Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 980 What kind of world is this?

No matter what, Ji Wufeng must find out the mastermind behind this.

The New Year's Eve is getting closer and closer, and it's time for Ji Qingchen, Yuwen Tiancheng and the others to return to Huajing.

Before leaving, Ji Qingchen and Ji Yanran, the older and younger girls, hugged each other and cried together. Although they had not been together for a long time, the two girls, one older and one younger, had become real sisters.

Qin Yi's eyes were also red. Putting aside the grudges of the previous generation, Ji Qingchen could definitely make anyone like her, so Qin Yi naturally couldn't let go of this girl.

"Okay girl, sister promises to come back to see you as soon as she is free." Ji Qingchen wiped Ji Yanran's tears and said.

"Then sister must keep her word. If you don't come, I will take Dahei and Xiaobai to find you." Ji Yanran said.

"Okay, if my sister's words don't count, you can take Da Hei and Xiao Bai to spank my sister."

"Let's pull the hook!"

"Hang yourself with a hook and don't change for a hundred years!"

In the end, Ji Qingchen and Qin Yi hugged each other affectionately. After wiping away his tears, Ji Qingchen said firmly: "Don't worry, Auntie, I won't allow anyone to hurt my brother, not even him!"

Seeing Ji Qingchen disappear at the boarding gate, Qin Yi sighed, with distress written all over her face.

No matter what kind of grievances the previous generation had, what does it have to do with this kind child?

But fate is like this, some people are doomed from birth!

After leaving the airport and sitting in the car, Qin Yi still had a sad look on her face. Ji Wufeng smiled and comforted her: "Mom, don't be like this. If you miss her in the future, we can go over and see her."

"No, it's because a few more children from the orphanage are missing." Qin Yi said.

Qin Yi has been sponsoring left-behind children and orphans. With the rise of Tianxiang Group and the economy becoming more affluent, Qin Yi has funded several orphanages, hoping to take care of more children who have no ability to survive, but there are children every now and then. Gone.

Under normal circumstances, it is normal for children to dislike life in an orphanage and want to escape. However, it has become too frequent recently.

Already several times this month.

Moreover, since Qin Yi received a large amount of capital investment in these orphanages, the living environment inside them has become more and more superior, and those children should not leave.

After returning to Longtan Township, Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows and said to Qin Yi: "Mom, take the girl back first. I still have some things to do."

After Qin Yi and Ji Yanran left, Ji Wufeng walked to the roadside and saw Bai Xinyu standing there in white.

"What do you want from me?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Go somewhere with me."


"You don't have to worry about this. You'll know when you get there. Just say whether you want to go or not?"

"Go, I will go with you to the Dragon Pond and the Tiger's Den!"

If you don't go to a beautiful woman's invitation, it's no use. Will you still be molested?

"Master, go to Huayuan Road."

The taxi took half an hour to reach a place in the suburbs. After the taxi driver stopped the car, Bai Xinyu looked at Ji Wufeng, and Ji Wufeng said, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Nonsense, of course I want you to pay me? Do you still want me to pay you?"

"Uh, I don't have any money."

He hasn't brought cash with him for a long time. He learned this habit from Li Yunxiao. It's so vulgar to bring money when going out!

"What? You are a grown man and you don't bring any money when you go out. Are you embarrassed?" Bai Xinyu shouted.

Ji Wufeng said with a dark face: "I don't have any money anyway, so you can figure it out yourself."

"I don't believe it, let me search." Bai Xinyu reached out and wanted to search Ji Wufeng's body.

"Hey, what do you want to do? Don't touch me. If you touch me again, I will sue you for indecent assault."

"Bah, miss.

Are you using it to molest you? Get the money out of me quickly, or I'll castrate you! "

"Damn it, I really don't have any money, where are you going to touch it?"

"Ah! Damn it!"


Ji Wufeng covered his cheek after being hit by a big mouth, feeling extremely aggrieved. Is there any justice in this world?

I was touched here and there, touching places I shouldn't have been touched, and I got a big slap in the face, saying that I was acting like a hooligan, what kind of world is this?

"Xinyu, is that you?" A voice sounded from outside the car.

Ji Wufeng saw a delicate middle-aged woman standing outside the car.

After the middle-aged woman helped pay the fare, the two finally got out of the car. Bai Xinyu said with an embarrassed look: "Sister Qin, I'm really sorry. I forgot to bring the money with me this time. I will pay it back to you next time." .”

Sister Qin said with a reproachful look: "What are you talking about? You gave so much money to the orphanage, do I have to pay you back?"

Bai Xinyu stuck out her tongue, pulled Sister Qin and walked to a nearby yard. Ji Wufeng followed him in and saw dozens of children playing there.

The oldest of these children was about twelve or thirteen years old, and the youngest was only one or two years old. Their clothes were a little shabby. They were happily building snowmen and having snowball fights in the yard.

Sister Qin clapped her hands and shouted: "Okay, kids, who do you see coming?"

"It's sister Xinyu!"

A little girl about five years old rushed over when she saw Bai Xinyu and threw herself into Bai Xinyu's arms.

Bai Xinyu picked up the little girl, pinched her little face, and asked, "Xinxin, do you miss your sister?"

Xinxin nodded vigorously and said, "Well, I miss my sister."

"Sister, I miss Xinxin too." Bai Xinyu kissed Xinxin's little face hard.

Then the group of children gathered around

Come, he called Sister Xinyu happily, with a smile of surprise on his face. No matter who it was, even Ji Wufeng with bloody hands had to admit that the most beautiful thing in the world is the innocent smiles of children.

Bai Xinyu said a little disappointed: "What should I do if my sister didn't bring a gift this time?"

Xinxin quickly waved her little hands and said, "No, no, sister Qin said, sister is working very hard outside, and we can't ask for gifts from her anymore."

The other children also shouted immediately, with genuine joy on their faces and no disappointment because Bai Xinyu didn't bring a gift.

"How about sister play games with you?"


This is obviously an orphanage, and Bai Xinyu comes here often. Otherwise, Sister Qin and these children would not be so close to her.

Sister Qin saw how happy Bai Xinyu was with the children. She stroked her bangs and said with a smile: "We grew up in an orphanage together. When we grew up, we opened an orphanage to help more orphans. Xinyu is the youngest among us. Yes, but he is the most capable."

Ji Wufeng nodded slightly. With the background of the Demon Sect, it was not unusual for Bai Xinyu to be an orphan.

"How many orphanages have you opened?" Ji Wufeng asked.

Sister Qin said: "There should be eleven in total, big and small. This family has just started, and I will be in charge."

Ji Wufeng was stunned for a while. There were at least thirty orphans in this orphanage just after it started. If there were even eleven orphanages, that would be three to four hundred people.

“Do you have any government funding?”

Sister Qin shook her head and said: "No, in that case it must be listed. Once listed, there are too many procedures and costs. We try to spend every penny on the children."

Ji Wufeng was immediately in awe. Without government funding, he was able to place so many children by his own efforts, which was admirable.

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