It was okay to feel unhappy, but she didn't expect to lose face again this time. The fat woman became even more angry and shouted that she wanted to close the store.

The shopping guide seemed to know the background of this fat woman, and hurriedly ran to find the store manager. The store manager was a beautiful lady. When he saw Luoluo, his eyes suddenly lit up, with a look of love on his face, and he apologized to the fat woman with a smile: " Mrs. Li, what makes you so angry?"

"Humph, don't you want to do it anymore? If you don't want to do it anymore, I have plenty of ways to make you close down." The fat woman sneered.

When the pretty store manager heard this, he became angry and said in a cold voice: "Mrs. Li, what you said is a bit excessive, isn't it? After all, people like you first, and when doing business, you have to be on a first-come, first-served basis."

She was indeed a little afraid of the fat woman, but she was a very principled person and couldn't stand the fat woman's arrogance and domineering attitude.

"Okay, okay, then you wait." The fat woman was angry, took her daughter and left angrily. .??.

The pretty store manager turned around and knelt down and said, "Hey, little sister, you are so beautiful. What is your name?"

"Sister, you are so beautiful. My name is Luoluo." Luoluo has never been stingy with compliments from others.

"Luoluo is so sweet. Come on, sister, go help you pick out some clothes."

The beautiful store manager personally took Luoluo to pick out clothes. At this moment, suddenly a group of fierce men rushed over aggressively. The fat woman was also inside, pointing at the beautiful store manager's store and saying: "Smash it for me." If anything happens, I'll take care of it."

A group of big men immediately rushed into the store and smashed it. The customers in the store were so frightened that they fled outside. A little girl accidentally bumped into the fat woman when she ran out of the door.

The fat woman was angry and pushed the little girl to the ground. The little girl burst into tears. A girl ran over and helped the little girl up. She pointed at the fat woman and said angrily: "Why do you even bully children?" ?”

The fat woman was furious, and when she saw someone accusing her, she only added fuel to the fire, scolding: "You little bitch, mind your own business, do you believe I will take care of you too?"

"Hmph, I want to see how you deal with me?" The girl put her hands on her waist and glared at the fat woman.

The fat woman was furious and raised her palm, which was not much different from a pig's trotter, to slap the girl's cheek.


There was a crisp sound, and the girl's face was in good condition, but the fat woman stumbled, and her already fat face became even fatter. After being stunned for a moment, she said: "You little bitch, you dare to hit me? You know I am Who?"

"I don't care who you are? I know I'm going to teach you a lesson today."

After the girl finished speaking, she came up with another big mouth, which almost knocked the fat woman into confusion. She shouted in a high voice: "A bunch of idiots, haven't you seen that I'm being bullied? Catch this little bitch quickly."

A group of big men who were still destroying the store saw that the fat woman was being bullied, so they rushed out and surrounded the girl.

But when the girl saw a group of wolf-like and tiger-like men in front of her, she didn't feel scared at all. Instead, she rolled up her sleeves and said excitedly: "I have long wanted to be a hero and become a heroine. Today I finally caught the opportunity." Got it!"

A group of big men immediately pounced on them like wolves and tigers. The girl didn't panic at all. She took a step across and kicked her out. The guy at the front immediately covered his crotch and rolled on the ground.

Ji Wu watching from a short distance away

Feng's whole body tensed up. This move to lift the vaginal legs was definitely a must-have skill for women.

There were seven or eight big men, but a girl who seemed weak and frail actually managed to hold on for a few moments, shouting and shouting, punching and kicking, and half of them were already knocked to the ground by her.

He was not a real master, but Ji Wufeng concluded that this girl must have received professional fighting training, otherwise she would not have such skills, and gave up the plan of taking action. The girl was fully capable of dealing with those big men.

This is a shopping mall, and it was already overcrowded. Seeing a fight here, people immediately attracted crowds of onlookers. When they saw several big men bullying a little girl, and she was also a beautiful woman, they immediately stopped and watched.

Seeing the girl's handsome posture and heroic appearance, she kicked a big man to the ground, which immediately caused a burst of applause and cheers.

