Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 912 Can I expel myself from the school?

Everyone present stared blankly at the scene. The moment Yuan Dongdong spoke, Ji Wufeng took out a stick from nowhere in his hand and hit Yuan Dongdong hard on the back of the head.

"Damn it, he's acting like a gangster again. This bunch of rookies is in trouble."

He had a look of gloating on his face. After going through the so-called special training in the black prison, he could speak for himself. He was very familiar with Ji Wufeng's despicable, shameless, obscene, and dirty bullshit "special training."

"Despicable." Wu Chang looked indignant. He remembered that he had suffered the same loss before.

"The boss is getting meaner and meaner."

Fang Tianhua felt very embarrassed. He was still a strong person now. If word spread about his boss's character, how could he survive?

"He helped him down, he didn't have any sense of defense at all."

After Ji Wufeng had Yuan Dongdong carried away, he said, "Who else can challenge me?"

At this time, the few guys who were initially ready to make a move had to weigh their own weight. Based on what Ji Wufeng had just done, he would definitely not engage in an open and honest fight. .??.??

"Since you don't want to go, we two brothers will come."

Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang looked at each other and got up and walked to the martial arts training ground. They were on guard. They felt that if one person came on stage alone, they might be plotted. The two of them had someone to look after them, at least they had an extra pair of eyes.

Seeing that Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang were on guard against him, Ji Wufeng held the stick and smiled sinisterly: "Yes, they are very vigilant."

His weird sinister laughter not only made Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang run cold, but even the boys outside the court felt as if bugs were crawling behind their backs. They were very uncomfortable. If they heard it too much, their lives would be shortened.

"You guys are ready, I'm going to take action."

Ji Wufeng put on a posture like a black tiger ripping out his heart, which was as weird as it sounds, making everyone present feel this unfathomable.

"Come on." Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang heard that Ji Wufeng was about to make a move, thinking that he couldn't plot against them and would definitely use some unparalleled skills.


Ji Wufeng rushed over with the stick, holding it with astonishing momentum and thunder. Everyone was shocked. It must be a domineering move!

"Pfft, ouch."

About five meters away from Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang, Ji Wufeng seemed to have been kicked by something. He fell to the ground and everyone present fainted.

"Hehe." Ji Wufeng slowly got up and said with a weird smile: "Why are you still standing? Come down."

Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang fell down as expected, and everyone was surprised. They wondered what method he used. Could it be the legendary secret skill of beating cattle across mountains? Acupuncture points in the air?

"If you are hit by my three-step Lost Soul Incense, you will definitely not wake up within an hour." As soon as Ji Wufeng announced his promise, everyone present collapsed and fell to the ground as if they had stepped on a banana peel.

"I don't know him, can we expel ourselves from the school?" Murong Wuji and the others lay weakly on the ground and moaned softly.

They really didn't have the shame to see anyone again. Ji Wufeng actually used such dirty methods, which really betrayed their prestige. If word got out in the future that they actually had such a despicable master, then there really would be no need to mess around, and everyone would laugh to death.

"Hmph, you actually dare to let the enemy have the upper hand. Fortunately, it's just Mi Xiang. If I use Shi Jue Heartbreaker

If such a poisonous thing were spread, they would have died long ago. "

Ji Wufeng pretended not to hear Murong Wuji's moans and continued his despicable explanation, which was misleading his brother's cause.

"The people you face in the future may use more despicable tricks. Although the harm is inevitable, you must be on guard against others."

Everyone felt that this sentence was quite human. Ji Wufeng continued: "What if you encounter an opponent who is more powerful than you?"

"Fight him!"

"Run away. Wouldn't it be foolish not to run away even if you can't defeat him?"

"It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It's better to practice your martial arts before you take revenge on him!"

Everyone's answer is different.

"Those who choose to fight tooth and nail, to put it mildly, mean that you have a strong personality and regard death as your own."

As soon as Ji Wufeng said this, some of the younger brothers who said they were desperate felt a little arrogant, but Ji Wufeng continued: "To put it bluntly, it means that the limbs are well developed, the mind is simple, and the mind is full of shit."

Suddenly they were thrown into hell again.

