Ji Wufeng touched Lin Tianzhao and said, "Tianzhao, can you stop putting on a dead face all day long? You see beautiful women everywhere, why can't you go pick one up?"

Perhaps it was related to his background, but Lin Tianzhao had a cold nature and was not interested in such jokes at all. He just said indifferently: "Master, Tianzhao doesn't need this."

"Damn it, you don't even need a woman, so what do you need? Could it be that you like men?" Ji Wufeng took a step back.

The corner of Lin Tianzhao's mouth twitched and he said: "Tianzhao just wants to follow the young master, even if he dies!"

Ji Wufeng saved his sister and gave him everything he had now. He had already made a strong oath in his heart to follow Ji Wufeng for the rest of his life and never regret it.

"Damn, you idiot!"

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "Then are you saying that no matter what I ask you to do, you will definitely do it?"

"That's right!" Lin Tianzhao replied confidently. ??

"Okay then, go and lift up that girl's skirt for me. I want to see what color she is wearing underneath?" Ji Wufeng pointed at a girl wearing a skirt not far away.

Lin Tianzhao, like Wu Chang, has a bit too paranoid personality. Such a temperament is not a good thing. You can't let a dead face follow you every day, right?

After hearing Ji Wufeng's decision to go, Nie Hu couldn't help but want to laugh. He would only do it unless there was something wrong with his brain? But he was confused the next second. Lin Tianzhao walked over quickly without thinking, and reached out to lift up the girl's skirt.

Ji Wufeng was also dumbfounded. Why did he want to see what color the girl was wearing underneath? He was just teasing Lin Tianzhao, but now he was stunned by Lin Tianzhao's bold move.

Day, this kid actually did it.

"Ah... you're a gangster!"

The girl was suddenly attacked like this. She immediately held her skirt and howled at the top of her lungs. Her voice was as sharp as a ghost strangulating her.

"Why don't you run quickly?"

Ji Wufeng kicked Nie Hu and Lin Tianzhao and ran away. However, after hearing the girl's loud scream, a large group of people rushed out from nowhere and swarmed over and surrounded Ji Wufeng and the three of them.

Ji Wufeng's face turned dark immediately. Damn it, what is going on? Didn't you just lift your skirt? Why is it like poking a hornet's nest?

The girl walked over, and Ji Wufeng and the others could clearly see the girl's appearance. She was at least close to 1.7 meters tall, with a pair of slender legs, a slender waist, and eyes and eyes that could make almost any man feel first love. Zhang Chuchu’s moving face.

Damn, she is actually a beautiful woman. If I had known earlier, I would not have let Lin Tianzhao flirt with her, and would have done it myself.

The girl pointed at Ji Wufeng and the others and said fiercely: "Three bastards, if you dare to eat my aunt's tofu, come to me and break their legs!"

Ji Wufeng jumped out quickly, pointed at Lin Tianzhao and said to Ahu: "Hey, this is none of my business. This guy instigated that guy to do it, and it has nothing to do with me."

Nie Hu wanted to die. He met a despicable person, but he had never seen such a shameless one. You clearly ordered Lin Tianzhao to do it, but now you have given it to me. Do you have any morality at all?

"Hmph, even if you didn't do it, you definitely wouldn't be a good person to be with these two stinky hooligans. Let's break our legs together!" the girl said angrily.

Just when a large group of people were about to rush forward, a yin and yang

A strange voice intervened as if at the right moment, saying: "Hey, isn't this our Miss Li Yue? She is really becoming more and more useless as she lives longer. She only knows how to bully these little hooligans?"

Ji Wufeng looked back and saw another beautiful girl standing there. A miniskirt that was as short as her thighs exposed her healthy and slender legs to everyone's sight.

It seemed like a small vest made of a small piece of cloth, covering her hot figure that was about to come out. There are two silver rings nailed to the waist without a trace of flesh. Such a picture can definitely kill the eyes of all men.

It's just that the originally delicate face was covered with various makeups, making the originally energetic and healthy beautiful girl look extremely coquettish.

Li Yue said coldly to the charming girl: "Li Yu, you'd better stop meddling in my affairs!"

Li Yue, Li Yu?

There were very few people with the surname Li. Ji Wufeng looked at the people following the two girls and found that most of them were warriors. It couldn't be such a coincidence, right? Did you meet someone from the Li family so soon?

"Okay, it's okay if I don't care? It's okay to just get to know it, right?"

Li Yu turned to look at Ji Wufeng, and his eyes immediately lit up, with a hint of spring in his eyes. It had to be said that Ji Wufeng was actually pretty good-looking. Not only was he loved by everyone, he was at least a human model. Doggy.

