Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1028 The Fairy in the Painting

"You bastard, how dare you?" Jiang Donghai said angrily.

Jiang Haiyang said with a gloomy face: "Whether your grandfather's will is true or not remains to be verified. Even if it is true, I suspect that you two forced him to make such a completely unreasonable will."

This sentence reminded Jiang Donghai, his eyes lit up, and he said: "Yes, it is impossible for your grandfather to make such a will. It must be you, a pair of losers, who forced your grandfather to make such a will in order to seize the Jiang family's property." Testamentary.”

Others immediately responded and shouted: "Yes, grandpa must have been intimidated by them."

"I suspect that Grandpa's poison was poisoned by the two of them. Otherwise, how would they know how to detoxify it?"

"Call the police immediately, arrest them first, and send them to jail!"

Ji Wufeng was extremely depressed. With his current worth, would he even think about attacking the Jiang family? Even if this mess was given to him for free, he would despise it as a burden.

"Okay, I also agree to call the police. I very much doubt the cause of grandpa's suicide. I must find out." Jiang Ruoshui said suddenly.

The fact that Jiang Ruoshui was able to dominate the shopping mall at such a young age showed that she was an extremely wise woman. It was not common sense for Old Man Jiang to commit suicide at this time. She must find out clearly and give justice to her grandfather.

"Okay, call the police now!" Huang Lingjie took out his cell phone and dialed the police number.

Jiang Haiyang's expression suddenly changed, his eyes were full of panic, he hesitated for a long time, but didn't say another word.

Ji Wufeng, who saw his expression in his eyes, sneered in his heart. There was indeed something wrong with this guy.

After Old Man Jiang woke up, Ji Wufeng discovered that he was a little abnormal. After Old Man Jiang died, Ji Wufeng kept an eye on Jiang Haiyang. The old man's suicide was probably related to him.

"Hmph, the police will be here soon. Just wait and go to jail." Huang Lingjie said proudly.

The police arrived soon, and Yu Xiuqin immediately pointed at Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui and shouted: "Comrade police, arrest them quickly. They killed my father and forcibly made a will..."

However, a middle-aged policeman said with a gloomy face: "No, Mr. Jiang called the police before and stated in advance that he committed suicide. He was absolutely sane when he made the will and stated that he was not coerced by anyone. Under the circumstances.”

Everyone in the Jiang family was stunned. They never thought that Old Man Jiang would call the police before committing suicide.

"Grandpa..." Jiang Ruoshui suddenly burst into tears.

Ji Wufeng also nodded. The reason why Old Man Jiang did this was that he was afraid that his death would bring trouble to Jiang Ruoshui, so he told the police in advance that he committed suicide to ensure that his will was valid.

In this way, there will no longer be any obstacles for Jiang Ruoshui to take over the Jiang family.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. How could the old guy do such a thing?" Huang Lingjie howled as if he was crazy.

The middle-aged policeman took out his mobile phone and said: "The police station's alarm calls are all recorded, and after expert identification, it is indeed Mr. Jiang's voice. If you don't believe it, you can take it for another identification."

After saying that, the middle-aged policeman waved his hand and ordered an investigation of the death scene, and the forensic doctor quickly arrived. Once again, it was determined that Old Man Jiang indeed died of suicide, and there was no possibility of homicide.

As for the so-called forced suicide and forced will making, the police just asked everyone to make a transcript and then took them away.

Make a promise that if there is a real possibility of forcibly making a will, they will continue to follow up on the case.

The police were all gone, and everyone in the Jiang family was dumbfounded. Everything in front of them was a foregone conclusion, and there was no room for turning around.

The Jiang family's affairs have been completely settled, and the next step is to arrange the funeral. This matter has nothing to do with Ji Wufeng, but he is not idle either.

In the Jiang Family Ancestral Hall, there are memorial tablets of the ancestors of the Jiang Family. Through the tablets, you can see that the Jiang Family has been extremely prosperous. However, it is a pity that time has changed, and no matter how powerful the family is, it will eventually decline.

However, there is no tablet in place of the first ancestor of the Jiang family in the ancestral hall, but a portrait.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked when he saw the portrait.

Among the portraits is a little girl in ancient costume, exactly as Jiang Ruoshui said. There is almost no difference between the appearance of this little girl and Luo Luo. Anyone who sees it may think that this is the portrait of Luo Luo. .

