When the Fourth Young Master's thugs and bodyguards came in just now, the door of the box had already been opened wide. Making such a big noise had already attracted the attention of others. Some people couldn't help but stretched their heads to take a look and shouted, this is not Huhai. The eldest son? Are you bullying someone again?

But when they saw clearly the situation inside the box, they were all dumbfounded. It was true that people were being bullied inside, but it seemed that it was not the Fourth Young Master who was bullying people, but that they were being bullied by others.

Because the Fourth Young Master's thugs and bodyguards were all paralyzed on the ground, even Yuan Feng was lying on the ground like a dead pig.

Suddenly it was like a pot was exploding outside, what? The Fourth Young Master was bullied?

I have always seen the fourth young master bullying others, but this is the first time I have seen the fourth young master being bullied by others. So is this guy an extremely fierce guy, or is he a stupid young man who doesn't know whether to live or die?

The owner of the club almost cried out of fright when he saw the scene. Something happened to the eldest son of the Yuan family at his place, and now he was in a terrible situation.

He subconsciously wanted the security guards to go in and arrest the person who beat Yuan Feng, but he quickly gave up. Anyone who could deal with these powerful people was definitely not an idiot. That guy even dared to beat Yuan Feng. What if he was a What about the more ruthless characters?

In that case, he, a small club owner, couldn't afford to offend him, so he had better leave it to the police, who called the police on the spot.

After receiving the call, the police rushed to the scene quickly. They were all shocked when they saw the scene in front of them. They immediately took out their guns and pointed them at Ji Wufeng and the three of them, shouting: "Don't move, I now suspect that you are deliberately hurting people." , I want to take you back to the police station to assist in the investigation."

Ji Wufeng turned to look at the Su sisters and said with a smile: "Didn't you promise the Liu family that you would help me? Now I don't want to go to the police station. Can you help me?"

The expression on Su Danxiao's face was uncertain, and she finally said coldly: "I'm very sorry, you injured someone and did such an illegal thing. I will not protect you."

The Su family had indeed promised the Liu family, but this was a promise made by the older generation. Although Su Danxiao knew about this matter, he didn't take it seriously at all.

At the same time, they were also angry about why they should listen to the Liu family's orders. This was also the reason why the Su family sisters wanted to make things difficult for Ji Wufeng.

If Ji Wufeng only injured an ordinary person, they might take action, but now he injured Yuan Feng. If they took action, they would offend the Yuan family, Zheng, Yuan, and the Zhuo family at the same time.

It is impossible for them to put the Su family into a situation where they have enemies on all sides just to repay a small favor that they did not know about back then!

Regarding Su Danxiao's rejection, Ji Wufeng did not show any anger. He smiled slightly and said to the police: "Uncle policeman, let's go. I will go back to the station with you to assist in the investigation."

With his status, the police couldn't take him away at all. It was not the Su family's turn to take action. The reason why he told the Su family sisters just now was to give the Su family a chance.

But it is a pity that the Su family did not cherish this opportunity.

Seeing Ji Wufeng and the others being taken away by the police, Su Qianxiao was a little worried and said, "Sister, it's not good for us to do this, right? It won't be easy to explain to grandpa then."

Before leaving the house, the old man of the Su family repeatedly told him that he must receive Ji Wufeng well. Now that he was fine, he watched him being taken away by the police without paying any attention to him.

Su Danxiao said lightly: "The interests of the Su family are the most important, and grandpa will definitely agree with my approach.

of. "

It was just a small favor decades ago. There was no need to risk everything to repay others. Su Danxiao felt that she had done the right thing and her grandfather would definitely support her.

Ji Wufeng was taken into the police car and drove all the way to the police station, but the car stopped halfway, and Ji Wufeng and the other three walked out in a swagger because he revealed his identity.

With his status, as long as it is not a major matter, it can be completely handled by his liaison officer.

As soon as the police drove away, a windy Porsche came over like a whirlwind and screeched to a stop on the side of the road.

Li Yunxiao walked down very coquettishly, opened his arms and shouted: "My little Fengfeng, you miss me so much, hurry up and let me hug you."

"Stay away from me!"


With a kick, Li Yunxiao flew several meters away.

Perhaps everyone in the world knows that Shanghai is owned by the Kong family, but ordinary people don't know that the leader among the forces in Shanghai is the Li family.

Sitting in the chic attic, Li Yunxiao poured tea for Ji Wufeng and said as if offering a treasure: "Come and try it. I stole this from our old man. It's the authentic Tieguanyin. He himself would not bear to drink it on weekdays." of."

