"You bastard, you should die!"

Kevin roared wildly, and a hot and violent aura burst out from his body, and a dazzling golden light bloomed behind him, making it difficult for people to open their eyes.

Nie Hu's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide enough to fit a fist into his mouth, and he said blankly: "Oh my god, am I dreaming? This big golden retriever is really an angel?"

After the dazzling golden light, a pair of shimmering golden wings appeared behind Kevin, waving continuously, exuding an aura of destruction without even waving.

Tu Antian pouted on the side and said: "The angel of the hammer, you are looking for a useless thing, but it is actually the same thing as the true energy transformation."

Of course, the wings behind Kevin are not real wings. They are the same as the true qi transformation in Chinese martial arts. They are formed by the transformation of qi.

Kevin's eyes suddenly erupted with two golden lights, and his figure disappeared instantly. Without thinking, Ji Wufeng stomped on the ground and disappeared, and the telephone pole erected behind him became his scapegoat.


A golden light passed by, and the telephone pole began to tilt slowly, as if someone had cut it in half with a knife, and it slowly fell to the ground in two pieces.

Ji Wufeng was not a vegetarian either. He ducked behind Kevin and hit Kevin's back vest with a powerful punch. The punch was concentrated on his fist, but the punch was held back, making people unable to feel it. fist.

But Kevin was not a simple thing after all. Golden light burst out from his body and bounced around.

Ji Wufeng frowned, but finally avoided it. The golden light streaked across the ground, leaving deep marks on the hard road surface, as if it had been scratched by a sharp blade. If it hit a person's body, it would definitely be broken into two halves. Son.

"You are really despicable." Ji Wufeng opened his mouth and cursed, almost falling into the trap.

Kevin snorted coldly and said: "You Shenzhou warriors are not very strong, but your ability to talk is very good. Don't you know that no matter what tricks you use, they are a reflection of your strength?"

Ji Wufeng's face turned cold and he said, "I said you were fat and you still choked me. Today I will let you see the true strength of the Chinese warriors."

Suddenly, a breath burst out like a storm, and powerful energy spread out from his body, rolling up wood chips and rocks on the ground and flying all over the sky.


Kevin felt Ji Wufeng's explosive momentum, and his expression suddenly changed. He never expected that Ji Wufeng would unleash such domineering power.

"Punch me!"

Ji Wufeng yelled loudly and punched Kevin directly. This was a very common black tiger punch, but when he used it, it made people feel unexpectedly domineering.

Facing Ji Wufeng's quick and brave punch, Kevin smiled contemptuously, his eyes shot out with dazzling golden light, and he waved the golden wings behind his back. With a "swish" sound, his whole body turned into a golden stream of light and shot directly at Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng's speed gave him no chance to dodge.


Ji Wufeng shouted furiously, but he did not flinch at all when he saw the oncoming golden light. Instead, he swung his two arms with great force and speed.

The three Holy Court masters watching from the side laughed secretly when they saw Ji Wufeng's move. Countless masters had tried to resist Kevin's move, but the result was the same, either death or injury.


At this moment, Kevin's figure was completely invisible, and only a human-shaped golden light could be seen. Nie Hu was extremely nervous and said: "Senior, will my master be okay?"

Even though he comes from a martial arts family, he is too young and this is the first time he has seen such a high-level competition.

"Don't worry, even if something happens to you, nothing will happen to that kid." Tu Antian rolled his eyes.

Yuan Tianzong said with sparkle in his eyes: "If he can't compete with a Holy Court and a trainee knight, then he is not qualified to be a seed contestant in the martial arts conference."

"Seed contestants? What do you mean?" Nie Hu asked with confusion on his face.

Tu Antian said: "Boy, the Nie family is also a martial arts family after all. You should know that not everyone can participate in the martial arts conference. They have to go through layer after layer of screening, and only the absolute elite are qualified to participate in the war. So every Before a martial arts tournament begins, there will be a quota competition."

"Of course I know this. All sects are proud to compete for this spot. My dad qualified for the competition last time." Nie Hu said with glory on his face.

