More than a dozen fierce-looking guys rushed towards Ji Wufeng. Marcus jumped up from the ground. He stretched out his hand and gave Hook Nose a big mouth, and slapped Hook Nose directly to the ground and spun around in a circle before he could stand still.

"I'm not dead, why should I take revenge on your mother?" Marcus cursed loudly.

It seemed that Marcus had fallen very hard just now, but in fact, with the strength contained in Marcus' body, such an impact could not hurt him at all. It looked like he fell very hard, but in fact it was nothing.

Hook-nosed was stunned, and when he came back to his senses and saw Marcus still alive and kicking, he was overjoyed, hugged Marcus, kissed Marcus hard on the face, and said: "Boss It’s great that you’re not dead!”

"Get out!" Marcus wiped the saliva from his face and roared like a lion.

Ji Wufeng took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, sat down on the ground, lit one, clicked his tongue, and blew out a smoke ring.

After Marcus drove away his gang, he sat down next to Ji Wufeng, grabbed the cigarette from his hand and stuffed it into his mouth. He took a strong sip and then stuffed it into Ji Wufeng's mouth. .

Ji Wufeng had a dark look on his face. Damn it, can you please be more hygienic? Who knows if you have rabies?

"People say I'm a monster, but I think you are a monster. What's your name?" Marcus asked.

"Ji Wufeng."

"Ji Wufeng? Are you the number one thief in Yuzhou? The number one villain?" Marcus said with a look of astonishment on his face.

When Ji Wufeng heard this, he became angry. He jumped up from the ground, pointed at Marcus's nose, and cursed in a wild voice: "Who do you think is the thief? Who is the villain? If you don't explain it clearly to me today, will you believe it or not?" Will I beat you again?"

Marcus glared and cursed: "Damn it, someone else said it, not me."

"It doesn't matter what others say."

"Why can't you do it? You are a thief to begin with."

"Damn, you're still saying that? Do you believe that I really beat you?"

"I just said, you can do me... Oh, damn, you can really do it. I will fight with you. Damn, it hurts. Boss, I know I was wrong, please spare me... …I won’t dare to do it next time.”

After a group of students were all shaken to the playground by the so-called "earthquake", they found that the ground was not moving and the teaching building was not shaking. What a bullshit earthquake?

"Damn it, who shouted the earthquake? Did you say that?" A guy with a bad temper grabbed a guy who usually didn't like him and yelled angrily.

I was finally able to work hard, and I was about to get things done in the classroom, but an "earthquake" came to my rescue. I was frightened, and I didn't know if it would lead to my failure.

The guy who was grabbed was not a good person either. He also got angry and cursed angrily: "It's me, so what can I do... Ouch, if you dare to kick me, brothers, please do it!"

Immediately, a group of people rushed up and pushed the guy to the ground and gave him a beating. The guy also had a younger brother. Seeing that the boss was beaten, they rushed forward in a hurry, and more than a dozen people struggled together.

Basically all the students gathered on the playground. This melee would inevitably injure others. Those with bad tempers immediately joined the fray in anger.

Then a big bastard broke out!

However, after teaching Marcus a lesson, Ji Wufeng walked downstairs and was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. Damn it, the world

Has a world war broken out?

At least there are hundreds of people fighting together, and they still don't know the camp. They basically beat anyone to death if they catch them, and they don't care whether they are friends or foes?

Ji Wufeng also saw several hot-bodied foreign girls, raising the bench legs in their hands like the Thirteenth Sister of Hongxing. Every time they waved the bench legs, their breasts fluctuated up and down like waves, which was very spectacular.

"Holy shit, they say Westerners are qualified, but I think it's all fucking nonsense, and they even fight in groups. I despise it!" Ji Wufeng cursed and spat out, then walked away, looking back at the foreigners holding the legs of the bench from time to time. Girl.

After leaving the exchange student campus, a tall white-haired young man squatted there and smoked a cigarette silently. When he saw Ji Wufeng coming over, he threw the cigarette in his hand over.

After Ji Wufeng took the cigarette and lit one, he narrowed his eyes and stared at the guy in front of him.

"Can you save her?" Eric asked.

"What will happen if we can be saved? What will happen if we can't be saved?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"If I can save you, I'm willing to pay any price. If you can't save..."