Ji Wufeng took a sip, smacked it in his mouth, and said, "It doesn't taste very good. It's better to drink it with a bottle of iced black tea."

Li Yunxiao's face darkened. This top-quality Tieguanyin was more precious than gold, but when it came to this kid's mouth, it was worse than a bottle of iced black tea. It really went into a dog's belly.

"Are you too cowardly? Are you going to let those four losers run around under your nose?"

Ji Wufeng felt that this time's contact with the four young masters in Shanghai was very unsatisfactory.

"They're not all trash, that guy Xiao Hai is pretty good. As for the other guys, if they are as awesome as me, then why should I just be a fool in Shanghai?"

Indeed, Zheng Fenghai is indeed good, and Li Yunxiao is also right. If all the four young masters in Shanghai are outstanding, it is indeed not a good sign.

This is a kind of check and balance, but also a kind of control.

It's okay to let you have a little limelight, but I can never let you grow so big that it affects my status.

At this point, Li Yunxiao suddenly said seriously: "As for the Xu family's matter, I actually paid attention to it, but Kong Shaolin took action too quickly, and I had no time to stop it."

"I don't blame you for this." Ji Wufeng waved his hand.

Although the Li family is the leading family in Shanghai, the Kong family is too powerful. If they are not prepared, they cannot stop it in time.

Li Yunxiao waved his hand and said: "Tian Luo, come here."

I saw Yao Tianluo running over tremblingly, smiling at Ji Wufeng and saying, "Hello, Master Feng."

Ji Wufeng was a little surprised. No wonder Yao Tianluo had been honest from beginning to end. It turned out that he was Li Yunxiao's man.

In the Zheng family, Zhuo Zhiyu was furious and said to Zheng Fenghai, who was ashen-faced: "Please tell me something. This is the first time that we brothers have suffered such a big loss."

This was definitely the most embarrassing time for the four young masters of Shanghai and Hainan. No, it was the only time that they were embarrassed. Moreover, it was extremely embarrassing. Yuan Feng had his arm trampled on, and right on their territory, in front of a few of them. ’s face, isn’t this a naked slap in the face?

"We cannot let him leave Shanghai alive." Zheng Fenghai had murderous intent in his eyes. When the Fourth Young Master's thugs and bodyguards came in just now, the door of the box had already been opened wide. Making such a big noise had already attracted the attention of others. Some people couldn't help but stretched their heads to take a look and shouted, this is not Huhai. The eldest son? Are you bullying someone again?

But when they saw clearly the situation inside the box, they were all dumbfounded. It was true that people were being bullied inside, but it seemed that it was not the Fourth Young Master who was bullying people, but that they were being bullied by others.

Because the Fourth Young Master's thugs and bodyguards were all paralyzed on the ground, even Yuan Feng was lying on the ground like a dead pig.

Suddenly it was like a pot was exploding outside, what? The Fourth Young Master was bullied?

I have always seen the fourth young master bullying others, but this is the first time I have seen the fourth young master being bullied by others. So is this guy an extremely fierce guy, or is he a stupid young man who doesn't know whether to live or die?

The owner of the club almost cried out of fright when he saw the scene. Something happened to the eldest son of the Yuan family at his place, and now he was in a terrible situation.

He subconsciously wanted the security guards to go in and arrest the person who beat Yuan Feng, but he quickly gave up. Anyone who could deal with these powerful people was definitely not an idiot. That guy even dared to beat Yuan Feng. What if he was a What about the more ruthless characters?

In that case, he, a small club owner, couldn't afford to offend him, so he had better leave it to the police, who called the police on the spot.

After receiving the call, the police rushed to the scene quickly. They were all shocked when they saw the scene in front of them. They immediately took out their guns and pointed them at Ji Wufeng and the three of them, shouting: "Don't move, I now suspect that you are deliberately hurting people." , I want to take you back to the police station to assist in the investigation." ??

Ji Wufeng turned to look at the Su sisters and said with a smile: "Didn't you promise the Liu family that you would help me? Now I don't want to go to the police station. Can you help me?"

The expression on Su Danxiao's face was uncertain, and she finally said coldly: "I'm very sorry, you injured someone and did such an illegal thing. I will not protect you."

The Su family had indeed promised the Liu family, but this was a promise made by the older generation. Although Su Danxiao knew about this matter, he didn't take it seriously at all.

At the same time, they were also angry about why they should listen to the Liu family's orders. This was also the reason why the Su family sisters wanted to make things difficult for Ji Wufeng.