"The seeded players do not need to participate in the quota qualification competition to participate in the martial arts conference, and they are the real main force." Yuan Tianzong said.

Nie Hu suddenly felt that he had been hit. He originally wanted to be proud, but after working hard for a long time, the place that the whole family worked hard to win was just a side dish in the eyes of others.

"Then the quota qualification competition is meaningless?" Ahu asked.

Yuan Tianzong shook his head and said: "Every seed player must pass an extremely strict test to qualify. However, there are still many young masters that we have not discovered. The qualification competition is to find these unknown masters, and the fact is that It has been proved that every time we have discovered such masters, their strength is not inferior to the previously recommended seed players, and some are even stronger."

Ji Wufeng's fist hit the golden light. Just when the other three Holy Court masters thought that Ji Wufeng would scream and fly backwards due to the impact, they saw Kevin's body suddenly exposed in the golden light.

Kevin obviously didn't expect this, and his face was full of astonishment. At the moment when he lost consciousness, Ji Wufeng's fist directly hit his nose, and bright red blood instantly stained Ji Wufeng's fist.

With a surprised look on his face, Kevin flew out far away and hit the curb directly, making a big hole in the curb. Dust and sand are flying all over the sky.

Ji Wufeng blew his fist and said in a choked voice, "Damn it, I despise a pretentious brat like you the most. This time I will punch you in the face, and next time I will stomp it with my foot!"

The three young masters of the Holy Court next to him were all stunned. This was the first time they saw Kevin defeated so embarrassingly and completely.

A golden light burst out from the pit, and Kevin rushed out. There were several wounds on his handsome face, and blood was flowing out of the wounds, but strangely, the wounds stopped bleeding.

"who are you?"

It makes sense why the Holy Court sent Kevin here this time, because Kevin has a certain degree of understanding of Chinese martial arts. There are definitely not many young masters in China who can defeat him like this, and basically every one of them is already famous. He knows all the young masters.


Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes, puffed out his chest, and said arrogantly: "I am Gu Tianyang, you can also call me Prince!" "You bastard, you should die!"

Kevin roared wildly, and a hot and violent aura burst out from his body, and a dazzling golden light bloomed behind him, making it difficult for people to open their eyes.

Nie Hu's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide enough to fit a fist into his mouth, and he said blankly: "Oh my god, am I dreaming? This big golden retriever is really an angel?"

After the dazzling golden light, a pair of shimmering golden wings appeared behind Kevin, waving continuously, exuding an aura of destruction without even waving.

Tu Antian pouted on the side and said: "The angel of the hammer, you are looking for a useless thing, but it is actually the same thing as the true energy transformation."

Of course, the wings behind Kevin are not real wings. They are the same as the true qi transformation in Chinese martial arts. They are formed by the transformation of qi.

Kevin's eyes suddenly erupted with two golden lights, and his figure disappeared instantly. Without thinking, Ji Wufeng stomped on the ground and disappeared, and the telephone pole erected behind him became his scapegoat.


A golden light passed by, and the telephone pole began to tilt slowly, as if someone had cut it in half with a knife, and it slowly fell to the ground in two pieces.

Ji Wufeng was not a vegetarian either. He ducked behind Kevin and hit Kevin's back with a powerful punch. The punch was concentrated on his fist, but the punch was held back, making people unable to feel it. fist.

But Kevin was not a simple thing after all. Golden light burst out from his body and bounced around.

Ji Wufeng frowned, but finally avoided it. The golden light streaked across the ground, leaving deep marks on the hard road surface, as if it had been scratched by a sharp blade. If it hit a person's body, it would definitely be broken into two halves. Son.

"You are really despicable." Ji Wufeng opened his mouth and cursed, almost falling into the trap.

Kevin snorted coldly and said: "You Shenzhou warriors are not very strong, but your ability to talk is very good. Don't you know that no matter what tricks you use, they are a reflection of your strength?"

Ji Wufeng's face turned cold and he said, "I said you were fat and you still choked me. Today I will let you see the true strength of the Chinese warriors."

