Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1065 Is there any man who enjoys it?

"Master, come and save me, uh..."

When Nie Hu saw Ji Wufeng coming back, he immediately shouted for help, but suddenly he was dumbfounded. Not only him, but Xiao Tu, Xiao Lie, and everyone else in Maplewood Bay were also dumbfounded.

Didn't these two guys go to fight? Why are we back together now? The two of them each had a cigarette in their mouths, and they were chatting enthusiastically as they walked, just like brothers who had not seen each other for many years and were finally reunited.

Holy shit, is this a crazy situation? How come we can fight so affectionately?

Could it be that the two of them were fighting each other, suddenly attracted to each other, and then an inexplicable something happened? And seeing how their clothes were in such tatters, wouldn't they have turned into that... in the middle of the fight?

When Xiao Feng saw Nie Hu being tied up, he immediately raised his eyebrows and cursed: "What are you doing? Why did you tie up our eldest nephew? Hurry up and untie him!"

Nie Hu was untied again in a daze, and heard Xiao Feng wave his hand and say: "Xiao Tu, bring me a pair of clean clothes, and then call everyone together in the council hall for a meeting. I have something important to announce."

Xiao Tu knew something big was going on, so he nodded and said, "Yes, brother!" .??.

Xiao Feng quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't call me eldest brother. Brother Feng is the eldest brother. From now on, call me second brother. No, call me second brother."

Xiao Tu didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and said respectfully to Ji Wufeng: "Hello, big brother."

Nie Hu was a little confused. Didn't he beat you to death just now? How come you become someone's big brother just by fighting?

"Master, what happened?" Nie Hu asked.

Ji Wufeng puffed up his chest and said, "Do you need to ask? Of course they were restrained by the wise master Shenwu. They were crying and shouting that they wanted to be my little brother."

The clothes were delivered, a suit, leather shoes, and a white shirt. In addition, this guy has cool movements, piercing eyes, and is so handsome that he sparks sparks.

Dressed like this, he does have the feeling of a heroic figure. The aura exuded by Ji Wufeng is very powerful, spreading to the whole audience, showing no anger and self-power. As the saying goes, a Taoist relies on his clothes and his horse relies on his saddle, and this is indeed true.

Xiao Feng looked at Ji Wufeng and raised his thumb and said: "Brother, you are indeed a good material to be a gangster and a gangster leader. As for your aura, I really can't match it, and I have never seen anyone who can be as good as you." mighty."

Ji Wufeng smiled lightly and said, "Why?"

Xiao Feng asked: "Why?"

"Why did you let me be the big brother and I beat you silly?"

"It's not because... uh."

Xiao Feng seemed to have thought of something in the middle of his words. He immediately changed the topic and said with a smile: "Isn't it because you are better than me? Whoever is more powerful is the boss. It is only natural."

Ji Wufeng knew that this was not the reason for this kid, but since he didn't want to say it, forget it. He could feel that Xiao Feng was not a two-faced person, and calling him eldest brother was not a joke.

"Boss, why don't we become sworn brothers now, just like the ancients did, burning yellow paper, buying roast chicken, and kowtowing to become brothers."

"Damn, why are you buying roasted chicken? Wouldn't it be better to have the chickens eat dog meat together?"

So, the two of them burned the yellow paper and brought in a big black dog. After cleaning it and roasting it, Xiao Feng took a bite of the dog meat and praised: "No wonder you like to eat dog meat so much, boss. It's really delicious."

Ji Wufeng

He nodded repeatedly: "Of course, the dog meat rolls around and the god can't stand still, but the best thing to eat is the big black dog. It's too small, it's too thin and has no fat, and it has to be the kind with pure black hair and miscellaneous hair. Neither will."

Xiao Feng opened his mouth wide and took a big bite and said, "Why?"

"I don't know. If you eat too much, you will gain experience."

The two of them established a very deep relationship while eating dog meat. They just met each other so late, and their affection was endless and not adulterated at all. The initial sense of distance between the two disappeared completely in this meal of dog meat. , how about saying that the men established a firm revolutionary friendship at the wine table?

After the storm, only the bones of the big black dog were left on the ground. The roasted big black dog became a great dog between the two. It never thought that its body would become the intermediary between the two of them to enhance their relationship.

After eating the dog meat, we came to the parliament hall. There were already hundreds of fat and strong men in black standing there, all of them as straight as javelins, and their momentum was soaring. Seeing Xiao Feng come out, hundreds of people respectfully said in unison: "Boss!"

