Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1025 The new owner of the Jiang family

Ji Wufeng was a little strange, but he didn't have time to ask what was going on, so he went in with Aunt Liu first.

Entering the inner hall, Old Man Jiang looked at Ji Wufeng and said to the others: "If you all go out first, young man, if you can, can you stay and chat with me?"

Everyone was stunned, especially Jiang Ruoshui. What did the two of them have to talk about?

"Okay." Ji Wufeng agreed generously.

Seeing everyone still standing there stupidly, Old Man Jiang said angrily: "What are you still standing for? Get out of here!"

The group of people left reluctantly. When Jiang Haiyang walked to the door, his eyes were full of hatred.

After everyone left, Ji Wufeng sat down on the sofa, smoking a cigarette and saying nothing.

Old Man Jiang suddenly asked: "Do you think I'm shameless?"

"I don't think so." .??.

Ji Wufeng had a smile on his face and said, "You are very shameless to begin with, and you are still a shameless person."

My own granddaughter has no parents and is still so young. How did this old man treat her?

Now that someone has become prominent, he immediately shamelessly lets him go home and takes advantage of the company he has worked so hard to build. Isn't this shameless?

Seeing Ji Wufeng being so rude, Old Man Jiang immediately got angry, but suddenly lowered his head and smiled bitterly: "What you said is absolutely right. I am indeed a shameless old man."

I have never raised someone else since I was a child, and even abandoned her in disguise. Now I want to steal someone else's hard work. A person with a little bit of shame can't show his face.

"As long as you understand, tell me, what are you going to do?"

Originally, Ji Wufeng's purpose in coming to the Jiang family was to make the Jiang family's basket case empty. However, seeing that old man Jiang had some regrets, he changed his original intention. If Jiang Ruoshui could really regain their family ties, he would still be very happy to help the Jiang family. of.

"I plan to leave the Jiang family in the hands of Ruoshui. I hope you can help her, okay?" Old Man Jiang said.


Ji Wufeng was stunned and said, "Leave the Jiang family to her?"

He didn't expect Old Man Jiang to make such a decision.


Old Man Jiang sighed and said: "You have also seen that the reason for the decline of the Jiang family is not only because of Weoshui's parents, but the most fundamental reason is that the Jiang family themselves did not live up to their expectations. Even if Shui International takes it, it won't be able to save the Jiang family, and they will be defeated sooner or later."

Old Man Jiang is telling the truth. With these idiots from the Jiang family, even if Weowui International is really given to them, sooner or later they will be defeated by their food, drink, whoring and gambling.

"I know that Ruoshui doesn't care about the Jiang family at all now, but she is a descendant of the Jiang family after all. On the surface, giving the Jiang family to her seems to be compensating her, but in fact, I also understand that I am handing over a mess. I gave it to her. But I have no choice. I can't wait until I die and see the Jiang family on the streets, so I can only suffer for the child. "

Indeed, with the Jiang family in its current state, even if Ji Wufeng gave it away for free, he wouldn't even bother to take it. If Jiang Ruoshui accepted it, it would really be a mess.

But he knew Jiang Ruoshui, and her longing for family affection made her never refuse Old Man Jiang's entrustment.

Ji Wufeng said with some dissatisfaction: "Old man, if you do this, I'm afraid that your son and daughter-in-law won't be willing to do it."

"That's why I came to you. If you support Weoshui, no one will dare to oppose it anymore." Old Man Jiang said.

"Damn it, this is your Jiang family's business. Is it my fault? Don't do it!"

Damn, it took me a long time to figure out what this old man wanted to do. Did he want me to be the nanny of the Jiang family?

"As long as you agree, I can kneel down and beg you." Old Man Jiang begged.

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. He didn't care even if a bad old man knelt and died in front of him, but after all, he was Jiang Ruoshui's grandfather, so doing so would be too disrespectful to her.

"Actually, the Jiang family is not unavailable. I believe that Wu Shui's sister-in-law can also help Wu Shui."

Ji Wufeng didn't know much about Jiang Yunshui, but Ji Wufeng thought her temper was quite to his liking.

That night, all the Jiang family came back. Old Man Jiang asked Aunt Liu to prepare a sumptuous family dinner. Although the atmosphere was a bit strange, we finally had a good meal.

