
Sun Baibai naturally knew that although Ji Wufeng had great medical skills, he actually had no care for medicine. However, he still couldn't help but worry: "Ever since Shennong Valley escaped, the Ghost Doctor Pavilion is invincible. Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, I don't care about Shennong Valley, let alone the Ghost Doctor Pavilion?"

Shennong Valley was not a complete escape. Although there was no contact, Ji Wufeng had indirect contact. When his husband was in crisis, the Lei family mentioned Shennong Valley.

But in the end, the husband was cured by Ji Wufeng. It can be seen that Shennong Valley may have great medical skills, but in terms of methods, Ji Wufeng is more confident.

"Grandpa Sun, when will the other party come?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"The third day of the first lunar month!"

Ji Wufeng sneered. He posted a message on the first day of the first lunar month and officially challenged him on the third day of the first lunar month. His intention was to create obstacles for Sun Baibai and ruin his reputation.

"Okay, I will definitely be there on the third day of the first lunar month."

After making the promise, Ji Wufeng left the Sun family and heard people nearby talking about it along the way.

"Did you know? Someone has posted a challenge to Divine Doctor Sun."

"Of course I know, and the message is still black. The person who came here is not evil."

"So what? Dr. Sun is very skilled in medicine, and he only wants to make you feel uncomfortable."


Many people have full confidence in Sun Baibai, but the more this happens, the harder he will be hit when he loses. It can be said that his intentions are sinister.

Ji Wufeng went straight to Mei's house. As soon as he reached the door, he saw a man who looked like a servant. His eyes lit up and he ran inside, shouting: "Come here, come here, my uncle is here." …”

Ji Wufeng almost vomited blood on the spot and wished he could turn around and leave. Damn, this person was specially left here to set a trap for him.

Such a shout was probably spread throughout the afternoon, and his uncle came to the door.

But even leaving now would not help. The Mei family wanted to spread the news throughout Guangzhou and couldn't stop it, so they had no choice but to go in.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw the servants of the Mei family lined up in two rows, bowing their heads respectfully and shouting in unison: "Welcome to my uncle!"

Ji Wufeng bared his teeth and was about to say something when he heard a scolding: "What are you doing? Get out of here!"

When she turned around, she saw the anger on Mei Yingxue's face, her little face turned red with anger, there was nothing we could do, our Miss Mei was so thin-skinned.

"Haha, come on, the eldest lady is shy." Someone yelled, and the group of people immediately dispersed.

"What are you doing here?" Mei Yingxue asked through gritted teeth.

The law does not punish the public, so many servants were shouting together, and it was Chinese New Year, so it was not appropriate to punish anyone, so she could only vent her anger on Ji Wufeng.

"I'm here to pay New Year's greetings." Ji Wufeng found it quite interesting to see Mei Yingxue so angry.

"You have already paid your respects, hurry up and leave." Mei Yingxue urged.

The news will spread soon. Where will Miss Mei's face be put?

At this moment, someone was heard shouting: "Where is it? Where is it? Where is my grandson-in-law?"

I saw Mei Aofeng running out with a glowing face. His legs were disabled before, but now they are healed. He is extremely agile and can run faster than a rabbit.

Seeing Ji Wufeng, Mei Aofeng immediately grabbed his hand and said happily: "Oh, Xiaofeng, you are here to see me."

Master, come as soon as you say, bring anything else, you are so polite..."

Mei Yingxue on the side wanted to grit her teeth and said, "Grandpa, I came here empty-handed."

You obviously came here empty-handed, but you still said you were being polite and brought something. Isn’t this lying with your eyes open?

But Mei Aofeng glared and said, "What's wrong with not bringing anything? Not bringing anything means we don't see anyone else. If we bring anything together as a family, it means we are living apart. Xiaofeng being with us like this seems to be close to us."

Mei Yingxue almost fainted on the spot, and Ji Wufeng's cheek also twitched. After half a year, this old guy still likes to tell nonsense.

"Quick, quick, hurry up and pack up a room and come out. Your uncle will stay at home for a few days." Mei Aofeng shouted loudly.

Mei Yingxue gritted her teeth and said, "Why should you let him stay at home for a few days?"

"Nonsense, Xiaofeng is here to pay his respects to the first year. Of course he has to stay at home for a few days." Mei Aofeng said.

"You..." Mei Yingxue trembled with anger, stomped away and ran away.

Ji Wufeng also had a black line on his head and said: "We are not married yet, why do we wish to celebrate the first year?"

It is a custom in my hometown to pay New Year's greetings to my mother-in-law's family for the first time. They usually stay for a few days, which is a very important custom.

"Uh... not married?"

Mei Aofeng was stunned for a moment, then patted his head and said: "Look at my memory, I thought you were already married? But it doesn't matter, we will celebrate the first year of marriage this year, and it doesn't matter if the wedding is delayed. "

Ji Wufeng was too lazy to pay attention to him. After walking into the living room and sitting down, he asked, "How is the development of Longwei Enterprise going now?"

Although several companies joined forces to develop Longwei Enterprise, Ji Wufeng didn't care about anything.

The Mei family is still the main one.

"Construction has already started, and it is estimated that it will be completed in less than a year." Mei Aofeng said excitedly.

Although the project is huge, several companies have joined forces and have strong strength. Another year will be enough.

"But this piece of cake is really too big, I'm afraid someone will come to compete for it." Mei Aofeng said with a solemn expression.

Because Longwei Enterprise was set up by Ji Wufeng to gather the spirit array, it can be said to be a fairyland on earth. The value of such a place cannot be measured by money. There are too many people staring at it.

Although construction has just started, people have already started to book houses here, and everyone is a powerful person. Ordinary people have no chance at all, because the price they offer is ten times or even dozens of times the market price.

There is no way, Longwei Enterprise has enough spiritual energy. If you can live here and all diseases will be eliminated and your life will be prolonged, who will care about money?

After understanding the situation, Ji Wufeng frowned slightly and said: "Remember, we do not accept reservations from anyone. Everything will proceed as planned without any changes."

Mei Aofeng felt a pain in his heart and said: "Xiao Feng, I didn't feel that before, but now I feel that you gave up a golden mountain by doing this."

Judging from the current price that some people are booking, building residential houses is undoubtedly the most profitable.

But the original plan was to use one-third to build commercial areas, one-third to build factories, and one-third to build residential buildings, including welfare homes.

In other words, the residential area is less than one-third. What a huge loss is this?

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "Look at how little you have accomplished, and you already feel distressed after just that little bit?"

Mei Aofeng jumped up and said: "Nonsense, this will be Xue'er's dowry from now on, can I not feel bad for her?"

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