Xiao Feng stretched out his hands and said: "From today on, Ji Wufeng is your boss, and I am the second brother. Bah, it's really ugly. From now on, I will be the second brother, please call me boss."

Ji Wufeng stood up from Xiao Feng. Hundreds of people were a little confused, wondering what the boss was doing. Where did he find such a yellow-haired boy to be the boss? However, they did not have the courage to ask, and they all shouted in unison. Ji Wufeng bowed and said, "Hello, boss!"

Ji Wufeng began to sigh in his heart, the heroes of the Jianghu were different. The boss they called was much more authentic and interesting than those soldiers, and hearing it made people's blood boil.

"Hello brothers, I, Ji Wufeng, don't have much ability, but I can guarantee that from today on, no one can bully you, only you can bully others. If anyone dares to bully you, I will protect you, and I will let you He died without a burial."

When Ji Wufeng spoke, he had a bastard aura that looked down on the world.

Everyone's blood boiled with excitement and they shouted in unison: "Long live the boss, long live the second brother."

After meeting the new boss, it was natural to have a party. After eating and drinking, everyone hugged the beautiful girl and went to bed. Only Xiao Feng still pulled Ji Wufeng to continue drinking.

"You're still drinking hammer, I'm going to bed." Ji Wufeng said, hugging a beautiful woman with a hot figure next to him.

"Sleep with a hammer? What's so good about women? Are there any men that you can enjoy?" Xiao Feng dragged Ji Wufeng to death and refused to let him go.

"A man...get out of here, you fucking gay!" Ji Wufeng suddenly slapped Xiao Feng's hand away and said disgustedly.

Xiao Feng was furious, jumped up and cursed: "What are you thinking about? My sexual orientation is absolutely normal."

Ji Wufeng patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "Just admit it, big brother won't look down on you because of this. Big brother is very open-minded, and it's okay to like men. As long as you don't fall in love with me or fall in love with someone else, big brother will help you right away." You snatch her to be the wife of Yazhai."

Xiao Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Brother, please forgive me. I already have a sweetheart."

Ji Wufeng looked at Xiao Feng in disbelief and said, "Really?"

Xiao Feng nodded firmly: "Really!"

"Male or female?"

"Fuck, woman!"

"I don't believe it unless you swear it!"

"What oath?"

"Say you won't fall in love with me. If you fall in love with me, you won't be able to find a wife for eight lifetimes." "Master, come and save me, uh..."

When Nie Hu saw Ji Wufeng coming back, he immediately shouted for help, but suddenly he was dumbfounded. Not only him, but Xiao Tu, Xiao Lie, and everyone else in Maplewood Bay were also dumbfounded.

Didn't these two guys go to fight? Why are we back together now? The two of them each had a cigarette in their mouths, and they were chatting enthusiastically as they walked, just like brothers who had not seen each other for many years and were finally reunited.

Holy shit, is this a crazy situation? How come we can fight so affectionately?

Could it be that the two of them were fighting each other, suddenly attracted to each other, and then an inexplicable something happened? And seeing how their clothes were in such tatters, wouldn't they have turned into that... in the middle of the fight?

When Xiao Feng saw Nie Hu being tied up, he immediately raised his eyebrows and cursed: "What are you doing? Why did you tie up our eldest nephew? Hurry up and untie him!"

Nie Hu was untied again in a daze, and heard Xiao Feng wave his hand and say: "Xiao Tu, bring me two clean clothes, and then gather everyone in the council hall for a meeting. I have something important to announce." .? ?.

Xiao Tu knew something big was going on, so he nodded and said, "Yes, brother!"

Xiao Feng quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't call me eldest brother. Brother Feng is the eldest brother. From now on, call me second brother. No, call me second brother."

Xiao Tu didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and said respectfully to Ji Wufeng: "Hello, big brother."

Nie Hu was a little confused. Didn't he beat you to death just now? How come you become someone's big brother just by fighting?

"Master, what happened?" Nie Hu asked.

Ji Wufeng puffed up his chest and said, "Do you need to ask? Of course they were restrained by the wise master Shenwu. They were crying and shouting that they wanted to be my little brother."

The clothes were delivered, a suit, leather shoes, and a white shirt. In addition, this guy has cool movements, piercing eyes, and is so handsome that he sparks sparks.

Dressed like this, he does have the feeling of a heroic figure. The aura exuded by Ji Wufeng is very powerful, spreading to the whole audience, showing no anger and self-power. As the saying goes, a Taoist relies on his clothes and his horse relies on his saddle, and this is indeed true.