"Escape, this is not a bad idea, but since the opponent is stronger than you, unless you have made special efforts in escaping, you will still be dead." Another person lowered his head. They were the ones who just suggested escaping.

"It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. He waits until his enemy is old and frail before retaliating. The person who proposed this method is indeed very smart."

Immediately, some people's faces were full of pride, but Ji Wufeng seemed to hate seeing others happy, so he immediately struck again and said: "It's just that ten years is too long. Regardless of whether you can wait so long, even your enemies will not You will definitely be able to wait until that time, and you will still remember it ten years later, so this method is also nonsense."

After listening to Ji Wufeng's explanation, some people lowered their heads. Everyone's face was full of pride just now.

"Everyone may have different choices, but I have a way for everyone to easily defeat each other."

Even if they guessed with their butts, everyone knew that Ji Wufeng was going to teach dirty tricks again, and they all shook their heads involuntarily. What a mistake.

Ji Wufeng picked up the tea cup on the table next to him and took a sip to moisten his throat and said: "Everyone, remember, no matter how powerful a master is, he is still a human being. As long as he is alone, he can eat, drink, sleep, and have hobbies. .”

"You can poison his food and drink, put drugs in his sleep, or just focus on his hobbies. Even the most powerful people will fall into this trap."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt that ivory could not come out of a dog's mouth. Ji Wufeng's words directly turned these people into gangster masters.

"Actually, a master is not scary. The most terrifying thing is a master without grace, a master with no face, a master with no character. Such a person can do anything to deal with the enemy by sneak attacks, plotting, poisoning, and frame-up. "

"If you can't defeat him in this way, you can try to do some bad things and then frame him to frame him, so as to kill someone with a borrowed knife."

The more Ji Wufeng talked, the happier and more excited he became. It seemed like it would never end in a while.

Jin Yu, who was a relatively decent person, wanted to get up and leave secretly, but was shocked to find a chill behind his back. Knowing that it was Ji Wufeng's murderous eyes, he had no choice but to sit down obediently.

However, everyone knew very well that although Ji Wufeng's words were bastard, they were very practical. Even though they were very powerful compared to ordinary people, there were still people outside the world. Everyone present stared blankly at the scene. The moment Yuan Dongdong spoke, Ji Wufeng took out a stick from nowhere in his hand and hit Yuan Dongdong hard on the back of the head.

"Damn it, he's acting like a gangster again. This bunch of rookies is in trouble."

He had a look of gloating on his face. After going through the so-called special training in the black prison, he could be a person who had experienced it. He was very familiar with Ji Wufeng's despicable, shameless, obscene, and dirty bullshit "special training."

"Despicable." Wu Chang looked indignant. He remembered that he had suffered the same loss before.

"The boss is getting more and more despicable." ??

Fang Tianhua felt very embarrassed. He was still a strong person now. If word spread about his boss's character, how could he survive?

"He helped him down, he didn't have any sense of defense at all."

After Ji Wufeng had Yuan Dongdong carried away, he said, "Who else can challenge me?"

At this time, the few guys who were initially ready to make a move had to weigh their own weight. Based on what Ji Wufeng had just done, they would definitely not engage in an open and honest battle of martial arts.

"Since you don't want to come, we two brothers will come."

Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang looked at each other and got up and walked to the martial arts training ground. They were on guard. They felt that if one person came on stage alone, they might be plotted. The two of them had someone to look after them, at least they had an extra pair of eyes.

Seeing that Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang were on guard against him, Ji Wufeng held the stick and smiled sinisterly: "Yes, they are very vigilant."

His weird sinister laughter not only made Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang run cold, but even the boys outside the court felt as if bugs were crawling behind their backs. They were very uncomfortable. If they heard it too much, their lives would be shortened.

"You guys are ready, I'm going to take action."

Ji Wufeng put on a posture like a black tiger ripping out his heart, which was as weird as it sounds, making everyone present feel this unfathomable.

"Come on." Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang heard that Ji Wufeng was about to make a move, thinking that he couldn't plot against them and would definitely use some unparalleled skills.


Ji Wufeng rushed over with the stick, holding it with astonishing momentum and thunder. Everyone was shocked. It must be a domineering move!

"Pfft, ouch."