Suddenly, a breath burst out like a storm, and powerful energy spread out from his body, rolling up wood chips and rocks on the ground and flying all over the sky.


Kevin felt Ji Wufeng's explosive momentum, and his expression suddenly changed. He never expected that Ji Wufeng would unleash such domineering power.

"Punch me!"

Ji Wufeng yelled loudly and punched Kevin directly. This was a very common black tiger punch, but when he used it, it made people feel unexpectedly domineering.

Facing Ji Wufeng's quick and brave punch, Kevin smiled contemptuously, his eyes shot out with dazzling golden light, and he waved the golden wings behind his back. With a "swish" sound, his whole body turned into a golden stream of light and shot directly at Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng's speed gave him no chance to dodge.


Ji Wufeng shouted furiously, but he did not flinch at all when he saw the oncoming golden light. Instead, he swung his two arms with great force and speed.

The three Holy Court masters watching from the side laughed secretly when they saw Ji Wufeng's move. Countless masters had tried to resist Kevin's move, but the result was the same, either death or injury.


At this moment, Kevin's figure was completely invisible, and only a human-shaped golden light could be seen. Nie Hu was extremely nervous and said: "Senior, will my master be okay?"

Even though he comes from a martial arts family, he is too young and this is the first time he has seen such a high-level competition.

"Don't worry, even if something happens to you, nothing will happen to that kid." Tu Antian rolled his eyes.

Yuan Tianzong said with sparkle in his eyes: "If he can't compete with a Holy Court and a trainee knight, then he is not qualified to be a seed contestant in the martial arts conference."

"Seed contestants? What do you mean?" Nie Hu asked with confusion on his face.

Tu Antian said: "Boy, the Nie family is also a martial arts family after all. You should know that not everyone can participate in the martial arts conference. They have to go through layer after layer of screening, and only the absolute elite are qualified to participate in the war. So every Before a martial arts tournament begins, there will be a quota competition."

"Of course I know this. All sects are proud to compete for this spot. My dad qualified for the competition last time." Nie Hu said with glory on his face.

"The seeded players do not need to participate in the quota qualification competition to participate in the martial arts conference, and they are the real main force." Yuan Tianzong said.

Nie Hu suddenly felt that he was hit. He originally wanted to be proud, but after working hard for a long time, the place that the whole family worked hard to win was just a side dish in the eyes of others.

"Then the quota qualification competition is meaningless?" Ahu asked.

Yuan Tianzong shook his head and said: "Every seed player must pass an extremely strict test to qualify. However, there are still many young masters that we have not discovered. The qualification competition is to find these unknown masters, and the facts are also It has been proved that every time we have discovered such masters, their strength is not inferior to the previously recommended seed players, and some are even stronger."

Ji Wufeng's fist hit the golden light. Just when the other three Holy Court masters thought that Ji Wufeng would scream and fly backwards due to the impact, they saw Kevin's body suddenly exposed in the golden light.

Kevin obviously didn't expect this, and his face was full of astonishment. At the moment when he lost consciousness, Ji Wufeng's fist directly hit his nose, and bright red blood instantly stained Ji Wufeng's fist.

With a surprised look on his face, Kevin flew out far away and hit the curb directly, making a big hole in the curb. Dust and sand are flying all over the sky.

Ji Wufeng blew his fist and said in a choked voice, "Damn it, I despise a pretentious brat like you the most. This time I will punch you in the face, and next time I will stomp it with my foot!"

The three young masters of the Holy Court next to him were all stunned. This was the first time they saw Kevin defeated so embarrassingly and completely.

A golden light burst out from the pit, and Kevin rushed out. There were several wounds on his handsome face, and blood was flowing out of the wounds, but strangely, the wounds stopped bleeding.

"who are you?"

It makes sense why the Holy Court sent Kevin here this time, because Kevin has a certain degree of understanding of Chinese martial arts. There are definitely not many young masters in China who can defeat him like this, and basically every one of them is already famous. He knows all the young masters.


Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes, puffed out his chest, and said arrogantly: "I am Gu Tianyang, you can also call me Prince!"

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