Since he was going to attend such a high-end ceremony, he certainly couldn't dress too shabbily. He had to buy a stylish outfit no matter what, so this task was given to Yao Tianluo.

The Yao family has a shopping mall in Shanghai. Early in the morning, Yao Tianluo called the person in charge of the Yao family's shopping mall and told him that his boss was going to the mall to buy things and must be treated as a VIP.

When Ji Wufeng and his group arrived at the mall, they saw several men in suits waiting there. When Ji Wufeng and others arrived, they immediately surrounded them. One of the tall middle-aged men smiled and said: "Excuse me, who are the gods?" Master Luo’s guest?”

"Yes, it's us." Ji Wufeng said.

The middle-aged man said with a face of joy: "That's great. My Excellency, Li Xinquan, is the person in charge of this shopping mall. I have been waiting for a long time after receiving the call from Master Tianluo. In fact, if the young masters need anything, Just let me know and Xinquan will be sent to you immediately, why bother bothering the young masters to come in person."

Nie Hu, who wanted to make a quick decision and finish the shopping quickly, waved his hands and said: "We are just here to buy a few clothes, so why bother? You can go ahead and do whatever you need to do."

Li Xinquan said quickly: "How is this possible? You are a distinguished guest that Master Tianluo personally promised to greet. How can there be no one to greet you? Besides, the mall is so big, it will be much more convenient for the young masters to have someone show them the way."

In the end, Li Xinquan's attitude was so determined that he probably couldn't drive him away even if he was whipped, so he had to let him follow him alone while the others did what they were supposed to do.

Li Xinquan led the way, constantly introducing the mall to several people. It was like a eunuch accompanying His Majesty the Emperor on a trip.

Knowing that they were here to buy clothes, Li Xinquan led them into a men's clothing store like offering treasures, and enthusiastically introduced: "Guys, this is the top men's clothing store in our mall, both in terms of style and quality. They are all top-notch, and all kinds of after-sales services are also the best and most complete.”

As soon as he entered the door, the owner of the men's clothing store realized that all the bosses of the shopping mall were here, and hurriedly greeted him personally. He also knew that the identity of the person who allowed Li Xinquan to accompany him in person must not be simple, so he immediately nodded and bowed to receive them.

So, the shopping guides with the best service, the sweetest smiles, the prettiest looks, and the hottest figures all came on stage to provide one-on-one service. Their voices were so sweet that they could make people cry. To the core.

Ji Wufeng stared at the shopping guide beside him who was twisting his waist, and cursed in his heart: Damn it, I'm here to buy clothes, why do you act like you're visiting a brothel?

Except for Lin Tianzhao, the other three guys had no resistance at all. They had no intention of looking at any clothes. They were only busy staring at the shopping guide.

"Handsome guy, this shirt is the most popular style this year, and it is also a global limited edition. It matches your figure very well." The beautiful shopping guide pointed to a white shirt and said.

Yuan Dongdong looked away from the shopping guide, wiped his hands, waved his hand, and said coaxingly: "Wrap it up for me!"

The shopping guide's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Sir, let me remind you that this shirt is an imported product and needs to pay a 40% tariff. The original price is 80,000, and the total price is 112,000!"

After hearing the price from the beautiful shopping guide, Yuan Dongdong was instantly petrified, and he even forgot to wipe off the dirt when it dripped on the ground.

I bought a watch last year

, you actually asked me for hundreds of thousands for a torn shirt? Why don't you just go and rob?

Yuan Dongdong wanted to get angry, but he held it back. After all, I am a person with status and status. The beauty is in front of me, so I must not lose face.

Sure enough, Zhao Jiaolong and Nie Hu both bought one after the shopping guide introduced it, but when they heard how much it cost, their faces turned green.

Seeing that after the three of them bought one piece, they seemed to have little interest in other clothes. The owner of the clothing store hurriedly ran over and said with a smile: "Guys, are you not very satisfied with the clothes in our store? It doesn't matter, I still have some clothes inside." There are some new models that have not yet been put on the shelves. Can I show them to you?"

After hearing what the clothing store owner said, Zhao Jiaolong jumped out and screamed: "You still want to buy it? Why don't you just pack me up and sell it too."

Ji Wufeng's face was filled with black lines. He really regretted bringing in such a few young men whose prices had dropped. Damn it, if you don't want to buy it, then you can't buy it. Why are you acting like a ghost?

