It's usually hard to shine in a movie with such diversity, but with Peng Cheng's ability, even a pile of rubbish in his hands can shine with a different kind of brilliance.

Moreover, this urban type of theme is indeed very popular among young people now. Although the older generation may be a little resistant, young people are now the mainstream of consumption. Of course, if you want to make money, you can cater to the taste of whoever pays. .

"I have already made a preliminary selection of the script. It is a very popular one recently. The small network said that I will discuss cooperation with the author tonight."

When Peng Cheng said the name, Yuan Dongdong and Zhao Jiaolong, who like to read, both their eyes lit up and said: "Damn, I have read that book, the writing is indeed very exciting. Have you found the leading actor? Director Peng, you See if I’m suitable?”

"There are many outstanding characters in it. If you are interested, you can participate in it. However, I have already chosen the best candidate for the male lead, but I am afraid that he will not agree." Peng Cheng said with a smile.

Zhao Jiaolong was angry, waving his fist and said: "Damn it, Director Peng asked him to make a movie and he still didn't agree? Such ignorance will ruin Ya Ting!"

Peng Cheng turned to look at Ji Wufeng. Ji Wufeng looked stunned, pointed at his nose and said, "Isn't the best candidate you said to be me?"

"That's you."

Peng Cheng said enthusiastically: "I have read this book several times. The plot is very exciting, and the protagonist is extremely charming, despicable, dissolute, and ruthless..."

Ji Wufeng's face turned dark immediately. Damn it, asking me to play such a bastard, isn't it deliberately trying to smear me?

But Peng Cheng continued: "But this is just the surface of the male protagonist. The male protagonist has justice in his heart, eliminates demons and defends the way, and has a fearless spirit. These shining points can almost be found in you. So, even if you don't know how to In acting, as long as you show your true colors, I can guarantee that you will become a super idol of the younger generation."

But Ji Wufeng didn’t

With that kind of thinking, being a star is tiring and he has too many followers. If while walking on the road, some beauties start to pinch each other in order to take a photo with him, who would he turn to?

Seeing that Ji Wufeng had no intention of agreeing, Peng Cheng said: "But I also know that you are unwilling. Okay, I won't embarrass you. I have already found the candidate for the male lead, but I still need you to say something." Final confirmation."

"who is it?"

"Qi Tianyu!"

As an idol singer of the new generation, Qi Tianyu has impeccable appearance and singing skills. Among singers of the same period, only the most popular singers like Shi Qianying and Bai Qiushuang can rival him. .

Not only that, Qi Tianyu looked like a little fresh meat before, but now Qi Tianyu is said to be obsessed with martial arts, practicing day and night, and his whole image seems to have changed.

His handsomeness has not diminished, but his masculinity has increased, and he has successfully transformed from a pretty boy into a handsome man.

He just participated in the Spring Festival Gala not long ago, and his popularity exploded. He is fully qualified to be the male lead in the movie.

"No problem, I'll go talk to you. That guy doesn't have the guts to refuse."

Ji Wufeng readily agreed. In fact, there was no need for Ji Wufeng to speak. As long as Peng Cheng sent out the invitation, which of the domestic celebrities would not give him face?

"But there are still a few important roles that you may want to talk about." Peng Cheng added.

"Oh, who is there?" Ji Wufeng asked.

"Shi Qianying, Bai Qiu Shuang, I think you must have the face to find these two people, right?" Peng Cheng said.

"no problem.


Ji Wufeng also agreed. With the relationship between the two of them and him, how could they not give him face? If he didn't give him face, he would beat their butts.


Peng Cheng said with a bad smile: "I also heard that you have a good relationship with Alina. If she also joins, even if it is just a cameo, one or two scenes, regardless of the quality of the movie, I will It’s already guaranteed that the movie will definitely be a hit!”

Ji Wufeng was speechless for a while. Peng Cheng was really generous. He had attracted three emerging super-popular kings in China in one go, and now he also wanted to bring in Alina, an international idol.

Indeed, with Alina's appeal, even if she makes a cameo and only has a few scenes in the movie, it will probably set off a global craze. The goddess's face must be given no matter what, even if she doesn't eat all day, she has to save money. Give the goddess a movie ticket to support the scene.

"There are also Mengmeng and Xixi, they are also very interested, and this time is indeed a good opportunity. First, show your face in the entertainment industry and gain popularity. It will be much easier to continue to develop in the future. And your brothers in Yuzhou, some are like thugs, some want to be killers..."

When Peng Cheng sent Luo Luo to Longtan Township, he had brief contact with Lin Xiaomeng and Ye Xixi, and they were very excited after learning that he was a super director.

At the same time, Peng Cheng also saw the potential and extremely superior conditions in the two little girls.

Peng Cheng became more and more excited as he talked, and pointed at Nie Hu, Yuan Dongdong and Zhao Jiaolong, and said: "You are also very qualified. Your expression is obscene and obscene enough. If you play a gangster or something, you will be beaten to death on the stage. Those who can’t live for three minutes will save all the money on hiring extras!”

The three of them almost fainted. Damn it, you are the only international director. What?

vision? I'm obviously wise, martial, suave, and more than capable of being a male lead, but why are you asking me to play the role of a local ruffian? And it's the kind of game where you can't survive for more than three minutes as soon as you come on the field.

Early the next morning, while Ji Wufeng and others were sleeping soundly in their room, there was a rough knock on the door outside.

Yesterday, I met Peng Cheng and the other two people. A group of people were all drunk and still sleeping soundly. However, the door was almost broken. No one was willing to get up and open the door. Anyway, the door was not open. Whoever knocks your own house will pay for it.

I saw a large group of people standing outside the door, led by a young and beautiful girl. If Ji Wufeng and the others were here at this time, they would recognize that the girl was Li Yu who had just been taught a lesson yesterday.

How could the eldest lady of the Li family just let it go after being wronged? After returning home, he immediately summoned some masters from the Li family and ran over to seek revenge before dawn.

Standing next to Li Yu were middle-aged men with sharp eyes and tall and burly bodies. It was obvious at a glance that he was a top expert.

After knocking for a long time, no one opened the door. The middle-aged man said, "Miss, could it be that we are in the wrong place? There is no one inside."

"I have found out a long time ago that they live here. They must be inside and broke the door. I will never let them go easily today." Li Yu said fiercely.

The people of the Li family were used to being arrogant and domineering. Upon hearing Li Yu's order, the middle-aged man's expression changed and he punched the door. With a bang, the door fell apart. Nie Hu and others in the room finally woke up. Looking at the messy door, their faces were full of anger.

Li Yu rushed into the room with people and saw several people lying around in the room. Ji Wufeng got up from the sofa and said with a fierce look on his face: "Damn it, they all came to the door, so you can't blame me. , do it!"

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