: "Don't judge others by your own failures. In your eyes, he is your powerful enemy, but in the eyes of the Nelson family, he is just a mouse. You have always been a humble mouse, do you understand?”

This was a naked belittlement. The short young man's eyes were full of anger, but he didn't dare to show off. Who told him to fawn over others now?

After being carried into the dormitory, Pierce finally woke up and roared at the handsome blond guy in front of him: "Harris, I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill that bastard!"

This was the first time Pierce had been frustrated since coming to China, and it was still so humiliating. His pride made him unable to swallow this breath no matter what.

Looking at Pierce, Harris's eyes were full of disgust and he sneered: "You want to kill him? Very good, if you can kill him, I think the elders of the family will be very happy and reward you well. "

He didn't understand why the family would send such a loser to follow him. Apart from having some skills in playing with women, his mind was basically filled with shit. He even doubted whether Pierce was a member of the Nelson family after all.

But although Pierce was a idiot, he was not an idiot after all. He heard something was wrong in Harris' tone and asked, "Who is he?"

The short young man answered for Harris: "He is Ji Wufeng!"

"What? Is he Ji Wufeng?" Pierce's face instantly turned pale.

He didn't know Ji Wufeng, but he had heard about it a long time ago. Due to family reasons, and knowing how terrifying Ji Wufeng was, he actually faced him just now.

"Are you going to kill him now?"

Harris asked with contempt in his eyes, and Pierce's anger suddenly faded, and he no longer dared to say anything about killing Ji Wufeng.

"Harris, since you are so confident, you won't just watch Pierce being bullied and turn a blind eye, right?" the short young man asked with a sneer.

"Hmph, do you think I will be as idiotic as you Dongyang people? We Ximeng people like to use our brains and wisdom, do you understand?"

The short young man suppressed his anger and asked, "Then I would like to hear your plan."

"I have to say that China is a very outstanding nation. We Ximeng people have to admit this. Unlike you Dongyang people, you are from China, but you are so arrogant that you want to belittle China. As everyone knows, only a correct understanding Only by understanding the opponent's strength can you truly find the opponent's weaknesses."

Harris despises the Dongyang people from the bottom of his heart. They are themselves a branch of China, but he has repeatedly claimed that the people of China are inferior. Isn't this calling his ancestors inferior?

"However, the Chinese people have a fatal weakness, that is, they are not united enough. As long as we use it a little bit, they will fight with their own people, and there is no need for us to do it ourselves."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and Harris said, "Come in."

Duan Qingyang walked in and immediately had a charming smile on his face. He nodded and bowed to the three of them like a bitch, "Hello, Master Harris, Hello, Master Pierce, Hello, Master Aoki. Do you have any business with me?"

"I heard that you and Ji Wufeng had some issues?" Harris asked.

Duan Qingyang's expression froze and he said, "Yes, Master Harris."

"Very good, I'll give you a chance for revenge now, but I don't know if you want it or not."

When Duan Qingyang heard this, his eyes immediately lit up and he said, "Master Harris, can you help me?"

Of course he wanted revenge, and he even dreamed of it. Even if he was bullied by Ji Wufeng, what made him resentful was that because of Ji Wufeng's relationship, Duan Qingxun came to power and made him and his father not even stay together in the Duan family. Well done.

But he was not Ji Wufeng's opponent and did not dare to show it. Otherwise, Duan Pengcheng would have dealt with him without waiting for Ji Wufeng to take action.

But if Harris helps him, it will be different. Behind Harris is the extremely prominent Nelson family in the Western League, which is ranked among the best in the world.

And the Yamata Aoki is not a simple character either. The Yamata family is one of the three famous war gods in Dongyang.

If the two of them are willing to support him, Ji Wufeng will not let him control him. Even though you are very good in Yuzhou, you are just a rich man. How can you compare with these world-class young masters?

"Of course I can help you, but it depends on whether you obey or not?" Harris said.

"Be obedient, I promise to be obedient." Duan Qingyang said quickly.

Of course he would be obedient. He dreamed of knocking Ji Wufeng down and seizing all his men, especially when he heard that he had brought back another foreign girl, who was an unattainable beauty.

At the same time, in the female dormitory of the exchange students, a proud woman looked at the girl in front of her and smiled in an unknown language: "I really didn't expect you to choose to come to China."

"This is China, you can talk to me in Chinese."

The girl smiled calmly and said in extremely proficient Chinese: "China has a long history of more than five thousand years. It can be said to be one of the oldest countries in the world. If you want to conquer the world, you must conquer the Western Alliance. If you want to conquer the world, you must conquer the Western Alliance." To understand the world, you must first understand China, so China must be an important place for me to stay.”

The girl's smile was very easy-going and her tone was very calm, revealing the grace and humility unique to oriental women, but the arrogant woman disagreed deeply. Although with him around, Vivian's safety is guaranteed, but after all, there are differences between men and women, and many things are inconvenient, so Vivian needs a female bodyguard.

Ling Moran was undoubtedly the best candidate for this female bodyguard, so Long Si sent her.

Ji Wufeng really had no choice but to say: "Okay, but don't do this again, otherwise I want you to look good."

When the matter came to an end, Ji Wufeng quickly pulled Vivian away, and Ling Moran hurriedly followed behind, as if he was afraid of getting lost.

The show was over and the audience dispersed, leaving only Pierce, who was foaming at the mouth, still lying on the ground. It took a long time before two Westerners came over and took him away.

