With the power of the Xue family, the news should not be false, and it was also found that she did live with Ji Wufeng after she came to Yuzhou. This woman in front of me pays so much attention to her reputation, is what she said true?

"What, Master Xue realizes what kind of woman I am and still wants me? Or is it that Master Xue likes to wear shabby shoes?" Jiang Ruoshui smiled like a flower and said something even more cruel, including the word shabby shoes. .

Xue Qingming's eyes were a little gloomy and he said, "Yes, why not?"

Jiang Ruoshui was stunned. Is Xue Qingming crazy? He even told me about his broken shoes, but he was still unwilling to let go.

But I saw Xue Qingming sneered a few times and said: "Since Miss Ruoshui is so frank, I will say it bluntly. There are many women around me, including beauties, but there are not many who can compare with you. indivual."

"Then what do you mean?" Jiang Ruoshui asked.

"What do you mean? It's true that very beautiful women like you are rare. Even if you are wearing shabby shoes, this young master must wear them. Otherwise, wouldn't my trip to Yuzhou be in vain?" Xue Qingming's eyes were full of animality. The light stared at Jiang Ruoshui.

When Jiang Ruoshui saw Xue Qingming's lustful eyes, he immediately felt something bad and said in a panic, "What do you want? This is Ji Wufeng's company."

"His company?"

Xue Qingming laughed loudly and said with a ferocious expression: "Do you believe that as long as I say a word, his small company will fall apart in one day. Not only will you have nothing, but you will also be responsible for a lot of responsibility? And, not only You, and even the entire Jiang family and Ji family will be buried with him."

There was a bit of panic in Jiang Ruoshui's eyes. He felt that he was still too naive. Although Ji Wufeng had risen strongly, how long would it take? It's only been a few months, how could it be possible that he had really accumulated a powerful force?

Even the most powerful family in Yuzhou is nothing compared to the Xue family. As long as the Xue family

When this behemoth starts to move, both the Jiang family and Ji Wufeng will be crushed into powder in an instant.

"Humph, I know you're scared"? Xue Qingming smiled blankly. Seeing Jiang Ruoshui's fear, he became proud. No matter how hard he struggled, what was the point? He had to compromise with this young master?

"Jiang Ruoshui, if you understand, come with me now. When I have enough fun, I will let you go."

Xue Qingming's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he said: "If you keep pretending to me, not only Ji Wufeng will die, but even the Jiang family, I will make them unable to eat and walk away!"

Jiang Ruoshui's legs gave way and he almost fell to the ground. He took a step back and grabbed the armrests of the chair, his bright eyes filled with mist of reluctance.

She didn't expect that speaking out about the matter would not only make Xue Qingming wise up and leave, but would actually cause the darkness and viciousness in Xue Qingming's nature to explode. Such an approach that was not worth the gain made her regretful and at the same time full of powerlessness.

Originally, she had made plans. If it really came to that point, even if she died, she would not let Xue Qingming taint her. But now, Ji Wufeng and the Jiang family were involved, which she did not want to hurt. people.

Seeing Jiang Shoushui's face finally collapsed, Xue Qingming knew that he had already succeeded half way. He smiled sinisterly and stepped closer to Jiang Shoushui. Jiang Shoushui immediately shrank back in fright.

"Bitch, you're still pretending to me!"

Xue Qingming's face was ferocious. He stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Ruoshui's coat. He tore it hard, and the small black suit suddenly turned into rags.

Jiang Ruoshui screamed in fright and fell to the ground, but Xue Qingming became even more excited and said: "Bitch, in your office

, I will feel even more excited if I take it from you by force. "

After saying that, he pinched Jiang Ruoshui's short skirt and was about to pull it off and hit him hard. But at this moment, the office door suddenly banged loudly and someone kicked him roughly from the outside. Kicked away.

Xue Qingming turned around suddenly and saw a young man standing at the door with a sly smile on his face.

"Ji Wufeng?"

Seeing the person coming, Jiang Ruoshui thought he was dreaming and wiped his eyes to confirm that it was really Ji Wufeng. Jiang Ruoshui's heart almost jumped out of his chest. He was so excited that he couldn't help but shed a few tears.

"What? Am I that scary? I'm not a big bad wolf. He was so scared that he cried when he saw me. So I'd better leave."

Ji Wufeng looked at Jiang Ruoshui crying and said with a wicked smile on his face.

Seeing the naughty smile on Ji Wufeng's face, Jiang Ruoshui couldn't help but want to slap him with a big mouth. She was so out of character at this time, but although this smile looked annoying, it made her feel surprisingly safe. feel.

She walked quietly behind Ji Wufeng and grabbed his arm involuntarily.

Jiang Ruoshui, who was still helpless just now, had almost resigned herself to her fate, but she didn't expect that Ji Wufeng would come in the end. Now she felt that as long as she stood behind this little man and hugged his arm, she no longer had to be afraid no matter what happened. .

Seeing the two of them cuddling together intimately, Xue Qingming's eyes were about to burst into flames. If he had doubts about Jiang Ruoshui just now, it was basically confirmed now. Unexpectedly, this seemingly innocent person Women can be so mean, pretending to be serious in front of others, but secretly sleeping with men for a long time.

In Young Master Xue's opinion, as long as the woman he likes is with another man, it is


"Are you Ji Wufeng? Now I'll give you a chance. Give me your woman to play with for a few days, and I will give you some benefits. Otherwise..." Xue Qingming sneered. He was already angry, even if he didn't care about Jiang Ruoshui. If he really couldn't get it, he would take revenge severely.

A cold light flashed in Ji Wufeng's eyes, and he chuckled: "I think you are sick and need to be treated."

"Am I sick? Haha, you don't seem to understand who you are talking to." Xue Qingming laughed angrily. To be honest, this was the first time in his life that someone dared to talk to him like this.

"Oh? Then who are you? Are you famous?" Ji Wufeng said with a playful look.

Xue Qingming sneered and said to Jiang Ruoshui: "It's better for you to tell him who I am."

In the past, as long as he brought out the name of the Xue family, no one would dare not give him face. The Ji Wufeng in front of him probably didn't know who he was. If he knew, he would not dare to talk to him like this. Now he really wants to see Jiang Ruoshui The humble attitude of a man after knowing his identity.

Jiang Ruoshui's expression suddenly changed. If Xue Qingming's identity was revealed, it would scare everyone to death. If he wanted to deal with someone, neither he nor the Jiang family had the power to fight back. He immediately felt regretful, since he knew he couldn't resist. , why bother others.

"Ji Wufeng, forget it, you go!" Jiang Ruoshui suddenly let go of Ji Wufeng's arm and said calmly, she had already made a decision.

"Hahaha, this is right!"

Seeing Jiang Ruoshui finally compromise, Xue Qingming laughed happily, looked at Ji Wufeng with disdain and said: "I am only interested in her crappy shoes for a while, and soon get tired of them. Now you just go away." Go ahead and ask Jiang Ruoshui to follow me obediently and play with me for a few days. When I get tired of playing, I will return..."

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