Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1045 Get your dirty hands off

Ji Wufeng held the old lady's hand and saw her gray hair. If he told her about Teng Zhenshan, he probably wouldn't be able to survive it.

"Oh, thank you so much, young man, and so does that brat from Zhenshan. You guys have such a heavy responsibility as soldiers, how can you waste your time on an old woman like me?"

Although the old lady was complaining, she was obviously very happy. Her son was away from home all year round and rarely came home. It must be a happy thing to hear news about her son occasionally.

After chatting with the old lady for a while, Ji Wufeng walked into the kitchen. The old lady told Li Xiaowen to make a rich dinner and treat Ji Wufeng well.

If you can't see your son, it's good to look at your son's comrades. They are often together and they have the shadow of your son in them.

Li Xiaowen was cooking, but her shoulders were trembling. Ji Wufeng sighed, took out a bank card and handed it to her, saying: "Sister-in-law, this is what brothers want, please accept it."

There are 10 million in the card, which should be enough for Li Xiaowen and his wife to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime.

Li Xiaowen wiped the tears from her eyes and refused: "This won't work. The superiors have already given us a lot of pensions and arranged a job for me. We don't need these anymore."

The bosses at the top personally explained it, and the people below naturally did not dare to slack off. Now Teng Zhenshan's family has been arranged.

Ji Wufeng took Li Xiaowen's hand, forced the bank card into her hand, and said: "Sister-in-law, my life was saved by brother Teng Zhenshan. Without him, there would be no me. I know you may not need the money, but this is If you don’t accept my thoughts, I won’t be able to feel at ease in this life.”

"Xiao Feng, I know what you mean, but I am really not short of money now. If you really want to do your best, donate the money to those who need it more." Li Xiaowen still refused.

Money is important to most people, but to some people it doesn't mean so much, just like Li Xiaowen. What's the use of giving her more money now?

Ji Wufeng thought for a while and said: "Sister-in-law, I know that you and Brother Teng don't have children, but you love children very much and have helped many poor left-behind children and orphans. Why don't we just leave the money to you to manage and control, so that more people can Many people in need are helped.”

He could only think of this way to make Li Xiaowen accept it.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's extremely determined attitude, Li Xiaowen had no choice but to say: "Okay, sister-in-law will accept it first. Don't worry, the money will be used on those who really need help."

That night Ji Wufeng had dinner with Li Xiaowen and his wife. The old lady probably thought he was her son Teng Zhenshan and kept putting vegetables in his bowl. She refused to let him go at night and insisted that he rest at home. Stay.

Ji Wufeng had no choice but to stay and deal with him in the living room all night.

At dawn the next day, Li Xiaowen had already gone out. At this time every day, she went to the street to buy groceries, but she didn't come back until almost noon.

At this moment, the neighbor's aunt ran in and shouted: "Aunt Teng, Aunt Teng, it's not good, your Xiaowen has been entangled by some gangsters."

Before the old lady could react, Ji Wufeng had already rushed to the neighbor's aunt and asked with an angry look on his face: "Where are they now? Take me there quickly!"

That neighbor's aunt was raped fiercely by Ji Wufeng

Frightened by the evil look, he hurriedly said: "There is a vegetable market not far ahead. I will take you there."

The journey was not too far, but from afar, I saw Li Xiaowen surrounded by a group of gangsters. They looked anxious and scared, and she almost cried.

"Sister-in-law Teng, it's okay if you didn't agree to our Brother Tiger before. Now that you are a widow, why not just follow our Brother Tiger? From now on, you will be popular and drink spicy food. What's wrong with that?"

Although several gangsters surrounded Li Xiaowen, their attitude was not that bad, but the word "widow" made Ji Wufeng furious.

Bang bang bang!

Before the onlookers could see clearly what was going on, a group of gangsters fell to the ground and howled.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Ji Wufeng asked anxiously.

Seeing Ji Wufeng coming, Li Xiaowen immediately breathed a sigh of relief, pulled him away, and said: "I'm fine, let's go quickly!"

But after walking a few steps, I heard a young gangster behind me get up and shout arrogantly: "Boy, just wait for me, if you offend our Brother Tiger, just wait to die!"

