Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 975 You are the one who dies without a burial place

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked. Damn, these are a group of wealthy young men with extraordinary status. Ji Wufeng actually called them a group of idiots?

But what made everyone even more excited was that Chen Qihang nodded and said very seriously: "Brother-in-law, you are right, these are a bunch of idiots."

In an instant, the whole place exploded. When Chen Qihang said such words, he was literally leading the entire Chen family to die along with Ji Wufeng.

No need for Xiao Mingxing to take action, any one of these people has the strength to easily kill the Chen family.

That Young Master Zhang got angry, pointed at Chen Qihang's nose and said ferociously: "Chen Qihang, you are looking for death..."

boom! ??

Before he finished speaking, Chen Qihang kicked him in the stomach. The kick made Mr. Zhang sit down on the ground. He held his stomach in pain for a long time and couldn't get up.

"Damn it, this is the Chen family, you actually dare to threaten me here, I think it's you who is looking for death!" Chen Qihang said with a fierce look on his face.

"Chen Qihang, you are so courageous..." The other so-called young men started yelling viciously.

There was a fierce light in Qi Heng's eyes, and he rushed towards the young man and kicked him to the ground. Yu Shaojie and Gao Xinguo behind him were not idle either. They each found the target and started talking loudly.

That's not all. The three of them rushed over and started punching and kicking each other. While they were beating them, they were yelling and cursing: "Damn it, why are you dragging me? This is Guangzhou, even a dragon must be given to me." If you dare to be arrogant, I will beat you to death!"

The young and old were all pampered, with tender skin and tender flesh. Their ability to withstand beatings was so bad that their noses and faces were bruised and swollen after only a few blows, and each of them looked like a pig's head.

The rest of the guests were all dumbfounded, their legs were trembling, and their faces turned green with fear.

Oh my god, it’s crazy, it’s really crazy!

Any one of these young men's stamps could make Guangzhou tremble, but all of them were beaten. Is that okay?

They are dead, these bastards Chen Qihang, not only them, but also their families are definitely dead!


There was a loud shout, it was Xiao Mingxing, his face was as green as if he had been painted with green paint, and his expression was ferocious and terrifying.

These people were his followers, and they stood up for him. Now they were beaten. It was not just them, but also Xiao Mingxing. This was no longer a matter of neglect, but a naked humiliation.

Xiao Mingxing came over, stared at Ji Wufeng and said coldly: "I have to say, you are the most arrogant person I have ever seen."

"Ah, who is this?" Ji Wufeng asked in surprise.

Qi Heng on the side said quickly: "Young master, this one is amazing. He is Xiao Mingxing, the young master of the Xiao family, one of the four major families in Huajing."

"Ah... Young Master Xiao?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly had a look of horror on his face, stood up quickly, bent down and saluted: "It turns out to be Young Master Xiao, disrespectful."

Seeing that Ji Wufeng was cowed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this bastard was not too crazy. At least he was respectful to Mingxing Xiao.

But then he saw Ji Wufeng holding his fist and saying: "It is rumored that Young Master Xiao is a good-for-nothing good-for-nothing. When I saw him today, it turned out that someone deliberately spread the rumors. How can Young Master Xiao be such a good-for-nothing? He is simply a scumbag!" "


Many people feel that their heads are about to explode. Damn, how dare you insult Xiao Ming like this?

Star, this is just crazy, no, it's just crazy.

Many people retreated unconsciously, wishing to leave here immediately. Such insults to Ming Xiao must not stop. They are really afraid that they will become a fish in the pond.

The cold light in Xiao Mingxing's eyes instantly turned extremely sinister, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said in a sinister tone: "You really deserve to die, but it doesn't matter. As long as you kneel in front of me and kowtow to apologize, I will consider sparing your life."

In Xiao Mingxing's view, Ji Wufeng must die, but it is not enough to kill him. He must kneel in front of him and wag his tail like a dog begging for mercy.

"Ah, as long as I am willing to kneel down and kowtow, will Young Master Xiao be willing to let me go? That is really a great gift." Ji Wufeng looked like he was grateful.

"But before you kneel down to me, you need to do one more thing."

Xiao Mingxing smiled coldly, and a girl came out, it was Zhou Zixin.

Zhou Zixin looked at Ji Wufeng with a look of resentment and said, "Ji Wufeng, you loser, we meet again."

Ji Wufeng didn't look at him lazily, but asked Mingxing Xiao: "Young Master Xiao, what do you want me to do?"