Didn't you see that those few girls who were so enthusiastic just now were filled with contempt when they saw Zhao Jiaolong's painful expression? What are you doing here if you don’t have money? I can't even afford a few pieces of clothing and still want to eat my old lady's tofu. Is it possible to be so cheap?

Ji Wufeng walked towards Li Xinquan and whispered: "I think you should take us to another place. The clothes here are a bit expensive and we can't afford them."

Li Xinquan's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Didn't he think about it? Although these people are friends of Master Tianluo, they are not necessarily as rich as Master Tianluo.

It’s over, if Master Tianluo finds out, I will have to be punished!

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Li Xinquan said quickly: "Young masters, I'm really sorry. I took you the wrong way and wasted everyone's time. Now I'll move to another place immediately."

At this moment, a fashionably dressed girl walked in and saw this scene. She didn't know if she was used to being unruly, or if she was deliberately looking for trouble. She opened her mouth and said sarcastically: "Hey, this is not us. Mr. Li? Is your young master becoming more and more useless as he lives longer, and you still have to take care of these local leopards yourself? "

When Li Xinquan saw the girl, his face was immediately full of embarrassment, and he smiled and said: "Miss Zheng, they are friends of Master Tianluo. I should come to receive them. It is rare for Miss Zheng to come out in person. I can't take it off for the time being." Get out of here, how about I have someone come over and take care of you now?"

Miss Zheng?

This Li Xinquan can be considered half of the Yao family, and he can be considered well-known in Shanghai. If he talks to him in this manner, and even asks him to flatter him, and his surname is Zheng, then this Miss Zheng is probably from the Zheng family. of people.

"My brother is going to attend a banquet tomorrow. He doesn't have time himself, so he has to ask me to pick out some clothes for him."

Zheng Yuting looked at the "shabby" Ji Wufeng and others, and said with contempt on her face: "There is no need to ask someone to come. No one else is qualified to serve me except you."

Li Xinquan immediately looked embarrassed and said, "Miss Zheng, I'm really sorry. I have Master Tianluo's friends to greet, so I really can't be distracted."

Zheng Yuting immediately became angry and said: "Who are you, Master Tianluo's friend? I think a local leopard like this is just cheating and drinking at your Yao family. Let me tell you, don't forget that Yao Tianluo and my brother If my brother just says a word, you will get out of the Yao family obediently. You can't even be a dog slave!" Since you are going to attend such a high-end ceremony, of course you can't dress too shabby, and you have to buy whatever you say. Dressed in a fashionable outfit, this task was handed over to Yao Tianluo.

The Yao family has a shopping mall in Shanghai. Early in the morning, Yao Tianluo called the person in charge of the Yao family's shopping mall and told him that his boss was going to the mall to buy things and must be treated as a VIP.

When Ji Wufeng and his group arrived at the mall, they saw several men in suits waiting there. When Ji Wufeng and others arrived, they immediately surrounded them. One of the tall middle-aged men smiled and said: "Excuse me, who are the gods?" Master Luo’s guest?”

"Yes, it's us." Ji Wufeng said.

The middle-aged man said with a face of joy: "That's great. My Excellency, Li Xinquan, is the person in charge of this shopping mall. I have been waiting for a long time after receiving the call from Master Tianluo. In fact, if the young masters need anything, Just let me know and Xinquan will be sent to you immediately, why bother bothering the young masters to come in person."

Nie Hu, who wanted to make a quick decision and finish the shopping quickly, waved his hands and said: "We are just here to buy a few clothes, so why bother? You can go ahead and do whatever you need to do."

Li Xinquan said quickly: "How is this possible? You are a distinguished guest that Master Tianluo personally promised to greet. How can there be no one to greet you? Besides, the mall is so big, it will be much more convenient for the young masters to have someone show them the way."

In the end, Li Xinquan's attitude was so determined that he probably couldn't drive him away even if he was whipped, so he had to let him follow him alone while the others did what they were supposed to do.

Li Xinquan led the way, constantly introducing the mall to several people. It was like a eunuch accompanying His Majesty the Emperor on a trip.

Knowing that they were here to buy clothes, Li Xinquan led them into a men's clothing store like offering treasures, and enthusiastically introduced: "Guys, this is the top men's clothing store in our mall, both in terms of style and quality. They are all first-class, and all kinds of after-sales services are also the best and most complete.” ??

As soon as he entered the door, the owner of the men's clothing store realized that all the bosses of the shopping mall were here, and hurriedly greeted him personally. He also knew that the identity of the person who allowed Li Xinquan to accompany him in person must not be simple, so he immediately nodded and bowed to receive them.