In the dormitory building for exchange students in the distance, several young people had a panoramic view of everything that happened here. A handsome guy with the same blond hair said mockingly to the short oriental young man next to him: "Is he Ji Wufeng? Sure enough, he is extraordinary. No wonder your Baqi family suffered at his hands."

The short young man has a handsome appearance, but his eyes are too cold. He sneered: "How do you think your Nelson family can be any better? Once Tianfeng Group develops, your Nelson family will also have a hard time. I believe it will be very difficult." Soon you will experience for yourself how I feel.”

There was a hint of gloom in the handsome blond boy's eyes, and he said disdainfully: "Don't judge others by your own failures. In your eyes, he is your powerful enemy, but in the eyes of the Nelson family, he is just a mouse. You have always been a humble mouse, do you understand?”

This was a naked belittlement. The short young man's eyes were full of anger, but he didn't dare to show off. Who told him to fawn over others now?

After being carried into the dormitory, Pierce finally woke up and roared at the handsome blond guy in front of him: "Harris, I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill that bastard!"

This was the first time Pierce had been frustrated since coming to China, and it was still so humiliating. His pride made him unable to swallow this breath no matter what.

Looking at Pierce, Harris's eyes were full of disgust and he sneered: "You want to kill him? Very good, if you can kill him, I think the elders of the family will be very happy and reward you well. "

He didn't understand why the family would send such a loser to follow him. Apart from having some skills in playing with women, his mind was basically filled with shit. He even doubted whether Pierce was a member of the Nelson family after all.

But although Pierce was a idiot, he was not an idiot after all. He heard something was wrong in Harris' tone and asked, "Who is he?"

The short young man answered for Harris: "He is Ji Wufeng!"

"What? Is he Ji Wufeng?" Pierce's face instantly turned pale.

He didn't know Ji Wufeng, but he had heard about it a long time ago. Due to family reasons, and knowing how terrifying Ji Wufeng was, he actually faced him just now.

"Are you going to kill him now?"

Harris asked with contempt in his eyes, and Pierce's anger suddenly faded, and he no longer dared to say anything about killing Ji Wufeng.

"Harris, since you are so confident, you won't just watch Pierce being bullied and turn a blind eye, right?" the short young man asked with a sneer.

"Hmph, do you think I will be as idiotic as you Dongyang people? We Ximeng people like to use our brains and wisdom, do you understand?"

The short young man suppressed his anger and asked, "Then I would like to hear your plan."

"I have to say that China is a very outstanding nation. We Ximeng people have to admit this. Unlike you Dongyang people, you are from China, but you are so arrogant that you want to belittle China. As everyone knows, only a correct understanding Only by understanding the opponent's strength can you truly find the opponent's weaknesses."

Harris despises the Dongyang people from the bottom of his heart. They are themselves a branch of China, but he has repeatedly claimed that the people of China are inferior. Isn't this calling his ancestors inferior?

"However, the Chinese people have a fatal weakness, that is, they are not united enough. As long as we use it a little bit, they will fight with their own people, and there is no need for us to do it ourselves."

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and Harris said, "Come in."

Duan Qingyang walked in and immediately had a charming smile on his face. He nodded and bowed to the three of them like a bitch, "Hello, Master Harris, Hello, Master Pierce, Hello, Master Aoki. Do you have any business with me?"

"I heard that you and Ji Wufeng had some issues?" Harris asked.

Duan Qingyang's expression froze and he said, "Yes, Master Harris."

"Very good, I'll give you a chance for revenge now, but I don't know if you want it or not."

When Duan Qingyang heard this, his eyes immediately lit up and he said, "Master Harris, can you help me?"

Of course he wanted revenge, and he even dreamed of it. Even if he was bullied by Ji Wufeng, what made him resentful was that because of Ji Wufeng's relationship, Duan Qingxun came to power and made him and his father not even stay together in the Duan family. Well received.

But he was not Ji Wufeng's opponent and did not dare to show it. Otherwise, Duan Pengcheng would have dealt with him without waiting for Ji Wufeng to take action.

But if Harris helps him, it will be different. Behind Harris is the extremely prominent Nelson family in the Western League, which is ranked among the best in the world.

And the Yamata Aoki is not a simple character either. The Yamata family is one of the three famous war gods in Dongyang.

If the two of them are willing to support him, Ji Wufeng will not let him control him. Even though you are very good in Yuzhou, you are just a rich man. How can you compare with these world-class young masters?

"Of course I can help you, but it depends on whether you obey or not?" Harris said.

"Be obedient, I promise to be obedient." Duan Qingyang said quickly.

Of course he would be obedient. He dreamed of knocking Ji Wufeng down and seizing all his men, especially when he heard that he had brought back another foreign girl, who was an unattainable beauty.

At the same time, in the female dormitory of the exchange students, a proud woman looked at the girl in front of her and smiled in an unknown language: "I really didn't expect you to choose to come to China."

"This is China, you can talk to me in Chinese."

The girl smiled calmly and said in extremely proficient Chinese: "China has a long history of more than five thousand years. It can be said to be one of the oldest countries in the world. If you want to conquer the world, you must conquer the Western Alliance. If you want to conquer the world, you must conquer the Western Alliance." To understand the world, you must first understand China, so China must be an important place for me to stay.”

The girl's smile was very easy-going and her tone was very calm, revealing the grace and humility unique to oriental women, but the arrogant woman disagreed deeply.

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