Zhou Chongjian was dumbfounded because there were seven or eight fierce and tough men sitting in the room. He immediately trembled all over and said, "Xinxin, what's going on?"

"Don't you want to book a room with me? So I called a few friends. There are so many people." Zhou Zixin sneered.

Zhou Chongjian felt something was wrong, turned around and wanted to run away. A big man rushed over, kicked him on the butt, and then dragged him back in by his legs.

"You...what are you doing?" Zhou Chongjian asked in horror.

At this time, Bald Weige stood up and sneered: "Your aunt ruined our good deeds, help us trick your aunt out, or we will kill you today."

Zhou Chongjian immediately cried and said, "No, my aunt ruined your affairs and it has nothing to do with me."

"Hmph, you don't know what to look like, hit me." Wei Ge said. ??

Suddenly, seven or eight strong men swarmed forward, punching and kicking him, and Zhou Chongjian suddenly burst into howls of ghosts and wolves.

On the rooftop opposite, Ji Qingchen turned his head and cursed angrily: "Bah, you stinking gangster, you just beat people, why do you take off your clothes?"

"That's what makes it exciting." Ji Wufeng, who was taking photos with his cell phone, chuckled.

"Wonderful, why is it so wonderful?"

Ji Qingchen suddenly became interested, turned around to look, then nodded and said, "It's indeed more exciting."

Ji Wufeng's face suddenly darkened, and he immediately covered her eyes and said, "What's exciting? Girls are always careful about getting needle eyes when looking at unclean things."

Zhou Chongjian was beaten until he almost died and was in a semi-conscious state. Zhou Zixin said coldly: "Hang him out of the window."

Zhou Chongjian, who was about to pass out, suddenly shivered and woke up. He looked down and saw that Hun'er was almost frightened, and he was actually hanging in the air.

The room is on the tenth floor of the hotel. If it falls, it will be smashed to pieces.

"Help, help, someone come and save me..." Zhou Chongjian struggled and cried wildly with his bare buttocks bare. The smelly liquid spilled from a dozen floors above, and he was so frightened that he peed.

"After taking the video, send it to the old woman. Remember, let her come alone, otherwise this kid's life will be lost."

After Zhou Zixin explained to the bald Viagra, she turned and left the room. Her mission was completed.

I believe that when Zhou Lan sees this video, she will come alone to redeem her.

As soon as Zhou Zixin left, the fun was over. Ji Qingchen frowned and said, "But no matter what, he is grandma's relative. Isn't that too much?"

"Hmph, it's better not to have such a beastly relative, but this kid won't die, don't worry, let's go." After Ji Wufeng said that, he jumped off the rooftop.

Walking on the street, Ji Qingchen held Ji Wufeng's arm and said, "Brother, where are we going now?"

"Don't worry, there are a lot of good shows today. I'll show you slowly." Ji Wufeng bared his teeth and said.

At this moment, Chen Qihang called and said, "Brother-in-law, Mingxing Xiao has shown up."

Xiao Mingxing finally appeared, and he arrived at the Chen family with great fanfare. In order to receive him, the Chen family decided to hold a grand dinner today and invite all the dignitaries in Guangzhou.

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly. Xiao Mingxing felt that he had entered the net and decided to close it.

"Come on, we haven't seen each other for so long. You must miss Tongtong very much. Let's go and meet." Ji Wufeng


"Okay, I really miss her, I can't wait." Ji Qingchen said happily.

In a dark room, Yu Ting was in ragged clothes, with bloodstains all over her body, and her hair was disheveled. She was shivering in the corner and was already tortured to the point of disgrace.

After Bahu took her video, he sent it and said, "Okay."

The man in black who had been sitting quietly nodded, stood up and said, "Remember, you must bring Yu Jingtong to the Chen family tonight."


Yu Jingtong's cell phone received a message, which was a video. In the video, Yu Ting, who had been tortured to a state of disgrace, screamed: "Tongtong, come and save me, come and save me... "

A cold voice sounded in the video, saying: "If you want her to survive, come here alone."

Yu Jingtong could not help but tremble all over. She hated Yu Ting, but Yu Ting was her biological mother. This was a fact.

She can hate Yu Ting, but she can't care about her life or death. Even if Yu Ting abandons her, she still has the gift of giving birth. This is what she owes her. Just give it back to her.

