After hanging up the phone to Luo Yaozu, he dialed another number and said, "I want Shanghai!"

"Yes, but you must pay attention to the scale. Although the Kong family made mistakes, not everyone is guilty. Just punish the culprits." said the other side of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ji Wufeng found Gouhun and said, "I want all the information on Huhai."

In the hospital, Lu Shuangshuang was still lying in the ward. Ji Wufeng stayed with her for the whole day without leaving her.

It wasn't until night fell that Ji Wufeng walked out of the ward. Jiang Ruoshui, who was waiting outside, asked, "Are you leaving again?"

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "Go to Shanghai."

Jiang Ruoshui said: "Do you need me to go with you? Maybe I can help you."

Jiang Ruoshui is an unyielding strong woman in the business world, but after meeting Ji Wufeng, she realized that she looked so pale and weak most of the time. Perhaps only after she can help Ji Wufeng can she become a strong woman. A sense of belonging.

Ji Wufeng knew what she was thinking and smiled: "I need your help, but it's not in Shanghai. I need you to build a Tianxiang Empire. Can you do it?"

There is no doubt about Jiang Ruoshui's ability, but Ji Wufeng does not want her to participate in this kind of intrigue. Her ability should be used to control the shopping mall.

The Tianxiang Empire that Ji Wufeng said was not a joke. In the eyes of others, he might have a lot, but compared to Gu Tianyang, he still had too little.

"I can do it."

Jiang Ruoshui had never spoken so confidently in these five short words, because she knew that she would complete the task assigned by Ji Wufeng at all costs.

Ji Wufeng rushed to the door and shook his head: "Okay, aren't you tired after eavesdropping for so long?"

The door was pushed open and Liu Qingqing walked in, followed by a carefree Ye Xixi and a somewhat guilty Vivian.

Vivian pointed at Ye Xixi and said with an innocent face: "Xixi led me to eavesdrop, but I didn't hear anything."

For Vivian, a good girl who grew up among Western aristocrats, eavesdropping was very impolite.

Ji Wufeng returned to Guangzhou for the New Year before, and sent Vivian to the Liu family before leaving. They spent this New Year together.

Ji Wufeng smiled and suddenly said to Liu Qingqing and Ye Xixi: "I need your help too, are you willing to help me?"

These two eldest ladies can completely represent the Liu family and the Ye family. With their help, Jiang Ruoshui will be even more powerful.

Maybe they just heard the conversation between Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui outside the door. This time, neither of the two women spoke against Ji Wufeng, but nodded very seriously.

Vivian suddenly cried and said: "Then what should I do? I can't do anything to help."

Ye Xixi put her arm around her shoulders and said, "As long as you say a few more words to your father and ask him to cooperate with us, wouldn't you be of great help?"

In terms of background, Vivian is definitely far superior to everyone present, and Ji Wufeng will certainly not let her go. Now that everyone has become good friends, the help from the Linhai Chamber of Commerce becomes even more comfortable.

The next day, Ji Wufeng went around again, met and had a meal with everyone he cared about.

In the evening, Lin Tianzhao drove his car to the side of the road, and the passenger got in

Sitting there was Nie Hu. Ji Wufeng decided to take only the two of them to Shanghai this time.

Lin Tianzhao is a talent that can be made, but what he lacks is experience. As for Nie Hu, he is a country bumpkin who needs to go out and see the world.

Let's hit the road now, and we should be able to reach Shanghai in the early morning.

Su Danxiao, Su Qianxiao, is a pair of twin sisters, and they are also members of the Su family, a wealthy family in Shanghai. Before leaving, Liu Qingqing had promised that these sisters would provide Ji Wufeng with all help in Shanghai.

When the Liu family was still in Huajing, the Su family and the Liu family were related by marriage. Although the blood relationship has faded for several generations, when the Su family was in trouble in Huajing, the Liu family came to help. The Su family once promised that this The Liu family can come over at any time to repay the favor.

Compared with Yuzhou, Shanghai is obviously much more prosperous, but it is cleaner and quieter than Yuzhou, with less chaos and noisy atmosphere.

When getting off the highway, a gorgeous crystal Maserati parked on the side of the road. When Ji Wufeng's car passed by, the Maserati turned on its lights and started honking.

Ji Wufeng signaled Lin Tianzhao to stop the car. After the door of the Maserati opened, two girls with almost the same figure and appearance stepped out. One of them was wearing black clothes, with cold eyes and aloofness, while the other was red all over and passionate.

