Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 932 Are you too narrow-minded?

"Wake up, I know I was wrong. I won't dare to do it next time. As long as you are willing to wake up, I will do anything for you." Liu Qingqing was frightened and hugged Ji Wufeng non-stop. cried.

"Okay, I told you he would wake up."

Ye Linglong looked at Liu Qingqing and said with jealousy in her tone: "It seems that he really cares about you, and he is willing to do this for you."

"You mean he became like this because he was trying to save me?" Liu Qingqing was stunned for a moment.

"Of course, your physique is very special. Once you go crazy, you must suppress your skills. This is a physical job. He has overdrawn his own skills now," Ye Linglong said.

Ji Wufeng didn't know how long he slept. In short, he slept for a long time before he woke up. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was lying in Liu's house.

Originally, this was a very comfortable room, but at this time, it felt a bit depressing.

Just as he was about to get up, he discovered that there was another person lying beside the bed. It was Liu Qingqing. Her face was very haggard, and her brows were furrowed even when she was asleep. It was heartbreaking to see.

Ji Wufeng sighed, are the two of them destined to have no connection?

Just when he was about to get up and leave, he heard Liu Qingqing suddenly cry: "Asshole, bastard, why don't you believe me? Why? I love you, you are the only one I love, please believe me, ugh Oh, I'm so scared, please don't leave me, okay..."

Ji Wufeng was stunned and was about to answer, but found that Liu Qingqing hadn't woken up at all. He was just crying in his dream.

Is there any misunderstanding here? But what misunderstanding could there be? Who can accept taking him to meet his first love?

Forget it, let everything take its course, Ji Wufeng smiled bitterly, gently moved Liu Qingqing's arm on his lap, and prepared to stand up and leave.

"you're awake?"

But as soon as he touched Liu Qingqing's arm, Liu Qingqing's body trembled violently. She woke up and saw Ji Wufeng, with a look of surprise on her face.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said: "I'm not dead, of course I will wake up."

Liu Qingqing rushed over and cried: "Uuuu, you bastard, you scared me to death, I thought you would never wake up again."

Ji Wufeng pushed her away helplessly and said, "Okay, am I fine now? Don't worry."

After saying that, he walked out of bed, put on his clothes, and was about to leave. But the moment he walked out of the door, Liu Qingqing cried loudly: "Why don't you want to listen to my explanation?"

Ji Wufeng turned around with a faint smile on his face and said, "Isn't everything clear? Is there anything else to explain?"

"Then why are you doing this to me? Do you know it hurts my heart when you do this?" Liu Qingqing shook her head in pain.

"I'm talking about Miss Liu, did you say something wrong? It's not me who can make you feel bad, it should be someone else, right?" Ji Wufeng said with aggrieved face.

Liu gently wiped her tears and said: "I know you hate me now, but I just want you to listen to what I have to say. If you still want to leave after I say it, I will never pester you again." .”

Ji Wufeng remembered that Jin Yu had begged him to wait until Liu Qingqing woke up.

He wanted to hear her explanation and stopped.

Liu Qingqing sat directly on the ground and said faintly: "Did you know? When I was very young, I was special than others. Everyone looked at me with strange eyes. I was very lonely, so the entire Liu family pampered me very much. Even the stars in the sky, as long as I want them, they will pick them for me, which also made me develop a unruly character at a very young age, and no one likes me."

"But you know? No one likes to be alone, and no one doesn't want friends. But because I am like a monster, I have very few contacts, and the people I have come into contact with are also alienated because of my unruliness. Me, Arjun is my first friend.”

"So, at that time, I felt that Arjun was the best boy in the world, and I wanted him to be my boyfriend."

It is not difficult for Ji Wufeng to imagine that a person who has no friends and suddenly has a friend of the opposite sex will easily develop feelings for him.

"What I didn't expect was that Arjun also liked me, and we quickly became boyfriend and girlfriend."