Look, a person left home and came to the agreed place. When she saw Yu Ting curled up in the corner, she immediately rushed over and asked, "How are you?"


Unexpectedly, Yu Ting slapped her hard on the face with her backhand, and scolded her harshly: "You little bitch, do you know that it was all you who got me into this?"

Yu Jingtong's already cold heart became even colder. She didn't want to say anything anymore, and she didn't need to say anything anymore. She was already here, and what she owed this woman had been paid back. From now on, the two of them had no relationship whatsoever.

Yu Ting got up from the ground and said to Bahu: "Brother Tiger, Brother Tiger, this little bitch is here, can I go?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid you can't leave yet." Bahu said coldly.


Yu Ting pointed at Yu Jingtong and said: "Look, this little bitch is young and beautiful, and she is also a famous college student. She is much more valuable than me... Oh... I understand, you want me to teach her how to serve a man, right? ? No problem, this is my specialty, don’t worry, I promise to teach her how to serve a man within a few days."

Hearing this, even the corners of Tyrant Tiger's mouth twitched. A tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds. This woman is so vicious, she is worse than a beast.


He walked in with a sigh, it was Ji Wufeng and Ji Qingchen who had arrived.

Seeing Ji Wufeng, Yu Ting was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Ji Wufeng and said: "Brother Hu, this kid is very rich. As long as we catch him, we will definitely make a fortune."

"Bah, you are such a bad woman, you are no longer worthy of being a human being." Ji Qingchen said angrily.

She has seen many bad people, but there is no such inhumane woman even in the movies.

Yu Ting was angry and said: "You little bitch, you still dare to curse people, Brother Hu, catch them quickly, this little bitch is so good-looking, and he is also a money tree."

But who knows, Bahu lowered his head and said respectfully: "Young Master Feng, Miss Qingchen, everything is done according to your instructions."

"It didn't arouse Xiao Mingxing's suspicion, right?" Ji Wufeng asked.


Yu Ting was immediately dumbfounded. No matter how idiotic she was, she could see that in her eyes, the ferocious Tyrant was just a minion of Ji Wufeng. Zhou Chongjian was dumbfounded because there were seven or eight fierce and tough men sitting in the room. He immediately trembled all over and said, "Xinxin, what's going on?"

"Don't you want to book a room with me? So I called a few friends. There are so many people and it's so lively." Zhou Zixin sneered.

Zhou Chongjian felt something was wrong, turned around and wanted to run away. A big man rushed over, kicked him on the butt, and then dragged him back in by his legs.

"You...what are you doing?" Zhou Chongjian asked in horror.

At this time, Bald Weige stood up and sneered: "Your aunt ruined our good deeds, help us trick your aunt out, or we will kill you today."

Zhou Chongjian immediately cried and said, "No, my aunt ruined your affairs and it has nothing to do with me."

"Hmph, you don't know what to look like, hit me." Wei Ge said.

Suddenly, seven or eight strong men swarmed forward, punching and kicking him, and Zhou Chongjian suddenly burst into howls of ghosts and wolves.

On the rooftop opposite, Ji Qingchen turned his head and cursed angrily: "Bah, you stinking gangster, you just beat people, why do you take off your clothes?"

"That's what makes it exciting." Ji Wufeng, who was taking photos with his cell phone, chuckled.

"Wonderful, why is it so wonderful?"

Ji Qingchen suddenly became interested, turned around to look, then nodded and said, "It's indeed more exciting."

Ji Wufeng's face suddenly darkened, and he immediately covered her eyes and said, "What's exciting? Girls are always careful about getting needle eyes when looking at unclean things."

Zhou Chongjian was beaten until he almost died and was in a semi-conscious state. Zhou Zixin said coldly: "Hang him out of the window."

Zhou Chongjian, who was about to pass out, suddenly shivered and woke up. He looked down and saw that Hun'er was almost frightened, and he was actually hanging in the air.

The room is on the tenth floor of the hotel. If it falls, it will be smashed to pieces.

"Help, help, someone come and save me..." Zhou Chongjian struggled and cried wildly with his bare buttocks bare. The smelly liquid spilled from a dozen floors above, and he was so frightened that he peed.

"After taking the video, send it to the old woman. Remember, let her come alone, otherwise this kid's life will be lost."

