Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1047 Master, do you run a brothel?

"If you want to know whether I can do it or not, you can wait until you come to me to find out?"

Ji Wufeng smiled faintly and pulled Li Xiaowen away, who obviously hadn't reacted yet.

The look on Nie Hu's face was uncertain, as if he was wandering between an extremely difficult choice.

For a swordsman, invincible swordsmanship is simply a fatal temptation. He doesn't know whether what Ji Wufeng said is true or false, but thinking that Ji Wufeng actually used Fengling Qingtian, is there any need to deceive him?

On the way back, Ji Wufeng asked: "Sister-in-law, who is this Nie Hu?"

He admired Nie Hu's talent in swordsmanship very much, but he also had to understand Nie Hu's personality first. It was impossible for him to become a villain.

Li Xiaowen hesitated for a long time, and finally said everything.

It turns out that Li Xiaowen and Nie Hu had known each other before they married Teng Zhenshan. At that time, Nie Hu was madly pursuing Li Xiaowen, but Li Xiaowen always regarded Nie Hu as her younger brother. After all, she was several times older than Nie Hu. Years old, I finally chose Teng Zhenshan.

It wasn't until Li Xiaowen and Teng Zhenshan got married that Nie Hu stopped entangled.

However, not long ago, Teng Zhenshan died, but Nie Hu immediately got the news and started pursuing Li Xiaowen again.

After listening, Ji Wufeng felt that Nie Hu's character should be pretty good. With the power of the Nie family, it was not difficult to get Li Xiaowen, but he did not do that.

After returning home, neither of them mentioned what happened just now, so as not to worry the old lady.

It was time for lunch. At this moment, the courtyard door was pushed open and Nie Hu strode in.

Ji Wufeng's eyes flashed with something strange, and he asked, "Have you figured it out?"

Nie Hu nodded firmly, suddenly fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, kowtowed to Ji Wufeng, and said respectfully: "Disciple pays homage to master!"

Nie Hu turned to Li Xiaowen, kowtowed again, and said: "Disciple pays homage to Master."

mother! "

Now Ji Wufeng was stunned, Damn, what kind of master wife?

Li Xiaowen's face suddenly turned red, and she said angrily: "Damn Ahu, what are you talking about?"

Ji Wufeng understood that this guy regarded himself and Li Xiaowen as a couple.

After the old lady returned to the room, Ji Wufeng told what happened to Teng Zhenshan. When Nie Hu heard this, his eyes suddenly widened, and he knelt down in front of Li Xiaowen with a plop, giving himself a few big mouths and a look on his face. He said with shame and anger: "I'm such a bastard, I deserve to die, I'm the one who's sorry for Brother Teng Zhenshan!"

Nie Hu sincerely pursued Li Xiaowen, but when he learned about Teng Zhenshan's heroic deeds, he felt like a sinner. What he did to Li Xiaowen was simply a blasphemy against a hero who sacrificed his life for the country.

But this is no wonder Nie Hu. The identities of many special operations team members are hidden. No one knows his identity except Teng Zhenshan's mother and Li Xiaowen.

In Nie Hu's eyes, Teng Zhenshan was just a businessman, and he was not at home all year round. He must have been living and drinking outside, not thinking about Shu. Therefore, after learning that Teng Zhenshan was dead, Nie Hu immediately renewed his pursuit of Li Xiaowen.

The more Nie Hu thought about it, the more ashamed he felt. He slapped the big mouth in his hand harder, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. Ji Wufeng found that Li Xiaowen's face was a little unbearable.

"Okay, if you're a man, just stand up like a girl. If you really feel you're wrong, think about how to make up for it in the future." Ji Wufeng stepped forward and kicked him.

Nie Hu climbed up from the ground and said swornly to Li Xiaowen: "Sister Wen... no, sister-in-law, it was me, Nie Hu, who was at fault earlier. I was the one who was sorry for Brother Zhenshan. In the future, wherever you use me, please do it." Tell me, even if I go up the mountain of swords or get off the oil pan, if I, Nie Hu, frown,

The head is not raised by humans. "

"What are you talking about? What about Daoshan Oil Pan?" Li Xiaowen said with eyes wide open.

Nie Hu no longer dares to have Li Xiaowen's idea now, but Ji Wufeng can see that he is sincere to Li Xiaowen. If that is the case, it would be a good thing if the two of them can get together in the future.

But now that Teng Zhenshan has just died, this matter cannot be mentioned now. We will wait and see the development of the relationship between the two in a year and a half. If Teng Zhenshan is alive in heaven, he will also hope to see Li Xiaowen be happy in the rest of his life.

"Master, when can we leave here?" Nie Hu asked suddenly, with a trace of anxiety on his face.

"Leave here? Why are you leaving in a hurry?" Ji Wufeng wondered why Nie Hu was leaving in such a hurry.

Nie Hu hesitated for a long time, and finally said: "The rules of our Nie family are that we absolutely cannot accept anyone with a foreign surname as our teacher. Otherwise, it will be deceiving the teacher and destroying the ancestors. It is a treasonous act and will have your martial arts abolished and expelled from the family."

Many martial arts families have some weird rules, especially those aloof families.

"You're just scared. I'm here. If they dare to come, I'll break their legs!" Ji Wufeng shouted arrogantly.

Although the Nie family is powerful, they have not yet been taken seriously by him. The Jin family has been crippled by him. Will they still be afraid of a Nie family?

"No, this is absolutely not okay."

Nie Hu quickly waved his hand and said: "No matter what, he is my father, uncle, uncle, etc., and they are all relatives. If you beat them up, I will not feel comfortable."

Ji Wufeng thought about it, he couldn't break the legs of his uncles and elders in front of his disciples, right?

However, it had been two or three days since I had been here, and it was time to leave. I said goodbye to Li Xiaowen and her daughter and set off to leave.

Ji Wufeng took Nie Hu directly back to Yuzhou. Although Nie Hu's identity was not simple,

This is the first time I have left home and gone to such a big city, and everything I see along the way is so new.

Especially those beauties of all kinds. The beauties in big cities are much more open-minded than those in remote places, and they wear a lot less clothes. Nie Hu blushed several times and said to Ji Wufeng: "Master, in such a cold weather, they Wearing so little, aren't you afraid of getting cold?"

In Nie Hu's eyes, what kind of clothes are those girls wearing? It's just a little piece of cloth.

"If you are afraid that they will catch the cold, go and warm them up."

"Well... I think it's better to forget it. I'm afraid they will say I'm a gangster and beat me."

When the two arrived at Guanfang Garden, two sharp-eyed doormen immediately came up to say hello. When they arrived inside, they saw that the hall was full of girls with seductive eyes, which made Nie Hu blush.

When he saw some guests coming in, hugging each other, telling explicit jokes, and using their hands and feet to wipe the girls' oil, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and curiously asked Ji Wufeng: "Master, here What place is it?”

"Club, you can also call it a club." Ji Wufeng said.

"What do clubs and clubs do?" Nie Hu really didn't know much about it.

Ji Wufeng scratched his head depressedly and said, "It's a brothel. Do you understand now?"

When Nie Hu heard this, he immediately jumped up and said in horror: "Holy shit, master, you run a brothel?"

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "What's all the fuss about? If a man doesn't visit a brothel, can he still be called a man?"

"My father said that I must not touch women before I enter the realm of the Grand Master. If he finds out, he will have to break my legs." Nie Hu said with a sad face.

People who practice martial arts attach great importance to the two qi of yin and yang. Legend has it that if you can keep the yin and yang without losing it, it will be of great benefit to the progress of martial arts.

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