The two women walked up to Ji Wufeng and the others. The girl in black raised her eyebrows and asked, "Who is Ji Wufeng?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "That's me."

The girl in black glanced at Ji Wufeng, but she didn't know if she felt that Ji Wufeng was a little unqualified. There was a hint of disappointment and contempt in her eyes.

On the other hand, the girl in red looked at Ji Wufeng carefully and said with a smile: "Hey, I didn't expect him to be a handsome guy? It's just that his temperament is a bit different. Those who didn't know better thought he was just a little loser."

Although the girl in black did not speak, Ji Wufeng felt a little cold in his heart. She clearly looked down on me.

Although the words of the girl in red were not very pleasant, they were truthful, which made Ji Wufeng not too disgusted. He smiled and said, "Are these two beauties here to pick me up?"

The girl in red said: "Yes, we are here specifically to pick you up, aren't you honored? Let's go, but looking at you like this, you have never seen any big scenes. Today, I will take you to see the big scenes."

After both parties revealed their identities, the two girls began to move forward, with Ji Wufeng following behind.

These twin sisters are the sisters of the Su family. The one in black is the elder sister Su Danxiao, and the one in red is the younger sister Su Qianxiao.

The two cars parked at a club called Haomen. It was very luxurious and huge, but it could attract the attention of the Su sisters. This club must be one of the best in Shanghai.

After parking the car in the parking lot, when entering the club gate, I saw a young man walking over. When he saw the Su sisters, he immediately greeted him warmly and said with a smile: "Are these two beauties from the Su family? Why are you here so late? Play here?"

The young man was of medium build, with oily hair and a pink face. At first glance, he could tell that he was the kind of pampered young man from a wealthy family, but Ji Wufeng clearly noticed that there was a lustful look in his eyes when he looked at the Su sisters.

Su Qianxiao pointed at Ji Wufeng and the others and said, "I have a few friends coming over, so I'll bring them over to have fun and see the world."

When Liu Qingqing notified the Su sisters, she did not reveal his identity, but simply told them that when Ji Wufeng needed help, they would try their best to satisfy him. After hanging up the phone to Luo Yaozu, he dialed another number and said, "I want Shanghai!"

"Yes, but you must pay attention to the scale. Although the Kong family made mistakes, not everyone is guilty. Just punish the culprits." said the other side of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ji Wufeng found Gouhun and said, "I want all the information on Huhai."

In the hospital, Lu Shuangshuang was still lying in the ward. Ji Wufeng stayed with her for the whole day without leaving her.

It wasn't until night fell that Ji Wufeng walked out of the ward. Jiang Ruoshui, who was waiting outside, asked, "Are you leaving again?"

Ji Wufeng nodded and said, "Go to Shanghai."

Jiang Ruoshui said: "Do you need me to go with you? Maybe I can help you."

Jiang Ruoshui is an unyielding strong woman in the business world, but after meeting Ji Wufeng, she realized that she looked so pale and weak most of the time. Perhaps only after she can help Ji Wufeng can she become a strong woman. A sense of belonging.

Ji Wufeng knew what she was thinking and smiled: "I need your help, but it's not in Shanghai. I need you to build a Tianxiang Empire. Can you do it?"

There is no doubt about Jiang Ruoshui's ability, but Ji Wufeng does not want her to participate in this kind of intrigue. Her ability should be used to control the shopping mall. .??.

The Tianxiang Empire that Ji Wufeng said was not a joke. In the eyes of others, he might have a lot, but compared to Gu Tianyang, he still had too little.

"I can do it."

Jiang Ruoshui had never spoken so confidently in these five short words, because she knew that she would complete the task assigned by Ji Wufeng at all costs.

Ji Wufeng rushed to the door and shook his head: "Okay, aren't you tired after eavesdropping for so long?"

The door was pushed open and Liu Qingqing walked in, followed by a carefree Ye Xixi and a somewhat guilty Vivian.

Vivian pointed at Ye Xixi and said with an innocent face: "Xixi led me to eavesdrop, but I didn't hear anything."

For Vivian, a good girl who grew up among Western aristocrats, eavesdropping was very impolite.

Ji Wufeng returned to Guangzhou for the New Year before, and sent Vivian to the Liu family before leaving. They spent this New Year together.

Ji Wufeng smiled and suddenly said to Liu Qingqing and Ye Xixi: "I need your help too, are you willing to help me?"