"Hi, what's your name, little brother?" Li Yu asked with a flirtatious look.

The look in Li Yu's eyes made Ji Wufeng's impression of her plummet. How could such a woman be so unrestrained at such a young age and still not be wild when she grows up?

Ji Wufeng thought of a title that was very popular recently, puffed up his chest and said arrogantly: "If your surname is Wang, everyone calls me Lao Wang next door!"


Li Yue, who was originally furious, suddenly couldn't help laughing. She could tell that Ji Wufeng was clearly teasing Li Yu.

Li Yu was immediately irritated, pointed at Ji Wufeng and yelled: "You uncle, Cao Ni, how dare you play tricks on me!"

After saying that, she slapped Ji Wufeng's face with a big mouth, but before her hand could fall, Lin Tianzhao moved and rushed over at a faster speed.

"Pa bang..."

Two big mouths hit Li Yu on the face, and two fiery red slap marks suddenly appeared on Li Yue's face, which was originally as white as jade.

Li Yue's eyes suddenly lit up on the side, her face was full of excitement, and she looked very relieved. Lin Tianzhao just lifted her skirt and wanted to kill this bastard, but now he doesn't think this bastard is that annoying.

Li Yu has been pampered since she was a child. Everyone has given in to her and pampered her. She has never suffered such grievances. She quickly covered her face and shouted at the group of people following her: "What are you all doing so stupidly? Beat me to death." he."

Those who were surrounding Ji Wufeng and others came to their senses and rushed towards Ji Wufeng and the others.

Ji Wufeng quickly backed away and said to Lin Tianzhao: "You caused this problem, you can handle it."

Facing a group of fierce masters, Lin Tianzhao stood up without flinching. On the contrary, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. Among Ji Wufeng's group of younger brothers, apart from Wu Chang and Zang Feng, Lin Tianzhao was undoubtedly the most diligent one.

Lin Tianzhao, who has always been relatively low-key, has never properly verified his strength, and today he finally waited for this opportunity.

I saw that Lin Tianzhao was now boiling with fighting spirit and vaguely domineering. Although he was short in stature, he felt strangely burly at this moment. The eyes of some older girls and younger sisters around him were gleaming. Ji Wufeng touched Lin Tianzhao and said, "Tianzhao, can you stop putting on a dead face all day long? You see beautiful women everywhere, why can't you go pick one up?"

Perhaps it was related to his background, but Lin Tianzhao had a cold nature and was not interested in such jokes at all. He just said indifferently: "Master, Tianzhao doesn't need this."

"Damn it, you don't even need a woman, so what do you need? Could it be that you like men?" Ji Wufeng took a step back.

The corner of Lin Tianzhao's mouth twitched and he said: "Tianzhao just wants to follow the young master, even if he dies!"

Ji Wufeng saved his sister and gave him everything he had now. He had already made a strong oath in his heart to follow Ji Wufeng for the rest of his life and never regret it.

"Damn, you idiot!"

Ji Wufeng rolled his eyes and said, "Then are you saying that no matter what I ask you to do, you will definitely do it?"

"That's right!" Lin Tianzhao replied confidently.

"Okay then, go and lift up that girl's skirt for me. I want to see what color she is wearing underneath?" Ji Wufeng pointed at a girl wearing a skirt not far away.

Lin Tianzhao, like Wu Chang, has a bit too paranoid personality. Such a temperament is not a good thing. You can't let a dead face follow you every day, right?

After hearing Ji Wufeng's decision to go, Nie Hu couldn't help but want to laugh. He would only do it unless there was something wrong with his brain? But he was confused the next second. Lin Tianzhao walked over quickly without thinking, and reached out to lift up the girl's skirt.

Ji Wufeng was also dumbfounded. Why did he want to see what color the girl was wearing underneath? He was just teasing Lin Tianzhao, but now he was stunned by Lin Tianzhao's bold move.

Day, this kid actually did it.

"Ah... you're a gangster!"

The girl was suddenly attacked like this. She immediately held her skirt and howled at the top of her lungs. Her voice was as sharp as a ghost strangulating her.

"Why don't you run quickly?"

Ji Wufeng kicked Nie Hu and Lin Tianzhao and ran away. However, after hearing the girl's loud scream, a large group of people rushed out from nowhere and swarmed over and surrounded Ji Wufeng and the three of them.

Ji Wufeng's face turned dark immediately. Damn it, what is going on? Didn't you just lift your skirt? Why is it like poking a hornet's nest?

