Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 908 Is it possible that your mother is not a human being?

The horror in the eyes of the young man in black flashed away, and he sneered: "My master is already here, just wait for the dead body."

Ji Wufeng said disdainfully: "Even if I die without a complete body, you won't be able to see it. It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. For me, the dead can speak just like the living, and what the dead say is more true."

In an instant, he came to the young man in black and slapped him in front of him. A trace of black air came out of his palm and penetrated into the young man in black like a tentacle. The young man in black suddenly screamed repeatedly.

However, Ji Wufeng's expression suddenly changed slightly, and the powerful aura quickly followed, and suddenly, the violent power surged toward Ji Wufeng like an overwhelming flood.

Ji Wufeng's expression changed drastically, and he looked up to the sky and roared: "Take people out of here immediately, right now!"

The killers in the Snake Cave have all survived endless killings and are more sensitive to crises than ordinary people. This sudden and powerful force makes them feel a strong sense of crisis, and their hearts have already begun to feel restless.

Can Feng and others were already trembling with fear from the powerful shock, and were at a loss when Shangguan Yao suddenly heard Ji Wufeng's thunderous voice, and immediately shouted: "Everyone, get out of here immediately."

Can Feng and others also reacted at this time, and immediately shouted for people to leave. Shangguan Zhong was afraid of piercing the stone door with his palm, and suddenly the stone wall outside exploded, and countless figures rushed out like lightning, avoiding it and looking over here.

I saw a figure falling from a high altitude, and at the same time, a terrifying force pressed directly towards the underground palace of the Snake Cave like an invisible mountain.


With a loud noise, the underground palace collapsed completely, and the whole earth was shaking. People living nearby ran out of their homes in panic, shouting in horror: "No, there's an earthquake!"

At this time, Ji Wufeng, who was still in the underground palace, lifted the young man in black into the sky. But just as he reached the sky, a figure rushed to his side and cut his neck with a hand knife.


Murderous intent emerged in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and the aura from his body burst out, and his palms turned into knives and slashed at the incoming palm.


The visitor was a little stunned, and his palm suddenly changed its attack, bypassing Ji Wufeng's arm and striking at Ji Wufeng's shoulder like a boneless ribbon.

The transformation of the offensive was extremely fast, completed in the blink of an eye. Ji Wufeng was shocked in his heart. This person was so powerful that he felt threatened, so he had to temporarily avoid his edge and quickly withdraw his offensive.

At this time, Ji Wufeng's hand was still holding the shoulder of the young man in black. When he saw the coming person, the young man in black shouted in surprise: "Master, save me!"

"Humph, you're a loser." The visitor snorted coldly, his voice hoarse and harsh.

The palm suddenly changed direction again and grabbed the shoulder of the young man in black. With a click, the young man in black and Ji Wufeng separated, and blood spread on the ground.

The young man in black screamed in agony. The person who came actually broke the young man in black's arm. Now Ji Wufeng was holding only one arm.

"Get out of here!" the person shouted angrily.

The young man in black endured the severe pain and quickly rushed into the sky.

"Damn it!"

Ji Wufeng cursed angrily and retreated violently. He was angry that he didn't kill the young man in black earlier, but since the big fish appeared now, Xiao Xiami could just run away.

High in the sky, the two people stood quietly, both looking at each other. The person's whole body was covered in black robes. It was not clear whether he was a man or a woman, let alone his age.

The whole body exudes a dark and cold aura. Under the cover of the black robe, there is an illusion of blending into the dark night. The whole person seems to be

A king of the night!

Looking at Ji Wufeng, although the voice of the man in black robe was hoarse and harsh, it was not difficult to hear a hint of joy, saying: "I really didn't expect that you surprised me again. I am really reluctant to kill you. I really want to Let’s see if the surprise you gave me can continue like this.”

Ji Wufeng was furious. The look in this guy's eyes was so disgusting. When he stared at him, he looked like a farmer selecting animals for farming. He also commented: Yes, if you buy them back, you can not only cultivate the land, but also give birth to babies!

"Go away, if you want a surprise, you might as well go home and see your mother. If your mother is sleeping with a wild man, wouldn't it be an even bigger surprise for you." Ji Wufeng jumped to his feet and cursed.

The black-robed man didn't seem angry at Ji Wufeng's insults, and said: "Hey, why do you say such rude words? But it's not your fault. In my opinion, you guys have not evolved yet." Human beings really have no qualities.”

Ji Wufeng said with a look of disdain: "As a low-level human being, do you think you are a high-level human being? Were you not born from a human? Are you born from a pig?"

"Don't be so angry. How about we talk about cooperation?" the man in black robe said.

"Okay, tell me how to cooperate?" Ji Wufeng said.

The man in black robe pointed at the people in the Snake Cave in the distance and said, "Did you know? Before they met me, they were just a bunch of trash, but now everyone's average strength has increased more than ten times."

"so what?"

"As long as you choose to cooperate with me and let me study you, I will also give you ten times more strength."

I couldn't see clearly the expression of the man in black robe, but I could tell from his tone that he was very excited when he said this, and said: "Think about it, with my genius, if you can provide me with objects that I can study, the world will be ours." That’s it.”

"Okay, I promise you." Ji

Wu Feng readily agreed.

"Did you really agree?" The man in black robe was stunned. He didn't expect Ji Wufeng to be so easy to talk to. Could he be tempted by his ten times strength?

"Of course I really agreed, but you have to agree to a condition first." Ji Wufeng said.

"Okay, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree to it." The man in black robe agreed excitedly. In his opinion, there were very few things he couldn't do.

"Don't worry, you can definitely do it."

Ji Wufeng had a naughty smile on his face and said: "My condition is that you let me study your mother first, let me study her body structure and see how she gave birth to a bastard like you. Yes, it’s really amazing. How can a person give birth to something that is not a human? Could it be that your mother is not a human, but a shemale?"

The man in black robe finally became angry and said coldly: "It seems that you are really planning to ignore the compliment?"

Ji Wufeng sneered and said, "What? You're too soft to be tough?"

A murderous intent rose up involuntarily in his body.

Feeling the murderous intent on Ji Wufeng's body, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in black robes, and he smiled sadly: "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I said you will be my most perfect test subject. I Why am I willing to destroy you?"

Even though the man in black robe said so, Ji Wufeng still felt a faint murderous intention from him, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart. He had not used this method of hiding a knife in a smile, otherwise he would have died long ago, playing this trick for the young master. , you are still a little young.

The face of the man in black robe suddenly changed, and he shouted sharply: "Who is it?"

A graceful figure approached Ji Wufeng silently. A flash of silver light flashed in his hand and struck directly at Ji Wufeng's throat. At the same time, the figure of the man in black robe also quickly swept towards Ji Wufeng, but the target was the one who attacked Ji Wufeng. Taoist figure.

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