However, this is impossible. The person in the painting is the ancestor of the Jiang family. It has been a thousand years ago. He is an ancient person. How could it be Luo Luo?

Although the appearance is almost the same, Luoluo is innocent and innocent. Although the person in the painting looks like a child, there is a domineering look in his eyebrows and arrogance in his eyes. It is a kind of arrogance. .

Maybe others can't understand it, but Ji Wufeng feels that if this portrait really captures the charm of the owner, then this person must be a cultivator with good looks and advanced cultivation!

Cultivators are different from warriors. One can sense the way of heaven, and the other can develop his own potential, which is a great surprise.

Ji Wufeng looked directly at the portrait and released a burst of true energy to explore, trying to find the connection between the person in the painting and Luo Luo.

But suddenly, a terrifying force burst out from the eyes of the man in the painting. Ji Wufeng instantly felt as if a huge black hole had appeared, capable of swallowing everything and swallowing him up instantly.

Ji Wufeng was suddenly startled, his body suddenly retreated, and the power disappeared instantly. In this short moment, he found that his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Finding that he was safe and sound, Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. He knew that the force just now would not cause harm to his body, but it could devour his mind.

Once his mind is swallowed up, he will become a walking zombie!

He once again affirmed that the person in the painting was a profound cultivator, because this portrait was not harmful to ordinary people at all, but was specifically aimed at cultivators.

The reason why the portrait wanted to devour his mind was because his true energy just now caused the portrait to fight back.

Ji Wufeng frowned. He had been looking for traces of cultivators on Earth, and now he finally found them, but the man in the painting was thousands of years ago.

At the same time, he thought about the terrible phenomenon he had discovered on Luoluo before. What is the connection between the two?

There must be a shocking secret hidden in this portrait, but with Ji Wufeng's current cultivation level, he still can't unravel it. If he is tempted rashly, it is very likely that his heart will be swallowed up.

In desperation, Ji Wufeng had no choice but to leave temporarily and come back later when his cultivation level improved.

After leaving Jiang's house, she rushed to Lin's house. As soon as she entered, she found that the atmosphere in Lin's house was quite good. The entire Lin family seemed to have accepted Lin Yuantu's family. Although Lin Xiaomeng still disliked many people, she got along well with Lin Tianning. good. "You bastard, how dare you?" Jiang Donghai said angrily.

Jiang Haiyang said with a gloomy face: "Whether your grandfather's will is true or not remains to be verified. Even if it is true, I suspect that you two forced him to make such a completely unreasonable will."

This sentence reminded Jiang Donghai, his eyes lit up, and he said: "Yes, it is impossible for your grandfather to make such a will. It must be you, a pair of losers, who forced your grandfather to make such a will in order to seize the Jiang family's property." Testamentary.”

Others immediately responded and shouted: "Yes, grandpa must have been intimidated by them."

"I suspect that Grandpa's poison was poisoned by the two of them. Otherwise, how would they know how to detoxify it?"

"Call the police immediately, arrest them first, and send them to jail!"

Ji Wufeng was extremely depressed. With his current worth, would he even think about attacking the Jiang family? Even if this mess was given to him for free, he would despise it as a burden.

"Okay, I also agree to call the police. I very much doubt the cause of grandpa's suicide. I must find out." Jiang Ruoshui said suddenly.

The fact that Jiang Ruoshui was able to dominate the shopping mall at such a young age showed that she was an extremely wise woman. It was not common sense for Old Man Jiang to commit suicide at this time. She must find out clearly and give justice to her grandfather.

"Okay, call the police now!" Huang Lingjie took out his cell phone and dialed the police number.

Jiang Haiyang's expression suddenly changed, his eyes were full of panic, he hesitated for a long time, but didn't say another word.

Ji Wufeng, who saw his expression in his eyes, sneered in his heart. There was indeed something wrong with this guy.

After Old Man Jiang woke up, Ji Wufeng discovered that he was a little abnormal. After Old Man Jiang died, Ji Wufeng kept an eye on Jiang Haiyang. The old man's suicide was probably related to him.

"Hmph, the police will be here soon. Just wait and go to jail." Huang Lingjie said proudly.

The police arrived soon, and Yu Xiuqin immediately pointed at Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui and shouted: "Comrade police, arrest them quickly. They killed my father and forcibly made a will..."

However, a middle-aged policeman said with a gloomy face: "No, Mr. Jiang called the police before and stated in advance that he committed suicide. He was absolutely sane when he made the will and stated that he was not coerced by anyone. Under the circumstances.”