After finishing the meal, Old Man Jiang put down his chopsticks and said, "Everyone is here today, and I want to announce something."

Everyone immediately looked forward to it. The next step should be the announcement of the transfer of Weushui International to the Jiang family.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Jiang said: "I have already drafted a will and notified the lawyer. If I die, this will will take effect immediately."

Everyone was stunned, what kind of will did you make?

Before anyone could react, Old Man Jiang stood up and said, "When everyone has finished eating, we will disperse. Xiao Feng, Weoshui, and... Yunshui, come with me."

Seeing the three people going to the back hall with the old man, everyone else was confused. What was this old man doing? This time I actually asked two people I hate the most to talk.

When they arrived at the back hall, Jiang Ruoshui took Old Man Jiang's hand and said, "Grandpa, what kind of will do you want to make? Don't worry, your... illness will definitely be cured."

In her opinion, people only make a will when they feel they are about to die.

Old Man Jiang touched Jiang Ruoshui's head and said with a smile: "Girl, you will know soon. It is grandpa's fault that I have suffered so much for you over the years, but it is a pity that I I may not be able to compensate you."

"It's not bitter if I am weak, and I don't need grandpa to compensate me." Jiang Ruoshui said.

In her opinion, as long as she can have the family love that she once hoped for, that will be enough, and it will be worth it no matter how many grievances she suffers.

Old Man Jiang looked at Ji Wufeng and smiled: "Yes, with him here, why do we need grandpa's compensation?"

"Grandpa." Jiang Ruoshui said shyly with a red face.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes. It seemed that he would no longer be able to deal with these old guys. They all seemed to have become spirits and he would fall for them accidentally.

Old Man Jiang looked at Jiang Yunshui again and asked softly: "Yunshui, have you ever blamed me?"

Jiang Yunshui's tone was lukewarm and he said, "Do you care?"

Old Man Jiang looked guilty and said: "Yes, I have never cared. Dad knows that he was wrong. If possible, I hope you can forgive me. I am already old."

Jiang Yunshui remained silent because he couldn't see his face and didn't know what the expression on his face was.

"Yun Shui, I know you hate me, but you are still from the Jiang family no matter what, so from now on, the Jiang family will have to rely on you and Ruoshui." Ji Wufeng was a little strange, but he didn't have time to ask what was going on. , so I went in with Aunt Liu first.

Entering the inner hall, Old Man Jiang looked at Ji Wufeng and said to the others: "If you all go out first, young man, if you can, can you stay and chat with me?"

Everyone was stunned, especially Jiang Ruoshui. What did the two of them have to talk about?

"Okay." Ji Wufeng agreed generously.

Seeing everyone still standing there stupidly, Old Man Jiang said angrily: "What are you still standing for? Get out of here!"

The group of people left reluctantly. When Jiang Haiyang walked to the door, his eyes were full of hatred.

After everyone left, Ji Wufeng sat down on the sofa, smoking a cigarette and saying nothing.

Old Man Jiang suddenly asked: "Do you think I'm shameless?"

"I don't think so."

Ji Wufeng had a smile on his face and said, "You are very shameless to begin with, and you are still a shameless person."

My own granddaughter has no parents and is still so young. How did this old man treat her?

Now that someone has become prominent, he immediately shamelessly lets him go home and takes advantage of the company he has worked so hard to build. Isn't this shameless?

Seeing Ji Wufeng being so rude, Old Man Jiang immediately got angry, but suddenly lowered his head and smiled bitterly: "What you said is absolutely right. I am indeed a shameless old man."

I have never raised someone else since I was a child, and even abandoned her in disguise. Now I want to steal someone else's hard work. A person with a little bit of shame can't show his face.

"As long as you understand, tell me, what are you going to do?"

Originally, Ji Wufeng's purpose in coming to the Jiang family was to make the Jiang family's basket case empty. However, seeing that old man Jiang had some regrets, he changed his original intention. If Jiang Ruoshui could really regain their family ties, he would still be very happy to help the Jiang family. of.

"I plan to leave the Jiang family in the hands of Ruoshui. I hope you can help her, okay?" Old Man Jiang said.


Ji Wufeng was stunned and said, "Leave the Jiang family to her?"

He didn't expect Old Man Jiang to make such a decision.


