"I don't care what conflicts you have with my brother, but we were friends after all. Let's forget about it today, okay?"

Ever been friends?

Ji Wufeng felt a little faint. He stared at Gu Mingyue in front of him with a sad smile on his face and said: "Okay, just because we were friends, let's forget it today."

Seeing the misery on Ji Wufeng's face, Gu Mingyue felt pain in her heart without knowing why. However, she didn't know why her heart hurt. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what she should say.

A hint of sinisterness flashed from Gu Tianyang's eyes, and he turned away with a smile.

Jin Yuyang expressionlessly pulled Jin Yufei away who looked resentful.

Those who were ready to watch the show were all depressed. Is this the end of the matter?

Damn it, I thought there was a big show to watch, but my excitement was wasted.

At the same time, many people are beginning to speculate about Ji Wufeng's identity. Since they know Gu Tianyang's identity and are going against him specifically, it means that he is not a stupid young man, then who is he?

At this moment, Yuwen Tiancheng waved his hand, and the group of young men and women who had just come with him immediately gathered around and looked at Ji Wufeng with excitement on their faces.

"Damn it, aren't you always clamoring to see the boss? Why are you mute now!" Yuwen Tiancheng cursed.

Seeing the excited expressions in the eyes of the guys in front of him, Ji Wufeng was confused.

"I've seen the boss!" a group of people shouted in unison.

In an instant, everyone present looked at Ji Wufeng with fear in their eyes.

At this time, the identity of the person in front of him has been revealed—Ji Wufeng!

In Huajing, Ji Wufeng's name has already spread throughout the country. Who knows who can compete with Gu Tianyang? But in their hearts, Ji Wufeng must be a burly, tall and powerful man. They never expected that he has this kind of virtue. .

But there is no shortage of ignorant people no matter where they are. Lin Xiaoyu reluctantly pulled Jin Yufei and said: "My dear, when you leave here, you have to help me teach him a lesson and let me say this well." ."


The one who answered her was a fierce man with a big mouth, who slapped her so hard that she fell to the ground in a very embarrassed state.

"Fuck you, bitch, you know how to cause trouble for me all the time, get out of here!"

Jin Yufei roared angrily, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He couldn't even imagine that the person he wanted to deal with just now was Ji Wufeng.

Fortunately, this is Zongheng. If he really wanted to take action elsewhere, he probably wouldn't even know how he would die.

The guy who just came up to chat with Jiang Ruoshui and was chased away by Ji Wufeng was almost scared to death. He pulled his companion and wanted to run away.

At this moment, the hall opened through the inner door, and a woman wearing a black floor-length evening gown walked out calmly and gracefully like a queen reviewing the troops.

He was about twenty-four or five years old. Although he was wearing black clothes, he felt like he was emitting a dazzling light, which even eclipsed the dazzling crystal lamp in the hall.

The woman walked up to the rostrum, turned on the microphone, and said loudly: "Hello everyone, you are here today just to give me Beichenxue face. Beichenxue is here to thank you all for your love."


Ji Wufeng found out the identity of this woman, whose surname was Beichen in Hua Jing.

Yes, this is the only one with such power.

Beichen Xue, one of the principals of Zongheng!

After saying hello to everyone, Bei Chenxue walked down the podium and came directly to Ji Wufeng and said, "I heard that something unpleasant happened to you here just now?"

Everyone's expressions were stunned. Could it be that Bei Chenxue was coming to cause trouble for Ji Wufeng?

Suddenly, many people's hearts were raised. You know, even Gu Tianyang didn't dare to act arrogantly. Will Ji Wufeng be spared if he makes trouble here?

The Beichen family in Huajing may not be as flamboyant as the four major families, but no one who knows the history of the Beichen family dares to show the slightest disrespect to the Beichen family.

Moreover, Beichen Xue is also one of the people in charge of Zongheng. Although the other people in charge have never appeared, anyone can guess that their backgrounds are definitely not inferior to those of the Beichen family.

"Yes, do you want to cause trouble for me?" Ji Wufeng said.

Bei Chenxue shook his head and smiled: "Even if you demolish this place, I won't dare to cause trouble for you. I just thought that if you are free later, we can chat alone."