Everyone in the Jiang family was stunned. They never thought that Old Man Jiang would call the police before committing suicide.

"Grandpa..." Jiang Ruoshui suddenly burst into tears.

Ji Wufeng also nodded. The reason why Old Man Jiang did this was that he was afraid that his death would bring trouble to Jiang Ruoshui, so he told the police in advance that he committed suicide to ensure that his will was valid.

In this way, there will no longer be any obstacles for Jiang Ruoshui to take over the Jiang family.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. How could the old guy do such a thing?" Huang Lingjie howled as if he was crazy.

The middle-aged policeman took out his mobile phone and said: "The police station's alarm calls are all recorded, and after expert identification, it is indeed Mr. Jiang's voice. If you don't believe it, you can take it for another identification."

After saying that, the middle-aged policeman waved his hand and ordered an investigation of the death scene, and the forensic doctor quickly arrived. Once again, it was determined that Old Man Jiang indeed died of suicide, and there was no possibility of homicide.

As for the so-called forced suicide and forced will making, the police just asked everyone to make a transcript and then took them away.

Make a promise that if there is a real possibility of forcibly making a will, they will continue to follow up on the case.

The police were all gone, and everyone in the Jiang family was dumbfounded. Everything in front of them was a foregone conclusion, and there was no room for turning around.

The Jiang family's affairs have been completely settled, and the next step is to arrange the funeral. This matter has nothing to do with Ji Wufeng, but he is not idle either.

In the Jiang Family Ancestral Hall, there are memorial tablets of the ancestors of the Jiang Family. Through the tablets, you can see that the Jiang Family has been extremely prosperous. However, it is a pity that time has changed, and no matter how powerful the family is, it will eventually decline.

However, there is no tablet in place of the first ancestor of the Jiang family in the ancestral hall, but a portrait.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked when he saw the portrait.

Among the portraits is a little girl in ancient costume, exactly as Jiang Ruoshui said. There is almost no difference between the appearance of this little girl and Luo Luo. Anyone who sees it may think that this is the portrait of Luo Luo. .

However, this is impossible. The person in the painting is the ancestor of the Jiang family. It has been a thousand years ago. He is an ancient person. How could it be Luo Luo?

Although the appearance is almost the same, Luoluo is innocent and innocent. Although the person in the painting looks like a child, there is a domineering look in his eyebrows and arrogance in his eyes. It is a kind of arrogance. .

Maybe others can't understand it, but Ji Wufeng feels that if this portrait really captures the charm of the owner, then this person must be a cultivator with good looks and advanced cultivation!

Cultivators are different from warriors. One can sense the way of heaven, and the other can develop his own potential, which is a great surprise.

Ji Wufeng looked directly at the portrait and released a burst of true energy to explore, trying to find the connection between the person in the painting and Luo Luo.

But suddenly, a terrifying force burst out from the eyes of the man in the painting. Ji Wufeng instantly felt as if a huge black hole had appeared, capable of swallowing everything and swallowing him up instantly.

Ji Wufeng was suddenly startled, his body suddenly retreated, and the power disappeared instantly. In this short moment, he found that his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Finding that he was safe and sound, Ji Wufeng's eyes narrowed. He knew that the force just now would not cause harm to his body, but it could devour his mind.

Once his mind is swallowed up, he will become a walking zombie!

He once again affirmed that the person in the painting was a profound cultivator, because this portrait was not harmful to ordinary people at all, but was specifically aimed at cultivators.

The reason why the portrait wanted to devour his mind was because his true energy just now caused the portrait to fight back.

Ji Wufeng frowned. He had been looking for traces of cultivators on Earth, and now he finally found them, but the man in the painting was thousands of years ago.

At the same time, he thought about the terrible phenomenon he had discovered on Luo Luo before. What is the connection between the two?

There must be a shocking secret hidden in this portrait, but with Ji Wufeng's current cultivation level, he still can't unravel it. If he is tempted rashly, it is very likely that his heart will be swallowed up.

In desperation, Ji Wufeng had no choice but to leave temporarily and come back later when his cultivation level improved.

After leaving Jiang's house, she rushed to Lin's house. As soon as she entered, she found that the atmosphere in Lin's house was quite good. The entire Lin family seemed to have accepted Lin Yuantu's family. Although Lin Xiaomeng still disliked many people, she got along well with Lin Tianning. good.

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