Old Man Jiang sighed and said: "You have also seen that the reason for the decline of the Jiang family is not only because of Weoshui's parents, but the most fundamental reason is that the Jiang family themselves did not live up to their expectations. Even if Shui International takes it, it won't be able to save the Jiang family, and they will be defeated sooner or later."

Old Man Jiang is telling the truth. With these idiots from the Jiang family, even if Weowui International is really given to them, sooner or later they will be defeated by their food, drink, whoring and gambling.

"I know that Ruoshui doesn't care about the Jiang family at all now, but she is a descendant of the Jiang family after all. On the surface, giving the Jiang family to her seems to be compensating her, but in fact, I also understand that I am handing over a mess. I gave it to her. But I have no choice. I can't wait until I die and see the Jiang family on the streets, so I can only suffer for the child. "

Indeed, with the Jiang family in its current state, even if Ji Wufeng gave it away for free, he wouldn't even bother to take it. If Jiang Ruoshui accepted it, it would really be a mess.

But he knew Jiang Ruoshui, and her longing for family affection made her never refuse Old Man Jiang's entrustment.

Ji Wufeng said with some dissatisfaction: "Old man, if you do this, I'm afraid that your son and daughter-in-law won't be willing to do it."

"That's why I came to you. If you support Weoshui, no one will dare to oppose it anymore." Old Man Jiang said.

"Damn it, this is your Jiang family's business. Is it my fault? Don't do it!"

Damn, it took me a long time to figure out what this old man wanted to do. Did he want me to be the nanny of the Jiang family?

"As long as you agree, I can kneel down and beg you." Old Man Jiang begged.

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. He didn't care even if a bad old man knelt and died in front of him, but after all, he was Jiang Ruoshui's grandfather, so doing so would be too disrespectful to her.

"Actually, the Jiang family is not unavailable. I believe that Wu Shui's sister-in-law can also help Wu Shui."

Ji Wufeng didn't know much about Jiang Yunshui, but Ji Wufeng thought her temper was quite to his liking.

That night, all the Jiang family came back. Old Man Jiang asked Aunt Liu to prepare a sumptuous family dinner. Although the atmosphere was a bit strange, we finally had a good meal.

After finishing the meal, Old Man Jiang put down his chopsticks and said, "Everyone is here today, and I want to announce something."

Everyone immediately looked forward to it. The next step should be the announcement of the transfer of Weushui International to the Jiang family.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Jiang said: "I have already drafted a will and notified the lawyer. If I die, this will will take effect immediately."

Everyone was stunned, what kind of will did you make?

Before anyone could react, Old Man Jiang stood up and said, "When everyone has finished eating, we will disperse. Xiao Feng, Weoshui, and... Yunshui, come with me."

Seeing the three people going to the back hall with the old man, everyone else was confused. What was this old man doing? This time I actually asked two people I hate the most to talk.

When they arrived at the back hall, Jiang Ruoshui took Old Man Jiang's hand and said, "Grandpa, what kind of will do you want to make? Don't worry, your... illness will definitely be cured."

In her opinion, people only make a will when they feel they are about to die.

Old Man Jiang touched Jiang Ruoshui's head and said with a smile: "Girl, you will know soon. It is grandpa's fault that I have suffered so much for you over the years, but it is a pity that I I may not be able to compensate you."

"It's not bitter if I am weak, and I don't need grandpa to compensate me." Jiang Ruoshui said.

In her opinion, as long as she can have the family love that she once hoped for, that will be enough, and it will be worth it no matter how many grievances she suffers.

Old Man Jiang looked at Ji Wufeng and smiled: "Yes, with him here, why do we need grandpa's compensation?"

"Grandpa." Jiang Ruoshui said shyly with a red face.

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes. It seemed that he would no longer be able to deal with these old guys. They all seemed to have become spirits and he would fall for them accidentally.

Old Man Jiang looked at Jiang Yunshui again and asked softly: "Yunshui, have you ever blamed me?"

Jiang Yunshui's tone was lukewarm and he said, "Do you care?"

Old Man Jiang looked guilty and said: "Yes, I have never cared. Dad knows that he was wrong. If possible, I hope you can forgive me. I am already old."

Jiang Yunshui remained silent because he couldn't see his face and didn't know what the expression on his face was.

"Yun Shui, I know you hate me, but no matter what, you are a member of the Jiang family, so from now on, the Jiang family will have to rely on you and Ruoshui."

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