Rebirth in the Urban World: I Am the Immortal King

Chapter 1078: Not serious about fighting

"What if I don't cherish this opportunity?" Ji Wufeng asked with a smile.

Qi Yao said with a trace of cruelty in his eyes: "Since you are deliberately seeking death, I will let you know the price of not cherishing opportunities. I will first chop off your limbs and finally cut out your tongue. At the same time, your Your relatives and friends will also be affected by you, and everyone’s fate will be as miserable as yours!”

What a vicious method. It is a hundred times more painful than killing a person.

Ji Wufeng originally just wanted to teach Qi Yao a lesson, but when he saw how vicious he was, he immediately realized that he was too kind. Such a person is simply a devil on earth. If he kills him, he will be doing justice to heaven.

"How about it? Do you want this opportunity?" Qi Yao said coldly.

Ji Wufeng said with murderous intent in his eyes: "I will give you a chance now. As long as you kneel down to me and admit your mistake, I can let you leave alive."

Qi Yao got angry and said: "Since you are looking for death, it's not my fault. Catch him!"

A master behind him jumped out, stretched out his claws to grab Ji Wufeng's shoulder, and formed five fingers into claws, making a sound of breaking wind. He was already extremely proficient in the Blood Claw Skill. Being caught like this, an ordinary person's arm would be broken. It's useless.

Ji Wufeng was easily grabbed by the shoulder. The expert had a cruel smile on his face, and when he was about to crush Ji Wufeng's shoulder blade, he felt a violent force suddenly coming out of his shoulder.

boom! .??.

Blood splashed everywhere, and the master's palm seemed to be caught on a bomb, which suddenly exploded and flew out with a scream.

"My hand, my hand!" The expert fell to the ground, covering his bare wrist and rolling around.

Qi Yao was startled and retreated hurriedly. He did not expect such a result, and said ferociously: "No wonder you are so arrogant. You are actually a master. Uncle Wang, Uncle Huang, take him down for me!"

The two innate masters following Qi Yao immediately stood up, stared at Ji Wufeng and said sternly: "Boy, you are so brave, you actually dare to offend our Kongtong Sect!"

At this moment, Tu Antian stood up and said with a sinister smile: "The Kongtong sect is really getting more and more awesome. They are even so arrogant when they bully others."

Yuan Tianzong snorted coldly and said: "Qi Wanshan is really getting better and better, and he actually allows his disciples to be so wanton."

The two innate experts were immediately furious and shouted at them: "You are so impudent that you dare to call our leader by his name. This is a capital crime for you!"

"Calling Qi Wanshan's name is a capital offense? Let Qi Wanshan give it a try. Believe it or not, not only do I dare to call him by his name in front of his face, but I even cut his ass off when I'm offended!" Tu Antian shouted.


In a fit of rage, an innate master stepped up to Tu Antian's side, grabbed Tu Antian's face with one claw, and unleashed a deadly move that could kill someone.

Yuan Tianzong was also angered by the arrogance and arrogance of this group of people, and said in a deep voice to another master: "Come on, let's not be idle!"

"Suffer death!"

The four of them immediately got into a melee. Qi Yao had a look of astonishment on his face. He didn't expect that Ji Wufeng would bring so many masters with him. But when he saw that only Ji Wufeng and Niu were left, and there was a large group of people behind him, he immediately shouted Said: "Come with me, catch this kid first, don't kill him, I want to live!"

A group of thugs rushed over immediately. Ji Wufeng shook his palm slightly, and the long sword hanging on Nie Hu's waist immediately flew out tremblingly and was held in Ji Wufeng's hand.

"Ahu, watch carefully. As a sword cultivator, swordsmanship is not the most important. The most important thing is your sword intention. When you understand the true meaning of sword intention, all your moves will be vain. Today Let me first let you see what a tyrant sword is!"

Ji Wufeng held a long sword and pointed toward the sky. Suddenly, an overbearing and sharp aura rose into the sky.

Suddenly, Nie Hu felt that Ji Wufeng standing in front of him was no longer a person. It was a sword, a domineering sword!


Ji Wufeng suddenly shouted loudly, and the long sword in his hand slashed at a Kongtong sect master who was rushing at the front without any fancy.


The master was not hit by the sword, but was sent flying by a tyrannical force. He hit the wall behind him hard and made a huge human-shaped hole in the wall!

Ji Wufeng continued: "See? I don't need any moves, but these people are vulnerable in front of me. You need to remember one sentence, hold the sword in your hand, everything can be broken, break it for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Wufeng shouted loudly, his body suddenly rose up, and the long sword in his hand struck down in the air!

boom! ??

The hard asphalt road was directly slashed with a long sword, creating a large crater dozens of meters long. A group of experts were all blown away, lying on the ground rolling and wailing.


The sword was sheathed, and Nie Hu was stunned. Damn, is this too fierce? It's simply so fierce!

Throwing the sword to Nie Hu, Ji Wufeng walked towards Qi Yao, whose eyes were bigger than those of a cow. Qi Yao backed away like a frightened rabbit and screamed in a high voice: "What are you going to do?"

After all, Qi Yao is also a disciple of the Kongtong Sect. He has seen many masters of swordsmanship, but this is the first time he has seen such a terrifying monster. He is simply a monster!

"Nima, what do you think I want to do?"

Ji Wufeng was angered by Qi Yao's viciousness and stepped forward to give him a big mouth.

Qi Yao was immediately whipped and fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time. One cheek was swollen like a freshly steamed bun, only red.

"Do you know who I am? I'm warning you..." Qi Yao roared angrily.


No matter who you are, I'll beat you first. "

Ji Wufeng interrupted Qi Yao, rushed forward and gave him a beating. Qi Yao lay on the ground and screamed, and was instantly beaten into a pig's head by Ji Wufeng.

The two innate masters of the Kongtong Sect were frightened. Seeing Ji Wufeng attack Qi Yao, they shouted loudly: "You are so brave, he is the nephew of the leader of the Kongtong Sect, if you hurt him, All of you will not survive!”

Ji Wufeng turned to Tu Antian and Yuan Tianzong and said dissatisfiedly: "Did I say you two old guys are in trouble? You haven't settled it yet."

Being teased by a junior, the two masters lost their composure and cursed: "Damn, you are so careless in fighting, do you still have a sense of public morality?"


In anger, Tu Antian punched his opponent until he sat on the ground.


Not to be outdone, Yuan Tianzong seized the opportunity and punched his opponent. His opponent was immediately blown away and rolled on the ground several times without getting up.

"Who are you?" The two masters of the Kongtong Sect were full of fear. Their opponents were obviously masters at the Grand Master level.

Tu Antian said with contempt on his face: "Go back and tell Qi Wanshan that it was Tu Antian from the Tu family who beat his nephew today."

"There is also Yuan Tianzong of the Yuan family. I have the guts to ask him to come to me for revenge." Yuan Tianzong snorted coldly.

"What? Are you Elder Tu Da and Elder Yuan Tianzong?" The two of them were immediately shocked, and it was obvious that they were very interested in these two masters.

"Humph, it's good to know us."

The two innate masters immediately became honest and no longer dared to say any arrogant words, because the identity and status of the two old guys in front of them were no lower than the leaders they said.

At this time, Qi Yao had been beaten beyond recognition by Ji Wufeng and had no human appearance at all. It is estimated that even his own mother and father would not recognize him if he came.

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