Hearing this, Ji Wufeng clenched his fists, Damn it, you're already married to me, why are you here to provoke me?

And Liu Qingqing added: "But after we officially started dating, I found that something was wrong. I liked him well, but it was not the kind of love between men and women. I only liked him because of him." Being nice to me is just a kind of closeness I feel towards him.”

"Maybe it's because Ajun is too good. There are many girls who like him, including Xiaowen, my nemesis at that time. Because I found that I was not in love with Ajun, I gradually kept a distance from him, which also led to He soon became Xiaowen's boyfriend."

"Although I gave up on my own initiative, I still felt a little unwilling to see Ajun become someone else's boyfriend. What made me even more intolerable was that Xiaowen actually showed off everywhere that it was Ajun who dumped me. I just got along with her."

"Not only that, every time we have a class reunion, she will bring it up and talk about it. When I see other people's teasing looks, I'm really scared. I haven't been to a class reunion in two years."

"I know it's my fault, but I just want to tell them that I, Liu Qing, also have someone I love, and someone who loves me. I want to tell them that my man is the most outstanding man in the world!"

At this point, Liu Qingqing shed tears again, but Ji Wufeng remained silent.

In fact, this is a very normal thing. If others keep laughing at you and no one wants you, when you find a beautiful wife, you will definitely take her to show off.

Look, it’s not that no one wants me, it’s just that I don’t like you crooked melons and jujubes.

Besides, women are far more thoughtful than men. Liu Qingqing had been laughed at by that Xiaowen before, and now he took Ji Wufeng to slap her in the face to satisfy his own little vanity. It was indeed understandable.

Thinking of this, Ji Wufeng felt that he was being too cautious?

What happened if I was led by my wife to slap someone in the face? It shows that you are cool enough and can take it out to show off. This is a kind of affirmation from your daughter-in-law.

If I were short and skinny, I would feel embarrassed if I were taken out.

"I've finished saying that, you can leave, but you have no right to doubt me. You are the first and only person I love." "Wake up, I know I was wrong. I will try again next time." I don't dare anymore, as long as you are willing to wake up, I will do anything for you." Liu Qingqing was frightened, hugging Ji Wufeng and kept crying.

"Okay, I told you he would wake up."

Ye Linglong looked at Liu Qingqing and said with jealousy in her tone: "It seems that he really cares about you, and he is willing to do this for you."

"You mean he became like this because he was trying to save me?" Liu Qingqing was stunned for a moment.

"Of course, your physique is very special. Once you go crazy, you must suppress your skills. This is a physical job. He has overdrawn his own skills now," Ye Linglong said.

Ji Wufeng didn't know how long he slept. In short, he slept for a long time before he woke up. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was lying in Liu's house.

Originally, this was a very comfortable room, but at this time, it felt a bit depressing.

Just as he was about to get up, he discovered that there was another person lying beside the bed. It was Liu Qingqing. Her face was very haggard, and her brows were furrowed even when she was asleep. It was heartbreaking to see.

Ji Wufeng sighed, are the two of them destined to have no connection?

Just when he was about to get up and leave, he heard Liu Qingqing suddenly cry: "Asshole, bastard, why don't you believe me? Why? I love you, you are the only one I love, please believe me, ugh Oh, I'm so scared, please don't leave me, okay..."

Ji Wufeng was stunned and was about to answer, but found that Liu Qingqing hadn't woken up at all. He was just crying in his dream.

Is there any misunderstanding here? But what misunderstanding could there be? Who can accept taking him to meet his first love?

Forget it, let everything take its course, Ji Wufeng smiled bitterly, gently moved Liu Qingqing's arm on his lap, and prepared to stand up and leave.

"you're awake?"

But as soon as he touched Liu Qingqing's arm, Liu Qingqing's body trembled violently. She woke up and saw Ji Wufeng, with a look of surprise on her face.

Ji Wufeng smiled slightly and said: "I'm not dead, of course I will wake up."