Ji Wufeng stopped, with anger in his eyes, and he laughed coldly: "Should I wait to die? Well, I want to see how I die?"

It seems that Li Xiaowen has been entangled by someone. It is useless to teach these gangsters a lesson today. Once she leaves, trouble will come to her door again. It is better to solve it all at once and leave with peace of mind.

When Li Xiaowen heard this, she immediately became anxious and said, "Xiao Feng, forget it, I'm fine anyway, there's no need to be too serious with him."

"Humph, can you leave if you want?"

A cold snort broke in, and Ji Wufeng felt a sharp aura. He turned around and saw a tall and straight young man standing not far away, holding a long sword in his hand.

Seeing this young man, Li Xiaowen seemed a little afraid. She blocked Ji Wufeng behind him and said, "Nie Hu, this matter is a misunderstanding. You must not mess around."

The young man's eyes suddenly softened when he looked at Li Xiaowen, and he said softly: "Sister Wenwen, I don't care if there is any misunderstanding. Now that Teng Zhenshan is gone, why are you still unwilling to agree to me?"

The softness in the young man's tone made Ji Wufeng couldn't help but look at him. Although he was a little more violent, he didn't look like the kind of bully who ran rampant in the countryside and robbed women.

Besides, what age is it now? To actually hold a sword on the street, it seems that the background must be a little complicated, otherwise, he would have been arrested by the police for disturbing public order.

"You don't have to say anything, I will never promise you, Xiaofeng, let's go."

After listening to the young man's words, Li Xiaowen's expression became a little complicated, and she took Ji Wufeng's arm and left.

Originally, Ji Wufeng wanted to teach this guy a lesson, but Ji Wufeng felt that the relationship between Li Xiaowen and this young man might not be such a bad one, so forget it.

But when the young man saw Li Xiaowen "affectionately" holding Ji Wufeng's arm, his anger immediately rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead, his eyes were red, and he roared angrily: "Smash it, get your dirty hands off!"

After speaking, the young man drew out his long sword and stamped it on the ground, turning into an afterimage and attacking Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. The young man used basic sword moves that any warrior would know, but this young man used them very differently. Ji Wufeng held the old lady's hand and saw her gray hair. If he told her about Teng Zhenshan, he probably wouldn't be able to survive it.

"Oh, thank you so much, young man, and so does that brat from Zhenshan. You guys have such a heavy responsibility as soldiers, how can you waste your time on an old woman like me?"

Although the old lady was complaining, she was obviously very happy. Her son was away from home all year round and rarely came home. It must be a happy thing to hear news about her son occasionally.

After chatting with the old lady for a while, Ji Wufeng walked into the kitchen. The old lady told Li Xiaowen to make a rich dinner and treat Ji Wufeng well.

If you can't see your son, it's good to look at your son's comrades. They are often together and they have the shadow of your son in them.

Li Xiaowen was cooking, but her shoulders were trembling. Ji Wufeng sighed, took out a bank card and handed it to her, saying: "Sister-in-law, this is what brothers want, please accept it."

There are 10 million in the card, which should be enough for Li Xiaowen and his wife to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime.

Li Xiaowen wiped the tears from her eyes and refused: "This won't work. The superiors have already given us a lot of pensions and arranged a job for me. We don't need these anymore."

The bosses at the top personally explained it, and the people below naturally did not dare to slack off. Now Teng Zhenshan's family has been arranged.

Ji Wufeng took Li Xiaowen's hand, forced the bank card into her hand, and said: "Sister-in-law, my life was saved by brother Teng Zhenshan. Without him, there would be no me. I know you may not need the money, but this is If you don’t accept my thoughts, I won’t be able to feel at ease in this life.”

"Xiao Feng, I know what you mean, but I am really not short of money now. If you really want to do your best, donate the money to those who need it more." Li Xiaowen still refused.

Money is important to most people, but to some people it doesn't mean so much, just like Li Xiaowen. What's the use of giving her more money now?

Ji Wufeng thought for a while and said: "Sister-in-law, I know that you and Brother Teng don't have children, but you love children very much and have helped many poor left-behind children and orphans. Why don't we just leave the money to you to manage and control, so that more people can Many people in need are helped.”

He could only think of this way to make Li Xiaowen accept it.