The girl walked over, and Ji Wufeng and the others could clearly see the girl's appearance. She was at least close to 1.7 meters tall, with a pair of slender legs, a slender waist, and eyes and eyes that could make almost any man feel first love. Zhang Chuchu’s moving face.

Damn, she is actually a beautiful woman. If I had known earlier, I would not have let Lin Tianzhao flirt with her, and would have done it myself.

The girl pointed at Ji Wufeng and the others and said fiercely: "Three bastards, if you dare to eat my aunt's tofu, come to me and break their legs!"

Ji Wufeng jumped out quickly, pointed at Lin Tianzhao and said to Ahu: "Hey, this is none of my business. This guy instigated that guy to do it, and it has nothing to do with me."

Nie Hu wanted to die. He met a despicable person, but he had never seen such a shameless one. You clearly ordered Lin Tianzhao to do it, but now you have given it to me. Do you have any morality at all?

"Hmph, even if you didn't do it, you definitely wouldn't be a good person to be with these two stinky hooligans. Let's break our legs together!" the girl said angrily.

Just when a large group of people were about to rush forward, a yin and yang

A strange voice intervened as if at the right moment, saying: "Hey, isn't this our Miss Li Yue? She is really becoming more and more useless as she lives longer. She only knows how to bully these little hooligans?"

Ji Wufeng looked back and saw another beautiful girl standing there. A miniskirt that was as short as her thighs exposed her healthy and slender legs to everyone's sight.

It seemed like a small vest made of a small piece of cloth, covering her hot figure that was about to come out. There are two silver rings nailed to the waist without a trace of flesh. Such a picture can definitely kill the eyes of all men.

It's just that the originally delicate face was covered with various makeups, making the originally energetic and healthy beautiful girl look extremely coquettish.

Li Yue said coldly to the charming girl: "Li Yu, you'd better stop meddling in my affairs!"

Li Yue, Li Yu?

There were very few people with the surname Li. Ji Wufeng looked at the people following the two girls and found that most of them were warriors. It couldn't be such a coincidence, right? Did you meet someone from the Li family so soon?

"Okay, it's okay if I don't care? It's okay to just get to know it, right?"

Li Yu turned to look at Ji Wufeng, and his eyes immediately lit up, with a hint of spring in his eyes. It had to be said that Ji Wufeng was actually pretty good-looking. Not only was he loved by everyone, he was at least a human model. Dog-like.

"Hi, what's your name, little brother?" Li Yu asked with a flirtatious look.

The look in Li Yu's eyes made Ji Wufeng's impression of her plummet. How could such a woman be so unrestrained at such a young age and still not be wild when she grows up?

Ji Wufeng thought of a title that was very popular recently, puffed up his chest and said arrogantly: "If your surname is Wang, everyone calls me Lao Wang next door!"


Li Yue, who was originally furious, suddenly couldn't help laughing. She could tell that Ji Wufeng was clearly teasing Li Yu.

Li Yu was immediately irritated, pointed at Ji Wufeng and yelled: "You uncle, Cao Ni, how dare you play tricks on me!"

After saying that, she slapped Ji Wufeng's face with a big mouth, but before her hand could fall, Lin Tianzhao moved and rushed over at a faster speed.

"Pa bang..."

Two big mouths hit Li Yu on the face, and two fiery red slap marks suddenly appeared on Li Yue's face, which was originally as white as jade.

Li Yue's eyes suddenly lit up on the side, her face was full of excitement, and she looked very relieved. Lin Tianzhao just lifted her skirt and wanted to kill this bastard, but now he doesn't think this bastard is that annoying.

Li Yu has been pampered since she was a child. Everyone has given in to her and pampered her. She has never suffered such grievances. She quickly covered her face and shouted at the group of people following her: "What are you all doing so stupidly? Beat me to death." he."

Those who were surrounding Ji Wufeng and others came to their senses and rushed towards Ji Wufeng and the others.

Ji Wufeng quickly backed away and said to Lin Tianzhao: "You caused this problem, you can handle it."

Facing a group of fierce masters, Lin Tianzhao stood up without flinching. On the contrary, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. Among Ji Wufeng's group of younger brothers, apart from Wu Chang and Zang Feng, Lin Tianzhao was undoubtedly the most diligent one.

Lin Tianzhao, who has always been relatively low-key, has never properly verified his strength, and today he finally waited for this opportunity.

I saw that Lin Tianzhao was now boiling with fighting spirit and vaguely domineering. Although he was short in stature, he felt strangely burly at this moment. The eyes of some older girls and younger sisters around him were gleaming.

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