Ji Wufeng squinted his eyes and said loudly: "What's the matter? Don't you just want to sleep with them? If you want to sleep, just sleep with them. You don't think you just want to sleep with them here, right? In this case, we are indeed a little bit If it’s in the way, we’d better leave.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was stunned.

These four guys are indeed plotting against the Su sisters. This is so obvious, including the two sisters, but it is impossible for anyone to expose it.

Once exposed, both sides will fall out, and there will inevitably be collisions between several major families. This is something no one wants to see.

"You little bastard, you're looking for death!"

Yuan Feng was furious, his face turned pale with anger, and he said coldly to the Su sisters: "Is he really your friend?"

He didn't care about this stupid young man who appeared out of nowhere, he cared about the Su family, so before he taught Ji Wufeng a lesson, he had to find out what the Su family sisters were saying.

The Su sisters were also irritated by Ji Wufeng's words. Su Danxiao blushed and said, "Barely, friends of friends, we meet for the first time today."

What he said was very obvious. If you want to teach him a lesson, feel free to do so. Anyway, I don't have a good relationship with him.

Women are weirder animals than men. Let's take what Ji Wufeng said just now. If he said that those four guys wanted to pursue the Su sisters, then the Su sisters would not be angry. There are men chasing them. This shows that They are attractive.

But Ji Wufeng said it too bluntly, saying he "wanted to sleep" with them. Such rude words were harsh to the ears no matter how they were heard, and even felt like a kind of blasphemy.

Of course Ji Wufeng did this "blasphemy" on purpose. Since these two little bitches wanted to give him a blow, how could they not do it? But it’s hard to say who will give authority to whom.

"Boy, don't blame me for being ruthless. Today is just for you to remember. Remember never to provoke people you can't afford to provoke again. Come on."

With the permission of the Su sisters, Yuan Feng shouted with a grin on his face, and the door of the box was immediately pushed open.

A group of sturdy men came in, all dressed in dragons and tigers. It was obvious at first glance that they were either street gangsters or professional thugs.

"Crap one of his hands for me!" Yuan Feng pointed at Ji Wufeng and said.

These people were indeed thugs raised by the Fourth Young Master of Shanghai. Yuan Feng's words were an imperial edict, and he immediately swarmed them, trying to destroy Ji Wufeng's hand.

Ji Wufeng snapped his fingers and said, "I'll give you five seconds, each of you an arm."

Everyone present didn't understand what Ji Wufeng meant by what he said, but Lin Tianzhao and Ahu who were standing next to him moved and pounced on the group of strong men like tigers.

Only screams and the sound of broken bones were heard. Before anyone could realize what was going on, Lin Tianzhao and Ahu had already stood back in the distance.

I saw all the big men lying on the ground, rolling and wailing on the ground holding their deformed arms.

Everyone present was dumbfounded. Damn it, is this a crazy situation?

Zheng Fenghai was the only one who, besides being shocked, had a bright light in his eyes.

Ji Wufeng stood up, walked to Yuan Feng and said with a smile: "What you just said is good. You should really remember it to avoid provoking people you can't afford to offend."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and slapped it with a big mouth.


With a crisp sound, Yuan Feng was whipped and fell to the ground. He felt like stars were shining in his eyes, and he didn't wake up for a long time.

The whole audience was shocked. Yuan Feng was slapped?

You know, you don’t hit someone with a big mouth casually. The lethality may not be very high, but it is humiliating. For example, if you accidentally step on someone’s foot, it will hurt very much, and the person will be angry, but if If you want to explain, maybe forget it.

But if you slap someone in the face, even if it doesn't hurt, they will still fight you.

The Su sisters were dumbfounded. Indeed, they brought Ji Wufeng here because they wanted to give Ji Wufeng a blow. They had expected a conflict, but they never expected that things would turn out like this.

That is a very real big mouth. Yuan Feng, who has never suffered a loss before, will never give up.

And they knew better what kind of character Ji Wufeng was, and it was impossible for them to show weakness to Yuan Feng. A war was about to break out. .??.

Yuan Feng went crazy and shouted: "Come here, kill this bastard!"

Immediately, five or six strong bodies rushed into the box. They were so powerful that one could tell at a glance that they were masters, not comparable to those big men on the ground.

Those thugs are only used to bully others, but these masters are used to protect their own safety.

These bodyguards are all masters. With them, as long as there are no real masters, they are enough to run rampant in Shanghai.

Seeing Yuan Feng calling his personal bodyguards, the Su family sisters felt entangled again. If something happened to Ji Wufeng here, it would be difficult for them to explain to the Liu family.

But before they could think it through, the experts had already rushed forward.

Lin Tianzhao and Ahu immediately rushed forward. These bodyguards were indeed experts, but they still looked a bit unworthy in front of real warriors. After repeated fights, they all ended up lying on the ground with the same result.

Yuan Feng's face instantly turned pale, and his body involuntarily stepped back. He originally thought that if his bodyguard took action, wouldn't Ji Wufeng be able to catch him?

But I didn't expect that these experts who were usually very good at each other would be knocked down by their younger brothers without even touching them.

Ji Wufeng stood up and walked towards Yuan Feng, smiling and saying: "You just

Didn’t you say you wanted to destroy one of my hands? I'll also cripple one of your hands, so that you won't be accused of bullying you. "

Zheng Fenghai couldn't sit still anymore and quickly stood up and looked at Ji Wufeng and said, "Brother, are you taking too heavy a blow?"

If it were before, Zheng Fenghai would have wanted to kill this bastard a long time ago, but Ji Wufeng's two younger brothers were so fierce, and they came with the Su sisters. This made Zheng Fenghai immediately conclude that Ji Wufeng was definitely not a soft persimmon, and maybe not So easy to pinch.

"Am I being aggressive? He just said he wanted to kill me, and I didn't say I wanted to kill him. This already leaves room for action, which is very kind." Ji Wufeng said with a smile.

Zheng Fenghai's face immediately turned gloomy and said, "Then have you considered the consequences? Maybe you will never be able to leave Shanghai again."

"Oh, I'm just too curious. I'd like to see how you make me unable to leave Shanghai."

Such threats had no effect on Ji Wufeng, but he continued to walk towards Yuan Feng.

Seeing the coldness in Ji Wufeng's eyes, Yuan Feng became afraid and hurriedly ran behind Zheng Fenghai and others.

"Let's forget about it today. It won't be good for anyone if it makes the matter bigger, and everyone is at fault anyway." Su Danxiao finally stood up and spoke. No matter who suffered the loss today, the Su family would not be able to explain it.

"Both sides are at fault? I don't think I was wrong. He threatened me first, and then asked someone to destroy my hands. I just fought back."

Now I just want to forget about it, how is that possible? Ji Wufeng's goal was not achieved, and it could not end so easily.

"But you didn't suffer a loss, right?" Su Danxiao said angrily.

Ji Wufeng raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth and said: "Do you want to see me suffer? But this is no longer important. What is important is that you didn't stand up to intervene just now, and you have no intention to intervene now, right? ?”

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