The aura on Eric's body suddenly changed, his eyes were full of fierce murderous intent, and the cold and terrifying aura suddenly broke out, overwhelming Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated Eric. He actually also hid his strength, and he was not inferior to Marcus.

"Vivian is my beloved woman to me, and she is also my brother and sister. If you can't save her, you will die just because of the distance between you and her!"

Unlike the violent aura on Marcus, the aura on Eric's body was eerie and terrifying. Ji Wufeng had no doubt that if he could not give a satisfactory answer, or if he was not strong enough, he would be the next second. A dead man.

"I believe we should be able to be friends."

Ji Wufeng's face was calm, and his expression did not change at all because of Eric's terrifying aura. He stuffed the cigarette in his hand into Eric's trouser pocket.

Looking at Ji Wufeng's back, the cold aura on Eric's body dissipated instantly, and with a faint smile on his face, he said: "Interesting, China is indeed a mysterious and powerful country. Harris? After so many years of secret war, Let’s fight it out for once.”

At noon, Wuchen accepted Ji Wufeng's invitation and went to the appointment on time. To her surprise, Eric and Marcus also followed.

Looking at the two guys, Ji Wufeng said with a dark face: "Damn it, what are you doing here?"

"Aren't you inviting me to dinner?"

"I didn't invite you, get out of here!" Ji Wufeng glared.

It is such a pleasant thing to have dinner with two beauties, but the appearance of two old men is really off-putting, and everything you eat is not delicious.

"Damn it, we are your most loyal little brothers now, and you abuse us like this? If this matter gets out, how can you still hang out on the street?"

Ji Wufeng's face was speechless. He was not as shameless as Xiang Sao, the two bastards. After all, you are all young men from a well-known family. How dare you admit that you are someone else's younger brother in public?

But the most humble people are invincible, and they won't leave no matter how much they are scolded, so Ji Wufeng had no choice but to take them with him with a dark face.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng agreed, the two guys immediately ran to Wuchen and Vivian, nodded and bowed, and said with smiles like slaves: "Hello, sisters-in-law." A dozen fierce-looking guys rushed towards Ji Wufeng, Marcus He suddenly jumped up from the ground, stretched out his hand and gave Hook Nose a big mouth slap, and whipped Hook Nose directly to the ground and spun around before he could stand still.

"I'm not dead, why should I take revenge on your mother?" Marcus cursed loudly.

It seemed that Marcus had fallen very hard just now, but in fact, with the strength contained in Marcus' body, such an impact could not hurt him at all. It looked like he fell very hard, but in fact it was nothing.

Hook-nosed was stunned, and when he came back to his senses and saw Marcus still alive and kicking, he was overjoyed, hugged Marcus, kissed Marcus hard on the face, and said: "Boss It’s great that you’re not dead!”

"Get out!" Marcus wiped the saliva from his face and roared like a lion.

Ji Wufeng took out a cigarette from his trouser pocket, sat down on the ground, lit one, clicked his tongue, and blew out a smoke ring.

After Marcus drove away his gang, he sat down next to Ji Wufeng, grabbed the cigarette from his hand and stuffed it into his mouth. He took a strong sip and then stuffed it into Ji Wufeng's mouth. .

Ji Wufeng had a dark look on his face. Damn it, can you please be more hygienic? Who knows if you have rabies?

"People say I'm a monster, but I think you are a monster. What's your name?" Marcus asked.

"Ji Wufeng."

"Ji Wufeng? Are you the number one thief in Yuzhou? The number one villain?" Marcus said with a look of astonishment on his face.

When Ji Wufeng heard this, he became angry. He jumped up from the ground, pointed at Marcus's nose, and cursed in a wild voice: "Who do you think is the thief? Who is the villain? If you don't explain it clearly to me today, will you believe it or not?" Will I beat you again?"

Marcus glared and cursed: "Damn it, someone else said it, not me."

"It doesn't matter what others say."

"Why can't you do it? You are a thief to begin with."

"Damn, you're still saying that? Do you believe that I really beat you?"

"I just said, you can do me... Oh, damn, you can really do it. I will fight with you. Damn, it hurts. Boss, I know I was wrong, please spare me... …I won’t dare to do it next time.”