About five meters away from Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang, Ji Wufeng seemed to have been kicked by something. He fell to the ground and everyone present fainted.

"Hehe." Ji Wufeng slowly got up and said with a weird smile: "Why are you still standing? Come down."

Zhao Jiaolong and Xu Yang fell down as expected, and everyone was surprised. They wondered what method he used. Could it be the legendary secret skill of beating cattle across mountains? Acupuncture points in the air?

"If you are hit by my three-step Lost Soul Incense, you will definitely not wake up within an hour." As soon as Ji Wufeng announced his promise, everyone present collapsed and fell to the ground as if they had stepped on a banana peel.

"I don't know him, can we expel ourselves from the school?" Murong Wuji and the others lay weakly on the ground and moaned softly.

They really didn't have the shame to see anyone again. Ji Wufeng actually used such dirty methods, which really betrayed their prestige. If word got out in the future that they actually had such a despicable master, then there really would be no need to mess around. People would laugh to death.

"Hmph, you actually dare to let the enemy have the upper hand. Fortunately, it's just Mi Xiang. If I use Shi Jue Heartbroken

If such a poisonous thing were spread, they would have died long ago. "

Ji Wufeng pretended not to hear Murong Wuji's moans and continued his despicable explanation, which was misleading his brother's cause.

"The people you face in the future may use more despicable tricks. Although the harm is inevitable, you must be on guard against others."

Everyone felt that this sentence was quite human. Ji Wufeng continued: "What if you encounter an opponent who is more powerful than you?"

"Fight him!"

"Run away. Wouldn't it be foolish not to run away even if you can't defeat him?"

"It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It's better to practice your martial arts before you take revenge on him!"

Everyone's answer is different.

"Those who choose to fight tooth and nail, to put it mildly, mean that you have a strong personality and regard death as your own."

As soon as Ji Wufeng said this, some of the younger brothers who said they were desperate felt a little arrogant, but Ji Wufeng continued: "To put it bluntly, it means that the limbs are well developed, the mind is simple, and the mind is full of shit."

Suddenly they were thrown into hell again.

"Escape, this is not a bad idea, but since the opponent is stronger than you, unless you have made special efforts in escaping, you will still be dead." Another person lowered his head. They were the ones who just suggested escaping.

"It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. He waits until his enemy is old and frail before retaliating. The person who proposed this method is indeed very smart."

Immediately, some people's faces were full of pride, but Ji Wufeng seemed to hate seeing others happy, so he immediately struck again and said: "It's just that ten years is too long. Regardless of whether you can wait so long, even your enemies will not You will definitely be able to wait until that time, and you will still remember it ten years later, so this method is also nonsense."

After listening to Ji Wufeng's explanation, some people lowered their heads. Everyone's face was full of pride just now.

"Everyone may have different choices, but I have a way for everyone to easily defeat each other."

Even if they guessed with their butts, everyone knew that Ji Wufeng was going to teach dirty tricks again, and they all shook their heads involuntarily. What a mistake.

Ji Wufeng picked up the tea cup on the table next to him and took a sip to moisten his throat and said: "Everyone, remember, no matter how powerful a master is, he is still a human being. As long as he is alone, he can eat, drink, sleep, and have hobbies. .”

"You can poison his food and drink, put drugs in his sleep, or just focus on his hobbies. Even the most powerful people will fall into this trap."

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt that ivory could not come out of a dog's mouth. Ji Wufeng's words directly turned these people into gangster masters.

"Actually, a master is not scary. The most terrifying thing is a master without grace, a master with no face, a master with no character. Such people can do anything to deal with the enemy by sneak attacks, plotting, poisoning, and frame-up. "

"If you can't defeat him in this way, you can try to do some bad things, and then frame him as the blame, so as to kill someone with a borrowed knife."

The more Ji Wufeng talked, the happier and more excited he became. It seemed like it would never end in a while.

Jin Yu, who was a relatively decent person, wanted to get up and leave secretly, but was shocked to find a chill behind his back. Knowing that it was Ji Wufeng's murderous eyes, he had no choice but to sit down obediently.

However, everyone knew very well that although Ji Wufeng's words were bastard, they were very practical. Even though they were very powerful compared to ordinary people, there were still people outside the world.

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