Seeing Ji Wufeng's extremely determined attitude, Li Xiaowen had no choice but to say: "Okay, sister-in-law will accept it first. Don't worry, the money will be used on those who really need help."

That night Ji Wufeng had dinner with Li Xiaowen and his wife. The old lady probably thought he was her son Teng Zhenshan and kept putting vegetables in his bowl. She refused to let him go at night and insisted that he rest at home. Stay.

Ji Wufeng had no choice but to stay and deal with him in the living room all night.

At dawn the next day, Li Xiaowen had already gone out. At this time every day, she went to the street to buy groceries, but she didn't come back until almost noon.

At this moment, the neighbor's aunt ran in and shouted: "Aunt Teng, Aunt Teng, it's not good, your Xiaowen has been entangled by some gangsters."

Before the old lady could react, Ji Wufeng had already rushed to the neighbor's aunt and asked with an angry look on his face: "Where are they now? Take me there quickly!"

That neighbor's aunt was raped fiercely by Ji Wufeng

Frightened by the evil look, he hurriedly said: "There is a vegetable market not far ahead. I will take you there."

The journey was not too far, but from afar, I saw Li Xiaowen surrounded by a group of gangsters. They looked anxious and scared, and she almost cried.

"Sister-in-law Teng, it's okay if you didn't agree to our Brother Tiger before. Now that you are a widow, why not just follow our Brother Tiger? From now on, you will be popular and drink spicy food. What's wrong with that?"

Although several gangsters surrounded Li Xiaowen, their attitude was not that bad, but the word "widow" made Ji Wufeng furious.

Bang bang bang!

Before the onlookers could see clearly what was going on, a group of gangsters fell to the ground and howled.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Ji Wufeng asked anxiously.

Seeing Ji Wufeng coming, Li Xiaowen immediately breathed a sigh of relief, pulled him away, and said: "I'm fine, let's go quickly!"

But after walking a few steps, I heard a young gangster behind me get up and shout arrogantly: "Boy, just wait for me, if you offend our Brother Tiger, just wait to die!"

Ji Wufeng stopped, with anger in his eyes, and he laughed coldly: "Should I wait to die? Well, I want to see how I die?"

It seems that Li Xiaowen has been entangled by someone. It is useless to teach these gangsters a lesson today. Once she leaves, trouble will come to her door again. It is better to solve it all at once and leave with peace of mind.

When Li Xiaowen heard this, she immediately became anxious and said, "Xiao Feng, forget it, I'm fine anyway, there's no need to be too serious with him."

"Humph, can you leave if you want?"

A cold snort broke in, and Ji Wufeng felt a sharp aura. He turned around and saw a tall and straight young man standing not far away, holding a long sword in his hand.

Seeing this young man, Li Xiaowen seemed a little afraid. She blocked Ji Wufeng behind him and said, "Nie Hu, this matter is a misunderstanding. You must not mess around."

The young man's eyes suddenly softened when he looked at Li Xiaowen, and he said softly: "Sister Wenwen, I don't care if there is any misunderstanding. Now that Teng Zhenshan is gone, why are you still unwilling to agree to me?"

The softness in the young man's tone made Ji Wufeng couldn't help but look at him. Although he was a little more violent, he didn't look like the kind of bully who ran rampant in the countryside and robbed women.

Besides, what age is it now? To actually hold a sword on the street, it seems that the background must be a little complicated, otherwise, he would have been arrested by the police for disturbing public order.

"You don't have to say anything, I will never promise you, Xiaofeng, let's go."

After listening to the young man's words, Li Xiaowen's expression became a little complicated, and she took Ji Wufeng's arm and left.

Originally, Ji Wufeng wanted to teach this guy a lesson, but Ji Wufeng felt that the relationship between Li Xiaowen and this young man might not be such a bad one, so forget it.

But when the young man saw Li Xiaowen "affectionately" holding Ji Wufeng's arm, his anger immediately rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead, his eyes were red, and he roared angrily: "Smash it, get your dirty hands off!"

After speaking, the young man drew out his long sword and stamped it on the ground, turning into an afterimage and attacking Ji Wufeng.

Ji Wufeng raised his eyebrows. The young man used basic sword moves that any warrior would know, but this young man used them very differently.

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