After a group of students were all shaken to the playground by the so-called "earthquake", they found that the ground was not moving and the teaching building was not shaking. What a bullshit earthquake?

"Damn it, who shouted the earthquake? Did you say that?" A guy with a bad temper grabbed a guy who usually didn't like him and yelled angrily.

I was finally able to work hard, and I was about to get things done in the classroom, but an "earthquake" came to my rescue. I was frightened, and I didn't know if it would lead to my failure.

The guy who was grabbed was not a good person either. He also got angry and cursed angrily: "It's me, so what can I do... Ouch, if you dare to kick me, brothers, please do it!"

Immediately, a group of people rushed up and pushed the guy to the ground and gave him a beating. The guy also had a younger brother. Seeing that the boss was beaten, they rushed forward in a hurry, and more than a dozen people struggled together.

Basically all the students gathered on the playground. This melee would inevitably injure others. Those with bad tempers immediately joined the fray in anger.

Then a big bastard broke out!

However, after teaching Marcus a lesson, Ji Wufeng walked downstairs and was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. Damn it, the world

Has a world war broken out?

At least there are hundreds of people fighting together, and they still don't know the camp. They basically beat anyone to death if they catch them, and they don't care whether they are friends or foes?

Ji Wufeng also saw several hot-bodied foreign girls, raising the bench legs in their hands like the Thirteenth Sister of Hongxing. Every time they waved the bench legs, their breasts fluctuated up and down like waves, which was very spectacular.

"Holy shit, they say Westerners are qualified, but I think it's all fucking nonsense, and they even fight in groups. I despise it!" Ji Wufeng cursed and spat out, then walked away, looking back at the foreigners holding the legs of the bench from time to time. Girl.

After leaving the exchange student campus, a tall white-haired young man squatted there and smoked a cigarette silently. When he saw Ji Wufeng coming over, he threw the cigarette in his hand over.

After Ji Wufeng took the cigarette and lit one, he narrowed his eyes and stared at the guy in front of him.

"Can you save her?" Eric asked.

"What will happen if we can be saved? What will happen if we can't be saved?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

"If I can save you, I'm willing to pay any price. If you can't save..."

The aura on Eric's body suddenly changed, his eyes were full of fierce murderous intent, and the cold and terrifying aura suddenly broke out, overwhelming Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated Eric. He actually also hid his strength, and he was not inferior to Marcus.

"Vivian is my beloved woman to me, and she is also my brother and sister. If you can't save her, you will die just because of the distance between you and her!"

Unlike the violent aura on Marcus, the aura on Eric's body was eerie and terrifying. Ji Wufeng had no doubt that if he could not give a satisfactory answer, or if he was not strong enough, he would be the next second. A dead man.

"I believe we should be able to be friends."

Ji Wufeng's face was calm, and his expression did not change at all because of Eric's terrifying aura. He stuffed the cigarette in his hand into Eric's trouser pocket.

Looking at Ji Wufeng's back, the cold aura on Eric's body dissipated instantly, and with a faint smile on his face, he said: "Interesting, China is indeed a mysterious and powerful country. Harris? After so many years of secret war, Let’s fight it out for once.”

At noon, Wuchen accepted Ji Wufeng's invitation and went to the appointment on time. To her surprise, Eric and Marcus also followed.

Looking at the two guys, Ji Wufeng said with a dark face: "Damn it, what are you doing here?"

"Aren't you inviting me to dinner?"

"I didn't invite you, get out of here!" Ji Wufeng glared.

It is such a pleasant thing to have dinner with two beauties, but the appearance of two old men is really off-putting, and everything you eat is not delicious.

"Damn it, we are your most loyal little brothers now, and you abuse us like this? If this matter gets out, how can you still hang out on the street?"

Ji Wufeng's face was speechless. He was not as shameless as Xiang Sao, the two bastards. After all, you are all young men from a well-known family. How dare you admit that you are someone else's younger brother in public?

But the most humble people are invincible, and they won't leave no matter how much they are scolded, so Ji Wufeng had no choice but to take them with him with a dark face.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng agreed, the two guys immediately ran to Wuchen and Vivian, nodded and bowed, and said with smiles like slaves: "Hello, sisters-in-law."

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