So, the shopping guides with the best service, the sweetest smiles, the prettiest looks, and the hottest figures all came on stage to provide one-on-one service. Their voices were so sweet that they could make people cry. To the core.

Ji Wufeng stared at the shopping guide beside him who was twisting his waist, and cursed in his heart: Damn it, I'm here to buy clothes, why do you act like you're visiting a brothel?

Except for Lin Tianzhao, the other three guys had no resistance at all. They had no intention of looking at any clothes. They were only busy staring at the shopping guide.

"Handsome guy, this shirt is the most popular style this year, and it is also a global limited edition. It matches your figure very well." The beautiful shopping guide pointed to a white shirt and said.

Yuan Dongdong looked away from the shopping guide, wiped his hands, waved his hand, and said coaxingly: "Wrap it up for me!"

The shopping guide's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "Sir, let me remind you that this shirt is an imported product and needs to pay a 40% tariff. The original price is 80,000, and the total price is 112,000!"

After hearing the price from the beautiful shopping guide, Yuan Dongdong was instantly petrified, and he even forgot to wipe off the dirt when it dripped on the ground.

I bought a watch last year

, you actually asked me for hundreds of thousands for a torn shirt? Why don't you just go and rob?

Yuan Dongdong wanted to get angry, but he held it back. After all, I am a person with status and status. The beauty is in front of me, so I must not lose face.

Sure enough, Zhao Jiaolong and Nie Hu both bought one after the shopping guide introduced it, but when they heard how much it cost, their faces turned green.

Seeing that after the three of them bought one piece, they seemed to have little interest in other clothes. The owner of the clothing store hurriedly ran over and said with a smile: "Guys, are you not very satisfied with the clothes in our store? It doesn't matter, I still have some clothes inside." There are some new models that have not yet been put on the shelves. Can I show them to you?"

After hearing what the clothing store owner said, Zhao Jiaolong jumped out and screamed: "You still want to buy it? Why don't you just pack me up and sell it too."

Ji Wufeng's face was filled with black lines. He really regretted bringing in such a few young men whose prices had dropped. Damn it, if you don't want to buy it, then you can't buy it. Why are you acting like a ghost?

Didn't you see that those few girls who were so enthusiastic just now were filled with contempt when they saw Zhao Jiaolong's painful expression? What are you doing here if you don’t have money? I can't even afford a few pieces of clothing and still want to eat my old lady's tofu. Is it possible to be so cheap?

Ji Wufeng walked towards Li Xinquan and whispered: "I think you should take us to another place. The clothes here are a bit expensive and we can't afford them."

Li Xinquan's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Didn't he think about it? Although these people are friends of Master Tianluo, they are not necessarily as rich as Master Tianluo.

It’s over, if Master Tianluo finds out, I will have to be punished!

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Li Xinquan said quickly: "Young masters, I'm really sorry. I took you the wrong way and wasted everyone's time. Now I'll move to another place immediately."

At this moment, a fashionably dressed girl walked in and saw this scene. She didn't know if she was used to being unruly, or if she was deliberately looking for trouble. She opened her mouth and said sarcastically: "Hey, this is not us. Mr. Li? Is your young master becoming more and more useless as he lives longer, and you still have to take care of these local leopards yourself? "

When Li Xinquan saw the girl, his face was immediately full of embarrassment, and he smiled and said: "Miss Zheng, they are friends of Master Tianluo. I should come to receive them. It is rare for Miss Zheng to come out in person. I can't take it off for the time being." Get out of here, how about I have someone come over and take care of you now?"

Miss Zheng?

This Li Xinquan can be considered half of the Yao family, and he can be considered well-known in Shanghai. If he talks to him in this manner, and even asks him to flatter him, and his surname is Zheng, then this Miss Zheng is probably from the Zheng family. of people.

"My brother is going to attend a banquet tomorrow. He doesn't have time himself, so he has to ask me to pick out some clothes for him."

Zheng Yuting looked at the "shabby" Ji Wufeng and others, and said with contempt on her face: "There is no need to ask someone to come. No one else is qualified to serve me except you."

Li Xinquan immediately looked embarrassed and said, "Miss Zheng, I'm really sorry. I have Master Tianluo's friends to greet, so I really can't be distracted."

Zheng Yuting immediately became angry and said: "Who are you, Master Tianluo's friend? I think a local leopard like this is just cheating and drinking at your Yao family. Let me tell you, don't forget that Yao Tianluo and my brother If my brother just says a word, you will get out of the Yao family obediently, and you won’t even be able to become a dog slave!"

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