This reminded them of the scene when Liu Wenshu came to pick them up on behalf of the school when freshmen entered the school. Zheng Xu thought that by getting close to Liu Wenshu, he could deal with Ji Wufeng, but he was severely slapped in the face.

The so-called thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. After half a year, Zheng Xu thought he could finally avenge his shame, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face even harder.

At this time, Teacher Jiang couldn't stand it anymore and said: "Xiao Feng, forget it, we are always classmates. Besides, Zheng Xu doesn't have any bad intentions, he is just too nice and too ambitious."

Ji Wufeng nodded and said: "Forget it."

Indeed, Zheng Xu was just narrow-minded and too ambitious. He was not convinced by Ji Wufeng and could not even be considered malicious. What's more, Zheng Xu was not worthy of letting him go to war.

Seeing that Ji Wufeng had no intention of continuing to pursue the case, Zheng Xu was granted amnesty, bowed his head and said respectfully: "Young Master Feng, it was my fault in the past, and it will never happen again in the future."

Finally understood the difference between the two, Zheng Xu would not dare to stab Ji Wufeng in the future even if he had ten more courages.

Ji Wufeng looked at Teacher Jiang and said, "Forget it, we are all classmates. Then again, we are having a party today, why aren't we serving drinks?"

Today's protagonist is Teacher Jiang. Since we are not going to pursue the case, of course I want Teacher Jiang to have a good time.

"Yes, yes, today is a gathering of our teachers and students. We must have a good chat and thank Teacher Jiang." Zheng Xu said.

Luo Yaozu also hurriedly said: "Today's game is mine."

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "This is a gathering of our classmates and teachers. Why are you here to join in the fun?"

Luo Yaozu was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said: "Yes, yes, what am I getting involved in? Leave now, leave now..."

Luo Yaozu left the box, and Ji Wufeng followed him out, saying: "When I see Xu Yang when I go back, if anything happens, no matter what he means, you must inform me."

He was worried that Xu Yang was too tough-tempered and would be suppressed by the Kong family and would not be willing to submit to him.

Ask for help yourself.

"Don't worry, Mr. Feng. I will take good care of cousin Xu Yang when I return and report to you in time what happens."

After Luo Yaozu left, only teachers and students were left in the box. It was obvious that Ji Wufeng respected Teacher Jiang very much. Zheng Xu kept expressing his gratitude to Teacher Jiang at the table.

Other students were led to thank Teacher Jiang for his teaching.

Maybe they didn't feel much about it before, but when they said their thanks, the memories of Teacher Jiang's careful teaching in the past slowly emerged. Coupled with what they had experienced outside in the past six months, they felt guilty inside.

Maybe they didn't realize it before, but now they finally understand how much effort Teacher Jiang put into them.

At first they just agreed, but in the end everyone was truly grateful to Teacher Jiang and showed their true feelings.

Teacher Jiang was very pleased that all of his students were successful in their studies. He sighed: "Each of you is the pride of the teacher. The teacher will no longer be able to teach you anything in the future, but there are still a few words."

"Teacher Jiang, please speak."

"You are all college students now. University is different from middle school. It is already half of society. You will get to know more people and make more friends in the future, but you will never again encounter the feelings without any impurities that are around you now. So, please cherish it!"

Yes, everyone will meet more friends in the future, but they will undoubtedly involve various interests and various purposes.

Only classmates, the friendship of classmates, this kind of relationship, this kind of emotion is the purest and purest.

Teacher Jiang is reminding everyone to cherish their current sincere relationship.

"Teacher Jiang, we remember."

Zheng Xu stood up, held the wine glass and said to Ji Wufeng: "Ji Wufeng, it was my fault before, but please forgive me, because just like Teacher Jiang said, I may never find friends like you in this life. ."

After saying that, Zheng Xu drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Ji Wufeng could see that Zheng Xu really knew that he was wrong, so he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Someone took the lead, and everyone picked up their glasses and apologized to the classmates with whom they had conflicts in the past.

This is undoubtedly the best ending. How precious is the friendship between classmates? Everyone should cherish it!

Even Ji Wufeng is like this. Maybe he doesn't care about the group of people in front of him, but he cares about this friendship because he has never had it before.

Everyone was chatting very happily. Today's party is over. Everyone walked out of the box and walked towards a man and woman. The man was in a suit and leather shoes, and the woman was showing off her sex. They hugged each other in an extremely intimate manner.

Teacher Jiang's face instantly turned pale, his body swayed, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Teacher Jiang, are you okay?" Mouse supported Teacher Jiang.

"I'm fine, let's go quickly." Teacher Jiang lowered his head and wanted to leave quickly.

But the woman was suddenly stunned, and then said in a sharp voice to Teacher Jiang: "It's really unlucky. I didn't expect to meet this yellow-faced woman here."

The man also noticed Teacher Jiang, his face immediately darkened, and he said, "Jiang Fei, I've already told you that it's impossible for the two of us, but you still follow me all day long. Is it interesting?"

Teacher Jiang's body was trembling slightly and he said, "You misunderstood. I'm just here to accompany you to eat today. I don't mean to follow you."

"Hmph, I don't care if you are following me or not. Just sign the divorce agreement quickly. That way I can still leave some money for you. Otherwise, I will let you get nothing." The man said coldly. road.

\u003e Hearing this, everyone was shocked. This man turned out to be Teacher Jiang’s husband.

Teacher Jiang was also a beautiful woman when she was young. She had countless suitors, young and rich, with status and background.

But in the end, Teacher Jiang chose the powerless Zhou Chenghao, her current husband.

After the two got married, Zhou Chenghao loved Teacher Jiang very much and got along extremely harmoniously. They were a well-known model couple in the school. Unexpectedly, they were now getting divorced.

The reason is very obvious. Zhou Chenghao is now successful in his career, but Teacher Jiang is getting older day by day, so he cheated on her and found a young and beautiful mistress.

Teacher Jiang gradually calmed down and said, "Don't worry, I will sign the divorce agreement tomorrow."

Ever since Zhou Chenghao had a mistress, Teacher Jiang had tried almost every method in the hope of winning back her husband's heart, but the result was obviously in vain.

At this time, she finally made the decision and agreed to divorce.

Hearing that Teacher Jiang agreed, Zhou Chenghao was stunned and said, "Did you really agree?"

Teacher Jiang is a very traditional woman who has been unwilling to divorce for so long. Zhou Chenghao was very surprised when she suddenly agreed.

Zhou Chenghao's mistress glanced at the mouse who was supporting Teacher Jiang and said with a sneer: "Chenghao, she didn't agree before because no one could meet her needs. Now that she has found a pretty boy, of course she doesn't want you."

Teacher Jiang immediately became angry and said, "Li Yan, don't talk nonsense, these are my students."

This woman was so vicious that she even accused Teacher Jiang of having an improper relationship with her students. No matter how good-tempered Teacher Jiang was, she would still find it hard to accept.

"Tch, aren't there too many teachers fooling around with their students now?" Li Yan rolled her eyes.

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