Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1009 Do you dare to hit me?

When Lin Xiaomeng heard this, she immediately shouted happily: "Okay, okay."

Lin Yuantu thought about it carefully. Although Ji Wufeng had a foreign surname, he was also from the Lin family. It would be nice to go and have a look, and he agreed on the spot.

But Lin Xiaoyu was not happy anymore and said with a cold face: "Second uncle, what's the matter with you? How can you let outsiders into your home casually?"

Lin Yuantu was also irritated by this niece and said: "He is your aunt Meng's son, not an outsider. If you don't want to, then we won't go either. You can go back by yourself."

It was okay to be snobby to him, but he would never accept being unfriendly to Ji Wufeng.

Seeing that Lin Yuantu was angry, Lin Xiaoyu was really afraid that he would not return to Lin's house, so he had to keep his mouth shut. ??

In the end, Lin Yuantu and his family got into Lin Xiaoyu's car, but Lin Tianning took Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui into a taxi.

"You won't mind, right?" Ji Wufeng asked Jiang Ruoshui apologetically.

Jiang Ruoshui smiled and shook her head. She felt a sense of panic when she returned to Huajing. The closer she got to Jiang's house, the more panicked she became. Being able to postpone it was just what she wanted.

The taxi followed Lin Xiaoyu's car to the door of a villa that looked relatively gorgeous, but it looked very old and showed signs of renovation.

It seems that the Lin family once had a great time, but now it is not going well.

After getting out of the car, I saw an old man with gray temples waiting there with anticipation. As soon as he saw Lin Yuantu, he rushed over, grabbed Lin Yuantu's hand, and said with excitement, his eyes red: "Mistress Master, you are the mistress!"

"Uncle Qiang, it's me!" Lin Yuantu was also very excited.

This old man's name is Lin Qiang, an old housekeeper of the Lin family. He has been very close to Lin Weiguo since he was a child. Lin Weiguo did not come this time, and Lin Qiang felt very kind to Lin Yuantu.

"Mengmeng, come on, this is your strong grandpa." Lin Yuantu pulled Lin Xiaomeng and said.

Before leaving, Lin Weiguo also made an explanation. Lin Qiang and he were called master and servant, but they were actually brothers, so Lin Yuantu must respect them.

Lin Xiaomeng didn't know who Lin Qiang was, but she could feel the old man's kindness. She stepped forward and took Lin Qiang's hand and shouted, "Grandpa Qiang."

"Ah, you are Miss Mengmeng. You have grown so big. You are so beautiful. Let me take a look." Lin Qiang looked at Lin Xiaomeng carefully, as if he had met his own granddaughter.

Because of Lin Yuantu's explanation, Ji Wufeng still admired Lin Qiang, an old man. When he was introduced, he respectfully called him Grandpa Qiang.

Lin Xiaoyu, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, frowned and said: "Okay, okay, why are you standing at the door? Are you annoyed?"

A group of people entered the villa and saw a middle-aged man standing in the living room who looked somewhat similar to Lin Yuantu, but he was not as kind as Lin Yuantu, and his face looked a little gloomy.

As soon as he saw Lin Yuantu, the middle-aged man immediately came up to him and said excitedly: "Yuantu, you are finally back."

"Brother!" Lin Yuantu said. This middle-aged man was Lin Yuanming, the eldest son of the Lin family.

But Ji Wufeng had a keen eye and found that Lin Yuanming's excited expression was obviously artificial, but he did not show it.

After Lin Yuanming exchanged pleasantries with Lin Yuantu's family, he looked at Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui and asked, "Who are these two?"

Lin Yuantu took Ji Wufeng's hand and introduced: "Brother, do you remember Xiaomeng? This is Xiaomeng's son Xiaofeng."

Lin Yuanming raised his eyebrows and sighed: "It's really useless."

Come to think of it, Xiaomeng is so lucky to be reunited after being lost for so many years. "

But as soon as Lin Yuanming finished speaking, Lin Xiaoyu on the side said with disdain: "I've been missing for decades, and I can come back? I don't believe it, maybe it's an imposter. Third uncle, I advise you to just be a parent." Let’s identify it, what if it’s a wild species?”

She was already very unhappy with Ji Wufeng, so naturally she would not miss this opportunity to attack Ji Wufeng.

When Lin Yuantu and his family heard this, their expressions suddenly changed, and their eyes were full of anger. They actually called Ji Wufeng a bastard?


But before they could get angry, a big mouth suddenly slapped Lin Xiaoyu hard on the face, causing her to stagger. She was stunned for a long time before she recovered, and a palm print appeared on her cheek.

"You dare to hit me?" Lin Xiaoyu pointed at Jiang Ruoshui, but he didn't expect that he would be beaten in his own home.

"This is just a lesson for you. You must be well-educated, otherwise you will only bring humiliation to yourself." Jiang Ruoshui said with cold eyes.