These two eldest ladies can completely represent the Liu family and the Ye family. With their help, Jiang Ruoshui will be even more powerful.

Maybe they just heard the conversation between Ji Wufeng and Jiang Ruoshui outside the door. This time, neither of the two women spoke against Ji Wufeng, but nodded very seriously.

Vivian suddenly cried and said: "Then what should I do? I can't do anything to help."

Ye Xixi put her arm around her shoulders and said, "As long as you say a few more words to your father and ask him to cooperate with us, wouldn't you be of great help?"

In terms of background, Vivian is definitely far superior to everyone present, and Ji Wufeng will certainly not let her go. Now that everyone has become good friends, the help from the Linhai Chamber of Commerce becomes even more comfortable.

The next day, Ji Wufeng went around again, met and had a meal with everyone he cared about.

In the evening, Lin Tianzhao drove his car to the side of the road, and the passenger got in

Sitting there was Nie Hu. Ji Wufeng decided to take only the two of them to Shanghai this time.

Lin Tianzhao is a talent that can be made, but what he lacks is experience. As for Nie Hu, he is a country bumpkin who needs to go out and see the world.

Let's hit the road now, and we should be able to reach Shanghai in the early morning.

Su Danxiao, Su Qianxiao, is a pair of twin sisters, and they are also members of the Su family, a wealthy family in Shanghai. Before leaving, Liu Qingqing had promised that these sisters would provide Ji Wufeng with all help in Shanghai.

When the Liu family was still in Huajing, the Su family and the Liu family were related by marriage. Although the blood relationship has faded for several generations, when the Su family was in trouble in Huajing, the Liu family came to help. The Su family once promised that this The Liu family can come over at any time to repay the favor.

Compared with Yuzhou, Shanghai is obviously much more prosperous, but it is cleaner and quieter than Yuzhou, with less chaos and noisy atmosphere.

When getting off the highway, a gorgeous crystal Maserati parked on the side of the road. When Ji Wufeng's car passed by, the Maserati turned on its lights and started honking.

Ji Wufeng signaled Lin Tianzhao to stop the car. After the door of the Maserati opened, two girls with almost the same figure and appearance stepped out. One of them was wearing black clothes, with cold eyes and aloofness, while the other was red all over and passionate.

The two women walked up to Ji Wufeng and the others. The girl in black raised her eyebrows and asked, "Who is Ji Wufeng?"

Ji Wufeng smiled and said, "That's me."

The girl in black glanced at Ji Wufeng, but she didn't know if she felt that Ji Wufeng was a little unqualified. There was a hint of disappointment and contempt in her eyes.

On the other hand, the girl in red looked at Ji Wufeng carefully and said with a smile: "Hey, I didn't expect him to be a handsome guy? It's just that his temperament is a bit different. Those who didn't know better thought he was just a little loser."

Although the girl in black did not speak, Ji Wufeng felt a little cold in his heart. She clearly looked down on me.

Although the words of the girl in red were not very pleasant, they were truthful, which made Ji Wufeng not too disgusted. He smiled and said, "Are these two beauties here to pick me up?"

The girl in red said: "Yes, we are here specifically to pick you up, aren't you honored? Let's go, but looking at you like this, you have never seen any big scenes. Today, I will take you to see the big scenes."

After both parties revealed their identities, the two girls began to move forward, with Ji Wufeng following behind.

These twin sisters are the sisters of the Su family. The one in black is the elder sister Su Danxiao, and the one in red is the younger sister Su Qianxiao.

The two cars parked at a club called Haomen. It was very luxurious and huge, but it could attract the attention of the Su sisters. This club must be one of the best in Shanghai.

After parking the car in the parking lot, when entering the club gate, I saw a young man walking over. When he saw the Su sisters, he immediately greeted him warmly and said with a smile: "Are these two beauties from the Su family? Why are you here so late? Play here?"

The young man was of medium build, with oily hair and a pink face. At first glance, he could tell that he was the kind of pampered young man from a wealthy family, but Ji Wufeng clearly noticed that there was a lustful look in his eyes when he looked at the Su sisters.

Su Qianxiao pointed at Ji Wufeng and the others and said, "I have a few friends coming over, so I'll bring them over to have fun and see the world."

When Liu Qingqing notified the Su sisters, she did not reveal his identity, but simply told them that when Ji Wufeng needed help, they would try their best to satisfy him.

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