If Ji Wufeng only injured an ordinary person, they might take action, but now he injured Yuan Feng. If they took action, they would offend the Yuan family, Zheng, Yuan, and the Zhuo family at the same time.

It is impossible for them to put the Su family into a situation where they have enemies on all sides just to repay a small favor that they did not know about back then!

Regarding Su Danxiao's rejection, Ji Wufeng did not show any anger. He smiled slightly and said to the police: "Uncle policeman, let's go. I will go back to the station with you to assist in the investigation."

With his status, the police couldn't take him away at all. It was not the Su family's turn to take action. The reason why he told the Su family sisters just now was to give the Su family a chance.

But it is a pity that the Su family did not cherish this opportunity.

Seeing Ji Wufeng and the others being taken away by the police, Su Qianxiao was a little worried and said, "Sister, it's not good for us to do this, right? It won't be easy to explain to grandpa then."

Before leaving the house, the old man of the Su family repeatedly told him that he must receive Ji Wufeng well. Now that he was fine, he watched him being taken away by the police without paying any attention to him.

Su Danxiao said lightly: "The interests of the Su family are the most important, and grandpa will definitely agree with my approach.

of. "

It was just a small favor decades ago. There was no need to risk everything to repay others. Su Danxiao felt that she had done the right thing and her grandfather would definitely support her.

Ji Wufeng was taken into the police car and drove all the way to the police station, but the car stopped halfway, and Ji Wufeng and the other three walked out in a swagger because he revealed his identity.

With his status, as long as it is not a major matter, it can be completely handled by his liaison officer.

As soon as the police drove away, a windy Porsche came over like a whirlwind and screeched to a stop on the side of the road.

Li Yunxiao walked down very coquettishly, opened his arms and shouted: "My little Fengfeng, you miss me so much, hurry up and let me hug you."

"Stay away from me!"


With a kick, Li Yunxiao flew several meters away.

Perhaps everyone in the world knows that Shanghai is owned by the Kong family, but ordinary people don't know that the leader among the forces in Shanghai is the Li family.

Sitting in the chic attic, Li Yunxiao poured tea for Ji Wufeng and said as if offering a treasure: "Come and try it. I stole this from our old man. It's the authentic Tieguanyin. He himself would not bear to drink it on weekdays." of."

Ji Wufeng took a sip, smacked it in his mouth, and said, "It doesn't taste very good. It's better to drink it with a bottle of iced black tea."

Li Yunxiao's face darkened. This top-quality Tieguanyin was more precious than gold, but when it came to this kid's mouth, it was worse than a bottle of iced black tea. It really went into a dog's belly.

"Are you too cowardly? Are you going to let those four losers run around under your nose?"

Ji Wufeng felt that this time's contact with the four young masters in Shanghai was very unsatisfactory.

"They're not all trash, that guy Xiao Hai is pretty good. As for the other guys, if they are as awesome as me, then why should I just be a fool in Shanghai?"

Indeed, Zheng Fenghai is indeed good, and Li Yunxiao is also right. If all the four young masters in Shanghai are outstanding, it is indeed not a good sign.

This is a kind of check and balance, but also a kind of control.

It's okay to let you have a little limelight, but I can never let you grow so big that it affects my status.

At this point, Li Yunxiao suddenly said seriously: "As for the Xu family's matter, I actually paid attention to it, but Kong Shaolin took action too quickly, and I had no time to stop it."

"I don't blame you for this." Ji Wufeng waved his hand.

Although the Li family is the leading family in Shanghai, the Kong family is too powerful. If they are not prepared, they cannot stop it in time.

Li Yunxiao waved his hand and said: "Tian Luo, come here."

I saw Yao Tianluo running over tremblingly, smiling at Ji Wufeng and saying, "Hello, Master Feng."

Ji Wufeng was a little surprised. No wonder Yao Tianluo had been honest from beginning to end. It turned out that he was Li Yunxiao's man.

In the Zheng family, Zhuo Zhiyu was furious and said to Zheng Fenghai, who was ashen-faced: "Please tell me something. This is the first time that we brothers have suffered such a big loss."

This was definitely the most embarrassing time for the four young masters of Shanghai and Hainan. No, it was the only time that they were embarrassed. Moreover, it was extremely embarrassing. Yuan Feng had his arm trampled on, and right on their territory, in front of a few of them. ’s face, isn’t this a naked slap in the face?

"We cannot let him leave Shanghai alive." Zheng Fenghai had murderous intent in his eyes.

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