Yes, it was Jiang Ruoshui who did it. Like Lin Yuantu's family, she could not allow anyone to hurt Ji Wufeng, even verbally.

Moreover, in comparison, Lin Yuantu had to worry about family ties, but she didn't need to.

"You bitch!" Lin Xiaoyu was furious and rushed towards Jiang Ruoshui like a shrew.

But before she could touch Jiang Ruoshui, there was another crisp "pop" sound.

Another big mouth slapped her on the other side of the face, whipping her around on the ground, almost losing her balance and falling to the ground.

This time it was not Jiang Ruoshui who took action, but Ji Wufeng. He said to Jiang Ruoshui seriously: "Be kind and kind. If you just hit one side of her face, the two sides will be asymmetrical. How can she go out to meet people? She is much better now. She looks better. It’s much more harmonious.”

is not that right?

Just now, only one side of Lin Xiaoyu's face was swollen, but now both sides are swollen. It is indeed very symmetrical.

Lin Yuanming became angry and yelled: "Bastard, who are you? How dare you act wild in the Lin family!"

Lin Yuantu didn't expect things to turn out like this, and said hurriedly: "Brother, he is still a child and is ignorant!"

"Huh, you're not sensible? You're not sensible but you know how to hit people?"

Lin Yuanming was furious and said ferociously to Lin Yuantu: "We have good intentions to let you recognize your ancestors and return to our clan. It would be better for you to come to the Lin family and run wild. Do you think my dad is sick and want to make him angry to death?"

"What? Uncle is sick?" Lin Yuantu was shocked.

"Humph, do you still have this uncle in your heart? I don't care who he is, you'd better kick him out now, otherwise, you won't have to come back."

In his own home, his daughter was slapped twice in a row, and no one could hold back his anger.

Lin Yuantu suddenly looked embarrassed. He didn't like this uncle, but he was the patriarch of the Lin family after all. This time, he hoped to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. If this couldn't be realized, how could he explain to Lin Weilong and Lin Weiguo?

But now Lin Yuanming wants him to drive Ji Wufeng out.

"If you don't come back, you won't come back. Let's go!"

Lin Yuantu was worried, but Lin Xiaomeng wasn't worried about that old man who loved her to death. What did he care about her? She still wants to bully her brother, no!

After saying that, she pulled Ji Wufeng and wanted to leave, but Ji Wufeng said: "Uncle, you know that I know medical skills, why don't you let me take a look for the old man." Upon hearing this, Lin Xiaomeng immediately shouted happily: "Okay. ,OK."

Lin Yuantu thought about it carefully. Although Ji Wufeng had a foreign surname, he was also from the Lin family. It would be nice to go and have a look, and he agreed on the spot.

But Lin Xiaoyu was not happy anymore and said with a cold face: "Second uncle, what's the matter with you? How can you let outsiders into your home casually?"

Lin Yuantu was also irritated by this niece and said: "He is your aunt Meng's son, not an outsider. If you don't want to, then we won't go either. You can go back by yourself."

It was okay to be snobby to him, but he would never accept being unfriendly to Ji Wufeng.

Seeing that Lin Yuantu was angry, Lin Xiaoyu was really afraid that he would not return to Lin's house, so he had to keep his mouth shut.

In the end, Lin Yuantu and his family got into Lin Xiaoyu's car, but Lin Tianning took Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui into a taxi.

"You won't mind, right?" Ji Wufeng asked Jiang Ruoshui apologetically.

Jiang Ruoshui smiled and shook her head. She felt a sense of panic when she returned to Huajing. The closer she got to Jiang's house, the more panicked she became. Being able to postpone it was just what she wanted.

The taxi followed Lin Xiaoyu's car to the door of a villa that looked relatively gorgeous, but it looked very old and showed signs of renovation.

It seems that the Lin family once had a great time, but now it is not going well.

After getting out of the car, I saw an old man with gray temples waiting there with anticipation. As soon as he saw Lin Yuantu, he rushed over, grabbed Lin Yuantu's hand, and said with excitement, his eyes red: "Mistress Master, you are the mistress!"

"Uncle Qiang, it's me!" Lin Yuantu was also very excited.

This old man's name is Lin Qiang, an old housekeeper of the Lin family. He has been very close to Lin Weiguo since he was a child. Lin Weiguo did not come this time, and Lin Qiang felt very kind to Lin Yuantu.

"Mengmeng, come on, this is your strong grandpa." Lin Yuantu pulled Lin Xiaomeng and said.

Before leaving, Lin Weiguo also made an explanation. Lin Qiang and he were called master and servant, but they were actually brothers, so Lin Yuantu must respect them.

Lin Xiaomeng didn't know who Lin Qiang was, but she could feel the old man's kindness. She stepped forward and took Lin Qiang's hand and shouted, "Grandpa Qiang."