Xiao Mingxing pulled Zhou Zixin into his arms and said with a smile: "This woman is your first girlfriend, right? But she betrayed you, went to bed with your cousin, and turned you into a cuckold. Forget it, I once wanted to poison you."

Zhou Zixin immediately cooed: "Young Master Xiao, I am your woman now."

A cold light flashed in Xiao Mingxing's eyes, and Zhou Zixin suddenly panicked and said, "No, I'm not worthy of being your woman, I'm just your dog slave."

"Then let me ask you, now you have to make a choice. One is to return to him, and the other is to stay with me and be my dog ​​slave. What should you choose?" Xiao Mingxing asked.

"Of course I'm going to be Young Master Xiao's dog slave. How can this loser be worthy of me?" Zhou Zixin looked at Ji Wufeng with contempt on his face.

"You stinky bitch!" Qi Heng and others suddenly looked furious.

Zhou Zixin would rather be Xiao Mingxing's dog slave than be with Ji Wufeng. How low does this humiliate Ji Wufeng?

"What I want you to do is get under my dog ​​slave's crotch!" Xiao Mingxing pushed Zhou Zixin out.

Zhou Zixin walked over and said with a ferocious smile: "Ji Wufeng, you loser, you didn't expect that this day would happen, right? What you gave me before, now I will give it back to you in double the amount."

She spread her legs and said: "Come on, let me tell you, your grandmother, that old immortal, your little bitch sister, and that little bitch Yu Jingtong are all in our hands now. If you don't do it, they will be waiting to be raped." Cut it into pieces."

"Smelly bitch, I'm going to kill you!" Qi Heng was furious.

If Ji Wufeng cheated on Zhou Zixin, he would be so humiliated that he would never be able to raise his head again in this life.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and sighed, and said with pity on his face: "Sometimes, it is really sad to not know whether to live or die. Seeing that you are also being used, leave immediately and never show up in front of me again, and I will spare you. One life.”

"Hahaha...Ji Wufeng, you are on the verge of death, why are you so arrogant?"

Zhou Zixin laughed ferociously and said: "I can guarantee that if you don't drill today, all three of your grandmothers will die without a burial place!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes finally turned cold and he said: "It seems that you are really hopeless. I can guarantee that our grandma and the others will be fine. You are the one who will die without a burial place." As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was stunned. I'm shocked, Damn, these are a group of wealthy young men with great status. Ji Wufeng actually calls them a group of idiots?

But what made everyone even more excited was that Chen Qihang nodded and said very seriously: "Brother-in-law, you are right, these are a bunch of idiots."

In an instant, the whole place exploded. When Chen Qihang said such words, he was literally leading the entire Chen family to die along with Ji Wufeng.

No need for Xiao Mingxing to take action, any one of these people has the strength to easily kill the Chen family.

That Young Master Zhang got angry, pointed at Chen Qihang's nose and said ferociously: "Chen Qihang, you are looking for death..."


Before he finished speaking, Chen Qihang kicked him in the stomach. The kick made Mr. Zhang sit down on the ground. He held his stomach in pain for a long time and couldn't get up.

"Damn it, this is the Chen family, you actually dare to threaten me here, I think it's you who is looking for death!" Chen Qihang said with a fierce look on his face.

"Chen Qihang, you are so courageous..." The other so-called young men started yelling viciously.

There was a fierce light in Qi Heng's eyes, and he rushed towards the young man and kicked him to the ground. Yu Shaojie and Gao Xinguo behind him were not idle either. They each found the target and started talking loudly.

That's not all. The three of them rushed over and started punching and kicking each other. While they were beating them, they were yelling and cursing: "Damn it, why are you dragging me? This is Guangzhou, even a dragon must be given to me." If you dare to be arrogant, I will beat you to death!"

The young and old were all pampered, with tender skin and tender flesh. Their ability to withstand beatings was so bad that their noses and faces were bruised and swollen after only a few blows, and each of them looked like a pig's head.

The rest of the guests were all dumbfounded, their legs were trembling, and their faces turned green with fear.

Oh my god, it’s crazy, it’s really crazy!

Any one of these young men's stamps could make Guangzhou tremble, but all of them were beaten. Is that okay?

They are dead, these bastards Chen Qihang, not only them, but also their families are definitely dead!


There was a loud shout, it was Xiao Mingxing, his face was as green as if he had been painted with green paint, and his expression was ferocious and terrifying.

These people were his followers, and they stood up for him. Now they were beaten. It was not just them, but also Xiao Mingxing. This was no longer a matter of neglect, but a naked humiliation.