After Zhou Zixin explained to the bald Viagra, she turned and left the room. Her mission was completed.

I believe that when Zhou Lan sees this video, she will come alone to redeem her.

As soon as Zhou Zixin left, the fun was over. Ji Qingchen frowned and said, "But no matter what, he is grandma's relative. Isn't that too much?"

"Hmph, it's better not to have such a beastly relative, but this kid won't die, don't worry, let's go." After Ji Wufeng said that, he jumped off the rooftop.

Walking on the street, Ji Qingchen held Ji Wufeng's arm and said, "Brother, where are we going now?"

"Don't worry, there are a lot of good shows today. I'll show you slowly." Ji Wufeng bared his teeth and said.

At this moment, Chen Qihang called and said, "Brother-in-law, Mingxing Xiao has shown up."

Xiao Mingxing finally appeared, and he arrived at the Chen family with great fanfare. In order to receive him, the Chen family decided to hold a grand dinner today and invite all the dignitaries in Guangzhou.

Ji Wufeng smiled coldly. Xiao Mingxing felt that he had entered the net and decided to close it.

"Come on, we haven't seen each other for so long. You must miss Tongtong very much. Let's go and meet." Ji Wufeng


"Okay, I really miss her, I can't wait." Ji Qingchen said happily.

In a dark room, Yu Ting was in ragged clothes, with bloodstains all over her body, and her hair was disheveled. She was shivering in the corner and was already tortured to the point of disgrace.

After Bahu took her video, he sent it and said, "Okay."

The man in black who had been sitting quietly nodded, stood up and said, "Remember, you must bring Yu Jingtong to the Chen family tonight."


Yu Jingtong's cell phone received a message, which was a video. In the video, Yu Ting, who had been tortured to a state of disgrace, screamed: "Tongtong, come and save me, come and save me... "

A cold voice sounded in the video, saying: "If you want her to survive, come here alone."

Yu Jingtong could not help but tremble all over. She hated Yu Ting, but Yu Ting was her biological mother. This was a fact.

She can hate Yu Ting, but she can't care about her life or death. Even if Yu Ting abandons her, she still has the gift of giving birth. This is what she owes her. Just give it back to her.

Look, a person left home and came to the agreed place. When she saw Yu Ting curled up in the corner, she immediately rushed over and asked, "How are you?"


Unexpectedly, Yu Ting slapped her hard on the face with her backhand, and scolded her harshly: "You little bitch, do you know that it was all you who got me into this?"

Yu Jingtong's already cold heart became even colder. She didn't want to say anything anymore, and she didn't need to say anything anymore. She was already here, and what she owed this woman had been paid back. From now on, the two of them had no relationship whatsoever.

Yu Ting got up from the ground and said to Bahu: "Brother Tiger, Brother Tiger, this little bitch is here, can I go?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid you can't leave yet." Bahu said coldly.


Yu Ting pointed at Yu Jingtong and said: "Look, this little bitch is young and beautiful, and she is also a famous college student. She is much more valuable than me... Oh... I understand, you want me to teach her how to serve a man, right? ? No problem, this is my specialty, don’t worry, I promise to teach her how to serve a man within a few days."

Hearing this, even the corners of Tyrant Tiger's mouth twitched. A tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds. This woman is so vicious, she is worse than a beast.


He walked in with a sigh, it was Ji Wufeng and Ji Qingchen who had arrived.

Seeing Ji Wufeng, Yu Ting was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Ji Wufeng and said: "Brother Hu, this kid is very rich. As long as we catch him, we will definitely make a fortune."

"Bah, you are such a bad woman, you are no longer worthy of being a human being." Ji Qingchen said angrily.

She has seen many bad people, but there is no such inhumane woman even in the movies.

Yu Ting was angry and said: "You little bitch, you still dare to curse people, Brother Hu, catch them quickly, this little bitch is so good-looking, and he is also a money tree."

But who knows, Bahu lowered his head and said respectfully: "Young Master Feng, Miss Qingchen, everything is done according to your instructions."

"It didn't arouse Xiao Mingxing's suspicion, right?" Ji Wufeng asked.


Yu Ting was immediately dumbfounded. No matter how idiotic she was, she could see that in her eyes, the ferocious Tyrant was just a minion of Ji Wufeng.

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