"Ah, you are Miss Mengmeng. You have grown so big. You are so beautiful. Let me take a look." Lin Qiang looked at Lin Xiaomeng carefully, as if he had met his own granddaughter.

Because of Lin Yuantu's explanation, Ji Wufeng still admired Lin Qiang, an old man. When he was introduced, he respectfully called him Grandpa Qiang.

Lin Xiaoyu, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, frowned and said: "Okay, okay, why are you standing at the door? Are you annoyed?"

A group of people entered the villa and saw a middle-aged man standing in the living room who looked somewhat similar to Lin Yuantu, but he was not as kind as Lin Yuantu, and his face looked a little gloomy.

As soon as he saw Lin Yuantu, the middle-aged man immediately came up to him and said excitedly: "Yuantu, you are finally back."

"Brother!" Lin Yuantu said. This middle-aged man was Lin Yuanming, the eldest son of the Lin family.

But Ji Wufeng had a keen eye and found that Lin Yuanming's excited expression was obviously artificial, but he did not show it.

After Lin Yuanming exchanged pleasantries with Lin Yuantu's family, he looked at Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui and asked, "Who are these two?"

Lin Yuantu took Ji Wufeng's hand and introduced: "Brother, do you remember Xiaomeng? This is Xiaomeng's son Xiaofeng."

Lin Yuanming raised his eyebrows and sighed: "It's really useless."

Come to think of it, Xiaomeng is so lucky to be reunited after being lost for so many years. "

But as soon as Lin Yuanming finished speaking, Lin Xiaoyu on the side said with disdain: "I've been missing for decades, and I can come back? I don't believe it, maybe it's an imposter. Third uncle, I advise you to just be a parent." Let’s identify it, what if it’s a wild species?”

She was already very unhappy with Ji Wufeng, so naturally she would not miss this opportunity to attack Ji Wufeng.

When Lin Yuantu and his family heard this, their expressions suddenly changed, and their eyes were full of anger. They actually called Ji Wufeng a bastard?


But before they could get angry, a big mouth suddenly slapped Lin Xiaoyu hard on the face, causing her to stagger. She was stunned for a long time before she recovered, and a palm print appeared on her cheek.

"You dare to hit me?" Lin Xiaoyu pointed at Jiang Ruoshui, but he didn't expect that he would be beaten in his own home.

"This is just a lesson for you. You must be well-educated, otherwise you will only bring humiliation to yourself." Jiang Ruoshui said with cold eyes.

Yes, it was Jiang Ruoshui who did it. Like Lin Yuantu's family, she could not allow anyone to hurt Ji Wufeng, even verbally.

Moreover, in comparison, Lin Yuantu had to worry about family ties, but she didn't need to.

"You bitch!" Lin Xiaoyu was furious and rushed towards Jiang Ruoshui like a shrew.

But before she could touch Jiang Ruoshui, there was another crisp "pop" sound.

Another big mouth slapped her on the other side of the face, whipping her around on the ground, almost losing her balance and falling to the ground.

This time it was not Jiang Ruoshui who took action, but Ji Wufeng. He said to Jiang Ruoshui seriously: "Be kind and kind. If you just hit one side of her face, the two sides will be asymmetrical. How can she go out to meet people? She is much better now. She looks better. It’s much more harmonious.”

is not that right?

Just now, only one side of Lin Xiaoyu's face was swollen, but now both sides are swollen. It is indeed very symmetrical.

Lin Yuanming became angry and yelled: "Bastard, who are you? How dare you act wild in the Lin family!"

Lin Yuantu didn't expect things to turn out like this, and said hurriedly: "Brother, he is still a child and is ignorant!"

"Huh, you're not sensible? You're not sensible but you know how to hit people?"

Lin Yuanming was furious and said ferociously to Lin Yuantu: "We have good intentions to let you recognize your ancestors and return to our clan. It would be better for you to come to the Lin family and run wild. Do you think my dad is sick and want to make him angry to death?"

"What? Uncle is sick?" Lin Yuantu was shocked.

"Humph, do you still have this uncle in your heart? I don't care who he is, you'd better kick him out now, otherwise, you won't have to come back."

In his own home, his daughter was slapped twice in a row, and no one could hold back his anger.

Lin Yuantu suddenly looked embarrassed. He didn't like this uncle, but he was the patriarch of the Lin family after all. This time, he hoped to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. If this couldn't be realized, how could he explain to Lin Weilong and Lin Weiguo?

But now Lin Yuanming wants him to drive Ji Wufeng out.

"If you don't come back, you won't come back. Let's go!"

Lin Yuantu was worried, but Lin Xiaomeng wasn't worried about that old man who loved her to death. What did he care about her? She still wants to bully her brother, no!

After saying that, she pulled Ji Wufeng and wanted to leave, but Ji Wufeng said: "Uncle, you know that I know medical skills, why don't you let me take a look for the old man."

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