Xiao Mingxing came over, stared at Ji Wufeng and said coldly: "I have to say, you are the most arrogant person I have ever seen."

"Ah, who is this?" Ji Wufeng asked in surprise.

Qi Heng on the side said quickly: "Young master, this one is amazing. He is Xiao Mingxing, the young master of the Xiao family, one of the four major families in Huajing."

"Ah... Young Master Xiao?"

Ji Wufeng suddenly looked horrified, stood up quickly, bent down and saluted: "It turns out to be Young Master Xiao, disrespectful."

Seeing that Ji Wufeng was cowed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this bastard was not too crazy. At least he was respectful to Mingxing Xiao.

But then he saw Ji Wufeng holding his fist and saying: "It is rumored that Young Master Xiao is a good-for-nothing good-for-nothing. When I saw him today, it turned out that someone deliberately spread the rumors. How can Young Master Xiao be such a good-for-nothing? He is simply a scumbag!" "


Many people feel that their heads are about to explode. Damn, how dare you insult Xiao Ming like this?

Star, this is just crazy, no, it's just crazy.

Many people retreated unconsciously, wishing to leave here immediately. Such insults to Ming Xiao must not stop. They are really afraid that they will become a fish in the pond.

The cold light in Xiao Mingxing's eyes instantly turned extremely sinister, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said in a sinister tone: "You really deserve to die, but it doesn't matter. As long as you kneel in front of me and kowtow to apologize, I will consider sparing your life."

In Xiao Mingxing's view, Ji Wufeng must die, but it is not enough to kill him. He must kneel in front of him and wag his tail like a dog begging for mercy.

"Ah, as long as I am willing to kneel down and kowtow, will Young Master Xiao be willing to let me go? That is really a great gift." Ji Wufeng looked like he was grateful.

"But before you kneel down to me, you need to do one more thing."

Xiao Mingxing smiled coldly, and a girl came out, it was Zhou Zixin.

Zhou Zixin looked at Ji Wufeng with a look of resentment and said, "Ji Wufeng, you loser, we meet again."

Ji Wufeng didn't look at him lazily, but asked Mingxing Xiao: "Young Master Xiao, what do you want me to do?"

Xiao Mingxing pulled Zhou Zixin into his arms and said with a smile: "This woman is your first girlfriend, right? But she betrayed you, went to bed with your cousin, and turned you into a cuckold. Forget it, I once wanted to poison you."

Zhou Zixin immediately cooed: "Young Master Xiao, I am your woman now."

A cold light flashed in Xiao Mingxing's eyes, and Zhou Zixin suddenly panicked and said, "No, I'm not worthy of being your woman, I'm just your dog slave."

"Then let me ask you, now you have to make a choice. One is to return to him, and the other is to stay with me and be my dog ​​slave. What should you choose?" Xiao Mingxing asked.

"Of course I'm going to be Young Master Xiao's dog slave. How can this loser be worthy of me?" Zhou Zixin looked at Ji Wufeng with contempt on his face.

"You stinky bitch!" Qi Heng and others suddenly looked furious.

Zhou Zixin would rather be Xiao Mingxing's dog slave than be with Ji Wufeng. How low does this humiliate Ji Wufeng?

"What I want you to do is get under my dog ​​slave's crotch!" Xiao Mingxing pushed Zhou Zixin out.

Zhou Zixin walked over and said with a ferocious smile: "Ji Wufeng, you loser, you didn't expect that this day would happen, right? What you gave me before, now I will give it back to you in double the amount."

She spread her legs and said: "Come on, let me tell you, your grandmother, that old immortal, your little bitch sister, and that little bitch Yu Jingtong are all in our hands now. If you don't do it, they will be waiting to be raped." Cut it into pieces."

"Smelly bitch, I'm going to kill you!" Qi Heng was furious.

If Ji Wufeng cheated on Zhou Zixin, he would be so humiliated that he would never be able to raise his head again in this life.

Ji Wufeng shook his head and sighed, and said with pity on his face: "Sometimes, it is really sad to not know whether to live or die. Seeing that you are also being used, leave immediately and never show up in front of me again, and I will spare you. One life.”

"Hahaha...Ji Wufeng, you are on the verge of death, why are you so arrogant?"

Zhou Zixin laughed ferociously and said: "I can guarantee that if you don't drill today, all three of your grandmothers will die without a burial place!"

Ji Wufeng's eyes finally turned cold and he said: "It seems that you are really hopeless. I can guarantee that our grandmother and the others will be fine. You are the one who will die without a burial place."

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