They didn't care what the reason for the fight was, they just knew that they should be on the beauty's side.

Soon, all six or seven big men were put down on the ground. The girl blew her long bangs coolly, rubbed her nose, and said: "Remember, don't bully others next time, otherwise, This heroine sees you once and teaches you a lesson."


The whole audience burst into applause and cheered for the girl.

The heroic act of justice was a complete success, and the girl was ready to leave. When doing good deeds, one should remain nameless and ask for nothing in return. What if the people who were bullied just now want to repay themselves?

However, the moment the girl turned around, a vicious man suddenly got up from the ground, took out a knife from his pocket and stabbed her hard.

"be careful!"

Just as he was about to be stabbed, someone screamed loudly. Some timid people either covered their eyes or turned their heads away. It's over. What a pity for such a beautiful girl.

The distance was too close, and the girl already felt threatened. Unfortunately, she had no chance to dodge.

Just when she was about to be stabbed, she suddenly heard a scream from behind, turned around and froze.

She saw that the knife in the guy's hand was less than two centimeters away from her body, but her wrist was firmly held by a palm, which protected her from the knife.

"Get out of here!"


Ji Wufeng kicked the guy hard in the stomach and kicked him far away. He couldn't get up for a long time.

"Hi, beauty, are you okay?" Ji Wufeng greeted with a smile.

The girl knew that she was saved by the young man in front of her, and responded with a smile: "I'm fine, thank you, handsome guy."

After saying hello, the two looked at each other. When they saw each other's appearance clearly, they couldn't help but be stunned.

Ji Wufeng didn't know the girl in front of him. He had never seen her before, but he felt a strange sense of familiarity and closeness. It felt like a whole body was divided into two individuals and reunited after a long time.

At the same time, the girl looked a little strange and asked: "Handsome guy, what's your name? Do we know each other?"

"My name is Ji Wufeng." Ji Wufeng said.

"Ji Wufeng?"

The girl muttered Ji Wufeng's name, feeling like she had heard it somewhere, but she couldn't remember it. It was okay to feel unhappy, but she didn't expect to lose face again this time. The fat woman became even more angry and shouted that she wanted to close the store.

The shopping guide seemed to know the background of this fat woman, and hurriedly ran to find the store manager. The store manager was a beautiful lady. When he saw Luoluo, his eyes suddenly lit up, with a look of love on his face, and he apologized to the fat woman with a smile: " Mrs. Li, what makes you so angry?"

"Humph, don't you want to do it anymore? If you don't want to do it anymore, I have plenty of ways to make you close down." The fat woman sneered.

When the pretty store manager heard this, he became angry and said in a cold voice: "Mrs. Li, what you said is a bit excessive, isn't it? After all, people like you first, and when doing business, you have to be on a first-come, first-served basis."

She was indeed a little afraid of the fat woman, but she was a very principled person and couldn't stand the fat woman's arrogance and domineering attitude.

"Okay, okay, then you wait." The fat woman was angry, took her daughter and left angrily.

The pretty store manager turned around and knelt down and said, "Hey, little sister, you are so beautiful. What is your name?"

"Sister, you are so beautiful. My name is Luoluo." Luoluo has never been stingy with compliments from others.

"Luoluo is so sweet. Come on, sister, go help you pick out some clothes."

The beautiful store manager personally took Luoluo to pick out clothes. At this moment, suddenly a group of fierce men rushed over aggressively. The fat woman was also inside, pointing at the beautiful store manager's store and saying: "Smash it for me." If anything happens, I'll take care of it."

A group of big men immediately rushed into the store and smashed it. The customers in the store were so frightened that they fled outside. A little girl accidentally bumped into the fat woman when she ran out of the door.

The fat woman was angry and pushed the little girl to the ground. The little girl burst into tears. A girl ran over and helped the little girl up. She pointed at the fat woman and said angrily: "Why do you even bully children?" ?”

The fat woman was furious, and when she saw someone accusing her, she only added fuel to the fire, scolding: "You little bitch, mind your own business, do you believe I will take care of you too?"