When her words were heard by others, they were all shocked. Even if the place was demolished, they would not dare to trouble him?

Holy shit, is this guy really that awesome?

Could it be that this kid is having an affair with Bei Chenxue? That must be it!

Because Gu Tianyang had never received such courtesy from Bei Chenxue, there was no other explanation except that the two had an affair.

"Okay, being alone with such a beautiful woman is something no one else could ask for." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"Then don't go too far later, I'll let you know." Bei Chenxue smiled slightly, turned around and walked away to greet others.

Sure enough, Zongheng is different from ordinary clubs. Other clubs are just a group of guys sitting around and bragging. If they see each other, the men will think about how to cultivate love between them, while the men and women will show off. Once at the door, we went straight to the hotel.

But here, it is a good place to win over opponents and understand them.

Just like this time, if these people had not come to Zongheng, they would not have known that Ji Wufeng had come to Huajing, and many people would still not know what kind of person Ji Wufeng was until now.

It was finally time to end the party, and the guests left one after another, but almost everyone couldn't help but look back in Ji Wufeng's direction when leaving, as if they wanted to imprint Ji Wufeng's appearance in their minds.

After leaving Jiang Ruoshui in the care of Yuwen Tiancheng and others, Ji Wufeng walked straight into the passage of the inner room. Bei Chenxue was already waiting for him in a room, with red wine on the table in front of him.

Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up. Could it be that he has fallen in love with me and wants to seduce me, get me drunk, and have drunken sex?

"Please take a seat."

Bei Chenxue motioned Ji Wufeng to sit down, then poured him a glass of red wine and said, "You don't mind having a drink."

"Of course I don't mind."

Ji Wufeng picked up the wine glass, drank it all in one gulp, then smashed it in his mouth and said, "It doesn't taste good. It would be much better if I added some sugar."

Bei Chenxue fainted for a moment. This was Lafite from 1976. There are only a few bottles of it in the world. The glass Ji Wufeng drank just now could buy a house in Beijing. This guy actually thought it tasted bad.

What's even worse is that I want to add some sugar. Have you ever seen sugar added to Lafite? "I don't care what conflicts you have with my brother, but we were friends after all. Let's forget about it today, okay?"

Ever been friends?

Ji Wufeng felt a little faint. He stared at Gu Mingyue in front of him with a sad smile on his face and said: "Okay, just because we were friends, let's forget it today."

Seeing the misery on Ji Wufeng's face, Gu Mingyue felt pain in her heart without knowing why. However, she didn't know why her heart hurt. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what she should say.

A hint of sinisterness flashed from Gu Tianyang's eyes, and he turned away with a smile.

Jin Yuyang expressionlessly pulled Jin Yufei away who looked resentful.

Those who were ready to watch the show were all depressed. Is this the end of the matter?

Damn it, I thought there was a big show to watch, but my excitement was wasted.

At the same time, many people are beginning to speculate about Ji Wufeng's identity. Since they know Gu Tianyang's identity and are going against him specifically, it means that he is not a stupid young man, then who is he?

At this moment, Yuwen Tiancheng waved his hand, and the group of young men and women who had just come with him immediately gathered around and looked at Ji Wufeng with excitement on their faces.

"Damn it, aren't you always clamoring to see the boss? Why are you mute now!" Yuwen Tiancheng cursed.

Seeing the excited expressions in the eyes of the guys in front of him, Ji Wufeng was confused.

"I've seen the boss!" a group of people shouted in unison.

In an instant, everyone present looked at Ji Wufeng with fear in their eyes.

At this time, the identity of the person in front of him has been revealed—Ji Wufeng!

In Huajing, Ji Wufeng's name has already spread throughout the country. Who knows who can compete with Gu Tianyang? But in their hearts, Ji Wufeng must be a burly, tall and powerful man. They never expected that he has this kind of virtue. .

But there is no shortage of ignorant people no matter where they are. Lin Xiaoyu reluctantly pulled Jin Yufei and said: "My dear, when you leave here, you have to help me teach him a lesson and let me say this well." ."


The one who answered her was a fierce man with a big mouth, who slapped her so hard that she fell to the ground in a very embarrassed state.

"Fuck you, bitch, you know how to cause trouble for me all the time, get out of here!"