Liu Qingqing rushed over and cried: "Uuuu, you bastard, you scared me to death, I thought you would never wake up again."

Ji Wufeng pushed her away helplessly and said, "Okay, am I fine now? Don't worry."

After saying that, he walked out of bed, put on his clothes, and was about to leave. But the moment he walked out of the door, Liu Qingqing cried loudly: "Why don't you want to listen to my explanation?"

Ji Wufeng turned around with a faint smile on his face and said, "Isn't everything clear? Is there anything else to explain?"

"Then why are you doing this to me? Do you know it hurts my heart when you do this?" Liu Qingqing shook her head in pain.

"I'm talking about Miss Liu, did you say something wrong? It's not me who can make you feel bad, it should be someone else, right?" Ji Wufeng said with aggrieved face.

Liu gently wiped her tears and said: "I know you hate me now, but I just want you to listen to what I have to say. If you still want to leave after I say it, I will never pester you again." .”

Ji Wufeng remembered that Jin Yu had begged him to wait until Liu Qingqing woke up.

He wanted to hear her explanation and stopped.

Liu Qingqing sat directly on the ground and said faintly: "Did you know? When I was very young, I was special than others. Everyone looked at me with strange eyes. I was very lonely, so the entire Liu family pampered me very much. Even the stars in the sky, as long as I want them, they will pick them for me, which also made me develop a unruly character at a very young age, and no one likes me."

"But you know? No one likes to be alone, and no one doesn't want friends. But because I am like a monster, I have very few contacts, and the people I have come into contact with are also alienated because of my unruliness. Me, Arjun is my first friend.”

"So, at that time, I felt that Arjun was the best boy in the world, and I wanted him to be my boyfriend."

It is not difficult for Ji Wufeng to imagine that a person who has no friends and suddenly has a friend of the opposite sex will easily develop feelings for him.

"What I didn't expect was that Arjun also liked me, and we quickly became boyfriend and girlfriend."

Hearing this, Ji Wufeng clenched his fists, Damn it, you're already married to me, why are you here to provoke me?

And Liu Qingqing added: "But after we officially started dating, I found that something was wrong. I liked him well, but it was not the kind of love between men and women. I only liked him because of him." Being nice to me is just a kind of closeness I feel towards him.”

"Maybe it's because Ajun is too good. There are many girls who like him, including Xiaowen, my nemesis at that time. Because I found that I was not in love with Ajun, I gradually kept a distance from him, which also led to He soon became Xiaowen's boyfriend."

"Although I gave up on my own initiative, I still felt a little unwilling to see Ajun become someone else's boyfriend. What made me even more intolerable was that Xiaowen actually showed off everywhere that it was Ajun who dumped me. I just got along with her."

"Not only that, every time we have a class reunion, she will bring it up and talk about it. When I see other people's teasing looks, I'm really scared. I haven't been to a class reunion in two years."

"I know it's my fault, but I just want to tell them that I, Liu Qing, also have someone I love, and someone who loves me. I want to tell them that my man is the most outstanding man in the world!"

At this point, Liu Qingqing shed tears again, but Ji Wufeng remained silent.

In fact, this is a very normal thing. If others keep laughing at you and no one wants you, when you find a beautiful wife, you will definitely take her to show off.

Look, it’s not that no one wants me, it’s just that I don’t like you crooked melons and jujubes.

Besides, women are far more thoughtful than men. Liu Qingqing had been laughed at by that Xiaowen before, and now he took Ji Wufeng to slap her in the face to satisfy his own little vanity. It was indeed understandable.

Thinking of this, Ji Wufeng felt that he was being too cautious?

What happened if I was led by my wife to slap someone in the face? It shows that you are cool enough and can take it out to show off. This is a kind of affirmation from your daughter-in-law.

If I were short and skinny, I would feel embarrassed if I were taken out.

"I'm done, you can leave, but you have no right to doubt me. You are the first and only person I love."

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