"Hmph, I want to see how you deal with me?" The girl put her hands on her waist and glared at the fat woman.

The fat woman was furious and raised her palm, which was not much different from a pig's trotter, to slap the girl's cheek.


There was a crisp sound, and the girl's face was in good condition, but the fat woman stumbled, and her already fat face became even fatter. After being stunned for a moment, she said: "You little bitch, you dare to hit me? You know I am Who?"

"I don't care who you are? I know I'm going to teach you a lesson today."

After the girl finished speaking, she came up with another big mouth, which almost knocked the fat woman into confusion. She shouted in a high voice: "A bunch of idiots, haven't you seen that I'm being bullied? Catch this little bitch quickly."

A group of big men who were still destroying the store saw that the fat woman was being bullied, so they rushed out and surrounded the girl.

But when the girl saw a group of wolf-like and tiger-like men in front of her, she didn't feel scared at all. Instead, she rolled up her sleeves and said excitedly: "I have long wanted to be a hero and become a heroine. Today I finally caught the opportunity." Got it!"

A group of big men immediately pounced on them like wolves and tigers. The girl didn't panic at all. She took a step across and kicked her out. The guy at the front immediately covered his crotch and rolled on the ground.

Ji Wu watching from a short distance away

Feng's whole body tensed up. This move to lift the vaginal legs was definitely a must-have skill for women.

There were seven or eight big men, but a girl who seemed weak and frail actually managed to hold on for a few moments, shouting and shouting, punching and kicking, and half of them were already knocked to the ground by her.

He was not a real master, but Ji Wufeng concluded that this girl must have received professional fighting training, otherwise she would not have such skills, and gave up the plan of taking action. The girl was fully capable of dealing with those big men.

This is a shopping mall, and it was already overcrowded. Seeing a fight here, people immediately attracted crowds of onlookers. When they saw several big men bullying a little girl, and she was also a beautiful woman, they immediately stopped and watched.

Seeing the girl's handsome posture and heroic appearance, she kicked a big man to the ground, which immediately caused a burst of applause and cheers.

They didn't care what the reason for the fight was, they just knew that they should be on the beauty's side.

Soon, all six or seven big men were put down on the ground. The girl blew her long bangs coolly, rubbed her nose, and said: "Remember, don't bully others next time, otherwise, This heroine sees you once and teaches you a lesson."


The whole audience burst into applause and cheered for the girl.

The heroic act of justice was a complete success, and the girl was ready to leave. When doing good deeds, one should remain nameless and ask for nothing in return. What if the people who were bullied just now want to repay themselves?

However, the moment the girl turned around, a vicious man suddenly got up from the ground, took out a knife from his pocket and stabbed her hard.

"be careful!"

Just as he was about to be stabbed, someone screamed loudly. Some timid people either covered their eyes or turned their heads away. It's over. What a pity for such a beautiful girl.

The distance was too close, and the girl already felt threatened. Unfortunately, she had no chance to dodge.

Just when she was about to be stabbed, she suddenly heard a scream from behind, turned around and froze.

She saw that the knife in the guy's hand was less than two centimeters away from her body, but her wrist was firmly held by a palm, which protected her from the knife.

"Get out of here!"


Ji Wufeng kicked the guy hard in the stomach and kicked him far away. He couldn't get up for a long time.

"Hi, beauty, are you okay?" Ji Wufeng greeted with a smile.

The girl knew that she was saved by the young man in front of her, and responded with a smile: "I'm fine, thank you, handsome guy."

After saying hello, the two looked at each other. When they saw each other's appearance clearly, they couldn't help but be stunned.

Ji Wufeng didn't know the girl in front of him. He had never seen her before, but he felt a strange sense of familiarity and closeness. It felt like a whole body was divided into two individuals and reunited after a long time.

At the same time, the girl looked a little strange and asked: "Handsome guy, what's your name? Do we know each other?"

"My name is Ji Wufeng." Ji Wufeng said.

"Ji Wufeng?"

The girl muttered Ji Wufeng's name, feeling like she had heard it somewhere, but she couldn't remember it.

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