Jin Yufei roared angrily, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He couldn't even imagine that the person he wanted to deal with just now was Ji Wufeng.

Fortunately, this is Zongheng. If he really wanted to take action elsewhere, he probably wouldn't even know how he would die.

The guy who just came up to chat with Jiang Ruoshui and was chased away by Ji Wufeng was almost scared to death. He pulled his companion and wanted to run away.

At this moment, the hall opened through the inner door, and a woman wearing a black floor-length evening gown walked out calmly and gracefully like a queen reviewing the troops.

He was about twenty-four or five years old. Although he was wearing black clothes, he felt like he was emitting a dazzling light, which even eclipsed the dazzling crystal lamp in the hall.

The woman walked up to the rostrum, turned on the microphone, and said loudly: "Hello everyone, you are here today just to give me Beichenxue face. Beichenxue is here to thank you all for your love."


Ji Wufeng found out the identity of this woman, whose surname was Beichen in Hua Jing.

Yes, this is the only one with such power.

Beichen Xue, one of the principals of Zongheng!

After saying hello to everyone, Bei Chenxue walked down the podium and went straight to Ji Wufeng and said, "I heard that something unpleasant happened to you here just now?"

Everyone's expressions were stunned. Could it be that Bei Chenxue was coming to cause trouble for Ji Wufeng?

Suddenly, many people's hearts were raised. You know, even Gu Tianyang didn't dare to act arrogantly. Will Ji Wufeng be spared if he makes trouble here?

The Beichen family in Huajing may not be as flamboyant as the four major families, but no one who knows the history of the Beichen family dares to show the slightest disrespect to the Beichen family.

Moreover, Beichen Xue is also one of the people in charge of Zongheng. Although the other people in charge have never appeared, anyone can guess that their backgrounds are definitely not inferior to those of the Beichen family.

"Yes, do you want to cause trouble for me?" Ji Wufeng said.

Bei Chenxue shook his head and smiled: "Even if you demolish this place, I won't dare to cause trouble for you. I just thought that if you are free later, we can chat alone."

When her words were heard by others, they were all shocked. Even if the place was demolished, they would not dare to trouble him?

Holy shit, is this guy really that awesome?

Could it be that this kid is having an affair with Bei Chenxue? That must be it!

Because Gu Tianyang had never received such courtesy from Bei Chenxue, there was no other explanation except that the two had an affair.

"Okay, being alone with such a beautiful woman is something no one else could ask for." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

"Then don't go too far later, I'll let you know." Bei Chenxue smiled slightly, turned around and walked away to greet others.

Sure enough, Zongheng is different from ordinary clubs. Other clubs are just a group of guys sitting around and bragging. If they see each other, the men will think about how to cultivate love between them, while the men and women will show off. Once at the door, we went straight to the hotel.

But here, it is a good place to win over opponents and understand them.

Just like this time, if these people had not come to Zongheng, they would not have known that Ji Wufeng had come to Huajing, and many people would still not know what kind of person Ji Wufeng was until now.

It was finally time to end the party, and the guests left one after another, but almost everyone couldn't help but look back in Ji Wufeng's direction when leaving, as if they wanted to imprint Ji Wufeng's appearance in their minds.

After leaving Jiang Ruoshui in the care of Yuwen Tiancheng and others, Ji Wufeng walked straight into the passage of the inner room. Bei Chenxue was already waiting for him in a room, with red wine on the table in front of him.

Ji Wufeng's eyes lit up. Could it be that he has fallen in love with me and wants to seduce me, get me drunk, and have drunken sex?

"Please take a seat."

Bei Chenxue motioned Ji Wufeng to sit down, then poured him a glass of red wine and said, "You don't mind having a drink."

"Of course I don't mind."

Ji Wufeng picked up the wine glass, drank it all in one gulp, then smashed it in his mouth and said, "It doesn't taste good. It would be much better if I added some sugar."

Bei Chenxue fainted for a moment. This was Lafite from 1976. There are only a few bottles of it in the world. The glass Ji Wufeng drank just now could buy a house in Beijing. This guy actually thought it tasted bad.

What's even worse is that I want to add some sugar. Have you ever seen sugar added to Lafite?

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