Xiao Feng looked at Ji Wufeng and raised his thumb and said: "Brother, you are indeed a good material to be a gangster and a gangster leader. As for your aura, I really can't match it, and I have never seen anyone who can be as good as you." mighty."

Ji Wufeng smiled lightly and said, "Why?"

Xiao Feng asked: "Why?"

"Why did you let me be the big brother and I beat you stupid?"

"It's not because... uh."

Xiao Feng seemed to have thought of something in the middle of his words. He immediately changed the topic and said with a smile: "Isn't it because you are better than me? Whoever is more powerful is the boss. It is only natural."

Ji Wufeng knew that this was definitely not the reason for this kid, but since he didn't want to say it, forget it. He could feel that Xiao Feng was not a two-faced person, and calling him eldest brother was not a joke.

"Boss, why don't we become sworn brothers now, just like the ancients did, burning yellow paper, buying roast chicken, and kowtowing to become brothers."

"Damn, why are you buying roasted chicken? Wouldn't it be better to have the chickens eat dog meat together?"

So, the two of them burned yellow paper and brought in a big black dog. After cleaning it and roasting it, Xiao Feng took a bite of the dog meat and praised: "No wonder you like to eat dog meat so much, boss. It's really delicious."

Ji Wufeng

He nodded repeatedly: "Of course, the dog meat rolls around and the god can't stand still, but the best thing to eat is the big black dog. It's too small, it's too thin and has no fat, and it has to be the kind with pure black hair and miscellaneous hair. Neither will."

Xiao Feng opened his mouth wide and took a big bite and said, "Why?"

"I don't know. If you eat too much, you will gain experience."

The two of them established a very deep relationship while eating dog meat. They just met each other so late, and their affection was endless and not adulterated at all. The initial sense of distance between the two disappeared completely in this meal of dog meat. , how about saying that the men established a firm revolutionary friendship at the wine table?

After the storm, only the bones of the big black dog were left on the ground. The roasted big black dog became a great dog between the two. It never thought that its body would become an intermediary between the two of them to enhance their relationship.

After eating the dog meat, we came to the parliament hall. There were already hundreds of fat and strong men in black standing there, all of them as straight as javelins, and their momentum was soaring. Seeing Xiao Feng come out, hundreds of people respectfully said in unison: "Boss!"

Xiao Feng stretched out his hands and said: "From today on, Ji Wufeng is your boss, and I am the second brother. Bah, it's really ugly. From now on, I will be the second brother, please call me boss."

Ji Wufeng stood up from Xiao Feng. Hundreds of people were a little confused, wondering what the boss was doing. Where did he find such a yellow-haired boy to be the boss? However, they did not have the courage to ask, and they all shouted in unison. Ji Wufeng bowed and said: "Hello, boss!"

Ji Wufeng began to sigh in his heart, the heroes of the Jianghu were different. The boss they called was much more authentic and interesting than those soldiers, and hearing it made people's blood boil.

"Hello brothers, I, Ji Wufeng, don't have much ability, but I can guarantee that from today on, no one can bully you, only you can bully others. If anyone dares to bully you, I will protect you, and I will let you He died without a burial."

When Ji Wufeng spoke, he had a bastard aura that looked down on the world.

Everyone's blood boiled with excitement and they shouted in unison: "Long live the boss, long live the second brother."

After meeting the new boss, it was natural to have a party. After eating and drinking, everyone hugged the beautiful girl and went to bed. Only Xiao Feng still pulled Ji Wufeng to continue drinking.

"You're still drinking hammer, I'm going to bed." Ji Wufeng said, hugging a beautiful woman with a hot figure next to him.

"Sleep with a hammer? What's so good about women? Are there any men that you can enjoy?" Xiao Feng dragged Ji Wufeng to death and refused to let him go.

"A man...get out of here, you fucking gay!" Ji Wufeng suddenly slapped Xiao Feng's hand away and said disgustedly.

Xiao Feng was furious, jumped up and cursed: "What are you thinking about? My sexual orientation is absolutely normal."

Ji Wufeng patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "Just admit it, big brother won't look down on you because of this. Big brother is very open-minded, and it's okay to like men. As long as you don't fall in love with me or fall in love with someone else, big brother will help you right away." You snatch her to be the wife of Yazhai."

Xiao Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Brother, please forgive me. I already have a sweetheart."

Ji Wufeng looked at Xiao Feng in disbelief and said, "Really?"

Xiao Feng nodded firmly: "Really!"

"Male or female?"

"Fuck, woman!"

"I don't believe it unless you swear it!"

"What oath?"

"Say you won't fall in love with me. If you fall in love with me, you won't be able to find a wife for eight lifetimes."

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